Lusting for his wild lovemaking

Tess had been waiting for this trip for a long time. It meant one week away from life’s dull demands, and a week to reconnect with her former dance partner Rob. It had been quite a while since she last saw him, when he moved countries for a job opportunity. Now he’s teaching ballroom dancing in Colombia, “of all countries”, she thought. In Colombia, where all dances are hot, hip-to-hip sensual movements, he was teaching the delicate, refined art of ballroom dancing. Tess had received his invitation to join him for a week of leisure with relief. Not only was she looking forward to a relaxing vacation, there was just too much of Rob she couldn’t get off of her head. For years they danced together, and nothing, not even a flirty comment had flown between them. All those years, she just assumed he was gay. Until Rachel, a mutual friend, confessed to her the intimate times they had shared, and what a savage lover Rob was. Rachel went into detail about his passionate, near trance-inducing love-making, how he lost himself inside her, hiding his face in the curve of her neck while moaning in uncontrolable lust. How his hips where thrusting with such a strong yet flowing cadence she could feel every move on hers, driving her wild with pleasure. Why did Rachel describe with such detail the insides of Rob’s lovemaking, Tess never knew. But there was another detail Rachel made sure to share. The size of Rob’s dick. Telling her everything to the point of sharing how hard it was for them to get condoms his size.

Tess kept wondering what all that sharing meant, yet she couldn’t find an answer. But it did change everything. She started looking a little further, a little more into detail everything about him. When he, absentmindedly leaned back on his chair, with his hands crossed behind his hindhead, she noticed his large byceps. When he stretched his back, she noticed his firm pecs and abs. But mostly, and most of the time, she noticed the unavoidably huge bulge on his groin. Nothing changed between them but at the same time everything changed. Tess made sure not to show any changes in her behavior, as she would not want to risk an amazing dance partnership. Yet she kept wondering if that ferocious passion she had gotten to know about was something worth a risk.

She started fantazising every night, and then, every morning. How maybe it could happen that, in the middle of the dance club, and, amidst a dance, things could heat up just a little too much, their hips could get a little too intertwined, and maybe he would softly yet firmly guide her into a dark corner where he would pin her down, and while kissing her deeply, he would thrust his hips against her, making her feel a huge incontrollably hard cock. Against her labia, against her boiling clit, and against the whole of her hips- taking her to heaven without even a touch beneath the clothes. And then, maybe the thirst would become too much for her, and hurriedly undoing his belt and pants, she would finally let inside her all of his manlilness, without a single care of the dancing crowd around them. Fiercelly touching herself to these thirsty thoughts, she went deeper and deeper into detail of those wild moments. How she would feel every single inch of him going inside her, how her belly would go wild with butterflies as her flooding vagina would soak both of them. How he would start pumping, slowly, with a sweet hot cadence that would match the music, so that no one would suspect a thing. And finally, how he would sink his head into her neck and moan into her ear, making her feel how strongly he urged for her as well. How things would get heated very soon, how his strong arms would raise her against the wall and, losing control, he would thrust harder and harder, fiercelly, like a beast. Making her cunt wild with the gigantic dick inside her, and her clit melt with the pressure of his hips. And without any care, they would both cum so deeply intertwined that they would feel as one, and with that thought in mind, alone, in her bed, every single night she would cum just as that image crossed her mind. Her longing for him was getting out of control, and just when she could not longer take it, he was taken away from her, to the other side of the world.
