The Parking Garage: a public sex story

It was a normal summer night in New England. The lady and I were on the highway, we had driven up from the ‘burbs in search of fine cuisine. We were hungry and wanted to frolic in the city, but our relationship was toxic; it didn’t take long until we got into an argument in the car. As always, I retreated and closed up, sulking as I threw more weight onto the gas pedal.

She was a stubborn beauty. Ferocious when she took a stance and hard to admit defeat if she was wrong. I don’t exactly remember what we fought about (something stupid I’m sure), but I do remember I was right.

We drove into the city after some time of silence. She had started doing what she always did when she was wrong in a fight. She would resort to sarcastic and dry humor and act like noting ever happened. I was the exact opposite of her- I would mull over our arguments. I’m very passive aggressive, I was notorious for brooding and moping. She loved to patronize me during those episodes. I did my best to ignore her during the drive. She knew I was angry

I pulled the car into a parking garage right off the cities main strip. It wasn’t particularly busy at the moment, so I had no issues finding a parking spot on the second floor. I’m a gentleman; I’m usually there when she is exiting my car but as I was being childish and bitter, I walked on. I was halfway across the garage when she shouted for my attention.

I turned around to see what she wanted now. With a stupid grin on her face, she informed me that she had forgotten to switch shoes. I looked at her incredulously. She was wearing a black pair of flats to match her black leggings. She was also wearing a white stretch camisole. I unlocked the car with my remote and turned back around, grumbling under my breath. Some time later I heard my car door slam shut and some low giggling, but I was still mad. I didn’t turn to look. She walked right past me as I purposely looked away from the sound of her foot steps. She laughed again and I heard her steps turn to rapid skipping. I turned to look and immediately lost my breath.

She had switched to her black sandals as she said she would, but she had also swapped the rest of her outfit for a white tight dress.
I was so confused, shocked. I couldn’t give her the satisfaction though. I was mad. I knew what she was doing. Lost for a second with what I was seeing, it suddenly dawned on me that she was going the wrong way.

I gave chase to her. The garage’s lights were dim, but her bright white dress betrayed her as she danced in between parked cars. She kept looking back at me with that shit grin, only interrupted by sudden nervous looks as she ducked every time she thought somebody was nearby. She paused monetarily in the middle of an open lane and nervously looked around. She scanned for me and upon making eye contact, proceed to pull the top of her dress down to expose her breasts. I almost tripped, my face must’ve shown something because she laughed as she fixed herself and full on sprinted to the elevator.

I’m a bigger guy- a little taller than six feet and built like an ebony farmer. She was an athletic swimmer. When she took off at a run, I had no chance. I could hear her sandals slapping against her soles as she sprinted. I swore when I saw her hit the elevator button and cursed again when her smile disappeared behind the elevator doors. She was already on her way when I got to the elevator.
I ran to the stairs and almost rolled my ankles as I stampeded down the steps. I got to the base level of the garage and to my confusion… she wasn’t there. I searched frantically between dozens of cars but I couldn’t find her. Some people gave me questioning looks, but nobody approached me. I started to run to the street thinking she exited the garage but it suddenly came to my realization that maybe she didn’t go “down”… it was just as likely that she went “up”. Annoyed, winded, and aroused, I ran back to the elevator.

There were four levels to the garage. I decided to go all the way up to the top floor. The door opened on to the roof deck. Two or three cars were stretched far part, but aside from that there wasn’t anyone there. The fact that it was evening in combination with the urgent vibe made the whole thing even more ominous (in a sexy way). I turned back to the elevator thinking that perhaps she had jumped off on the third floor and there she was.

She had hidden right besides the elevator and was leaning back against the wall with the same grin on her face.
“Took you long enough,” she said.
I was too busy fending off a heart attack , and I was still bitter, so I couldn’t say anything back. She put on a serious face and suddenly spread her legs wide revealing that she had also casted away her underwear. I couldn’t do it anymore. I’m weak. She won. I calmly walked to her and grabbed her by the waist. I pressed my body against hers and pushed her against the wall. We made out furiously for what seemed like forever. I made my way down to her neck as I fumbled looking for the zipper on the back of her dress. It was then that I realized that she had not switched to a dress. She had merely pulled her camisole down over her thick, white hips. Once that dawned on me it was jet fuel. I was so turned on…!

I became ravenous. She knew what she was doing. She’s smart. Cunning. Sultry. Sexy. She tried to push me away but I held her. She pushed again and I gave way. She walked away from the railing and ran again towards the corner of the open deck. I chased her this time. She lean over the railing to view the city street below. It was fairly busy. There were people milling about… if they happened to look up they would surely see a girl looking down at them. What they couldn’t see however, was that she had pulled her “dress” up and had exposed herself to just me in invitation. I knew what she wanted. I unbuckled my belt and and unfastened my jeans. The whole ordeal had gone on for about half an hour so I was beyond prepared. I took my member and started to tease her with my head, but she had no interest in that. She turned around, grabbed my erection and pulled me towards her. “Give it to me.”

She didn’t have to say it twice. I flipped her back around and gave her just what she asked for. I dropped everything about me that made me a gentleman and I became feral. The way she grabbed me hard, our anger from the previous argument… this wasn’t a passive romantic ordeal. This was heated, angry, rough and on top of all that- risky.. I drove into her as she watched traffic down below. Biting her lips and often burying her head deep into her arms on the railing. She kept the noise down at first, but I was not having that. I went harder and harder until I could tell it was hard for her to hold it back. She came up from the railing and tried to slip away but I pulled her back making her moan even louder. I wrapped one arm around herand grabbed her exposed neck and pulled her backwards towards me as the other hand played with her clit. She couldn’t hold back anymore and she let out several loud noises. This continued for a little bit more until we heard a car start. Headlights came to life in the distance and we both panicked. She pulled her “dress” back down and bolted for the elevator. I zipped up and ran after her.

She was waiting for me in the elevator, laughing frantically as the color came back to her face. I wasn’t in the mood to laugh. Careful not to touch the floor, I dropped to my knees as the doors closed behind me. I shoved my head underneath her shirt and started kissing her thighs. Her legs parted wider with every kiss that I landed on her. She leaned against the elevator wall and swung a leg over my shoulder and I proceeded to eat her out. I could feel her tremble as I went to town but the moment was short lived when the elevator moved- it had been summoned. We quickly adjusted ourselves and acted normal. When we hit the base floor, nobody was waiting. She went out anyways and when I exited after her, she quickly turned around and tasted herself on my lips. She didn’t kiss me; she deliberately licked my mouth, then led me across the lot.

She was so cunning. Dominant. Bold. She led me- a feral pet only she was able to domesticate, across the lot to another stairwell. I took her there. Picking her up and wrapping her legs around me. I walked up the stairs. Fucking her ferociously hard at every landing. As she desperately tried to mute her cries. It wasn’t until we reached the third floor that we realized that we weren’t alone. When we reached the landing on the third floor, I casually looked up to see that a man had been watching us from a landing above. He ashed his cigarette and casually looked away as we both covered ourselves but he didn’t move. We escaped into the third floor and messed around to the other side.

We made our way down to my car. An hour had gone by and the setting was starting to get busy. I figured we would not finish the ordeal in public but I was wrong. She sat on the trunk of my car- something she knew I hated (it was a nice car), but in this state she could’ve keyed the thing for all I cared. I always backed into my parking spots, so the rear of the car faced a concrete wall. Inspired, I popped the trunk open to use the hatch for privacy and ate her out while she sat in it. We could still be seen, but you’d have to stumble upon us, so there was a little comfort so long we kept it down. I entered her again and gave her everything I could. I knew what would eventually come and I knew I loved the car, but I wasn’t worried about that. I wanted to hurt and pleasure her at the same time. I wanted her to cum. She did.

She squirted. All the exhilaration and sex got to her. She came hard. I pulled out as I felt her rising warmth. She sprayed my chest- soaking me from my shirt down to my erection. I went back in immediately and went hard again until she squirted a couple of times. We didn’t even care about getting caught at that point. We were lost, locked into a feverish glaring contest with no winner.
After we both caught our breaths and fixed ourselves , I took her hand and lead her back to the car like the queen she was. We left shortly after that.

We drove forty minutes or so to go out to dinner; one of us didn’t eat but we were both satisfied from our alternative meal. Our relationship wasn’t the best, but we had amazing sex.




  1. That would be a great experience. Good story. Heated my blood up a hit

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