The Coffee Crew: Chapter 6: Doctor, Doctor! [FTT][sci-fi][Futa][buk]

Debra’s phone call from work was certainly a surprise to Virginia, the sound of the woman’s slightly exhausted tone through the phone’s speaker was both a welcome joy and a concerning worry.

“I’m fine, I promise, I just wondered if there was a doctor that you had in town that knew about your condition?”

Virginia sighed softly as she recanted her previous statement through the cell phone to her friend, “Two. Weeks. Two weeks and you call up asking about my doctor? Not, a ‘Don’t worry, I’m not hooked on drugs or out being kept against my will by some psychopath’, just ‘hey, who knows about your di-’,” Virginia stopped mid-sentence and checked to see if her office door was open. Naturally, it was closed, but still, it probably would not have mattered if it was open and her phone call was playing over the PA system since most of the office now knew about Virginia’s condition. Oddly enough, most of the office paid no mind to it, as if it were normal for most women to have a huge, floppy cock between their thighs, but luckily only one person seems to be teasing her about the incident and that happens to be Kim, the intern, who might or might not have a thing for her.

“Virginia… You’re spacing out again…” Debra’s voice shook Virginia from her distant thoughts with a bit of annoyance lurking in her tone, “Listen, I just need an appointment with your doc.”

Virginia shook her head as she tried to wrap her head around the request Debra was asking of her. Why? Why her doctor? Why now? Was Debra alright? Every question leading to another as Virginia placed her head in her unoccupied hand as her elbow rested on her desk. “Why do you need to see my doctor?”

“Well, Virginia, let me ask you something…”

There was a long pause on the line, Virginia waited a moment, tension building within as Debra’s side of the phone was silent for longer and longer before Virginia chimed in, “Yes?”

“Vee, have you… Have any of your previous, uh, previous lovers ever, ummm, grown a…”

Virginia tried to piece together what Debra might have been trying to ask her. Grown what? A second head? Horns and a tail? A di-…

“No way,” Virginia’s eyes flew open in astonishment, her heart thundering in her chest as she thought about her friend having a fem-cock just like her own, “no fucking way, Debra. There’s no way you’re going to sit here and tell me you have a fucking cock!”

The line remained silent after Virginia’s exclamation, the mood rising as Virginia ran her hand through her long blonde hair in astonishment, “Oh my God, I made you grow a dick…”

Debra breathed a soft sigh of relief, her tone shifting to one of comfort as she tried to calm Virginia down, “Now Vee, just calm down, I’m sure there’s an explanation for it. Like I said, I think we need an appointment with your doctor to figure this out. Cause anytime I try to look this shit up on the internet its just porn, sex stories, and really… interesting… comics.”

Virginia tried to imagine Debra with a dick, the sight of the athletic, almost muscular, brunette with a hard cock sent a spasm of excitement down Virginia’s spine and right into the tip of her own cock as it nestled comfortably inside her tight slit thanks to the generous amount of medical tape holding it in. Debra simply nodded at the thought as her lips curled into a devious grin, even despite the obvious thought of worry that was lingering somewhere at the back of her mind.

“Okay, her name is Doctor Sophia Winters, she is a really great doctor, and she’ll be very interested in your – condition! I’ll set up the appointment because I really want to be there for you.”

Debra chuckled nervously as Virginia mentioned being at the appointment with her, but a soft sigh of relief slipped from her lips as she heard that the doctor was a woman. She honestly didn’t know how she would have been able to comfortably explain her issues to a male doctor but put the worrying thought out of her head as she thanked Virginia once again and hung up the phone. Her body finally relaxing back onto her living room sofa as she looked down her body to the throbbing bulge that filled her running shorts. The entire ordeal was driving her crazy, she was happy to finally be able to tell Debra, but she silently chastised herself for not having decided to reveal her circumstances earlier. It seemed so much easier now that Virginia knew, almost as if nothing had happened; as if she hadn’t grown a big, throbbing hunk of fuck meat…

Still, Debra smiled softly as she rubbed her hand over the bulge and sighed with a twinge of pleasure shooting up through her body. Soon, she’d be able to see Virginia again, and the idea of being able to show Virginia her cock entered her mind. The idea of how much bigger Virginia would be, they could compare, and maybe Virginia would laugh at how silly Debra had acted.

Only a day had passed since the phone call, Virginia sat in her Jeep just outside her doctor’s office waiting for Debra with a big smile on her face. A glance at her phone told that Virginia had shown up almost thirty minutes early to the appointment, which only made her chuckle as she shook her head at her own silly, giddy enthusiasm to see her friend. Virginia herself had not been to the visit Doctor Winters in a while, her lips letting out a girlish giggle as her thoughts drifted away to the last visit she had with Winters. The contrast of the cool examination table below her and the hot mouth of Sophia Winters wrapped around her thick cock was certainly a reason to visit more often. The good Doctor always insisted on getting a “sample” from the source directly when Virginia visited, two samples actually, sometimes three or four, but no matter how many times Virginia came at the hands (or lips, or tongue, or anything else the Doctor has to offer…) she always left the office exhausted. Even now, she could already feel the medical tape straining against the skin of her thighs, struggling to hold her dick down. Virginia was almost ready to pull her member out for a quick jerk before she was interrupted from her trance-like state by Debra who simply smiled at her friend through the Jeep’s driver-side window. Virginia felt like she had not seen her friend in years, she shrieked with joy as she scrambled to open the door and leaped out to embrace the raven-haired woman as she exclaimed, “Dammit, Debra! You can’t disappear like that on us again! I swear, if I have to hunt you down and beat you to a pulp, I will…”

Debra honestly could not tell if the last part of her friend’s threat was in jest or a legitimate concern she should now deal with. They both smiled, Virginia took a quick glance around to check for onlookers, and then pressed her lips firmly against Debra’s as they embraced. The feeling of Virginia’s soft lips against her own sent jolts of electricity, comfort, and pleasure through Debra’s very soul. Their eyes closing as they submitted to one another, Virginia’s hands moving down past Debra’s hips to rest on the brunette’s shapely ass before giving it a firm squeeze. Both girls giggled and Debra softly whispered into her lover’s ear just above the din of traffic a few yards away, “Come now, we can have fun AFTER we figure out why I sprouted a dick.”

Virginia nodded and they broke their embrace, both turning and moving towards the rather large office building that looked like it was being cleared out thanks to Doctor Winter’s brilliant idea of requesting they meet after regular business hours. Virginia led Debra through the main lobby towards a bank of elevators, smiling towards the older man who was sweeping the floor nearby as they waited for the elevator to descend from above. The building itself seemed to be rather comforting compared to what Debra had imagined. If it weren’t for the fact that she was going to see a doctor somewhere above this first floor, she would have mistaken the entire building for an art gallery. Stone sculptures, paintings, and a simple ease of tensions throughout that calmed Debra’s worried mind.

It was not long before Debra and Virginia were walking into the very office of the Doctor they had come to see, the lobby empty, the receptionist already was gone, and the only light on was a distant desk lamp just barely visible from the foyer.

“Doctor Winters?”, Virginia called out.

“Virginia! One moment, I’ll be right there!”, called out a rather sultry voice which dripped with a fading Melbourne accent.

The first surprising thing that Debra saw was the way the Doctor bounded from the lit office with a pair of 2-inch heels like a track star would wearing Pumas, not to mention the fact that the Doctor was wearing a very tight mini skirt that came to her mid-thigh, and if not for the lab coat and stethoscope, Debra might mistake this blonde haired beauty for a supermodel or an actress. She was certainly much different from what she had expected of a Doctor that Virginia might enjoy, the woman before her was far from buxom, in fact, Sabrina might have had more curves, but Winters was more of an elegant beauty. Toned, skinny, but not a rail thin bimbo. Like if Yvonne Strahovski and Nathan Fillion had an illegitimate love child. Debra shook the thought from her head as she quickly made herself look presentable and professional with a back-handed brush of her front.

“Oh my God! Virginia, you look simply ravishing! I haven’t seen you in forever! You haven’t been cheating on me, have you?”, Sophia Winters smiled cheekily as she wrapped her arms around Virginia’s waist and pulled her close, pressing her full, plump lips to Virginia’s and only breaking the embrace after she remembered that they were not alone.

“Terribly sorry! You’re Debra, right?”, Winters turned with a big smile towards Debra, extending her hand to the brunette, “I’m Doctor Sophia Winters, I’ve heard a bit about the circumstances, and I’ll be more than happy to help us all figure this thing out.”

Debra smiled and took the woman’s hand, noting the incredible physique the woman carried. Slender, athletic, yet still curvy. Her bright blue eyes looked like they had been photoshopped into her head, as they sat behind a pair of slender reading glasses that hung gingerly from the bridge of her nose.

“Well, let’s get you to an examination room. Tell me, Debra, when was the last time you and Virginia had sex?” Winters question was posed as she turned back towards the hallway she had just emerged from, moving towards the first door on the right and leading the two women into the room after turning on the light. Debra was a bit taken aback as she blushed brightly and thought about how long it had been.

“Two weeks I believe, maybe three,” Debra answered as she entered the exam room and seated herself on the exam table while Virginia crossed the room and took a seat next to a small desk in one corner.

“My, my, and that was the last time you engaged in sexual intercourse at all?”

Debra’s blushing cheeks shone brighter as she averted her gaze, “No, my last time was two days ago.”

A devious smirk crossed Doctor Winter’s lips as she turned back to Virginia, “Uh-oh, let’s hope you knew about this little escapade.”

Virginia shook her head at the doctor’s jibe, shrugging her shoulders as she spoke, “It certainly is news to me, but I’m okay with it. I certainly don’t own Debra.”

Winters nodded to her Virginia before turning back to the patient, “So, when did you start noticing your symptoms?”

Debra thought a moment before answering, recounting the few days of feverish tossing and turning in bed, the burning need to orgasm, and finally finished with a soft sigh as she told of how she finally grew the courage to inform Virginia after her tryst with her assistant. Winters simply listened, a soft smile on her face as she made notes on a small steno pad, and then when the story was over, she flashed another cheeky smile as she looked to Debra, “Alright, let’s have a look at you, go ahead and strip down.”

Debra nodded, standing and moving her hands to the belt that held up the awkwardly baggy jeans she had worn to hide the very thing she was about to show off. Both Virginia and Doctor Winters waited patiently, watching as Debra slid the baggy jeans down her legs past a pair of compression shorts, and when Debra pushed the thin fabric of the shorts down, she stood up in the middle of the exam room with her already stiff cock hanging lewdly in the air. Virginia stared wide-eyed at the member attached to her friend, it was gorgeous and naturally uncut. Its length held a single throbbing vein that Winters couldn’t help but giggle at. Debra quickly covered herself, at the sound of the Doctor’s giggle, but was quickly reassured.

“My apologies, Debra, I was just remembering the first time I saw Virginia’s cock, and I couldn’t help but compare you two. Well, shall we get started?”

After pulling a pair of examination gloves from her desk and slipping them on, Doctor Winters sat on the small rolling stool and wheeled herself close to Debra’s bare bottom half. Debra said nothing as the blonde beauty briefly examined the shaft of her cock, gently gripping the rod and maneuvering it to different angles before nodding and giving a soft “Hmmm” of interest. Winters nodded softly and then held the she-cock up against Debra’s ab ladened chest, noting quietly that the woman’s pussy was still intact.

“It all still functions normally, yes?”

“Errr… Yes, I mean, I can now pee standing up, but I haven’t had my period since it grew,” Debra sounded like she was answering a simple questionnaire on coffee and not talking about how her dick worked.

“Any sensitivity in either area?” Winters asked as she gently ran her finger over Debra’s slit which caused her to gasp softly in surprise and pleasure.

“Y-Yes. It used to be that my dick was too sensitive to wear clothes, I’d cum just from trying to put on panties,” Debra said as she could already feel her body grow warm and her breath grow quicker from the stimulation. Winters gave a soft, thoughtful nod as she reached up and gripped Debra’s shaft, stroking her thumb along the underside of it as she looked past the throbbing rod to the Brunette’s soft green eyes, the Doctor’s lips letting out a soft purr as she handled the she-cock in one hand, “and now?”

Debra’s whole body tensed up as she was teased, to think that this examination was anything less would’ve been foolish, but still, Debra bit her bottom lip ever so firmly before answering the Doctor’s question, “It’s m-much less sensitive now.”

Winter’s lips cocked a grin as she squeezed her grip about Debra’s shaft and gave her a few firm tugs before letting go. Virginia couldn’t help but stare at the impressive cock that was growing out of her friend, her lips slightly ajar, her eyes wide, but she felt almost relieved at the revelation that her friend was not dying. Debra might have protested at Virginia’s relief, but as Virginia watched the Doctor tease her friend, all she could do was smile and sigh.

“So, Doctor Winters, is the patient going to live?” Virginia asked half-jokingly as Winters rubbed her glove clad thumb over the head of Debra’s cock.

“Hmmm? Oh, yes, of course, she is, but as to how she grew such a splendid thing… No clue,” Winters smiled to Virginia as she stood up, turned, and carefully removed her gloves before moving to make notes on her pad, “The only thing that can be said for certain is that it is a genetic change, in order to find out more I’d need blood samples from both you and Debra, but I can’t even begin to make a detailed guess at what it might be.”

Virginia nodded as she thought for a moment, then turned back to see Debra standing rather uncomfortably in just her shirt and shoes, “Doctor, can I put my clothes back on?”

“Oh not yet, darling, I need a sample from you!”

Virginia chuckled as she remembered the amount of samples that the Doctor usually requested of her, were it not for her curiosity and the fact that Doctor Winters had turned her mischievous grin on her, Virginia might have left the exam room to wait outside, “Since you’re here as well Virginia, you might as well join her.”

It was now Virginia’s turn to blush as she looked to Debra and shrugged her shoulders, “I might have forgotten to mention that she enjoys getting samples from me.”

Debra started to giggle until she felt the warm hands of Doctor Winters wrap about her shaft as the blonde’s lips moved close to her own and they began to kiss in a passionate embrace. The feeling of Sophia’s lips against hers reminded Debra of how soft Virginia’s felt when they first kissed, the jolt of sensation coursing through her body was much the same but combined with the soft, slow strokes of the seasoned hand of Doctor Winters, Debra could barely contain herself. Out of the corner of her eyes, Debra could make out Virginia’s body as she stripped her own clothes off. Even as Virginia pulled down her jeans, before having a chance to release the medical tape that held her cock firmly between her thighs, the massive rod decided it was the perfect time to break free from its prison, and Debra watched as the thick slab of fuck stick jumped up into the air.

Virginia quickly pulled the remnants of tape from her shaft before stepping next to Debra and catching Sophia’s attention. The Doctor needed no invitation as she quickly wrapped her hand around Virginia’s throbbing length and began to stroke in tempo with her other hand which had built up a good pace sliding along Debra’s shaft. She worked masterfully as she quickly transferred her kissing lips and exploring mouth from Debra’s assaulted lips to Virginia’s eager pair.

Both of the big dicked women were breathing heavily in a matter of moments, their bodies eager for release as the Doctor’s hands slid feverishly along their stiff rods. Sophia flashed them both a sly smile before dropping to her knees on the sterile tile of the exam room, her eyes glazed with lust as she opened her mouth wide and let her tongue hang lewdly for a moment before slowly moving to Debra’s tight pussy. The feelings of the skilled tongue teasing her slit momentarily was nothing compared to the shockwaves of pleasure that Debra was barely able to manage when Sophia slid her tongue upwards along the bottom of her stiff she-cock. The brunette let out a yelp of ecstasy as she felt her body shake and could already feel her orgasm close at hand. Sophia quickly stopped her assault on Debra only to reach her hand to the base of the saliva moistened shaft and grip tightly. Debra felt her entire body going crazy, she had to cum, why wouldn’t Sophia let her cum? The only answer she received from Doctor Winters was a kiss to the swollen purple head of her cock before moving to slide those same lips down over Virginia’s bulbous head and down along her thick length.

Debra could only pant as she awaited permission to cum, her eyes narrowed into slits as she looked to Virginia who was on the verge of her own orgasm and Sophia showed no signs of letting up as her lips slid along the throbbing shaft. Her throat concave, lips clutching tightly as she kept her grip tight on the base of both shemales cocks. Finally, as if an eternity had passed, Winters sat back on her legs and stuck her chest forward, smiling as she looked up and nodded, “I’ve tortured you enough, you both may cum now.”

Virginia and Debra’s hands both shot to their own cocks, gripping them tightly and stroking furiously as they moaned out into the exam room before shooting thick streamers of cum into Doctor Winters’ open mouth. They both sighed heavily and watched in awe as the blonde beauty kneeling before them tried her best to catch every drop, but failing miserably and only succeeding in coating her face in a generous amount. When both loads were finished Sophia quickly stood and moved to her desk, retrieving two specimen cups into which she shoveled the hot cum into with a hungry gaze. Debra and Virginia however simply leaned back against the exam table, cocks hanging lewdly in the air, and panting as they both kissed one another passionately.

Debra felt as though this was exactly what she had been missing, the touch, the scent, the sight of Virginia. She felt so happy being close to the woman whom she had only been around for a few months, but still, it was a perfectly content happiness she felt. Debra pulled her lips from Virginia’s as Sophia turned back to them, “Now, now, are you two ready to start without me? Or can I join in as well?”

Sophia giggled as she moved towards the pair and pushed Debra onto her back, taking charge as she whispered into the brunette’s ear, “relax and enjoy the show, Virginia and I will take good care of you.”
Without more warning than those few words, Sophia reached between them, gripping Debra’s steadily hardening cock, and angled it upwards as she slowly slid herself down onto the she-cock. Sophia’s lips opened wide as she let out a staggered moan, her body shuddering from the first few inches as Virginia moved behind the pair. Slowly at first, Debra watched as Sophia’s body gently undulated against her own body, their eyes gazing longingly into one another as Sophia began to speed up her bouncing. Virginia watched the two with earnest before moving behind Winters and positioning her thick she-cock between Debra’s thighs, pressing the bulbous, cum-covered tip of her cock into her friend’s tight pussy ever so slowly. Debra’s eyes shot wide open as she felt Virginia’s dick enter her, she felt as though her entire body were now complete, as if before this something had been missing, and all she could do in this moment of exquisite pleasure was to moan loudly as she grabbed Sophia by the hips and thrust up hard into her.

Sophia, Debra, and Virginia were now a single, sweaty, moaning, thrusting, undulating entity of sexual desire. Sophia’s body was nothing more than a sex toy for Debra who was once again on the edge of yet another exquisite orgasm as Virginia’s cock pounded her tight slit hard and fast. Nothing romantic, nothing passionate, this was animalistic. Debra groaned and moaned, gnashing her teeth as she fought off her impending orgasm for a while longer. Virginia, however, was enjoying every moment as she reached up to Doctor Winters’ ass and gave it a hearty slap which resounded in the exam room like a gunshot followed by a squeal of excitement from Sophia who rode Debra’s cock a bit faster.

Debra let out a primal cry of lust as she thrust up into Sophia hard, pressing herself deep into the Doctor as she began to cum and cum. Debra could feel the hot waves of sperm splashing against the insides of the blonde bombshell riding her and then could only marvel at the sensation of the hot seed overflowing out onto her shaft as Sophia stopped her bouncing to experience an orgasm of her own. Virginia was moments behind the couple in front of her as they all cried out, Debra’s already tight slit was now constricting around V’s fat cock as it pounded in and out, milking the fem-cock for everything it had. With a grunt and one last hard push, Virginia began to empty her own seed deep into Debra who was now simply panting and moaning in exhaustion atop the exam table.

“My goodness, surely you two aren’t exhausted already? I was hoping for a Round Three,” Winters chuckled through heavy breaths as she slid a hand up into her wavy blonde tresses and pushed them back behind her ear.

Virginia smirked as she knew exactly what was to come next with a threat like that, her hands quickly shot to Sophia’s toned thighs, lifting her body off of Debra and on to her own as she held the Blonde against her chest and positioned herself so that her cock pressed against the Doctor’s tight asshole. Debra slowly regained her own strength as she sat up, noticed the strategically spread body of Sophia as she was held by Virginia, and with one hand wrapped around the base of her cock for stability, she stood up and pressed the tip of her own fuckstick against Sophia’s tight slit.

“W-w-wait a minute, Virginia, remember what happened l-last time. T-t-take it slow, please, Virginia. Please!”

Virginia’s and Debra’s eyes met and they both grinned as Virginia dropped the Doctor onto their cocks, impaling the blonde ruthlessly as Sophia could only howl in a mixture of pleasure and pain. They had only gone in a few inches, but Virginia had good enough sense not to force too much into her playthings all at once, and with a good deal of teamwork from Debra, both shemales gripped their new sex toy and began to thrust into her hot, begging holes.

Sophia herself was astonished at the sexual abilities that the two women buried inside her possessed. Their hips thrusting wildly and powerfully, their cocks harder than before they had cum the first time, and not to mention the fact that they were unstoppable made her mind explode with ecstasy as she cried out in lustful bliss,“Oh! Fuck! Yes, more! Please use me!”

The two cocks hammered their way in and out of Sophia’s tight slit and ass, pumping vigorously as they both moaned with every thrust into the ever tightening holes. Debra’s hips were shaking more from her legs’ lack of strength than from her willing them to thrust forward, she felt as though she were almost at the end of her abilities. Debra desperately wanted to cum but did not know if her legs would last long enough to let her. Virginia felt much the same, but she was used to the endurance sessions that Doctor Winters put her through. Debra groaned louder and louder with every thrust into Sophia’s tight slit as her body urged her on into another orgasm, the slow building of pressure in her body felt like it was about to erupt as she felt Sophia’s body instinctively tighten around her invading dick. Sophia’s and Debra’s eyes met for a single moment, Sophia’s face riddled with uncontrollable pleasure as she gripped Debra’s shoulders tightly, pushing her nails into the brunette’s skin.

When Sophia shrieked out her cry of pleasure, tightening every bit of her body in orgasmic spasm, neither cock was able to hold back the flood of seed that was bursting forth from their tips. Debra was the first to cum, pushing her cock as deep as it would go into Sophia’s body, pressing firmly against her cervix as her gooey white cum filled the Doctor’s womb. Virginia was only seconds behind as she pressed her body hard against Sophia’s, pushing their bodies against Debra’s, and all the while filling Sophia’s tight asshole with a torrent of hot sticky cum.

All three women laid against each other as they breathed heavily, panting lewdly as they came down from their ecstatic high. Debra’s body felt completely numb as she held Sophia’s body against her own, she was surprised that she hadn’t collapsed from how tired her legs were, but it seemed that Virginia was helping her in that endeavor. As if she had not just been filled to the brim by two huge cocks twice, Doctor Sophia gently pressed back against Virginia, letting Debra’s cock slip from her, and then gently eased Virginia’s cock from her ass before quickly moving towards her desk and pulling out a pair of panties which she slipped on promptly. The two shemales watched in awe as the Doctor quickly flashed them a smile after writing a quick line on her notepad, “Growth does not impair mobility or hinder sexual performance. I believe we should get this tested to see if it is indeed something contagious or if this particular condition targets certain subjects. Seeing as how I’ve been exposed to Virginia for a while, I don’t think this is something we need to worry about spreading like wildfire, but just in case. Debra, Virginia, please remember to wear condoms, just to be safe.”

The matter-of-fact tone in Doctor Winters’ voice threw Debra and Virginia off guard, making them both erupt into a fit of exhausted giggles before standing and dressing. After their “thank yous”, schedules for follow-ups, kisses, and “goodbyes”, Debra and Virginia both walked from the office hand-in-hand with soft sighs of enjoyment slipping from their lips. “My goodness, I didn’t think I’d have that much fun at a Doctor’s Office.”

Virginia smiled at Debra’s comment, gently rubbing her thumb over the back of Debra’s hand, “Now, you’ll just have to tell the rest of the gang about your ‘new toy’,” Virginia snarkily chuckled as she gave Debra a sideways glance. Debra stopped in her tracks a moment before looking to Virginia with a soft gaze of worry before dispelling it when she saw Virginia’s warm smile, Debra’s lips curled into a smile as she nodded and continued walking, “I’m sure Barbara will be more than happy to have a second dick around.”



  1. After four years you’d think I’d have figured out this formatting thing, eh, we’ll just chalk it up to how much Reddit hates writers. So! I bet y’all thought I was dead! Nope, acting. It’s finally here, another chapter in my little smutty series, and by God, it’s been a hellish ride. Thank you guys for reading it, thank you even more if you enjoyed it, but most of all, thank you for being awesome.

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