Warning: Extremely long post!

This post is as much of an excerpt of the newest part of an ongoing series posted on [literotica.com](https://literotica.com) under my pen name Jackporter23 here’s the link: [https://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=861270&page=submissions](https://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=861270&page=submissions)

please visit there and comment/give me five stars to show the love and support!


Every eye was on me as I pranced through the terminal on my way to the gate in my skimpy new outfit. Husbands got slapped on the arm by their wives, friends nodded their heads to draw their attention my way, an airport shuttle cart stopped in the middle of the path and blatantly took out his phone an took a video of my bouncing toward him. Ever the obedient subject; I gave him chance to get his video up to let him document me and blew his phone a kiss as I skipped by which made his face instantly turn red. Once I had passed him, I leapt in the air and spun in a full 360 twirl which of course caused my skirt to fly up, and exposed my ass and shaved mound to not only his lens, but to every single person in the terminal.

Suffice to say, by the time I got to my terminal my heart pounded in my chest not only because of the jog there, but because I had effectively flashed my largest audience to date. When I walked up to the gate there was already a long queue to board, and I joined our group near the end of the line unnoticed save for Dr. Gilson who gave a timid nod and checked my name off his mental attendance list. I retrieved my bag from next his and joined the single file line.

We were herded onto the plane and as we got further down the tunnel people began to get more and more restless. I too felt boredom start to set in and started to play back the actions from my bar room experience earlier and suddenly realized two things: first, I had left my beer soaked clothes at the bar, which didn’t bother me too much and figured Liam and Jason would now have a souvenir each to remember me by. More importantly however, in all the panic of getting back to my gate I had never had a chance to actually count my tips. I unfolded the wad of cash and was disheartened when the first few were ones and started to understand why the man had run out of the bar so quickly. I fanned out the rest of them though and let out an audible gasp as I revealed the last two were one hundred-dollar bills. My gasp had drawn some of my fellow line mates from their dazes and I quickly stuffed my newly discovered riches into my bag before anyone noticed.

We finally stepped from the tunnel onto the actual plane and as we passed by, I handed my ticket to the cute female flight attendant who informed me I would be near the back of the flight in the left-hand row of the plane in a middle seat. Slowly but surely, we made our way as people took their seats and I chuckled to myself as they took a visual inventory of each passerby. The line was moving at a snail’s pace and I needed a distraction, so I decided to review my list again to see if there was anything I may be able to cross off during the long flight. I pulled out the list and started to read through it:

1) No underwear of any kind the entire trip! (which shouldn’t be an issue since I threw them all out of your bag!)

2) Join the mile-high club (either solo or with a partner)

3) Go to a nude beach

4) Flash your roommates “on accident”

5) Buy a piece of fancy lingerie and leave it laying out in the room for all to see.

6) Go skinny dipping in the hotel pool

7) Work out nude in the gym

8) Make a bet and lose to someone, steer the prize to something naughty

9) Get fully nude in a public space

10) Use something from the hotel as a dildo

11) Flash a monument

12) Get naked on The Eye

13) Ride topless on top of a double decker bus

14) Finger yourself on a park bench Hyde Park

15) Take your bottoms off in a Taxi and sit spread eagle in the back seat

16) Take a jog along the Thames and take your top off for as long as you dare

17) Flip your skirt up at the guards of Buckingham Palace

18) Take an afternoon tea on your balcony in the nude

19) Get as many of your cohorts to see you completely naked as you can, bonus points if you can hook up with any of them!

20) Hook up with at least one foreigner

I instantly could feel color rush to my cheeks as I saw number two on the list and did a quick canvas of the cabin to see if there were any good candidates to help cross it off. I must have gotten caught up in my search, because I felt a nudge on my shoulder and realized the line had gotten three seats further ahead of me. As I got further into the cabin, I noticed an increasing number of eyes darting my way and when I opened my bag to put away my list again, I suddenly grasped why that was. My nipples were as hard as diamonds and strained against the thin, loose-fitting tank top material. I focused on the back of the gentlemen’s head in front of me to attempt to distract myself from all of the passengers either undressing me with their eyes or judging me as the slut they thought of me as judging from the scowls I drew from them. It of course was a futile task, and I could feel a heat building throughout my entire body as we trudged on toward the back of the plane.

I looked ahead and saw that there was a man already settled into the window seat for my row. He was a middle aged, heavy-set man and his face was flush as he struggled to get his belongings in order. He had a neck pillow draped around him and he couldn’t figure out whether he should put his headphones or sleep mask on next. I looked up and saw that, luckily enough, there were two open slots in the overhead compartment, so I at least wouldn’t need to cram my bag under the seat in front of me and could maybe have some extra leg room. I took the win and scanned the line for who I hoped would be my other neighbor.

A simple twist of fate brought a rush of color to my face again as I saw Steve crack a joke with the jovial man and plop down in the aisle seat. I tried not to make eye contact as I drew closer to them which luckily was fairly easy as it seemed they had engrossed in a friendly conversation. When I got two rows of seats ahead, I noticed in my peripheral that the jig was up though as the sturdy gentleman had honed in on the target of my protruding nipples and was very obviously distracted from his conversation. Steve must have noticed his abrupt disinterest as he followed his gaze did a double take when he suddenly took note of my new outfit.

I made no indication that I was aware of their lust filled ogling and instead set the stage for what would hopefully break up the long flight across the ocean. I bent at my waist as I fought with the handle of my suitcase to lower it back into the bag and could feel the oversized neck hole of my tank top dangle further from my body and gave my seatmates a perfect view of my jostling cleavage. I raised my bag above my head to put it into the overhead compartment, but wanted to draw out the show a little while longer so I first attempted to put the bag in fully upright, which clearly wouldn’t fit. As I struggled, I moaned and wriggled my body exaggeratedly just to draw as much attention to myself as possible. Each time I removed my bag and tried a new angle of insertion I inched closer to Steve and could feel my thighs pressed against his armrest. My tits swayed just inches from his face when I finally slid the bag into place and shut the door with a victorious sigh of relief and head wipe.

“Oh. Hey Steve, looks like we’re going to be seat buddies,” I said and put a hand on his shoulder to stop him from getting up to let me by.

I reached my left arm over his shoulder and braced myself on my seatback and lifted my leg over his lap as he shifted below me to allow me to pass by. I had effectively pinned him under me and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity while it lasted. With my legs straddled over his, I knew my skirt would fall open and felt the hem ride further up my thighs the further I spread them. I lunged until my foot came close to striking the portly gentleman’s and bent my braced elbow which swept my breasts dangerously close to Steve’s face. With a clumsy half turn I fell the rest of the way into my seat and felt my skirt fly up with the sudden movement. Without straightening my garments at all, I reached between myself on either side and dug my seat belt out and clicked it home.

Once I had buckled myself in, I thought it only polite to introduce myself to my neighbor and turned to the gob smacked man in the window seat who clearly strained to regain his composure after the sight he had just taken in. We exchanged niceties and he introduced himself as Chris, and the three of us regaled each other with our origin stories as the remaining passengers took their seats. If there was any down side to putting on the show I did, it was that Chris now seemed to have lost all interest in sleep as he chatted me up the entire way through the safety demonstration, and cracked a series of lame jokes to try and impress me with his clever wit.

I feared I had created a monster but finally, about halfway through the in-flight movie, Chris slipped the sleep mask over his eyes and was snoring away shortly after. A quick scan of the cabin showed me several slumped over heads and the remaining faces within eye shot were either buried in their phones or a book. I wanted to take full advantage of this opportunity to cross off the next item on my list and selfishly wanted to duplicate my efforts. Unfortunately, my plan was denied: Steve’s head was laid back against his headrest and there was a string of drool down his chin.

Not wanting to chance that I would get another opportunity on this flight or the one home, I figured Lynn had given me the out of entering the mile-high club alone and thought it best to strike while the iron was hot. I reached a hand between my thighs and started to rub myself over my skirt just in case there were any onlookers I hadn’t seen. My skirt already left little to the imagination and it wasn’t long until it covered just as much of me as my seat belt. I was able to slide my pointer finger between my legs and drew soft circles over the hood of my clit to get things started. Continued strokes of my love button had done their work and I could feel the all too familiar build up inside, only now with the added complexity of the cramped quarters I found myself.

My thighs could not spread wide enough to allow me to fully explore myself without giving a nudge to one of my slumbering seatmates, so I reasoned nipple play was the next best thing. Before I had even touched them, my nipples were already standing like perfectly erect soldiers at attention. Once again, I rubbed myself over the clothing so not to rouse suspicions and true to form, my hand quickly slipped down to my belly and up my torso until flash met flesh again. My thumb and pointer finger rolled my little eraser tips while the other digits supported from beneath and massaged. I continuously probed the cabin to make sure no one had tuned into the new in-flight entertainment in seat 62H, especially to my immediate left and right. The torture of not truly being able to enjoy myself continued for what seemed like a half hour as I could feel my lips ache for touch but remain just out of reach.

No sooner had I assured myself that all was quiet on the flight and allowed myself to focus entirely on the task at hands when I heard a stirring from several seats ahead. “I knew you were crazy from the bar, but going to town on yourself mid-flight? I have to hand it to you girl, I’m impressed,” Liam whispered over the back of the seat two rows ahead.

I had no idea how he had snuck on the flight, nor did I care anymore at that point. “Hands I got,” I purred back, “I was hoping you could give me something else”.

He shot me an approving grin and I motioned with my head to follow me to the bathroom behind us. It appeared my prayers were to be answered in the most unlikely of sources, but now came the hard part. I reached down and unbuckled myself easily enough and rose out of my seat careful not to disturb any surface. So far so good, I thought to myself and turned to face Steve who was still sound asleep. I brought my leg over his lap again but saw my skirt would brush his hand. I didn’t want to risk the sensation stirring him, so I quickly tucked the material into the waist band and exposed my entire lower body to anyone who happened to look up to investigate. My foot landed safely in the aisle, and I pivoted my weight to bring my other leg out and as I did Steve’s face fell forward and planted firmly in the fluffy pillow of my bosom. My entire body froze. I was sure he would awake and, though I figured he could only be so mad to find himself in this position, I really had no concrete way to know for sure. I froze in that position; ass and shaved pussy on full display to the entire flight, motorboating an unconscious classmate, for a solid five seconds before I was certain he was still asleep. Gently, I put a hand behind his head and tilted forward at the waist. His head finally rolled back against the seat and I quickly hopped out into the aisle and scurried back to the bathroom without fixing my skirt.

There wasn’t much more room in the bathroom than there was in the cramped seats, but I could finally spread my legs at least and wasted no time. The sink was little more than a small divot in the counter, but I was able to prop myself up on it and pressed my legs against either adjacent corner of the stall while I ripped my tank top over my head and shoved it in my mouth. My first three fingers greedily assaulted my anxious pussy as I couldn’t be bothered to close the door let alone wait for Liam to join me. The sweet release as my treasure cave was finally plundered sent a near instant wave up my spine and my muffled moans drew the attention of Liam who quickly entered the bathroom and closed the door behind him. He had a look of pure carnal lust in his eye and he ripped his pants down over his thighs in a blur. I withdrew my fingers from myself and stroked him as I led him, cock first, to the promised land between my legs. He took his cue with ease and started pumping his rigid pole as deep as he could. It wasn’t the biggest or thickest cock I had seen by a long shot, but with the torturous foreplay I had subjected myself to in my seat it didn’t take long before I was teetering on the edge of climax. Liam grunted into his own shoulder and I could tell from his odd hip spasms that he too was near his own finish line. I reached around with my legs and drew him in deeper and he once again rose to the occasion and feverishly pumped his hips. Our bodies writhed against one another and sweat started to bead on Liam’s forehead and he panted in short spurts. My legs started to quiver and my hand had roamed down and stroked his member in its retreat from me as well as rubbed my pearl with my thumb. I bit down hard on my gag and whimpered as I started to feel my body reach the top of the rollercoaster hill.

Just as my volcano started to burst, the plane shook and I was rudely brought back to my seat and realized I had drifted off into a surreal daydream. My face got red hot as I nervously scanned the plane to see if anyone had seen or, worse yet, heard me. I sank back in my seat and let out a sigh of relief as there didn’t seem to be a single eye on me. Chris was still snoring away next to me, and Steve’s head was pressed straight back against his headrest.

I couldn’t help but smile as I remembered our imagined encounter earlier and that’s when I noticed Steve’s lap. His shorts sported a generous tent in them and at first, I thought maybe he was having his own sex dream, but then I realized what had actually happened. I looked down and, to my astonishment: not only was my skirt bunched up into the waist band, but apparently in my sex crazed dream I had pulled my shirt up to more freely play with my nipples. For all intents and purposes, I was sitting nude next to my classmate and he evidently had seen at least a portion of the show and by the looks of it, had enjoyed what he saw. I knew I should have been utterly embarrassed, and perhaps it had more to do with the fact that I had been denied my impending orgasm, but I found myself drawn back to Steve’s crotch and the big bulge in it. I imagined how he would compare to Liam’s imaginary cock in my fantasy and could tell by the outline under the strict confinement of his shorts it would be no contest. Since I hadn’t actually orgasmed, and I knew Lynn wouldn’t stand for an imagined fuck anyway, I thought of a plan to finish the show, or better yet, include a real dick this time around. I slowly pressed my thigh against his and Steve kept up the charade and shifted in his seat. With his legs out of the way, I stretched my leg as far as I could under the seat in front of him and scooted my ass to the edge of the seat. It seemed my dream had done more than just arouse Steve, as my pussy was already incredibly wet. I brought my middle and pointer finger to my shaved lips and they slid into my slit with ease. Reenacting my fantasy as closely as I could, I shoved a wad of my top into my mouth to keep from moaning out loud.

In my slid down position, I could no longer see above the surrounding seats and had to cling to hope that no one would get up until I was done, but at this point I didn’t care. I stroked my g-spot with my fingers and rolled my thumb over my clit with my right hand while my left was busy again massaging and tweaking my nipples. My hips bucked against my hand and I could feel my thigh rub Steve’s and thought, if he wasn’t awake before he sure was now. I glanced in my peripheral and saw him peeking like a child trying to trick their parents into thinking they were asleep and knew that if anything was going to come from this it would be up to me to make the first move.

With my left hand, I released my nipple and slowly brought my hand down my body until it rested on my left thigh. The next time my thigh nudged Steve’s, I slid my hand against his and started to gently rub the fabric of his shorts. There was no response at first, so I slid it further up his leg until he stirred again and tried to allow more space for me to open my legs. I grew frustrated that he had misunderstood my signal and kicked things into overdrive to let him know I knew he was faking and that I craved more than just showing off for him. I slid my hand all the way to his crotch and rubbed the outline of his head. That got his attention and his eyes shot open.

Without a thought, I brought my right hand up and pressed my pointer finger against his lips. He obeyed my unspoken command, and I continued to gently glide my hand up and down his shaft. Next, I brought my right hand down and undid his button and zipper and slid my hand inside to explore. I had often guessed which of my classmates wore boxers and which wore briefs and smirked when I found that I had assumed right with boxers in Steve’s case. As soon as my hand slid over the hole in the front of them Steve’s cock escaped the prison of his boxers and sprang into view. True to form, Steve’s member put dream Liam to shame. From his seated position I clocked it at about six inches long, but what intrigued me more so than that was the overall shape of it. The head stood proud as a near perfect semi-circle atop a pedestal, and the shaft went from narrow at the base, to a wide flare out, and then narrowed back out to meet the umbrella cover.

I looked up at Steve and licked my lips to signal my intentions and he returned a smile to let me know he approved. I pressed the button on the armrest and lifted it out of the way so I could more easily take my prize. When I lowered my face to his crotch Steve placed his hand on top of my head which is a big pet peeve of mine, but I wasn’t in a position to correct him at the moment so I let it slide. I licked the underside of his head where it met the shaft and felt Steve shudder in delight. He pressed down with his hand and I complied, and took him into my mouth up to the knot in the middle of his shaft not wanting to gag and draw attention to our nefarious act. I continued to bounce my head up and down in his lap and did my best not to break suction and make the slurping sounds I know drive most guys over the edge.

The entire time I was indulging in Steve’s meat pole I wondered what exactly counted as punching your ticket into the mile-high club and didn’t want to be disqualified on a technicality. My mind wandered and I thought up several scenarios we could erase all doubt in the matter. First, we could mirror my fantasy from earlier and meet in the bathroom, but that seemed too cliché. Second, I could straddle him and get a quick ride in, but that seemed way too likely to be spotted. Third, I could face Chris and he could spoon me from behind, which seemed by far the most plausible and least likely to get us caught.

Before I got a salty surprise, I sat up and brought my face to Steve’s ear, “I need you inside me,” I breathed in my most hushed tone. “So we don’t make a mess though, you need to pull out before you cum and I’ll finish you in my throat”.

I didn’t wait for a response and pointed my ass to him and spread my legs as wide as I could in the awkward position. I heard his seatbelt unclick and felt the warmth of his finger slide up and down my mound before he spread me open and toyed with my wet hole. I felt the seat move as he got into position and stuffed my wadded-up tank top as far into my mouth as I could as I waited for Steve to enter me from behind. When I felt the tip of his head rub my thigh, I reached between my legs to guide him home. He met some resistance and pumped back and forth a couple times before my kitty finally accepted her new visitor. I moaned into my shirt as he finally broke through the gate and I could tell Steve was nervous as he pulled back momentarily. Unfortunately, this had the opposite of his desired effect as he slid back out of me.

Our second try was much smoother as he simply pressed against me and I eased my hips back and forced my lips apart which let him slide in without incident. Steve took over from there and grabbed my hip to allow for more control as he took me from behind. Soon we had a nice rhythm and I reached a hand down to stimulate my clit as he filled me. As Steve slowly pulled back, I felt myself stretch around the middle of his shaft, then tighten around him again as it tapered back in, then stretch again as he pulled almost completely out of me. He repeated this motion in near tortoise like pace and, while at first, I wanted him to hump me like Thumper in Bambi, I was won over by his, obviously, tried and true method. Right as I had timed his cadence of when he would award my patience with another slow stroke in, he switched tempo on me and started to quicken his thrusts.

I sensed our ride neared its end and started to pull away to pivot and accept my award, but Steve grabbed my hip and drove deep inside me with one fell swoop. The unanticipated deep penetration forced a loud moan into my gag and Steve reached around and put his hand on my mouth to further muffle my voice. He bucked his hips into me again and pushed himself even deeper inside me before pulling out only half way, to the thickest part of his shaft. I didn’t know how to make it clear to him that if he came inside me I would make a mess all over the seat since I wasn’t wearing any underwear, but there was nothing I could do since my mouth was gagged and he now had a cover over my mouth as well. I started to panic and wiggled my thighs to try and get away from him, but each time I did he pulled me back onto himself with his much stronger arms.

As Steve effectively used my body as a fuck toy, I was shocked to find my body start to quake with a sudden threat of climax. The feelings of anxiety over what would happen when Steve filled me with his seed started to be washed away by a fire that built up in my loins. My legs started to shake and I could feel my toes start to curl in on themselves as my body betrayed what was happening in my mind. Every muscle in my body tensed and I bit down hard on my gag as I exploded in the thralls of an all-encompassing orgasm. The thrusts from behind continued in earnest, but my body had given in and went limp as wave after wave of ecstasy crashed through me.

When I regained control of my faculties, I was slightly shocked at Steve’s stamina as his piston continued to slam into me. After several more quick, full thrusts he finally showed he was actually human and not just a fuck machine as he took his hand off my mouth and hip and pulled his sword from my warm sheath. Bewildered, as I had resigned myself to the idea that Steve was imposing his will and going to creampie me, it took him nudging my ass with his elbow to realize I had completely misjudged the entire situation.

Glad to have discovered Steve was just a dynamo love maker and not a rapey creep, I sprang back into action. Despite it all being in my head, I felt I had to make up to Steve the fact that I had doubted him in the first place and strove to make this the best blowjob ending he had or would ever receive. To prove I meant business, I swan dove my face into his lap and only stopped when my nose buried into his stomach. With Steve’s throbbing member all the way in the back of my throat, I reached down and rolled his balls in my hand before I slowly retreated my head and formed a circle with my hand to replace my mouth as it rose. When I got to where just his head remained, I once again swirled my tongue in laps around his sensitive tip and jerked his shaft with my hand in a similar twirling motion. One look to his face gave me all the feedback I needed as he bit his knuckle and rolled his eyes in his head.

I grabbed his hand and brought it to the back of my head, which he took as a signal that I wanted him to hold my hair back. It had not been the first time our signals had gotten crossed, but he came around when I grabbed his hip and pulled him into me. Steve’s muscular ass flexed as he ravaged my throat with each thrust. I kneaded his cheeks which seemed to motivate him to skull fuck me even harder. I fought back choking and could feel tears well up in my eyes as I did my best to breath through my nose between prods. At last I felt Steve’s leg twitch in his seat and braced for what was to come. His fist closed in my hair and he pulled my head up, but it was my turn to take control and I simultaneously put my hand on top of his fist and pushed and drew him in as I clawed into his spasming ass cheek.

He was too busy muting his grunts to fight me and I stuffed him all the way inside me just as the first thread burst down my throat. I couldn’t help but whimper lightly as rope after rope of hot, semen filled my mouth. I kept him pressed tight against me and fought to keep up with the rate of his flow, but was able to get through without a single spilled drop. When he released his grip on my head, I knew he had come down from his high and started to let him slide out of my mouth, but couldn’t resist one more swirl of my tongue on his head and giggled as it caused his hips to jerk again. I gave a long, soft kiss to the tip of his mushroom cap before I lifted my back to my seat and straightened my tank top and buttoned my skirt behind me again. Steve shifted in his seat as he buttoned his pants and looked over at me with a devilish grin before he took my hand and wove our fingers together. I wanted to take my hand away and tell him that he was just an item to cross off on my list; but besides it actually being a very sweet sentiment, my mind started to think about how much more fun it would be to have a photographer to document my lewd adventures for me. We exchanged smiles and I lay my head on his shoulder and let my imagination take hold before I drifted off into a post orgasm nap.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/fy7118/warning_extremely_long_post