“in/out, up/down…”

We both enter the elevator. We take our normal positions in the rear of the car facing the doors. I have my attache case in standard pose, holding it with both hands in front of me. It’s three minutes until five…we can already hear the increased noise of people filling the halls, looking forward to a well earned weekend. We press no destination, we simply wait and it is not long.

The call lights begin activating as people on dozens of floors now look to leave. In less than 30 seconds, the car has reached the first light and fills almost to capacity. We are now in the back, almost against the wall but my case ensures enough room for what we have planned.

As the numbers begin ticking…you begin our game. Without any expression or change in position to risk alerting others…you very slowly move your open hand behind my attache case.

As we both look forward…filling our roles as non-descript employees like everyone else…I feel the back of your hand softly brush against the hardness my case was concealing. Slowly…very slowly…you gently slide your hand up and down the bulge in my Dockers.

In the car, the sound of breathing…the sound of machinery in operation, the mixed smells of perfume and cologne, etc. As the car stops at another floor, the sounds of the doors opening mask the sound of my zipper being lowered.

We remain in perfect pose. The flow of people is such that no one notices we never reach a destination.

Passengers continue to go about their evening routines…I can now feel your hand inside my pants gently stroking me through my underwear. You have the skill of a ventriloquist…even as you pleasure me, your arm moves only very slightly.

As carefully and as routine-looking as I can, I slowly glance toward your face and chest. While it may simply be in my imagination, I feel I can detect your breasts just the slightest bit swollen…a confirmation that you are receiving pleasure from this game too.

I can feel from the friction that I am starting to produce liquid excitement from your stimulation. I can feel my shorts becoming quite wet. You can sense this as well and you slow your pace. I never know when we play this game exactly what your intentions are, though there are hints. You have demonstrated your bravery in the face of public discovery in the past by refusing to stop until you feel the warmth of my release. However, you have also had other ideas…and I’m suspecting this might be one of those times.

Around us, passengers have continued their treks…in and out, up and down. I’m suddenly snapped back to reality by the sound of your voice:

— “Parking 4, please.”

As is proper etiquette, someone obligingly presses P4…the very bottom. As no one else had selected it, this ensures the car will be empty when it reaches the floor.

You take a slight risk in my excitement and pat me lovingly through my underwear as you slowly withdraw your hand. Had you decided to give that love pat 10 seconds earlier our game would likely have ended early.

Slowly the car empties…12) 10) 7)…while people are still entering, none go any lower than P1.

4) 2)…the car now stops at the Lobby level and thankfully fully half of the car empties and no one enters.

P1) the last of those still in the car exit and in the seeming eternity before the doors close, no one enters. However, we are not careless…we maintain our perfectly respectable poses as the car slowly passes first P2 and then P3.

Finally…P4. The elevator audibly signals its arrival and I, still holding my attache case, step forward first into the darkened almost empty lowest level. I casually glance to the left and right…both watching and listening for any sound of other people. I then, like a gentleman, make a motion with my left hand as if inviting you to exit first. At this, our game of pretend suddenly ends as you jump into my arms and wrap your legs around me. I quickly drop the case so I can place my hands under your buttocks supporting you.

You turn your head so we can completely seal our lips together…our tongues forcefully exploring each other’s mouths. Confirming my suspicions from earlier, I can now feel your breasts swelling with excitement as I can feel your skin flush with your increased heart rate.

Having dropped the pretense of belonging, we now speak as the lovers we are through our passionate embrace:

— “God I’m so wet for you.”
“I was steeling myself, thinking you weren’t going to stop!”
— “Oh no…I want this cock.”

You then lower yourself down and take my hand as we exit the Elevator.

After taking one step out, you turn.

— “The doors.”

You then begin pulling your top out of your skirt.

I turn and set the completely empty attache we used as a prop between so the elevator can’t unintentionally lead to our exposure.

I turn and put my arms around your waste…

— “Fuck me on the floor…fully dressed.”

The hard concrete wouldn’t normally be my first choice…but I watch as you reach under your skirt and lower your panties…and I decide it isn’t the silliest idea after all.

You then carefully sit down…trying to not unduly mangle your clothing. I go to my knees and we both resume our mouth explorations…forcefully as if we were attempting to make love with our oral cavities.

I take the lead and gently begin pressing forward…you reciprocate by laying down flat. I reach between us and slide my pants down exposing my hardness…first unintentionally to the cold concrete. You also reach between us to flip your skirt up and out of the way.

I pull my shirt up to ensure it doesn’t get in the way of our joining…doing so, I suddenly feel warmth against my lower abdomen…I look into your eyes and we both smile as your warm, engurged womanhood slides across my stomach.

Beside me…I can feel your legs as you raise them so your feet are flat on the floor with my body inbetween. I slowly slide up your body…feeling your breast…but obeying your command to remain clothed.

As our faces now meet…we adopt very serious expressions:

— “Do you want me?”
“More than anything.”
— “Prove it.”

I decide I deserve a tiny amount of tease time:

“Ask me”

You pause…and then decide to relinquish just that tiny amount of power.

— “Fuck me on the floor until you cum.”

No more words…I line my hardness against your opening…I raise myself up by placing my hands flat on the concrete as you place your hands on either side of my hips. I draw in breath and thrust with all of my might…your eyes quickly widening as you feel me split you open, suddenly filling you. The force of our joining is such that we slide a small distance on the smooth concrete.

Inside…I can feel your feminine biology engaging my masculine. We are completely joined…our external coverings are flush with each other. I slowly withdraw…feeling your tender insides grip me as I extricate…feeling the cool air from my now-wet member as it withdraws…stopping as I feel my head gently caressed by your labia…and then I push inside you again. We again move on the concrete.

As my face again comes into alignment with yours…I can see that you are looking past me now…allowing the feelings of pleasure emanating from your nerves and senses all over your body to wash over you.

I continue now at a slower pace…withdrawing, feeling your tender flesh caress me and then reinserting in a rhythm. Your legs…your feet still flat on the floor act to steady us. As I enter and withdraw in a steady rhythm…we slowly rock inline with the floor…your feet keeping us somewhat firm in our place.

As my face passes over yours, I suddenly see your eyes change from the dreamy look of pleasure to now a look almost of terror…the look that you are almost to your peak.

I decide to try and bring us together…I take a great risk and slowly withdraw until not only my member…but in fact my head slips out from between the lips of your vulva. Hoping I am still inline, I again thrust with all my might…again causing us to slide slightly on the smooth concrete.

I stop as I am completely enclosed…your eyes suddenly roll back as I feel simultaneously your legs wrap around me with all the force you have and my member suddenly being milked by your internal muscles. As I had hoped, I am pushed over as well and our bodies both revert to pure instinct…mine wanting to deliver as much of my liquid seed into another as I can…yours wanting to milk my member for all of the essence it can release.

Slowly…our bodies exhaust their hormonal highs and I gently collapse on top of you…both of us breathing heavily…wondering if we actually stopped breathing for a time.

As I start to withdraw…

— “Wait…”

You then slip your hand between us. I’m amused as after what we just did, you look to the side and avoid eye contact as you brush against me like a doctor performing an examination.

As I rapidly deflate, you place your hand over your opening between us. As I gently roll off to the side, I hide my cock…rapidly drying of our fluids in the cool air…in my underwear and pants.

— “Slip my panties on.”

I stop zipping up and stare at you puzzled.

You suddenly begin laughing.

— “Not on *you*, lol, slip them over my shoes.”

As you continue to lay…continuing to use you hand to keep my fluids from exiting…you stretch your legs somewhat flat so I can slip your panties over your feet.

— “Pull them up for me.”

I slowly slip them up your legs, you raise your midsection so I can pull them completely to where your hand now blocks their path. You quickly remove your hand and pull them up past your hips. I offer my hand to help you to your feet.

Though our clothes are certainly disheveled, there’s no real evidence of anything but that we spent the day in a crowd of people. Quickly checking your back and dusting off the small amount of dirt…there aren’t even any smudges from the concrete floor.

“I’ll call a Zuber” as I pull out my phone.

You suddenly take my free hand and place it up your skirt and against your extremely wet panties.

— “When we walk out of the lobby, when we get in the Zuber; you’re still going to be inside me.”

Surprising even myself…I already feel a physical symptom.



Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/g74exr/inout_updown