“What am I doing” ducking in the moaning room. “It’s not like he is going to take me seriously” slumping over to catch her reflection in the window. “Unless..” after a few minutes of stripping out of her clothes Clarissa reached into her purse. Letting out a big sigh, “..this works” using her reflection once again to dawn the mood swing lipstick that was wrapped in a note. “Will look at that note after (catching her reflection in her new clothes).. I’ll leave the tie to complete the look” Clarissa chuckled as she headed for the door. “Ok, Clarissa here goes” giving herself a short pep talk before entering the news office again. “No one is looking? Cum on now seeing a girl with all this (after making some crazy hand gestures, one reporter was headed her way)..” “Excuse me” as he shuffled on by. “..What? How? Why.. I thought if I wore these clothes then I would..” being interrupted one more time. “Excuse me cuming through.. oh and if you’re planning on seeing the boss, well ah he is on the war path” the reporter mentioned in passing.
Staring down the Chief Editors door, “I can do this (still thinking she had something to adjust before entering the dragon’s den) I can do..” Entering her bosses office was a lot less scary then she thought, even having him put her on hold with a wave of his finger. “Blah blah blah, yes what do you want” Raz said clearly not interested in the conversation he was having. “You see I found this article and I was wondering.. couldIstartitagain” those words came tumbling out of her mouth. “Yes. I said yes..” he started butt that was all she needed to hear. “Now what did you want!” Raz turned butt Clarissa was gone, “Some times I feel like a under paid babysitter!” The sound of papers hitting the wall resounded through the reporters section.
The bang on the door grew louder by the second, “Ahh, I’m cuming.. well not anymore thank you..” the last part being a whisper as Angie sucked her girl juice’s from her fingers. Hearing the locks unlock, seeing the handle start to turn, busting through the door. Clarissa tackled Angie, still wearing the tie, the stockings, the Teddy and even her heels. Catching Angie totally off guard as her skinny ass hit the ground. Clarissa went for the passionate kiss right away, groping her double D’s with one hand and jacking Angie’s ass with the other. “We (smooch) need (biting Angie’s lower lip) to (going for a sloppy kiss) cele(lips starting to drift down)brate” Clarissa said in between kisses. Before Angie could confirm anything Clarissa’s lips tagged hers. “Ohh (hips bucking) fuckkk Mmm Mmmm.. … OooohOooohOooohOoooh..” Clarissa massaging Angie’s asshole, tongue plunged into Angie’s sweet sweet depts. Sucking on Angie’s clit as more orgasms came tumbling down. Each one being timed perfectly with the depth of Clarissa’s tongue, the flick at the end, the forceful way Clarissa’s tongue glided along the roof of Angie’s pussy. “Ohh fuckkk yeaaa yeaaaaaa Mmmmmmmmm” never before has anybody massaged Angie’s asshole the way Clar is. Wanting to grab her head, force her back up to her lips butt at the same time force her to keep on licking, plunging and massaging her asshole. Clutching her legs, pulling on her tits, “You’re such a fucking (stomach tightened up) bitc(hips bucking hard)h Ooooh fuckkk yesssssssss Ooooh (feeling the pressure) fuck you Mmm Mmmm fuckkk.. (the feeling of ecstasy filling her bum) OooohOooohOooohOoooh OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss OooohOooohOooohOoooh..” Angie moaned. “Fuck girl (kissing Clarissa) you definitely know how to get me to cum” shaking the Aftershock away as the cum seeps out.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/fty1y6/wet_dreams_university_25_hidden_gem_dream_master