Stuck at home, really wanna hear some sexy stories to rub out to while hubbie watches ‘The Last Dance’ in the other room.

‘The Last Dance’ documentary destroyed our sex life.

Why do I care about Jordan sinking a game-winning bucket 20 years ago when my husband hasn’t sank a thing in my *bucket* since this entire quarantine started? I mean you’d think being stuck in a confined space with someone for so long would get you laid at least a few times but no… It’s all Xbox, all of the time. And this Michael Jordan crap is the nail in my libido coffin.

So, while he grunts and moans (that should be brought up by what I can do with my tongue) about the Bulls of 1945 or some shit, I’m stuck twiddling my thumbs in our empty bedroom. I know you’re curious and will ask so I’m currently laying on my stomach, the sheer black tank top barely covering my pair of fringe panties and my nails are painted a ocean turquoise as they type away on my phone. Pornhub’s free week of premium has expired for me and honestly it never really did anything for me, I much preferred real stories (or *realistic at least)* to the junky ‘fuck your pizza guy’ videos I had to endure.

And that’s where you guys come in!

Tell me a story, real or real enough to sound like it happened next door to you… I wanna lay on my back, slowly kick these panties off till they’re wrapped around my big toe and enjoy every word you send while my husband ignores me. If you’re a writer, bonus points. The better described the world can be, the more expensive the wording is, the eloquence and professionalism will make me more likely to stow your story for later…. probably when he’s still out there on that damn chair. I’d love to have a few of my fantasies brought to life in narrative detail, I wanna have stories told to me, I wanna enjoy myself again in this bland confinement…. and I want YOU to be the one bringing it up, and maybe we can work out something in return for a reward. ;)

My panties won’t stay dry long, you know how lonely girl’s inboxes fill up here, so bring your best pen, the more detailed and eloquent introduction to yourself boasting of your erotic tongue and talent, the better chance of getting a response from little old *moi.*

Have fun boys, and for god sake don’t bring up Michael Jordan to me.


1 comment

  1. Sounds like you need a guy to give you a good fuck since your husband is too dumb to do so.

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