My Russian Nymph (flash) NSFW

It must have been six weeks after we first met at the bookstore that we met in Hampstead before sunrise for an early morning walk through the Heath. A cold, sunny day was promising to break out across the city. Large swaths of pure black froth were rolling lazily inside a cerulean dome. Alexandria’s arm was linked through mine as we walked slowly through the wide, green, open spaces.

We sat together in the centre of a cast-iron bench at the top of Parliament Hill. I smoked a hand-rolled-cigarette, Alexandria rested her hand on my knee. We did not talk a lot. In fact, apart from a few minor observations about the nature we had seen, I am quite sure we didn’t speak at all.

After observing the landscape for some time – watching trains, tracing the flight of planes, we walked hand in hand back to my apartment in Camden. I made us both cups of tea and toast smothered in butter, and we nestled in next to one another on the sofa, just like back on the hill, sipping tea, nibbling toast, watching an old James Bond film on the telly.

A curious thing happened. We fell asleep on the sofa and did not merely nap but slept for many hours. When I woke up the television had turned to static, and the moon was now high in the sky outside. Confused, I sat up and looked about. The moonlight cut a dramatic angle across the room, directly over the sofa we were sat on. Alexandria remained in the darkness, while I was being bathed in silver light.

I should have already mentioned to you that Alexandria had astonishingly green eyes. Eyes as if Carthusian monks had poured their liquor inside two glass almonds. I used to find myself staring into them uncontrollably, and that evening was no exception. Bundled up on the tattered, brown leather sofa as the moon sat watching us, all I could do was gaze across at the single emerald visible at the side of her sleeping portrait.

I remember the way she turned to face me as she roused from sleep, moving out of the darkness and into the light of the moon. She smiled in a less restrained way to her usual, guarded self. Shifting her hips towards me, she brought her face slowly to mine, kissing me deeply, pushing my head back with the force of her kiss so I was resting with my back to the sofa. Timidly, I bought my hands up to hold her face, brushing several wisps of hair behind her ears as I pulled her close.

I felt her wet tongue flicker inside my mouth as she bit down softly on my bottom lip. Sucking gently, she began purring in a subdued yet undeniably impish manner, sparking an unexpected furnace in the pit of my loins as the noise carried on throughout the space between my eyes. The immediate transformation from her normal submissive self to this highly aroused state was exhilarating to behold, and I felt her entire being rapidly changing as we continued to kiss with greater urgency.

I reached my hands down to her waist, felt her body begin to writhe in an undeniable sign of encouragement; inviting me to touch her wherever I pleased, imploring me to do as I wished. I grasped the back of her thigh, squeezed her leg tight through her trouser leg then brought my other hand up to her cleavage, reaching beneath her white cotton shirt.

An erect nipple hanging down from the centre of her firm breast, she continued to suck my already swollen lip, using her teeth to slowly draw pulsating blood from bottom to top. I gently rolled the hard, aching tip of her nipple between my thumb and finger. A pain in my trousers as my erection caught in my underwear. Alexandria’s body weight pushing down upon it. A small groan escaped my bloodshot lips and she looked at me with a worried expression. I smiled and motioned down to my groin, whereupon, without the slightest suggestion from me, Alexandria stood up and began to strip down to just a tiny, green thong.

She laid her socks, shirt, and trousers down neatly next to the sofa, and then twirled around displaying her impressive body for me to enjoy. Long legs leading to the perfect arch of her supple back, two small dimples above a flawless arse. She appeared before me like a circus performer, effortlessly muscular, consumed with an invisible energy – a wound spring about to explode. Her large breasts, unaware of the force of gravity, hung perfectly in suspended animation, and by the lunar light showering her white skin, I discerned the trickling trace of blueish veins beneath the surface, flowing around her rose coloured nipples like streams thawing upon an Alpine valley.

She kneeled beside the sofa, reaching her hands down to my belt and unbuckling it expertly. When I reached to help, she motioned me away without even so much as a glance. She folded the pair of jeans carefully, laying them on a chair to her before removing each of my socks, folding them too, then placing them on top of the jeans.

Raising her right leg, Alexandria straddled me as she placed her fingers under my t-shirt and pulled it over my head, laying it on the back of the sofa. I brought my hands up to her breasts, squeezed them, staring into her glittering green eyes, unsure of how far I was being taken.

I began to tease her, bringing my mouth to suck on each of her nipples in turn as I ran my fingers slowly up from the bottom of her inside leg. Her body shivered with pleasure as I reached the soft, supple skin of her smooth inner thigh. Taking my right hand, she brought it to her mouth and swallowed my fingers deep into the back of her throat. An abrupt gagging sound made my heart jolt as she gently choked herself, before slowly pushing my fingers down to her breasts, smothering them in stalactites of dripping saliva.

I felt the trace of a beating drum beneath her skin as she dragged my hands down further, across the taught skin of her muscular abdomen. Pulling her tiny green thong to one side she pressed my fingers firmly against the soaking wet parting of flesh she had revealed. And as I began stroking back and forth in a rhythmical motion, I felt my erection wanting.

Lying with my back against the hard sofa, a detached form of pleasure arose as I watched Alexandria progress towards climax. Her entire being focused purely on the intensity of the sensations she seemed almost to be enduring. Her mouth screwed up, an expression of pain smeared across her face, her fingers grasping at her nipples ferociously. They seemed ready to stream with the hot red blood coursing through her veins.

Aroused by how much she was gushing from my caresses, I felt compelled to taste what was by then covering all my hand and wrist. Bringing my fingers to my mouth and sucking them, the taste was both saltier and sweeter than I expected where Alexandria had already ejaculated. I reached back to replenish my fingers in her juices before offering them up to her. She took them greedily, licking all the way down and biting hard before choking herself again, shoving them back between her sticky, sweaty thighs.

I stroked her swollen cliterous and her whole body shuddered violently. I bought my fingers down further, arching my hand and slowly entering her as fluid seeped down the sides of my wrist onto my boxer shorts, blending with the pre-ejaculate already soaking them through.

A painful ache in my testicles – a shooting pain I knew could not be ignored for much longer. Looking up I saw Alexandria’s eye lids begin to flicker as she approached a zenith of sensory pleasure. Pushing deeper inside, I began massaging her inner walls, drawing circles around her cliterous slowly with my other hand, drawing the soft hood up with each motion to reveal her hidden jewel.

I felt my mind pulled into a trance as I focused with greater and greater intensity, a coalescence of Descartes’ dualities unfolding before my disbelieving eyes. Nothing existed other than here and now, there, and then only Alexandria’s body approaching its apex like a holy pilgrim ascending the crest of a mountain.

Just as my hand began to ache with a dull, heavy pain, Alexandria orgasmed in an electric tirade, drowning my bare chest as her body underwent a series of powerful jolts, each more violent than the last.

As the muscles of her body relaxed, she looked down at the mess she had made. And just when the outline of my conservative girlfriend looked to be returning, Alexandria – or rather the nymph that had possessed her – crouched down between my legs and began to lap up her own juices like a kitten on a hot summers day.

With long strokes of her hot tongue, she licked all the way from my belly button to my nipple in an attempt to amass the entirety of her orgasmic mess, sucking it all up into her mouth and swallowing it down into her stomach.

Reaching to my underwear, she brought her wide-open-mouth down to the soaked cotton and started licking at the large, salty patches of pre-ejaculate. My penis throbbed intensely with pain as she carried on sucking at the cloth, silently begging her to put me out of my misery.

Slipping my cum-drenched underwear down my ankles, she took the shaft of my penis in one hand and hovered above me – using her free hand to pull her cum-drenched thong to the side once more. My entire length travelled inside as ecstatic warmth oozed through my body, rippling out from a point of singularity where our bodies had welded to each other’s.

She pushed down, squeezing as much of me into her as possible, then withdrawing like a cork unplugged from a bottle before descending again.

I felt an impulsive urge to make her stop. I knew that there was no way I could possibly withstand another assault. However, as she withdrew a second time, hovering over me with only the trembling crown of my swollen head inside her parted lips, I lost all ability to speak. A chain-reaction began somewhere behind my testicles – an entire galaxy of stars collapsing inwards.

Thrice taken, time temporarily turned to dust. Gasping, I sank my teeth into the soft, white skin of Alexandria’s shoulder as cum erupted from my cock, like lava being spewed from the fiery bowels of the earth into the star strewn heavens high above.
