Sabrina’s Dream. (Chapter 5. I skipped chapter 4 cos only a little bit of sex in it)

It was 5am when Sabrina De Lacey was dropped off outside her trust fund purchased Chelsea townhouse. The sky was getting lighter but she still looked around her cautiously before unlocking her front door

There was five hours to spare before the morning debrief and her inevitable bollocking by Charles Aldenreich and the Director. Getting at least a couple of hours rest seemed like a good idea.

Since working for the group, Sabrina had become used to sleeping and working in shifts and could often catch a couple of hours of shuteye in at any time of day.

As a teenager she had always been a night owl, sneaking out of her dorm room at boarding school to attend parties and meet-ups until the early hours then catching up on catnaps during the lessons with the more lenient teachers when she knew she could get away with handing in another girl’s work.

She stripped off the low cut top and micro skirt which she had worn to the club and flopped into bed naked rolling under her satin bedding and tried to switch off her brain for a while and fall asleep.

She felt a heavy weariness mixed with and irritable restlessness and despite using her normal breathing techniques to quiet her mind, thoughts and images kept intruding: flashes from the nights events. She decided to let them run through her mind one more time.

As a three person team, Sabrina along with Clementine Harris and Jared Glascoe had decided, with the Director’s discretion, to do a “Bait sweep” of several night clubs that their sources suggested might be high risk for V activity.

The way this worked was the three of them got dressed in their best tactical clubbing gear and took turns as bait and back-up.

The first two clubs had proved fruitless, with each baiter having to fend of the attentions of normal drunk or high clubbers without while keeping things low key, but Glascoe had an idea that the female who took James Fleet might revisit McGregors and so at 2am. Glascoe qued up with the other late night revellers while Sabrina and Clemmie Harris stayed in the car parked 100 metres down the road and listened in through their earpieces.

Glascoe made a couple of sweeps giving them occasional short briefings on what he could see. After forty minutes of sipping coke he was getting doubtful that they were going to have any luck that night and was about to head in when he had spotted a probable male eying up a couple of blonde girls.

“Sabrina I’m gonna need to tag you in. I’ve got a Hispanic male. Six two, gothic stylings who likes blondes. Just your type”

She snapped to attention and hurried in, having to sweet talk the bouncer who was unwilling to let any more bodies into the heaving club. When she got through the door she hung back a second and inhaled the Pheromone blocker via the nasal applicator and took note of her time of application as she winced with discomfort.

*half an hour and counting*

She weaved through the dancers keeping alert to hostiles and stood diagonal to Glascoe: an imposing ex special forces operative with striking regimental tattoos covering his massive arms.

“Without making eye contact he hissed “30 metres, on your two. I’d say you’ve got a couple of minutes to intercept”

She glanced in that direction and saw the V.

He was brutishly handsome, wearing an open necked leather shirt exposing dark hair at the top of his toned chest. He was staring at a slutty looking peroxide blonde with bad fake tan, a predator leer on his face. She was playing with her hair and shaking her arse at him as she danced slowly into his sphere.

“No competition here” Sabrina said to

She strode confidentially between them, blocking the V’s view of her peroxide rival.

“Hi there. I really like your shirt. Is it Christian Dior?”

He appraised her hungrily and grinned showing his long canines and carnassials quite blatantly.

“Oh yeah it’s designer alright. Not cheap. Say, what’s your name?”

“Jayne Mansfield”

“Nice to meet you Jayne. Would you care for a drink?”

“Yes please. They’ve got a nice bottle of Dom Perignon behind the bar. I’d like that please”

“Sure. I’ll get that in exchange for a kiss”

She smiled coquettishly and he leaned in towards her. As she inhaled his scent she could feel the intoxication of his predator Pheromone starting to work on her nervous system, but because of the blocking enzyme, its effects were subdued, like drinking watered down wine.

Still it was important that she acted the part so she kissed him back energetically snaking her tongue into his mouth and putting her hands up under his leather shirt and raking his back with her nails.

Satisfied that she was under his spell he glanced at the crowded bar area considering the proposal.

“It’s getting really busy in here. Maybe we should go somewhere quieter” he whispered in her ear huskily.

“It *is* getting really busy in here. Maybe we *should * go somewhere quieter” she replied in the slightly mesmerised drone that was typical of someone under the influence of his predatory glamour.

“Great” he drawled taking her by the hand and leading her out.

Sabrina knew that Glascoe and Harris would have been listening in ready to pursue at a safe distance so she could set up a kill, and that they would already have sent word to Charles and Thaman as back up.

She hailed a taxi as he had bid her and gave him the address of the safehouse on Danver street. On the backseat he continued to kiss her and advance one of his hands under her skirt stroking her upper thigh confident, that she would give up whatever he desired of her.

Then she started to feel her genuine arousal grow and found it more of a challenge to keep the game plan straight in her head. Her thinking was becoming fuzzy and she was only able to concentrate on the touch of his hand on her leg and the feel of his lips on hers.

She shifted in the backseat as her pussy started to moisten and he stroked a finger up between her legs. She chewed on his lower lip and felt that the sensation in every part of her body was becoming more intense.

“Let’s get out here” she found herself saying and took money from her purse to pay the driver, her hands carrying out the actions robotically. They stepped onto the dim street and he pointed out a shaded alleyway after taking in his surroundings.

She led the way unquestioningly and he positioned her how he wanted like she was a willing mannequin desperate for his touch. He reached into her top and released one of her breasts squeezing it and watching the pleasure in her face.

Then he bent her over, she placed on hand ahead on the brick wall to brace herself and her pulled aside her underwear, probing her sopping cleft with his fingers then pushing his cock hard into her from behind. She gasped feeling an electric surge starting between her legs and working its way up her spine. He thrusted hard again and again with one hand on her breast and the other stimulating her clit. The feeling of absolute delectation was rising in her head and she felt his cool kiss on the side of her neck.

*Remember not to come. You know what he’ll do to you at the moment of climax*

She could hear the voice like a whisper in her head, but the here and now, the present moment of blissful sensation was all that mattered. His cock inside her, his fingers on her clit, his mouth on her….


She reached into her bag, swinging loosely from its shoulder strap, using her free hand and touched the smooth metal shape like a glasses case. The feel of its familiar shape pulled her back a little to reality. She opened her eyes slightly and glimpsed movement in the shadows.

*It’s someone on my team with him in their gunsights*

She gripped the metal burnished cylinder and slowly removed it, feeling where her fingers fitted in the depressions. He pulled her roughly by the hips back onto his rock hard cock, impaling her, surging up inside her. She twisted and slammed the weapon into his face squeezing it and releasing the combination of voltaic burst and aerosol Silver particles that they so hated…..

She twitched with a start. She was in her own bed still. Her body was hot and aching all over, muscles heaving. She wetness between her thighs pooling on the satin sheets under her buttocks, dripping from her pussy down into her arsehole.

She had been so close to climaxing in that alley, so close to feeling his bite, and her body still wanted it. Those venomous pheromones were still in her system pushing her erotic buttons like a malfunctioning machine that is stuck on one setting.

She reached down and ran her index and middle fingers over her sticky pussy lips, then she slipped them inside up to the knuckle stretching her tight muscles, she added a third then a fourth and flexed them while thinking about how his cock had felt inside her.
She wanted more and reached into her bedside drawer and took out her favourite dildo: made from glass and moulded from the penis of a rich ex lover who was fantastically endowed but had been impossible to stay with.

She pushed it slowly inside, it’s cold smoothness making her shudder bodily and and even feeling redolent of her savage lover.
She moved it in and out of her greasy tunnel and reached down with the middle finger of her other hand to tease her wet arsehole, pushing the tip inside through the her clenching sphincter.

This pushed her over the edge and she saw white stars flash in front of her eyes. The room span and was sudddenly in many places at once- the moment of penetration with her first lover aged 15, receiving the cane hard across her arse from a sadistic school master, her first suicide attempt at uni aged 19- razor blade and pills in the bath of her halls of residence, at her parents funeral throwing earth into their coffin, fucking Charles Aldenreich in an open field in Devon, crashing her Porsche while high on coke cut with LSD and smashing through the motorway barrier.
She drifted in and out of the fugue state for some time, maybe a minute, maybe an hour, but when the sun shone through the open window and a gentle breeze blew in her curtains, she was able to focus enough to sit up in bed, sip a glass of water and rub her bleary eyes.

Inhaling the fresh air it suddenly occurred to her. *I could have sworn I didn’t open the window.*
