Is there a good list somewhere with Erotica Incest Tropes and how relationships can progress?

I find that a lot of erotica is quite bad (read, unrealistic), so I have a hard time researching for tropes that seem to work for stories that are going to focus heavily on breaking down barriers.

I have to do a lot of brainstorming to come up with ideas that work and working through ideas to figure out if they work or not.

What I’m talking about is what the plot revolves around, and how the story progresses.

What triggers the sexual feelings, and what allows them to be fulfilled?

Do the MC’s get stuck in a small closet and end up rubbing their bodies together? Is there a reason they can’t resist their emotions (maybe on drugs) – taken from MrHereWriting “Devil or Angel”

Is one person dependent on the other? Is there guilt involved? Is anyone in love?
