Nice day to go swimming alone [f][bst][huml][nc]

Rose shook out her blanket, doing her best to get all of the sand from the previous day off of it before she laid it out along the pale rocks. Before she laid down she looked out over the edge of the cliff. Below her, a short way down the coast, a narrow band of beach bordered the ocean. It was heavily dotted with people; both tourists and locals. It was always so crowded on days like this. Rose smiled, glad again that she had her little cliff. As kids she and her friends had discovered the little overgrown path up the side of the rocks, and while they were now all too old to bother the climb, Rose would still frequently find herself drawn there on hot days to sun herself. Staying away from the crowds was just a bonus.

Rose stripped, taking her shirt and shorts off, leaving them in a little pile at the head of her blanket. She liked using them as a pillow, but after a particularly bad case of sunburn, always did her best not to fall asleep here anymore. She adjusted her bathing suit before lying down. She was sure she could tan naked here; she had come up here for years and not seen a soul, but she had always just felt too awkward for some reason. She laid her head against her clothes, and reached over to her bag. Retrieving her book she flipped to the bookmark. The sun was cozy and warm against her tanned skin, and she breathed in deeply. The salted air tasted as fresh as the ocean itself. This place always made her so relaxed that she could lose hours without even noticing. She found her line and started to read.

After a while she flipped over onto her stomach. She could feel her eyes starting to get heavy with the weight of comfort. She did her best to continue reading, but soon caught herself rereading the same lines over and over. It wasn’t long before her eyes closed, and she slowly lowered her book to rest it on the rocks.

Rose woke up hot. She groaned, annoyed that she had let herself make the same stupid mistake again. The sun was still out in force; she must have only been asleep an hour or two. She hoped it hadn’t been enough to sunburn too badly. She sat up on her blanket, reaching timidly to feel her shoulders. It didn’t hurt, but she sure was hot. Reaching for her bag, she rummaged through it. Another mistake. Somehow she’d forgotten her water bottle at home. Thinking about it now, she remembered exactly where it was. Not that that was any help now. She shrugged to herself, and started to pack things up. She rolled up her blanket and slipped it inside her pack. She stood, taking care to not absentmindedly sling the backpack over her shoulders. Standing now on the cliff, the cool breeze from out over the ocean hit her body better, and she closed her eyes, reveling in the slight mist it brought with it. The ocean was cool today, defying the heat of the sun. Opening her eyes she looked over the cliff at it, and decided.

She put her backpack at the base of a tree, just out of sight in case anyone for whatever reason found themselves up on the cliff. She’d done it before, countless times, and every time it was there when she returned. Not like it had anything valuable in it anyway. She stepped to the edge of the cliff and looked over. She remembered back to when they had swam out to the base of the cliff as kids and dived down, looking to see if there were any rocks below it. It was surprisingly deep despite how close it was to the beach, and made for an ideal jump. They’d later confirmed it, when one of them had gotten drunk enough off of vodka they’d stolen from their parent’s cabinets to give it a try. Rose herself had done it hundreds of times; most commonly on days like this where she’d gotten too hot from the sun. It was a short swim back to the beach, and she would just get her bag the next time she went up.

She backed up a few steps, and took a short run towards the edge. Her bare feet gripped the rocks well, and with a practiced push she was off. There was a half second where her momentum carried her before she started to fall, and she got the familiar feeling of her stomach rushing to her head. It was enough to fully shake off the sleepiness of her nap, and she smiled as she started quickly down towards the water. He breathed a deep breath of sea air, holding it just before she hit the water. She plunged in with a great splash; the cool water nearly making her gasp. Her whole body felt instantly refreshed, and she gave a little shiver of happiness before starting her way back to the surface. The jump had put her deep, but before long she was up. She was a good swimmer. She took a deep breath in as she smoothed her long hair back out of her face. The water was working wonders on her hot skin already, and she felt amazing.

Spinning around, she caught sight of the beach. There was still a large crowd, maybe even larger than before, and she wondered if anyone had managed to see her jump. She began her swim, knowing she could easily splash around closer to the beach if she still felt like it when she got there.

She was about halfway to the shore when she felt something against her leg. There was a time when she was younger where she would have freaked out at even the thought of seaweed touching her, but she’d gotten much more used to it through years of swimming. It was too deep here for seaweed, though. She grew even more confused as she felt the touch again. She dove down slightly, turning to see what it was. She knew it couldn’t be a shark; the cliff wasn’t far enough from the beach to be outside of the shark nets that were put up to keep them away from the swimmers. She opened her eyes, and through the crystal clear water could see what had touched her. She held back a chuckle as she tread water in front of the large octopus. She’d seen one or two before, but never this close. It seemed interested in her foot; reaching out and touching it every time she moved it close. It was as if it was playing a game. She reached out to touch it, and it bobbed up to her hand. It was a little slimy, but it seemed like it liked her touch.

She rose for a breath, and looked down into the water. She could still see it playfully circling her, reaching out every so often to lightly touch her and then dart away slightly. Octopi were pretty intelligent, she remembered from school, and either way it was harmless. After watching and laughing at its’ playful antics for a few more minutes, she started to make her way back towards shore again. She took two strokes before she felt the familiar touch against her leg. It wasn’t a glancing touch this time, however, and she flinched as she felt the soft suction cups attach to her skin. She stopped, looking down into the water again.

The octopus had wrapped one of it’s tentacles around her leg, just above the knee, and was holding on to her. *I know you want to come with me little guy, but where I’m going you won’t last long.* She reached down while lifting her leg in the water, grabbing the tentacle suctioned to her. She gave a light tug, not wanting to hurt it, but it wouldn’t budge. She pulled a little harder, and just as she was starting to feel like she was making progress, the octopus wrapped two more of its’ tentacles firmly around her leg.

*Whoa, wait a minute here.* She tugged harder, less worried now about harming the creature as more and more of its’ tentacles found their way around her leg; suctioning to her firmly. She was too focused on her struggle, and dipped a little lower in the water. She let go of the tentacle, stabilizing herself in the water, spitting out the sea water she’d nearly swallowed. As she did, the octopus started to shift, moving its tentacles in fluid motions, never letting more than one lift from her at once. It moved up her thigh, one of its tentacles even stretching over her hip. She reached down to push it away from her, but ended up with another mouthful of seawater as she did. Reluctantly, she used her arms to keep afloat, unable to keep the offending creature at bay. She shuddered as a tentacle slid over her bathing suit; the thin material letting her feel more than she wanted to.

She tried to keep her legs as tight together as she could, but the need to stay afloat outweighed the discomfort she felt as the octopus continued its movements. She shivered as she felt the suction cups of the tentacle against her bathing suit latch onto the material. Before she could get her hands to her side, the powerful appendage curled over itself several times, still gripping her bottoms. The barely-tight strings at her waist unwound with hardly any resistance, and in a split second the octopus had torn her bikini bottoms from her. She gasped in disbelief as it discarded them beneath her, and for a second debated going after them. It was hard enough to keep herself afloat like this though, never mind diving.

*This isn’t happening. This isn’t happen-.* Her train of thought was cut abruptly as the tentacle found its’ way back to her body, this time with no barrier. She shivered as the rough slimy limb touched her sex, still unable to close her legs. It slid its’ way along her lips, each suction cup roughly rubbing against her clit. Her body quivered at the creature’s touch, and she couldn’t hold back another gasp as it suctioned itself to her groin. The octopus shifted, wrapping its tentacles around her thighs and hips for support, now positioned right at her crotch.

She started to wonder if she should call for help. She wasn’t that far from the beach, after all. She couldn’t. What would people think if they rescued her like this? Her eyes widened when she felt something, and she had to look back down to confirm. She couldn’t see over the mass of tentacles and octopus around her crotch, but she could certainly feel it. It had positioned one of its’ tentacles right at her entrance. She gritted her teeth, knowing what could come next, but dreading it. Finally, it broke her last notion of hope that it wouldn’t go further. She quivered in disgust as she felt the appendage enter her. Her lips parted for it; it’s intrusion offensively smooth due to it’s slimy skin. She clenched in vain, trying to do anything to stop it, but it only succeeded in making her feel every inch of its’ invasion even more.

The limb inside her coiled and writhed, pressing against every deep part of her as it did. Finally it was entirely in her, but still it moved as if it was looking for somewhere even deeper to explore. She tried to suppress the growing heat between her legs, ignoring the feelings as it explored her pussy thoroughly. She was forced to let out the moan she had been holding as she felt a second tentacle against her entrance. It pushed into her beside the other, stretching her a little further as the slime from its’ skin lubricated her. She tried to control her heavy breathing as it joined the other, both squirming at her insides out of sync, hitting ever spot inside her at twice the frequency.

As the third joined the other two she had to look up again. Even just treading water was getting hard; her limbs getting weak from the constant assault. For some reason an old video they had been forced to watch in school popped into her head at that moment. It had been about octopi, and about how they liked making their homes in small, dark holes, and that they could fit themselves into nearly any sized opening. *Like mine.* She shuddered again, knowing she couldn’t do anything to fight it now. The fourth tentacle slipped inside her.

With each tentacle that slid inside her stuffed pussy, it became harder and harder to fight the sensations of them all writhing around inside her. She was disgusted, but she also couldn’t hold back her moans now. *Oh god, what if someone found me like this?* Soon a fifth and sixth slide in her. She’d never felt so full. She desperately tread water, horrified at the familiar feeling she felt building deep within her core. The seventh tentacle jamming itself into her pussy, solidified the feeling, and something deep in her mind broke. *Oh god, no no no no. It’s going to make me…*

As if it sensed her thoughts, the final tentacle pushed at her sex. Her pussy was so stuffed now that it actually seemed to have a little bit of trouble squeezing into her, but it seemed determined. Finally, with a push, it got what it wanted. Rose came hard as the final tentacle invaded her; her whole pussy alive with the squirming limbs. She cried out as her pussy betrayed her, but the sound that came out was a moan of pleasure. She kept cumming as the creature writhed in her, the assault on her insides unrelenting. She felt it pull towards her, using the walls of her pussy as leverage. With sickening ease it slid its’ head inside her too; the creature now completely within her. She was too busy cumming to fight it. The water around her warmed as her orgasms intensified to the point she could no longer stop herself from pissing.

Finally coming down from her orgasm, Rose was filled with disgust. Not only had it made her cum, but she was swimming in her own shameful mess. She had cum hard too, maybe harder than she ever had before, but admitting that would break her mind even more. The octopus was still inside her, too, keeping her on the edge as it continued to squirm inside her. She swam, almost deliriously, to shore, every so often being forced back to another squirting orgasm. Each time she had to pause to let it overtake her for fear of dipping back below the surface. As she got closer and closer to the beach she started to realize her real predicaments weren’t nearly over. Not only did she have to now find some way of getting it out of her, but the beach was still packed with people, and she didn’t have any bottoms.



  1. Please make more! This is so hot~ Make it to maybe she keeps it inside her, deciding it was too good to let go~

  2. OMG that’s amazing writing. Love the story. I’m wet just thinking about it. Please write more

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