The Massage Goddess: Colin the College Boy (FM)

Name: Colin

Age: 23

Race: white

Occupation: Student

Marital Status: Single

Children: 0

Service Requested: Tantric Healing Massage

Problem Areas: Everywhere

Other Notes: I could really use a release.

I make sure to jerk off in the shower before my massage at 3:00. I’ve never had one of these before, and I’m sure I’ll get hard, even if she’s not that hot. I saw her studio posted on social media, and once I saw something about “Tantric Healing Massage,” I was sold. I have no idea what I’m walking into. I hope it’s as good as it was in my fantasy a few minutes ago in the shower.

It’s not a lie that I could use a release. Finals are coming up, and I HAVE to finish my credits this semester. Between the partying and booty chasing, and, well, partying, it’s been hard to keep up with school. I hope this Dani chick is cool and doesn’t have a problem with me getting off. If it goes my way, I’ll coast home in a post-nut state and study my way to earn Cs on my upcoming tests.

I’ve hooked up with a few girls this year. I haven’t told anybody this, but I’ve been disappointed in myself each time I’m with a girl. Once she’s naked, and especially once she’s touching my cock, I can’t hold it and I come way too early. Every time. The girls have been cool about it, but it’s still embarrassing. At least with this massage thing, there’s less risk of being socially destroyed.

I had one massage a few years ago. It was on some cruise ship with my parents. It was an older lady who rubbed me, but I still couldn’t fight off my erection. My cock made an obvious tent under the sheets while I laid on my back. She tried to be nice about it, but I just laid there, not relaxed whatsoever, and tried my best to hide my weak little orgasm while she massaged my legs.

I’m not really sure what I’m hoping for with this “Tantric Massage.” I’ve heard of tatra before, and know it has something to do with sex. Maybe it’s one of those places that offer happy endings? A part of me hopes something will be fixed in me so that I don’t come so early all the time. It feels like a pipe dream, though, that I’d be somehow healed.

The snow has relented, and the warm afternoon sun is melting the dusting. I park my junk car in front of the building and get out to walk in. Stepping inside, it’s immediately much darker and more comfortable than outside. It smells incredible, like fresh lemons and….freshly cut grass? Those are two of my favorite smells. That’s quite the first impression.

Before I can look around for where to go, a short figure appears through some bamboo wall hanging. She has a lot going on – multi-colored hair, bright, bold clothing. Piercings everywhere. She’s barefoot, and even has a million toe rings. “You must be Colin,” she says.

“Yep, that’s me,” I reply. “So, ah, how does this work, do we just go back there or?”

She gives me this smile like she can read my thoughts, and holds her palm up towards me. “First, we talk. We need to talk things through before we begin the massage. Sit with me, here,” she says, directing me to a pair of wicker chairs on either side of a small table.

It feels like her crystal blue eyes look right through me. “You’re nervous to be here,” she says. “Don’t be. You will get whatever it is that you need.”

With that, I feel both extremely comforted and totally freaked out. Is she a psychic or something? “Uh. Okay,” I reply.

“Now, what brings you here, Colin?” She asks.

“Well, um, I saw a thing online about a Tantric Massage, and thought I’d give it a try,” I respond.

She squints. “Mm. I see,” she says flatly. “You struggle with your nerves often, don’t you, Colin?”

It weirds me out how she keeps saying my name. “Ah. Yeah, I guess so. I’ve always had lots of anxiety, I guess,” I reply.

“Yes, yes, I see,” she says, looking off in the distance. “Here is how this works: I’m going to go to the back room and get it ready for you. I’ll call you in, and you’ll undress, then lay on the table. Some people choose to keep their undergarments on. I’m guessing that won’t be a problem for you.” She winks, then continues.

“I’ll start with a whole body assessment and determine from there where you need realigning or healing. You requested the Tantric Healing Massage. This means that I’m going to focus on your sexual energy,” she explains.

I feel my eyes widen, face flush and heartbeat quicken. “Which means,” she continues, “This is an energy cleansing.”

My face drops, my disappointment shows. “Your sexual energy is much more than just your cock,” she insists. “Your sexual center also controls creativity, emotions, and relationships. They are all related.”

My eyebrows must furrow, showing my confusion and internal calculating. “Is this still something you want to do?” She asks, looking to confirm my consent.

I feel frozen, I have questions, one big one, but don’t know if it’s okay to ask. She reads me so easily. “What is it?” She ponders. “It’s okay, speak your mind.”

I decide to blurt it out. “What if I…. come. By accident. I…. kind of… have trouble lasting very long.”

She smiles warmly, knowingly. “Bodies respond in all sorts of ways to energy work. If your body needs to ejaculate, then it will. And that would be okay.”

There’s silence for an extended moment. “Anything else?” She asks.

“Are you going to be touching my… places?” I spit out, cringing at my own words.

She inhales and nods. “I follow what your body and energy tell me,” she explains again. Sometimes, yes, that means touching your genitals in some way. But not always. Intimate touch is only done within my role as energy healer. This is not a sexual exchange. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I think so,” I say.

“Okay,” she says, and stands up. “I will go and prepare the space, and I’ll call you in when I’m ready.”

I nod, trying to process everything she had said. I stare out of the window for a while, watching the sun burn away the snowfall. I’m in a contented daze by the time she comes to get me.

She motions me into a dim, warm room. There’s a massage table in the middle of the space. I pick up a new arrangement of scents now. Notes of cinnamon and spice linger in the air. I don’t have really specific connections to it, but the smell has always brought comfort to me. Spice and cinnamon are so inviting and safe; worries and fears somehow vanish when these are around.

“Disrobe and lay on the table. On your back,” she instructs.

I shimmy out of my jacket, then peel off my t-shirt. Once my skin is bare, I feel a sudden rush of anxiety about my body. I worry she’ll think I’m gross because I’m so thin. When I’ve been with girls, it’s usually in a dark room and under the influence of substances. Shedding layers in clear sight is brand new for me.

“All bodies are welcome,” Dani mutters, without looking up from her bottles of oils. She looks up at me, “You are okay. Take your clothes off.”

I feel reassured, and go to unbutton my jeans. I let the pants and my boxers fall off, exposing my partial erection. Once I’m free of clothes, I climb up on the table. “You said to lay on my back?” I ask, now realizing that would mean my trigger-happy dick will be front and center.

“Yes, that’s right,” Dani responds.

I climb up onto the warm, soft sheets. I notice my skinny legs as I sprawl out. Laying back, I look up at the ceiling and hope I don’t get too hard and come the moment she touches me. I hear her footsteps approach. Then she starts to apply warm stones on my legs. It seems strange at first, but once there are several stones, I find them very relaxing. She continues until there are 5 on each leg, spaced evenly on my thighs.

Despite the relaxation the stones bring, I can feel my erection throbbing. If I think about the fact that she can see my pulsing cock, I’m sure to blow. I hear her walk around behind my head, and then feel her hands come down on my face, her thumbs on my temples. Her palms cover my cheeks, and her fingers meet at my chin. Somehow, I instantly feel calmer. I feel like I can breathe again.

Her hands move off of my face, then I feel them hover above my neck. They slowly travel above my chest, when I can see that she’s holding some sort of crystal in her hands. The horny, impatient side of me wants her to reach down and stroke me until I come. I consider walking out, because the sexual frustration is building so quickly.

Then, something new washes over me. The horrible tension that was in my body disappears, and I feel like I’m floating. I can expand and contract my lungs fully. I feel weightless, and content. I haven’t felt this way since I was a kid. It’s like the world is okay again, the worries of adulthood and growing up are gone.

Slowly, I return to my body on the table with Dani. She’s picking up the stones, one by one. With the stones cleared off my left leg, she makes long strokes from my ankle to my upper thigh. I feel my body sink into the table, feeling every bit of her touch. I hadn’t realized how tense my legs were. It doesn’t seem long before she’s collecting the stones from the other leg, and repeating the motions.

When she’s completed with my legs, I notice my urge to come has gone away. I look down, and to my amazement, my flaming erection has sizzled, and my male parts look normal again. “How are you doing, Colin?” Dani asks.

“Ahm, good, I guess,” I reply. I’m feeling confused, but intrigued and craving more of her touch.

“Great. I see you’ve managed to settle a bit,” she comments, clearly about my cock. “This shows me that you can handle the complete tantric process. The next stage is skin to skin contact. With your permission, of course, I will match your nakedness and our skin touching will enhance my ability to assess and heal you. This is a very intimate interaction. You may touch me anywhere I touch you, but you are not to try and induce sexual pleasure from me. Can I trust you?” She asks.

“Yes,” I reply.

Then Dani removes her layers of clothes. Her breasts are small, but perky. Her nipples protrude out from her skin dramatically. When her bottom half is removed, I notice tattoos on her thighs. Her pubic area is covered with thin, light brown hair.

She leans forward and climbs onto the table with me. Her legs straddle mine, her hole mere inches from my still somehow flaccid cock. “Okay,” she says once she’s settled. “We’re going to work on you feeling me. Feel my skin, my breath, my fingertips. Remember that you have a whole body, not just a penis.”

I nod in agreement, having no idea how I’m going to pull this off. Dani then closes her eyes and brings her hands below my belly button. Her wrists graze the top line of my pubic hair. Her hands then sprawl out, traveling up the center of my belly and chest, then separating to my shoulders. She repeats this over and over again, and I try to do as she said and focus on her touch.

I feel my shoulders relax and fall flat to the table. I hadn’t realized they were tensed forward. I suddenly remember that she had said I can touch her. I take the chance, and place my hands around her waist as she makes her sweeping motions. She doesn’t seem affected by my touch. She is incredibly soft. And warm.

My hands creep up her abdomen until they’re just below her chest. I can feel the bottom of her mounds on my hands. She’s still unaffected. The electricity from touching her tits has reignited my cock, and it starts to rev up. My cock brain gets the best of me, and I feel up her chest until I have her breasts cupped in my hands. Her hard, grown woman nipple pokes assertively into my palm. The skin of my cock is now fully stretched.

I’m not sure if it’s the groping or the growing, but something awakens her to open her eyes. She looks down to see my situation, then looks up to my expression. I feel pained and eager and desparate, and I’m sure that it shows. This experience had started to become so unique and special, and now I feel like I’m fucking it up. Panic sets in.

“It’s okay,” she coos. “This is your body’s response to a naked woman on top of you,” she curls one side of her lips in a smirk. “Remember to focus on my touch. Observe where my skin touches yours.” She stops her hand motions, and starts to lower herself on me. This doesn’t help the panic.

Her nipples press into my chest and I’m afraid I’m going to blow. She reaches her arms out, and aligns her arms with mine. “Breathe. Just breathe,” she instructs.

Gradually, I drift back to the weightless place I visited earlier. There is more tension now. I can still feel her naked body on me, but I feel like I have control of myself. I feel the warmth of her skin. The little bumps of her areola and the hardness of her nipple. I notice the brushing of her soft pubic hair on my belly. Pleasure courses through my veins, but it’s different. Rather than merely holding on for dear life before I prematurely ejaculate, I feel a stirring farther, deeper in my body.

It’s like there’s some warm juices flowing into my center, and warming me from the inside. I’m able to allow and encourage them to flow freely, without needing to control them. I let the warmth travel with Dani’s movements. There is some stirring in my cock, but it’s not unbearable. I’m having sexual feelings and sensations, but it’s different than just wanting to fuck her.

I hover in the limbo between reality and this other, weightless place. Gradually, her warm, damp skin pulls away. My awareness slips fully to reality. Dani is on her knees again, looking down at me. “You’re ready. Turn over,” she instructs.

I twist around, my legs turning 180 degrees below her naked body. I have to tug my half hard cock up towards my belly button and my balls down between my legs to avoid squashing anything.

Dani rearranges our bodies so that my legs are now outside of hers. She now kneels there, legs together, looking straight down at my ass. She makes long flowing strokes from my lower back to my shoulders, similar to how she did on my front.

Several strokes in, and I’m back into the juicy tantric state. Dani changes course, and makes a straight line down the middle of my back. She goes right into my ass crack, passes just over my hole, and stops right before she reaches my balls. With two fingers, she presses firmly, and an unexpected wave of pleasure washes over me. She found some secret button I didn’t know I had.

“This is your sacral chakra,” she whispers, leaning close by my ear. “Or, your prostate. It’s like the male g-spot”, she explains. “This is where your sexual pleasure originates.”

I’m nearly paralyzed by the surprise and intensity of her touch. Her nipples are pressing into me again, only this time on my back. Her fingers rub and dig into my spot, finding more of my prostate by the second.

My mind’s eye sees a tornadic orgasm build momentum in my core. A typical male orgasm is like a mere gust of wind. The storm Dani is brewing up, however, is much, much more powerful and complex. It is going to build, and accumulate speed before it tears through my body.

Our hips start to move together, I can feel her hip bones on my lower back. My breathing becomes heavy. Her touch only brings more and more momentum to my storm. Now her breathing has picked up, too. We are both sweaty in this hot room.

The intensity has reached a moderate level. It’s like a normal, weak orgasm is just floating and I can feel it continuously stirring. We are both panting now, writhing and slipping on each other’s sweat and her scented oils. Her nipples are erect with arousal now. Gradually, it builds. And builds. Her fingers circle and press my prostate from the outside. I wish I could stay in this state of bliss forever.

I remember Dani saying how my body will do what it needs. The gusts are reaching dangerous levels now, and it’s becoming clear this is going to end in destruction. What I used to consider the feeling of peak orgasm now pelts into me like giant balls of hail. They fire one after another, tiny bursts of pleasure exploding in my gut.

The sirens have begun to warn my body to take cover. Shockwaves emit from my core out the ends of my limbs. Hail, shockwaves, they stir together and now we’re in F-5 territory. “Awwh! Fuck! Holy! Fuck!” I scream. I grip the sheet of the table so hard I worry my fingernails will tear into my palms. “Hooh! Ho! Huh! Aww!”

Then silence. Maybe it’s the eye of the storm. Electricity pulses through me so intensely I’ve lost the ability to speak. Or move. Around and around the wind blows. I feel every ounce of the orgasm to its full extent. More than what I thought was humanly possible. My body convulses and spasms under Dani, who refuses to relent her attack on my orgasmic center.

Stillness passes, and the tail end of the twister leaves me quivering and squirming. There is a warm, wet sensation around my belly. It’s sticky. I came, and she didn’t even touch my cock. Pre-Dani reality begins to set in. I try to comprehend what just happened with my body. And my soul. She awakened something I didn’t know existed.

I can’t move for a while. Dani climbs off of me to retrieve several warm towels. She covers me with them, helping me to awake gently from my experience. Then, I turn and she cleans the seed I sprayed on myself and her table. I sit up. She’s still naked, walking around, putting towels away and arranging her bottles of oil. My eyes need a moment to adjust to normal sight. I lock on to her as she walks toward me again. I need to say something, but I’m not sure what. “Thank you,” I groan, my voice dry and crackly.

“You’re very welcome,” she bows her head slightly as she replies. “Hopefully, the next woman you’re with will want to thank me, too.”



  1. This was magical. I loved the vulnerability from the mans perspective. Very imaginative and thought out. I loved it!! Very hot!

  2. Very nice story! It’s from a unique perspective and written very well! Keep up the excellent work!

  3. This was so, so good. I love a long-form story that is well told and that seems sexually healthy!

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