Here and now -part 1 (Fictional but inspired by some real feelings)

Not coming, again. Had I done something wrong? I didn’t know. Just as I didn’t know why I had let myself hope as much as I had. It had been over a month of talking to this guy. I thought we had really clicked. We had chatted online, video called and already shared so much that I thought something might bloom. And I was so over being single to the point that it honestly hurt. We had arranged to meet up. First time was at a Cafe mid-way. I arrived on time…he never came. After waiting 15 minutes I got a text, he couldn’t make it and apologised. I was hurt but said no biggie. He said he’d like to re-schedule in a few days. I agreed. Things happened, right?

This time we agreed on the same time and place. I had once again done myself up all cute with a dash of sexy, just for him. I waited…and waited….and waited. After 30 minutes I just called him. Voice-mail. I said I was here and waiting and if I didn’t hear back in 10 minutes I’d be leaving. 10 minutes later, no reply. I left and felt my heart sink on the train. The moment I stepped off my phone rang. Him… I sighed and answered. He apologised again and said he had forgotten…Forgotten?! I swallowed the lump in my throat and politely said I was hurt. Against my better judgement, I agreed to try one last time. Saturday night at a lovely restaurant, his insistence, saying it was his treat to make it up to me. I couldn’t lie, I was excited. I’d never been wined and dined before. I got dressed up in my sexy red dress, leg slit and everything. I even wore a full face of make-up and my best high heels.

I got to the restaurant, it was packed as always. Reservations were always needed. I gave his name…there was no reservation for him. My heart jumped in my throat. I quickly gave my name instead, thinking he had put mine…nothing. The lump grew bigger. The manager at the desk was sympathetic and sat me at the bar while seeing if there had been a mistake. 10 minutes later…there was no trace of either of us in the system. I called him once. No answer. I waited another 10 minutes, like a wide-eyed child. Nothing. I thanked the manager for their help and left. I called him once more and only got his voice-mail. I left him one, telling him how disappointed I was and I didn’t care what excuse he might have, I deserved better and to not contact me again. I shut off my phone and went home.

The moment I got inside my flat I kicked off the painful shoes and threw my phone in frustration. I went to the balcony and slouched against the railing. I knew he wasn’t worth my time, but I had emotionally invested myself, and now it hurt like hell. My eyes pricked and the tears soon slid down my face. So much for my bomb ass make up. I hadn’t been out there even 5 minutes when a familiar voice whistled out.

“Well damn girl, who’s the lucky guy?”

I smiled despite myself. It was my balcony neighbour, William. Cool guy, easy on the eyes and fun to chill with on those nights we crossed paths on the shared balcony. If it weren’t for us being neighbours and his ambiguous dating life I might have shoot my shot.

“Some asshole not worth my time,” I replied, trying to hide my face in the dying summer light.

“Oh damn, sorry BB,” came his slightly comforting tone with the allocated nickname.

It always confused me why he’d chosen that instead of just Brie as I was known by. But I didn’t mind.

“Like I said, he wasn’t worth it. I’m going to wash this crap off my my face.”

I turned to leave when I heard the railing creak and a soft thud.

“Whoa, hold up there girl.”

I felt him turn me around but I didn’t look up. He wasn’t having it and tilted my chin up. At this point I knew I was screwed. I couldn’t hold back the dam and the tears burst out. William’s usual cheeky emerald gaze now turned stern with concern.

“What did that bastard do?”

“Nothing, he just, he…” I leaned against William and felt him arms envelop me.

“What happened BB?”

“He, he blew me off…again…”


“Three times.”

“Oh fuck. Why the hell did you even try again?”

“Because I thought…I wanted…” I was struggling to finish.

“Come on, let’s get you inside, I think we need a drink.”

Before I knew it we were both on the couch cuddled up with two glasses of Frangelico. I continued to cry and spill everything. The weeks we had talked, the chemistry I thought we had, my desire to find someone, everything. Part of me felt guilty of unloading everything on Will, we had only really talked of lighter topics, always laughing. But I just couldn’t shut up. But he didn’t seem to mind. He’d just take a sip of his drink and ask an occasional question or encourage me to continue when I felt myself start to shutter up. By the time I had finished, it was dark and my voice was hoarse from the crying. Will stayed silent for a few moments before just holding me close and kissing my forehead.

“I’m sorry this had hurt you so much. He didn’t deserve you.”

“Funny how it still feels like I lose,” I whispered.

“It’s a bitch ain’t it.”

“I’m sorry I dumped all this on you and kept you out late. I’m sure your lady friend is wondering where you’re at.”

“Lady friend?” came his bemused reply.

“Yeah, you know, the blonde girl with that constantly wore the black thigh high boots. I saw her on your side of the balcony numerous times not long ago. Never got her name though.”

“Oh you mean Jill. Yeah she was a backpacker just passing through that I let crash on my couch for a week. She’s already moved on.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I had just assumed that you two know..together…”

“Well I’ll admit we fooled around a bit once but nah, nothing like that.”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to pry I just-”

I was cut short by Will’s face being suddenly a breaths away from mine. I could feel my cheeks flush as he brushed a stray hair away before cupping a said cheek.

“You know for a girl that’s done nothing wrong, you apologise way too much.”

I felt my cheeks burn even hotter.

“S-sorry I-”

I was cut off by Will’s lips pressed to mine, his tongue just brushing my bottom lip. He pulled back and his gaze had me frozen in what felt like a trance.

“If you don’t want this, tell me now, otherwise I’m going to do you until you can’t remember that bastards name.”

I was shocked at what had just been said and only managed to swallow hard and pull him back until his mouth was nearly upon mine again but he hesitated.

“Yes?’ he breathed.

“I do, b-but I’m scared,” I managed to rasp out.


“I feel like I’m using you, and that I’ll screw whatever this is up.”

“Oh Brie, we both know that’s not you.”

“But I-”

“Shhhh, enough of that,” he then proceeded to push me back onto the couch.

His mouth was upon mine again, sweet and teasing pecks at first that trailed down my neck that turned into sucks and nibbles. I moaned and arched into his touch. He bit down harder and I let out a gasp that he immediately took in his mouth, licking, flicking and caressing my lips with his tongue until I opened to let him in. Fuck he knew how to kiss. I felt giddy, warm…and wet. By the time we broke for air we were both panting and flushed. He leaned back down and kissed my cheek and jaw as I caught my breath.

“Fuck Brie, your gorgeous.”

I simply smiled and pulled him back down for another kiss. Shit they were addictive. After that he pulled away and stood up, taking me with him.

“Where’s your bathroom?” he asked.

“Just that door there,” I gestured assuming he needed to go quickly.

But he instead took my hand and lead me in.

He grabbed me by the waist and lifted me until I sat on the vanity. He then picked up a make-up wipe and proceeded to gently wipe my eyes.

“You don’t have to-” he kissed me before I could finish.

“Shh, let me, besides, having tear tracks doesn’t go with your complexion,” he chuckled.

I smirked and let him continue his ministrations, enjoying just how comforting and gentle his touch was. I couldn’t help but lean into it. I didn’t realise he’d taken it all off until he had finished and I turned around to check quickly. He stared at me through the mirror before kissing my shoulder.

“There you are…” he whispered “your hair also looks great out like that, you should keep it that way.”

“Hmm maybe I will.”

He smiled and traced a hand lower to my exposed leg.

“Fuck I love these legs, that’s a killer dress slit Brie.”

I couldn’t help but laugh.

“It’s definitely the highest I’ve ever gone on one.”

“Well you look damn fine.”

He leaned in and whispered something that made me shiver.

“I wonder it you taste as good as you look…”

He proceeded to push the skirt up and part my legs. His strong hands tracing slowly up my thighs giving me goose bumps. Fuck he was good. He pressed his face into the fabric of my panties and breathed out in a way that had me trembling.

“Fuck Brie, you’re intoxicating.”

I tried to speak but only managed a small moan as he began to kiss my thighs and nibble and lick up and down them, it was beautiful torture. He was teasing me and he knew it. And I was delightfully helpless. He continued to kiss me while massaging and firmly squeezing my legs that had me gasp and trying to press myself into him, but Will held me in place and smirked.

“Patience sweet thing, we’ll get there.”

“Last time I checked that had been worn out already.”

“Touche,” he whispered while tracing a finger over my panties, making me jump at the contact.

He then slid the lacy garment so very slowly off me, his hands brushing against my legs the entire way. Once off he examined them and the clear wet patch with a cheeky smile.

“Very nice,” he teased “think I’ll hold onto these.”

“Well those weren’t cheap so I’ll be requesting the forty doll-AH!”

My mind went blank as he cupped my pussy and sucked on my neck. My head rolled back as he stroked up and down my slit and encircled my clit again and again. Fuck, I could feel myself gushing in anticipation. I felt his lips trail down to kiss and lick the top of my breasts and bite down on a nipple through the fabric. I groaned and whimpered as he then settled back down between my thighs and just pressed his tongue to my clit. I bit down on my lip and ran my hands through his hair and gripped his broad shoulders. He chuckled before lazily licking up and down my slit and darting his tongue just between my lips.

“Oh fuck Will,” I moaned “please…ah!”

At that moment I felt his tongue sweep over my clit before diving deep into my sex. Had he not been holding my hips I’d have fallen off the vanity. I held on for dear life as he tongue fucked me deep and hard, curling up every so slightly that had me barely suppressing a cry as he stroked me. I dug my fingers into his shoulders as he pulled away and proceeded to draw my clit into that wicked mouth and suck on it. My hips bucked against him and my vision blurred as I felt my pussy throb and contract. I was almost panting in frustration.

“Will! I’m gonna…I’m about to…mmmm!”

But just as I was about to climax he suddenly pulled away. I almost wept in despair and tried to pull him back in. His breath was laboured and his eyes were hooded. Fuck he looked so damn hot.

“Tell me you want it Brie. Say you want me,” he rasped.

“Please Will, I want to cum. I want YOU to make me cum!” I half screamed half begged.

He gave me a boyish grin before kissing me hard and desperately while sliding a finger inside my sensitive flesh and pressing against my g-spot. I groaned and whimpered against his mouth before breaking away to kiss his jaw and return the favour on his neck. I sucked and teethed the skin before blowing into his ear. I felt his whole body nearly convulse and he pulled he flush against his chest and inserting a second finger, the thickness stretching my pussy that made me want to fuck myself down on it. He plunged faster and harder and just when I thought it couldn’t get better the devilish bastard managed to rub my clit with his thumb at the same time.

“Fuck Will YES!” I clawed at his back and thrust against his hand until I all but screamed out my release that had me all but collapse in a heap and heave for breath.

Will slouched over me not much better, we had both begun to sweat but holy shit he wore it well. Hercules could take a hike! Once we had caught our breath he pulled me back in and kissed my forehead while rocking us ever so slightly. I was still coming down from the euphoria that I didn’t hear him talk to me.

“Hmm?” I replied lazily.

“I said, you ok?”

“Oh yeah.”

He laughed at that before pulling back to kiss me before suddenly looking quite serious as he stroked my cheek.

“Now,” he breathed “where’s the bedroom?”…………

…………..To be Continued…………..
