Snowy The Fairy [mf][fantasy][nc]

It was nearing dusk on a summer’s day in the Veil Forest, the time when fairies would emerge from hiding. One such fairy was Snowy. She stood 25 centimeters tall, with short vibrant blue hair and orange butterfly wings, feathery antennae, and honey-colored eyes that always looked a bit sad. She had no need for clothing in this weather, and was enjoying the warm breeze on her skin when she heard someone crying. It was coming from the edge of the forest, which bordered a small human town. The further from the deep forest, the less safe for a fairy, but Snowy’s curiosity got the best of her. She fluttered steadily toward the sound, looking for its source.

It was a human girl weeping. Eyes shut tight, she was leaning against a tree and clutching an empty jar against her chest. There was a colorful kerchief over her hair and she wore a pretty dress, strange attire for a walk in the woods. Snowy’s curiosity grew, and she hovered as near as she dared. This human didn’t seem dangerous, though. She was not very big, and not a hint of malice could be detected in her heart.

“Why are you crying?” Snowy asked.

The girl opened her eyes and beheld Snowy floating before her. Her mouth dropped open.

“A real life fairy,” the human gasped, and Snowy smiled slightly.

Then, before Snowy could even fathom what was happening, the girl had reached out and trapped her inside the empty jar.

“This will be the best birthday present ever!” the girl exclaimed excitedly, and started running back to town.

“Stop!” Snowy yelled, but her voice was lost in the closed jar.

The human ran until she reached the back porch of a house. There she stopped and removed her kerchief, then used it to wrap the jar up like a gift. She rang the doorbell, blissfully unaware of the fairy’s protests. A young man with black hair answered.

“Hey, Sammy,” he greeted.

“Hi Cameron. Happy 18th birthday!” she gushed.

“Thanks, but the party’s over now. If you’re looking for your brother, he already went home.”

“Oh, that’s okay. I just wanted to give you a present. I found it in the woods. It’s really special, so don’t open it until you’re alone,” Sammy said, proudly presenting the wrapped jar.

“Ah, Sammy, you didn’t have to do that. Thank you.”

“Well, I have to go home before my parents freak out. Bye bye!”

Sammy ran off, and Cameron closed the door and headed to his room. He sat down at his desk and opened his present. Snowy pressed against the glass. He froze.

“Let. Me. Out,” Snowy mouthed.

Recovering, he picked up the container and peered closely at the fairy within. He turned it this way and that while Snowy stumbled around inside. He held it up above him and stared at her from underneath. She sensed something dark in his gaze, and a chill ran through her. She had made a terrible mistake. Sammy was innocent, but she had delivered Snowy into impure hands, hands that were now unscrewing the lid of the jar. Snowy uttered a spell to make herself invisible, but too late. He knew she was there, and his calloused fingers closed tightly around her body, breaking her concentration and the spell.

Cameron lifted her out and held her with one hand while he broke off a few pieces of tape from the dispenser nearby. He pressed her down on the desk on her back, then taped her wings to the surface while she squirmed.

“Let me go!” she yelled.

“Why?” he asked.

“I want to go home!”

“But you are home,” he said and smiled. “Sammy gave you to me.”

“Only because she doesn’t know any better.”

“Well, what’s done is done. You’re my gift, so you should start acting like it.”

He ran his index finger over her naked body, and Snowy flinched.

“Don’t touch me,” she pouted.

“*Don’t touch me*,” he mocked. “What are you going to do about it?”

Snowy looked around, but there wasn’t much to be seen from her position except the ceiling and the giant human leering down at her.

“Help!” she yelled, “Sammy! Help me!”

Cameron laughed, “Are you serious? She’s long gone.”

“I’ll… I’ll tell her anything you do to me! If she comes over again, I’ll tell her everything.”

“Hm. Then I better make this count,” he said.

He licked his pinky finger and rubbed between her legs. She clamped her legs shut, or tried to, but couldn’t force him out. He used his other hand to hold her legs open anyway, and continued massaging her most private area, occasionally pausing to re-lubricate with spit. Snowy’s face burned with anger and shame, and her eyes filled up with tears.

“What’s wrong, fairy?” Cameron asked, pausing. “Haven’t you ever been fingered before?”

“No! Nobody touches me like this!”

“Nobody? Are you a virgin?” he asked.

“Yes!” she cried.

Cameron petted her blue hair gently.

“It will feel much better if you relax,” he said, and pushed his pinky inside her.

Snowy gasped and writhed.

“Take it out,” she pled.

“But you’re so wet,” he observed, “and surprisingly elastic. In fact…”

He eased another finger inside and Snowy groaned.

“Wow, I’m honestly impressed,” he said. “It must be your fey magic.”

Cameron withdrew his fingers, and Snowy sighed with relief. He loosened the edges of the tape on her wings, and picked her up. She curled into a ball in his hand and closed her eyes. He layed her down on the corner of his bed, and began undress. Snowy opened one eye just enough to quickly glance around the room. The door was closed. The window was shut. There was no obvious place to hide. Her wings were hampered by the bits of tape still stuck to them. By the time she considered going invisible again, Cameron had picked her up. Snowy decided to play possum.

“Have you fainted already?” he asked, turning her over.

Snowy kept her eyes shut and her body limp. He held her in both hands, on her back. She felt his thumbs pull her legs up and hold them open. His middle fingers held her shoulders. She felt something hot, and larger than a finger press against her pussy. Before she could process it, he was pushing himself inside her.

“No!” she shrilled in a panic, abandoning her plan to play dead.

His fingers gripped her tighter and forced down, impaling her small body even more on his cock. Snowy struggled wildly, uselessly. Cameron couldn’t help but grin sadistically as he split her open more and more. Snowy felt every millimeter.

“*Fuuuuck*, you’re so tight,” he groaned as he started to slide her up and down, using her like a fleshlight.
Snowy trembled as his tip bumped repeatedly into the limits of her depth. Her whole body felt like it was on fire from the invasion.

“I wonder…” Cameron trailed off.

He suddenly speared her as deeply as he could and she cried out in shock. He let his hands fall away and Snowy remained, stuck on his cock. Her eyes rolled back and her wings twitched. He had penetrated her to the point of opening her womb. Excited beyond restraint, Cameron climbed onto his bed. Sitting on the bed with his back against the wall, he held Snowy with one hand and bounced her up and down on his dick like a rag doll. She was still conscious, but her spirit was broken. She whimpered and clutched at her bulging tummy.

“I can’t believe I’m fucking such a cute little fairy,” he moaned. “This is the best birthday ever.”

He slammed her down against his hips faster and with more urgency.

“I’m going to put it all inside you,” he continued, “don’t worry. I won’t pull out.”

Snowy moaned in despair. The knowledge of his total control over her sent him over the edge. He came hard inside her, pumping his seed inside her until she was filled completely and then overflowing. She shook involuntarily, feeling every spasm, every hot burst inside her unprotected womb. He fucked her until he had nothing left to put in her.

When he recovered, he got up with her still docked on his body. He fetched more tape and some string from a drawer. He gingerly removed her from his body, trying not to spill too much of the semen that filled her, and layed her back on the desk. He tied her legs and arms, and taped her down so that she was on her back with her knees pulled up to her chest. This way she couldn’t easily push out the cum that brimmed inside her.

“And now we’ll see if fairies can get pregnant by humans or not,” he said cheerfully. “This really is the greatest gift ever!”
