Living in my (F)antasies (First post here!)

I do a lot of yoga. I've always been a little heavier. Not fat at all but not naturally thin. I've been working out more and seeing the results. My arms are more toned, my belly is looking flatter. I'm feeling great about myself.

Once a month when my hormones start going crazy, I get incredibly horny. As I walk down the street heading to yoga class or the gym in my workout clothing, I feel gleeful every time I turn a head on the street or subway.

I do more things to show off my body. Let my hair out and play with it, take off my jacket so I'm just in a thin tank top and sports bra. I love catching men, especially blue-collar working men, sneaking a look at me. I love thinking about them wanting to talk to me or fuck me but they can't have me because I have a boyfriend.

I'm not the kinkiest person in the world but I love having my hair pulled and sucking my boyfriend's cock. When I'm out, seeing guys looking at me, I think how much they'd love to know what I like doing in bed and I get myself really excited.



  1. As a blue collar worker, I thank the people like you that entertain us away from the sausage fests that are our jobs.

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