Money is short.

Me and my girlfriend had been together for years. After all this time of planning, and being financially responsible, we were able to move into an apartment together. At first, it was extremely easy to keep track and stay on top of everything. We had rent covered, food and other living expenses, with some extra money at the end of the month to save. We thought we were doing amazing.

Then, a family member had a medical emergency. We had to help out in whatever way we could, and for us that meant offering them some help with their hospital bills. Money began to be tight. We were barely scraping by with the money we were making. So we started coming up with ideas as to how we would handle this. I opted to get a second job. I started working both jobs, and Jess kept looking through to see how she could help. One day, when looking through, she found a website where people offered massages and.. other services to anybody willing to pay their fee. It started as a joke at first, but slowly we talked about it more and more, until she put her first ad onto the website.

“Amateur masseuse- You’d want my hands all over your body- Just give me a call”, the caption read below a picture of her from the neck down in a tight dress. We waited for two or three days, and we hadn’t gotten a single call. We compared her ad to everyone elses on the website, and realized she wasn’t showing off enough skin. So the ad was remade. This time with a picture of her in her panties and bra. Then, the phone rang later that night.

She picked it up, and very nervously talked to the person on the other end. She started telling them an address, and said thank you, and hung up. Our first client. The following day, we were setting up for her first. I promised I would stay in the next bedroom, in case this went the wrong way. We closed off access to all bedrooms, making it a straight walk from the door to the living room where the massage table was set up. Then, a knock on the door.

I hid in the bedroom, and listened extremely intently to the whole interchange. I was having a conflicting feeling. I felt extremely jealous, but somehow still felt my dick bulging through my pants. Then I heard his voice. “Jessica?”
And she welcomed him in. She told him to undress to just his underwear, and lay on the table. I heard the clothes shuffling, and felt more jealousy than anything else when i realized she could very well be sitting there watching this man undress. I could hear the massage table shift under his weight, and she said “Okay. We’ll begin.”

She told me that she only wanted to give a massage and said that over the phone, so I felt more at ease. She did always give great massages, with me being her usual customer. I heard her say “No no, no touching.” And I felt a surge of anxiety. I forgot that we agreed that she would wear the set of underwear she wore in her ad, and she would take off her robe when the customer laid down. I heard the man mumble something, to which she replied “Yes I do. And he would be very unhappy to find out that you were breaking the rules.” And I heard him again.
“I have another 50 bucks cash. Would that be enough to squeeze that ass?” My stomach dropped. It was still quiet, and now I was pressing my ear to the door trying to hear, waiting for what she would say. I heard the money crinkle, the sound of someone moving around, and then her voice. “Alright thats it. Just the massage now, and no more.”

It had already happened. It was that easy to make more money. I was burning with jealousy but wildly turned on at the same time. This made a side of me visible that I had not ever seen before. The idea of her out there with someone else who is attracted to her. The fact that she says no, teased, and still said no, all because I was the one who she called her boyfriend. It was a huge turn on. I almost hoped he would keep pressing for more.

To be continued.


1 comment

  1. I think it’s hilarious how everytime I read these stories, I forget to read the subreddit title so I end up thinking these are real stories…writing so we’ll I thought it was true wow

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