Jay’s Camp Stories #2 — Meeting a stranger deep in the woods [MF] [fuckin’] [redhead] [trail maintenance]

I pulled the folding saw from my belt and hacked it through the fallen tree. Sweat dripped down around my eyebrows, stinging my eyes. I blinked it out and kept going.

Enrique, the camp’s Facilities Director and my boss, had Stefan and me clearing the trails after the winter’s storms. Stefan was out on the southern hills near the camp entrance, but I’m the new guy, so Enrique sent me out to the most remote, difficult paths. The trunk cut, I heaved and pulled the tree off the walkway, grunting with the effort.

I spit the dust from my mouth and wiped my forehead with the back of my glove. Grabbing the canteen from my bag, I took a deep drink of water, and paused to rest, looking to see what was next. The winding dirt path was growing less dense as it climbed the hill, I could put the saw away for now.

I looked up, spotting the sun’s angle high overhead. I guessed it was about mid-day. I hadn’t seen anyone in hours, and even though the work was hard, it was nice sometimes to get away from the bustle of the camp. I knew from my years as a camper and then counselor that I was getting near a shady spot. A creek formed the property line that was the northern bound of our camp, and there was a treed-over bend in the creek in a tucked-away glen. I could think of no place better to break for lunch.

I gathered myself, hefted my bag, and wearily pushed myself over the hill and down the other side. A few more branches later, but thankfully no more tree trunks, I made it to the creek. I followed the stream a short ways, winding along a narrow path, and around a copse of trees, reaching the secluded spot I knew.

Besides a flat, grassy area, the creek’s bend formed a natural pool where the water eddied and grew deep. I picked a good spot to set down my gear, and was pulling food out of my backpack before I realized that there was someone watching me from the far side of the stream.

The flowing water had eroded its way through a hill in a previous geologic era, and while this side of the pool was nice and flat, the far side was bound by a 50-foot tall cliff. A small flat ledge was at the base of the cliff, mostly boulders, one tree, inaccessible apart from swimming across from this side.

That far ledge got the most sunlight, and when our campers made it out this far, after cooling off in the shade on this side, they liked to then sunbathe on the boulders.

It was on those boulders that I saw someone watching me. A woman, bright red hair, lying on her back completely naked, propped up on her elbows, watching me.

The pool was a good distance across, so I couldn’t make out details, but from here, she looked rather sexy. Alluring as that thought was, she also looked like nobody who worked at the camp or was supposed to be here.

Our camp is in a national forest, so interlopers aren’t impossible, but they are rare. I’ve never heard of any interloper causing a problem — they’re almost always lost hikers. We orient them and send them on their way. But then, I’ve never heard of any interloper being a hot naked redhead.

“Hello there!” I yelled, grinning, waving. The water here moved slow, so the creek was relatively quiet, and I figured there’s a good chance she’d be able to hear me from here.

“You with the camp?” she yelled back. *So she knows she’s trespassing.*

I walked up to the water’s edge to hear her better. “Camp trail maintenance, at your service, ma’am,” I said. It doesn’t hurt to be polite, plus, I figured, no way she was here by herself. Except I think I could see only one backpack kit — its contents were strewn about, so it was hard to say. But you never know. “And can I ask who you are, ma’am?”

“Just a hiker,” she yelled back. “You alone?”

The question of the hour… I pondered my situation. Sexy naked lady alone deep in the woods? I’ve seen both porn and horror movies that start this way. Isn’t there also some fairy tail with this situation, too?

Instead of answering her question, I asked, “You a forest nymph?”

“A what?” I think she was giving me a look, it was hard to say.

I realized I’m shouting nonsense across a body of water. But I’d already said it, no backing out now. “You know, a forest spirit come to kidnap me? You one of those?”

She just looked at me for a moment, not responding. I pondered the thought that I might be a moron.

Then she shouted across, “I can’t keep yelling. If you’re going to keep asking me questions, just come over here.”

My stupid bullshit earned me an invitation? Must be my lucky day. I stripped down naked, stowed my clothes and gear in my bag, and swam across the pool. The water was cold, but it was refreshing after the morning’s work, and it was nice to have the sweat wash off me.

I crawled out near her, but not close enough to be weird, and climbed onto a neighboring rock. After the cold creek, the sunlight felt nice, so I laid down on the rock, feeling it’s heat beneath me, drying off.

Once situated, I pointedly looked over at the woman. She was still laying down, looking at me, and I looked her in the eye. But thank the heavens for peripheral vision, I could see her toned body, tanned from the sun and acclimated to the elements in that way people get when living outdoors for a long while. She had gorgeous breasts, and a shock of bright red hair at her crotch. I’m junk at guessing age, but looked maybe a decade older than me. She was cute as all get-out, too.

“You lay around naked often?” she asked.

“No ma’am, I just didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

“Stop calling me ‘ma’am’, I’m only 33, you’re making me sound old.”

Thirty-three? My guess was spot-on. “You’re making me look forward to my thirties, then.”

I think she blushed at that, it was hard to tell at this distance and in this light and her tan skin, but I think she did.

“I’m Jay,” I offered.

“April,” she said back.

“You been out on the trails long?”

“About a month,” she said, then looked around at the scenery, “I like doing long solo hikes, I manage a few times a year.”

I nodded towards her stuff spread out all around. “You have a problem with your bag?”

At that, April gave a short laugh. “No, not that,” she grinned, “When you’re out this long, rain happens, you deal with it. But last week’s storm was a big one, all my clothing got soaked.”

“Oh shit. You were out during that with just a tent?” I gave a shocked look.

“It was a bad one,” she conceded, “But I survived. Then the sun came out and I found this place.”

She paused a moment with a thoughtful look, looking mighty sexy I thought, then refocused on me and asked, “So what’s your story?”

I was grinning at her, damn but I wanted to suck on those tits. Err, wait, she asked me a question.

“Uh… well, I’m from the camp,” I started, then paused, distracted again. April rolled onto her side, facing me, giving me a view of her full figure, my eyes involuntarily tracking the curve from her hips to her waist to her chest.

“That’s it?” she asked, smiling as she followed my gaze.

“And, well, um…,” I said, “I used to be a counselor, I guess, but, um, now I’m–”

She cut me off. “You wanna fuck?” She said it so coolly, so casually. My dick twitched.

My jaw started flapping soundlessly, then I forced it closed. Yammering was not going to get me anywhere. Plainly say what you want. “Yes,” I said.

“Come with me,” April said, standing up, climbing off the boulder, and heading towards a small, grassy patch, shaded by a tree.

I followed her over, mesmerized by watching her naked body glide over the rocks. I had hiked a million times, but never with anyone naked, and never with anyone who so gracefully navigated the hazards.

I sat down on the grass, back against the tree, and saw April watch me, her intense, lusty stare making my dick swell in anticipation. She knelt in front of me and smiled, and for a moment we just looked into each other’s eyes. Faded freckles, thin pink lips, red hair half-curled up down her cheeks, emerald eyes. Her skin was beaten and her hair rough, but the effect just made her that much more naturally beautiful. I reached out and slid my hand over her breasts, cupping them, feeling their weight, brushing her nipples. Her lips parted slightly, issuing a small gasp.

She then moved to sit on my lap, straddling me on her knees. Her legs spread, her crotch pressed against mine. Without saying a word, she leaned forward, chest against mine, and started kissing me.

She kissed with an animal-like intensity. The quietness was gone, she harbored no hesitation, held nothing back. Her tongue was dancing around mine, I was playing catch-up. Her arms were wrapped around me, holding me tight against her. I moved to do the same, grasping at the muscles in her shoulders and back, pulling her into me.

My cock was growing stiffer, rising up towards the heat of her pussy. Soon I could feel her wetness pressing against my dick. She moaned, she could feel it too. She slid her hips back on mine, then forward. Her pussy enveloped my cock, my head sliding into her without either of us guiding it.

Still not breaking our kiss, she began gently moving her hips up and down, making my cock slide in and out of her. The soft flesh of her tits was warm against my chest, and I was now fully erect. She picked up speed, and soon was fucking me with a raw, bestial eagerness. It was infectious, I needed her with a fierceness I had never felt before. Our lips pressed together, our bodies moving as one.

She coaxed me deep inside her, riding my cock for her own pleasure, my pleasure coming from hers. Her pure sexual need funneled my entire universe into our two bodies. We were completely surrendered to our base desires. We were all that mattered. We were alone in the world. We were Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, having the world’s first fuck.

Our animal nature controlled our bodies, our minds were just along for the ride. As one, we surged, pulling into each other, ascending to orgasm. I felt my cock, desperate for release, unload inside her with spurt after spurt. Her pussy gripped my cock, squeezing every last drop out. Only finally did we break our kiss, foreheads still pressed together, panting, moaning.

We stayed still for a long while afterwards, my cock still in her, our sweaty bodies desperately clinging to each other. The only sound was from our breathing, we said nothing.

As my mind slowly regained control over my body, one by one I became aware of the sensations of April pressed against me. Her head against mine. Her arms around my shoulders, mine on her ass. Her nipples pressed to my chest. Her pussy around my cock.

I felt my dick twitch.

Drained as it was, I felt it begin to stiffen up again, this time already fully engrossed in pussy. April must have felt it, too, because she smiled at me and started again grinding her hips into mine. I couldn’t fucking believe it, I was starting to get off again.

This second time, it only took a few minutes of fucking before I was ready to cum again. She felt me building towards another orgasm, and started using her crotch to pump my dick with abandon.

I came a second time. It wasn’t as intense as the first, but at this point, I doubted I’d ever again have another orgasm as intense as that first one with April.

Again we sat, mounted, tangled in each other’s arms. It was such a peaceful feeling, nothing else mattering in the whole world. Just us, here, now.

But eventually reality does come back around, and by mutual silent agreement, we pulled ourselves apart. We slipped down into the water to clean each other, my hands darting over her body, her shoulder, her breasts, her legs. She did the same for me, massaging my back, my thighs, my balls.

We climbed out. She got her towel, dried herself off, me watching. My stuff was on the other side of the creek.

I broke the silence, “You totally are a forest nymph.”

She laughed, “Maybe I am.” She reached into her backpack, fished around, brought out a slip of paper and pen, and wrote something down. “But then I’d be the first forest nymph with an email address.” She handed me the paper. Yep, it was a normal looking personal email address. “You can email me, if you want. I won’t be able to check it until I’m back, and no guarantees that I’ll respond at all.”

“Fair enough,” I said.

“But you were fun, so maybe I will.” She smiled at me.

I’m always a big softee. “Fun? You were fucking incredible.” I saw her expression soften, which wasn’t what I wanted, so I changed the subject.

“Now I’ve got to figure out how to get this piece of paper to the other side of the creek dry.” We both grinned.

“Nice to meet you,” I said. Then I gripped the paper in between my teeth, walked into the water, and swam to the other shore, keeping my head up.

Back on the camp side, I triumphantly raised the dry paper, “It worked!”

April laughed and waved.

I put my clothes back on, gathering my stuff. I watched as April did the same on the opposite side. I had fucked my brain empty — it took effort to remember what I was doing before.

Oh right, my lunch was still uneaten, and Enrique’d be expecting me back at camp at some point. With a final wave, I was gone down the trail. I tried to get back into the zone, clearing debris on autopilot, but I just couldn’t concentrate on it.

By the way, that night I did end up sending her an email. I titled it “forest nymph” and attached a picture of me, nothing sexy, just a regular photo of me at camp.

A few months later, she responded, saying “I’ll always be your forest nymph”. She attached a photo, too, but hers was much sexier than mine.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/g54j0i/jays_camp_stories_2_meeting_a_stranger_deep_in