Summer Break, Part 3, aka The horny girl bikini pool party [Mf] [groping] [fondling] [oral] [fuckin’] [cum] [sexy talkin’] [girl seducing older man] [underage drinking] [well, do mimosas really count?] [brief mention of water heaters]

*Same as part 2, can be read stand-alone or as a sequel*

It had been about a month since Mark had fucked his daughter’s friend Dani, which had been only a week after fucking another, Adena. Laying the two young girls had made him simultaneously proud that he still ‘had it,’ but guilty, since they were his daughter Olivia’s friends, girls he’d known for years. Beyond feeling like a perverted old man, it was a betrayal of his daughter’s trust, and he hated lying to her. He hoped the whole thing would blow over, be forgotten, and that Olivia would never find out.

Mark saw the solution in resolving to start dating again, dating women his own age, that is. For the first time in his life, he’d tried online dating, and it turned out he was quite the catch. A 40-something, well-off, healthy, fit widow? He was the online dating triple threat, and most women he contacted responded to him. One of his buddies from work had assured him that that was definitely not in line with the typical man’s experience.

Two week ago he went on a first date with Audrey, a sexy brunette MILF divorcee with a fit, lithe yoga-toned body that reminded him of Dani. He didn’t like admitting that last part, but it was true. The date was a simple dinner at a bistro owned by one of Mark’s buddies, then they came back to his place and fucked on the couch.

After the first date, they’d since met up three more times. They didn’t bother anymore with talking, Audrey just came straight to his house in a titillating outfit, and her and Mark would fuck until exhaustion. She wouldn’t let him go near her asshole, and didn’t care much for his attempts to eat her out, and she made him use a condom when fucking her, but she’d let him cum in her mouth a few times, which was nice. The relationship was pretty fucking far from perfect, but Mark hoped banging her would get his mind off of his daughter’s friends.

That was the problem, though. Hot as Audrey was, he just couldn’t cum unless he imagined it was Adena or Dani working his cock. Audrey looked great, and enjoyed sex, but didn’t beg for his cock like Dani had, didn’t fuck him with the desperation of Adena.

“I’ve got to put this out of my mind,” Mark thought, returning his concentration to the brief he’d brought home from the office. He sighed and help up the paper in front of his face, the light summer breeze ruffling the pages. He was lying on a lounger in his backyard, near the pool, taking in the lazy Sunday morning. But the document made for dry reading, and it wasn’t long before Mark had drifted off.

He dreamt that he was dancing with a naked woman. The woman was simultaneously Audrey, Dani, and Adena, all at the same time, in the way that only makes sense in dreams.

Then water splashed across Mark’s face.

“Sorry, Mr. Rubin!” a girl’s voice called, alongside sounds of water splashing in the pool.

There was giggling, then another girl’s voice, “Don’t wake him, he’s sleeping.” Mark was always slow to wake, and he was still only half conscious.

A third girl, “Do you think he’ll have morningwood?”

A burst of giggling, cut through with the voice of his daughter, Olivia, “Gross!”

The third girl again, teasing, “Sorry, Liv, you’ve always had the hot dad, we thought you knew.”

The first voice now, “Yeah, like, my dad’s gross, because he’s my dad yeah, but also because he’s just gross–”


“–but you’ve got to admit it, your dad’s hot.” Mark was awake now, but had decided to keep his eyes shut for the moment.

Olivia’s voice, “No, you’re all gross. Dani, save me from this!”

Dani! “I… uh–”

“Hi girls!” Mark called, in his best just-a-friendly-dad-and-not-a-pervert voice. He waved, taking in the scene. His daughter and at least six of her friends were in and around the pool, sunbathing, tossing a frisbee, and just hanging out. One of them was Dani, another Adena. Both were flashing him mischievous grins. All were wearing skimpy swimwear. “No,” Mark’s internal monologue told his penis, “We’re not looking at that.” He asked, “You having a party today, Olivia?”

The girls giggled. They were always giggling.

“I told you, Dad,” Olivia shouted to be heard over the sounds of the pool, “I’m just having some friends over for an end-of-summer swim before we all go back to university. You knew about this.”

Mark didn’t know about this, but it didn’t matter, he was happy Olivia was making use of the house.

“Ok, well, let me know if you need anything,” Mark said.

Olivia called back, “I’ve already got your credit card.”

“Ha ha,” Mark said sarcastically, then fumbled for the papers he’d been reading before he fell asleep, started skimming through them, trying to remember where he’d left off.

“I made mimosas,” a voice near him said.

Mark looked up. Eve, an athletic almond-eyed girl Mark remembered from Olivia’s high school volleyball team was standing near him, wearing a bikini with white fabric that glowed against her olive skin. She held out a tall glass of a pink drink, pineapple slice stuck to the rim.

Mark generally obeyed the law, but he could turn a blind eye to adult-yet-under-age drinking, since he considered the age limit arbitrary and old-fashioned. Especially so when the drinks were had responsibly, like with parental supervision such as his. Although, to be fair, his parental judgment had lately been … questionable.

“Sure, thank you,” Mark said, taking the glass, trying and failing to not let his gaze slide down her body, the way her slender breasts fit accentuated her taut, muscular belly beneath, which drew down hips with contours curving down to her crotch, the bikini bottom leaving little to his imagination.

Eve smiled invitingly, tracking his gaze, and said quietly, “You want me to blow you?”

“W-what?” Mark stammered.

“You’ve a page below you,” Eve corrected, with a devilish grin, then pointed under Mark’s lounger with her toe.

Mark leaned over, looked and saw that one of the pages of his brief had fallen beneath his chair. “Uh, thanks, Eve.”

“Sure thing, Mr. Rubin,” Eve said, “If you want anything, anything at all, just ask, cuz I’ll do anything.” She winked at him, then walked back into the kitchen behind him.

“Another one coming onto him! What the fuck is with these girls,” Mark thought to himself. He sipped at the mimosa and tried to focus on the document again. He didn’t get far before noticing that, in the pool, Dani and Adena were having a whispering conversation while looking directly at him. Mark and Adena made eye contact, and she blew him a sexy kiss, and Dani giggled.

Mark sighed, sipped at his mimosa, tried to get back to reading. Now Adena was having a whispering conversation with Kiara, a skinny, freckled redhead girl who grew up a block away. In their conversation, both girls kept glancing at Mark, Adena’s looks sly, Kiara’s looks curious. Adena made a motion with her hands, holding them a ways apart, then pointed directly at Mark. Kiara looked back at him, wide-eyed. “They’re not talking about my dick size, are they?” Mark thought.

Mark forced himself to stop looking. He didn’t want to think those thoughts. He sipped at his mimosa, then realized it was empty. “I’m going to need more of these,” he thought.

He made his way to the kitchen, where he found Eve squeezing oranges on the grinder. “You come to take me up on my offer?” she said.

“Just… uh,” Mark did a double-take, realizing what she meant, “I need another drink,” he said.

Eve carried over the pitcher, and, standing much closer to Mark than she needed to, pushing her ass againt his hips, poured him a nearly-full glass. Eve pointed to a bottle of vodka.

“You want to make it more interesting?” she asked, parted lips mere inches from his, her tits brushing against his chest.

His dick twitched. “No, we’re not doing this again,” he told it. Fuck, he needed a drink though. “Yeah, I’ll take some vodka in it.”

Eve smiled at him, then topped off his drink with the clear liquor, using a spoon to mix it together. She made eye contact with Mark and stuck out her tongue, bringing the spoon up and licking down it’s length. She closed her puckered lips around the spoon’s cup, and pulled it out slowly. Mark watched this demonstration, feeling his dick twitch again.

“I’m good at making things … interesting,” Eve said in a silky tone. Her hand grabbed his cock through his pants.

Mark stood frozen for an instant. Then he picked up the drink. “Thanks, Eve,” he said, backing away, heading back to his lounger. “Holy hell,” he thought to himself.

He stopped halfway. His spot remained empty, but the loungers on either side of his were now occupied. A girl who he thought may be called Dorothy on one side, he knew her more for the all the piercings she had in her ears, nose, and tongue. She had her hair dyed jet black, and wore a black bikini over her pale skin.

The other was a girl he didn’t know at all — mirrored sunglasses, brown hair and deep, tan skin belying middle eastern features, curvy body also in a multi-colored bikini.

Mark sipped his mimosa and went back to his seat. “Ignore them,” he told himself.

“Hope you don’t mind company, Mr. Rubin,” the pierced girl said, “But you’ve got the primo shady spot.”

“That’s, uh… no problem,” Mark said, glancing over. She had rolled onto her side, facing him, the angle emphasizing the curve of her hips, the swell of her busty chest. “Dorothy, right?” he asked, sipping the mimosa, eyes involuntarily studying her tits, wondering how the bikini held them in place. It must be magic, he concluded.

“Yep, I’m Dorothy,” she said, “Good memory. And yes, they’re pierced.” She pinched her nipple and looked down at her own chest, then back at Mark, watching his expression. “My labia, too.”

Mark’s eyes widened. Dorothy giggled.

“Dorothy, gross, that‘s TMI!” said the tan girl. Mark looked over at her, and she grinned at him. “I’m Raz. Thanks for letting us come over.” Mark could see his reflection in her glasses, saw his own tshirt and tan golf shorts, and again became self-conscious of how little clothing all these girls were wearing.

“I’m Mark, and it’s no problem,” he said, stealing a glance at the contours of her breasts. “Why are all my daughter’s friends so hot?” he thought to himself, taking another sip from the mimosa.

“Adena told me all about your pool, how much fun she had in your jacuzzi, how you gave her a personal tour, and I just had to come and see it for myself,” she said, her smile growing sultry, “Maybe you can give me the tour, too.”

Mark went wide-eyed again, and Raz and Dorothy both giggled at his discomfort. “I, um, yeah,” he said, then sipped his drink, hoping it hid his blushing cheeks.

Mark made a show of returning his attention to his document. He was way too distracted between the girls teasing him and the drinks going to his head to read the damn thing, so he just pretended. After a few minutes, he heard his daughter call from the pool, “C’mon, were making teams,” and Raz and Dorothy left to join the others in the pool.

*Continues in comments*



  1. The girls were playing some frisbee game, and Mark closed his eyes to relax, trying to return to his easy Sunday. He finished his drink and made himself start mulling over the issue of Audrey, what he was going to do about her. He wondered how long–

    “Oof!” he yelled in pain. The frisbee had landed on his crotch, hitting his balls. “Yowwwwww…” he sucked in a painful moan and curled up. The girls giggled.

    “Sorry!” he heard one of the girls shout.

    Splashing footsteps approached him, and he turned to see Trina, a friend of Olivia’s since childhood, picking up the frisbee. Her red bikini was tight against her black skin. And the angle she was at, bent over as she was, he could see down her top, see the soft flesh of her ample breasts. Keeping that pose, she looked up at Mark, saying “Sorry Mr. Rubin. That must have stung.” She put her hand on his crotch. Then she pouted her full, pink-painted lips and continued in a low voice, “Do you want me to kiss it and make it better?”

    No appropriate response came to Mark’s mind, so he just stared dumbly.

    “Usually I save smacking your balls for after my kisses, though,” she said, giving him a gentle squeeze through the fabric. The she giggled and headed back to the pool.

    “I can’t take any more of this,” Mark thought, “I need a cold shower.” He got up and headed into the house. Going through the kitchen, he was surprised to see Dani pouring herself a drink. She paused what she was doing to flash Mark naughty grin.

    “I thought–” he started.

    Dani cut him off, “You looking for someone to eat?” The look she was giving him, he knew she would have let him fuck her right there. But he couldn’t do that, he’d resolved to stop.

    “I– I need to get upstairs,” Mark stammered.

    Dani looked a tad disappointed, but said nothing more as he passed her by, en route to the master bedroom.

    He made it the rest of the way without being accosted, and headed to the his en suite bathroom. Like the rest of the house, it was spacious, well-furnished, and trimmed with luxury finishes. Free from the girls’ flirting, he sat on the changing bench and sighed, stripped off his clothes, then stepped into the large glass-walled stall shower.

    He started the water cold, like he’d planned, but a cold shower isn’t actually very comfortable, so he crept the water hotter and hotter until it was back to the temperature he always showered at. The drinks had gone to his head, and he was enjoying the soothing feeling of the water streams working against his skin. Why were all his daughter’s friends coming on to him?

    Eve had offered to suck his cock, and imagining what her lips around his shaft would look like, it would have been a sexy sight. And Dorothy, with her pierced tongue, nipples, and pussy lips, she’d probably be a wild fuck. Then, Raz’s tanned skin and classic curves, she certainly would be a beautiful sight when nude. And Trina, who he’d known since she was a kid, when had she grown such a huge rack?

    Mark looked down and realized he’d been jacking off. He pulled his hand away.

    Then he remembered Dani, her asking him to eat her out again, how hot it had been using his tongue to make her cum.

    “Fuck it,” he thought, and closed his eyes and started jacking off in earnest. “I’ll just do it quick, it’ll clear my mind.”

    “Wow, it really is that big,” a girl’s voice said.

    Mark froze, dick in hand, body in mid-ecstasy, and opened his eyes.

    Kiara stood before him, her petite freckled body completely naked, pink nipples and slender breasts tight against her chest, curly red hair billowing down her back. Her green eyes were fixed on Mark’s cock.

    “Don’t stop on account of me,” she said, “I wouldn’t want you not to enjoy yourself.” One of her hands was playing with her bare pussy. “Unless… do you need my help?” She stepped closer to Mark, getting sprayed by the shower, and pulled his dick out of his hand and into hers. She had a surprisingly strong grip as she stroked his thick shaft from base to tip.

    “Fuck,” Mark muttered.

    “We can do that, too,” Kiara smiled, hand pumping his erection. Sparkling green eyes, high cheekbones, soft lips, the cutest freckles — the sexiest fucking smile — Mark felt his cock swell even further. Kiara must have as well, her smile widening as she said, “Oh, my, it likes me.”

    Mark had swiftly become entranced by Kiara, she wasn’t even one of the girls he had been fantasizing about a moment ago, but seeing her here, her smile alone gave him a hard-on stiffer than anything Audrey had done for him. Mark had always thought of himself a ‘boobs guy’, but Kiara’s small chest was so fucking sexy on her lithe frame, he was having an identity crisis. And her slender hips so carefully framing her wet pussy, Mark wanted her with an animal desperation.

    Kiara watched him studying her, and smiled wider while continuing to jerk off his cock.

    Wordlessly, Mark grabbed Kiara under her armpits, picking her up easily, and pinned her against the unpolished porcelain wall of the shower. She wasn’t surprised by this at all, rather, she almost seemed to expect it. She spread her legs wide and wrapped them around Mark, while using the hand she had on his heavy cock to guide it into her ready pussy.

    Inhibitions gone, knowing she wanted it as much as him, Mark immediately began fucking Kiara hard and deep, shoving his full length into her petite body, making her gasp and moan, then sliding out until just the tip was left inside her, making her whimper. He held her in place, her body surrendered to Mark’s lustful needs.

    She was panting hard. “Fu–uunnnnggggg…” Kiara groaned, “It really, ungg, likes me.”

    Mark was panting, too, watching Kiara as waves of pleasure washed over her face, her soft, glistening lips parted in pleasure, he eyes unfocused, her cheeks warm and flush. Mark’s intense thrusting with his large cock had given both Adena and Dani orgasms, and from Kiara’s expression, she’d soon be joining the list.

    Kiara’s hands reached out, began scrabbling at Mark’s chest, grasping at his powerful pectorals and deltoids. His body gleamed as his sweat mixed with the shower water. A low, guttural moan was building up in Kiara. Her body tensed, her back arched, her fingers dug into Mark’s muscles, and her pussy spasmed. Her moan become a wail and her face rapt in ecstasy as Mark fucked her even harder, giving her a long, powerful orgasm.

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