An Ode to Uncertainty – Chapter 17 [MF][MFF][Fantasy]

Please read chapters 1 – 16 first if you have not done so. This is not a stand-alone story. Link to other chapters in comments.


“Jarl. There is something I need to know,” Mirja said sitting down at the edge of the bed.

Jarl turned over towards her. The exhaustion was written on his face. She sighed. They couldn’t keep draining him like this.

“What?” he said gruffly.

Mirja ran her hand over his cheek smiling down at him which made him look a little less angry.

“Did the Mistresses do anything to prevent you from making women become with child?”

Jarl looked up at her. He had apparently managed to fall asleep in the few moments that he had lain down and was still waking up again. He blinked.

“Yes. Mistress Varja did something like that to start with but then they undid it for the tests.”

Mirja nodded. Well that was good. At least she wasn’t wasting her time with princess Else. But she felt like she owed it to the princess to inform Jarl.

“And how long ago was this?”

“I don’t know. A month. Maybe two? Three?” he said uncertainly.

Mirja nodded.

“You do understand that means that you will make women pregnant. Like your maids.”

Jarl looked up at her in confusion.

“And if you get your maids pregnant. That might anger you wife,” Mirja said tilting her head forward.

Jarl nodded slowly as if he was trying to solve the mystery of inverted pattern inversion.

“Ah,” he said as the realization finally dawned on him.

“But if you want to, I can give you something that you can give to your … friends. That will make them not catch with child for a month.”

“You can?”

Mirja nodded.

“I always knew you were sent from the heavens,” he said and tried pulling Mirja down towards him.

“No,” Mirja said pushing him back down. “Even though I yearn to. No. You need your sleep.”

She left the already sleeping prince in his bed and closed the door behind her. Sigrid was in the next room reading a piece of paper that she quickly put away as Mirja came closer.

“Are we ready for tonight?” Mirja asked.

Sigrid nodded, then she shot a curious look at Mirja.

“How did you know to ask Samel about his last expedition?”

Mirja smiled. It had surprised her that it took Sigrid this long to raise the question.

“Deduction. Why would he be willing to betray one of the most feared men in Eldor?”

“Master Olgric?” Sigrid said frowning.

Mirja nodded.

“Indeed. Something very bad must have happened to Samel recently for him to be willing to cross the Master. It could of course have been some other thing, a debt gone bad for example. But no, he probably would have solved that some other way. Betraying the Master is personal. Ergo, it must have had to do with the expeditions that he commissioned. And likely this was something triggered recently. As on the last expedition.”

“You were right,” Sigrid nodded.

Mirja shrugged. She often was.

“Samel will meet us on the north wall of the Animancy building at three bells,” Sigrid paused for a moment. Then she squared her jaw. “Have you seen the young duke again?”

Mirja shook her head. She assumed that he was still away, and she was a little surprised at how much she longed for him to be back. He gave her something that a man hadn’t given her in … well, ever. His full attention.

“You should send him a message.”

Mirja stared at the Sister. Was she serious? Looking at that stern face Mirja decided she probably was.

“I don’t think that the Mistress Lorelee would approve of that.”

Sigrid’s glare almost made her take a step back.

“Alright,” Mirja said throwing her hands up. “I’ll see what I can do.”

Sigrid nodded. Mirja sighed. Wasn’t it she that was supposed to hold the reins this week? She sighed again as Sigrid went and stood by the window. Then she sat down by the table and opened up *An Analysis of Physioactive Substances and their Effects*.


She sent the message that afternoon and to her surprise she got an answer not two bells later. By personal courier no less. She stared at the uniformed young man who handed her the letter. She was not an expert in heraldry, but she thought that was the Wissgretch sigil on his lapel. The young man bowed and stood still in front of her. As she was about to close the door the courier cleared his throat.

“The duke requested an answer,” he said inclining his head.

Mirja stared at the boy for a moment before opening the letter.

*My dear Mirja. You cannot understand how much your message means to me. Would it be possible for us to meet this evening at eight bells? Our usual location?*

*If it is not too much of an inconvenience could you send your answer back with the courier?*


*Duke Leopold Wissgretch*

A tear formed in Mirja’s eye and it slowly rolled down her cheek as she folded the letter and held it against her chest.

“Tell him. Yes,” Mirja smiled and wiped the tear away.

The young man beamed, nodded curtly and turned on his heels and walked away.

She spent the afternoon in tutelage under Mistress Lorelee and had an opportunity to ask some more questions with regards to her cure for the princess. It was only two days away now and she thought she had everything prepared. But after a few pointers from the Mistress, Mirja decided to reconsider the type of weave used to synchronize the two ejaculations. She spent a few hours after the last class in the library. The old librarian still looked at her skeptically every time she passed but never said or did anything. At six bells she headed home to prepare and at half past seven bells she arrived at the Westerling Parlor.

She decided to wear a white dress she had seen in the parlor wardrobe. It was tight around the waist and flowed out wide over her hips and almost down to the floor. It pushed up her bosom to impressive heights. It wasn’t very comfortable, but it made her look like something out of a story. And she was not expecting to be wearing it for very long.

As she entered the room Leopold was already there. She looked at him in surprise.

“Am I late?” Mirja asked. She was sure that she had heard the bells strike seven not long ago. She couldn’t possibly have missed the half bell stroke, could she?

The young duke stood and walked towards her with both arms outstretched.

“Oh. No. Not at all. The fault is all mine. I just couldn’t sit around at home anymore, so I decided to come early. And see what luck I had. Here you are. And now I’ve gained at least fifteen drops with you by my side. A luckier man could not be found in the realm. And look at you, you look … divine.”

Leopold’s smile was so honest that it put a small stab into Mirja’s heart. It was as if he was courting some young lady with all the right lineage. Not her. A mutt from the cold north-east. She lowered her eyes.

“What’s wrong?” Leopold asked with a worried tone to his voice. “Did I do something wrong?”

Mirja looked up at him and smiled. He was so tall when he was standing close to her. She felt like a child again looking up into his eyes. She shook her head. His smile returned.

“Come. Let’s sit,” he said indicating the sofa.

Mirja looked down at her dress. It was certainly not made for sitting. Or if it was it probably required hours of lessons to be able to do so.

“Ah,” the young duke said spotting the dilemma.

He looked around for a solution.

“It’s probably easiest if you just remove the dress completely,” Mirja said with a smirk.

The young duke looked shocked.

*Well. That is clearly not how regular noble courting is done*, Mirja thought as she looked at the slowly recovering Leopold.

“I …” he began.

“I can stand,” Mirja said trying to recover the situation.

She saw the visible struggle on the young duke’s face. Between the gentleman and the not so very gentle man hiding inside. Mirja felt an urgent need to coax out that personality.

“Rip my dress off. Right now,” she said with a wicked smile.

Leopold raised one hand in an attempt to try to steer the conversation off in a different direction, but he was clearly losing the internal argument. Mirja felt the desire surge inside her as he finally let go and she saw a glimmer in his eyes as he took three steps forward and in a single motion grabbed her dress just under her neck and pulled hard. With a ripping sound that would have made a whole room of seamstresses cry, the fabric gave away exposing what was hidden underneath. Which to Leopold’s apparent surprise turned out to be Mirja’s naked body. With the support structure gone the fancy dress fell to the floor and there she stood like a nymph stepping out of frothing white water.

“Take me,” Mirja breathed. “Hard.”

The young duke hesitated for another heartbeat before stepping closer and kissing Mirja roughly. Mirja couldn’t help but smile when his tongue invaded her mouth. She kissed him back with equal vigor and then when she felt his hands on her shoulders forcing her down, she knew she had won.

“Tell me what you want to do to me,” she whispered looking up at him.

“Take … take me into your mouth,” Leopold breathed

Mirja happily obliged and soon had his growing shaft inside her mouth. She sucked on it hard making him gasp. She pleasured him for a moment with him just standing there looking down at her. Letting him slip out of her mouth she looked up.

“I want you to use me harder. Make me yours. I want to feel your flesh inside me. As far inside me as possible.”

He nodded.

“Now. Put your hands on the back of my head and use my mouth as you would my quim,” she said with a wicked smile.

There was that spark in his eyes again. The beast hidden under the perfect surface. She took him into her mouth again and moments later she felt the exhilaration as he put his hands on the back of her head. Slowly he started thrusting deeper into her mouth. She put her tongue out as far as she could and soon he passed the back of her throat, his shaft starting to explore her throat. Not moments later Mirja felt him approaching his climax. She quickly cast a cantrip, hindering his premature ejaculation. She added a little vigor to his member and then enjoyed the results as he in earnest started using her throat.

She wove the binding pattern around their joining and could feel his energy start leaking into her. Looking up into his ecstatic face she smiled widely as he roughly used her. A long moment passed before he finally withdrew. He stood there hesitating.

“How do you want to use me now?” Mirja asked, knowing exactly what he wanted to do.

The young duke breathed heavily then he said barely audibly. ”Get on all fours. I want to take you from behind.”

Mirja nodded and turned around raising her rear to him. She cast a quick spell should he decide to use her tight hole. He slid into her quim and Mirja almost fainted from the excitement that passed over their newly formed link. She relished the sensation of his cock running deeper into her and just as she was about to climax, he withdrew, and her smile widened as she felt the tip of his cock against her rear opening. Nothing happened. She looked back at him. He looked down at her in concern.

“Is it really all right if−“

“Don’t ask. Just take me as you wish. I am yours.”

Then she turned her face forward again and when he slowly pushed into her tight hole, she let out a long moan. She felt her arousal grow and just as she was about to climax, she released him from her spell and he instantly erupted inside her and she followed closely after.

“Are you sure this was all right?” the young duke said looking uncertain now that the unbridled lust had drained out of him.

“You may use me as you wish, whenever you wish,” Mirja said smiling up at him.

“Have you heard about the Weavers of Time?” Mirja said leaning back onto the sofa.

Leopold furrowed one brow. Sweat still pearled on his brow even now. The sex had been by far the best yet. She saw a great future for this inexperienced man given his rapidly improving abilities.

“Do you mean those religious fanatics that insist on writing everything down?”

“The same,” Mirja nodded.

“One of my tutors once told me that there is a Weaver within earshot of any conversation ever spoken to write it down,” Leopold said with a smirk.

“A bit of an exaggeration, I believe. There can’t be that many of them,” Mirja said leaning back to give Leopold a better view of her chest. She knew how much he liked that. “Anyway. They have a huge temple in northern Kelivasa, and my mother runs an inn on the road to it. And there are many pilgrims coming and going. I’ve never gone myself, but I heard that there are supposed to be more books there than anywhere else in the world since the Library of Westerling disappeared.”

The young duke scoffed and shook his head.

“Did you know that they believe that they, and only they, are what protects the world from Armageddon. And if it wasn’t for them protecting the world it would have ended several times over,” he said leaning in towards her.

“Tell that to the Westerlings. I’m sure they’ll be happy to know that their world didn’t end after all,” Mirja said.

Leopold laughed.

“Indeed. Good point. At least they are fairly harmless.”

“Tell that to all the trees that get cut down to make the paper on which they write down all those unimportant events.”

Leopold laughed even harder, then he looked deep into her eyes.

“You are amazing,” he said quietly.

“You’re the second person to tell me that in far too short a time.”

The young duke looked physically hurt.

“My friend Sigrid. She told me just the other day,” Mirja hurried to fill in.

He nodded and seemed to be searching for what to say. She let him take his time.

“I … I know that you’re paid to do this but …”

Mirja smiled.

“How about next time you don’t pay?”

The young duke blinked.

“Are you serious?”

Mirja nodded.

“As long as you invite me to your house.”

“You will be my guest of honor,” the young duke said standing up and bowing deeply.

Mirja couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of a lord of the realm standing in front of her stark naked and bowing. If only her mother could have seen her now.


“You’re late. Again,” Sigrid said scowling.

“I met with *him*.”

The scowl immediately disappeared form Sigrid’s face.

“I’m invited to his house next Cleansingday evening.”

Sigrid just nodded.

“What are you two talking about?” Samel said.

Mirja could see his fingers trembling. The key held in his hand rattling slightly.

“Nothing,” Mirja said and put her hand on his and wove a quick cantrip to calm his nerves. “It will all be fine,” she said looking up into his eyes.

He nodded. The trembling disappeared and Mirja let go of his hand.

“Lead the way,” Mirja said with a reassuring smile.

They followed Samel to one of the back doors that faced the large green area between the Animancy and Scriptomancy buildings. There were rumors that there were *things* running around in there and Mirja suspected that it was more than just rumors since even the Masters and Mistresses tended to take the long way around.

Down the small stair was a narrow door that had a thick bar running across it.

*I wonder what it is they’re trying to keep in,* Mirja thought as Samel carefully removed the bar and leaned it against the wall.

Sigrid froze as Samel was about to put the key into the lock. She held up one hand and Mirja put her hand on Samel’s shoulder. They all stood perfectly still for a few moments until Sigrid lowered her hand.

“Nothing,” she whispered shaking her head.

Mirja considered weaving a shield around herself. She didn’t want to repeat what had happened at the Lost Princes, but just as she started moving her hands, she stopped herself. That would definitely spring any wards present. She would just have to live without. The door clicked open with an almost ridiculously loud click. They all stood for another moment just breathing the cool night air. Mirja almost felt most at home when the wind prickled her skin. It was much better than the oppressing heat of the Eldor summer.

As nothing happened Samel finally lowered the handle and pushed the door open.

“This way,” he whispered as they headed inwards.

The corridor that they entered through was surprisingly damp. Mirja had never seen anything like it in any of the other faculties’ basements. The last time she had been in the building they had put her on the third floor of the hospital ward which was located in the southern wing. She’d had an excellent view over the park. This was the complete opposite. The heavy rough stones seemed to press in from each side making the corridor even smaller than it was.

“I don’t like this,” Sigrid whispered.

Mirja couldn’t help but agree. Something felt very *off* about the place. Like it wasn’t entirely there at the same time as it was too much there. It made her head spin.

“This way,” Samel said from further ahead.

Mirja had not lit the light sphere she was carrying. The plan was to wait with that until they arrived. There was no lighting here, which meant that they fumbled their way along to the sounds of Samel’s footsteps. They had asked him to bring them to the room which Mirja had thought sounded most like a laboratory when Samel had described the different rooms that he had seen on the lowest level of the Animancy building.

They passed a few doors where they could hear snoring or scraping sounds. Mirja did her best not to let her imagination run wild as to what was kept behind them.

“Here,” Samel said after what felt like an eternity of strange sounds and lost hope.

Mirja breathed out as another lock clicked open and faint light spilled out from the newly opened door. They stepped through.

The light came from various bottles and beakers filled with luminescent substances of varying colors. Mirja drew a sharp breath. Several of them she knew of but had only read about in books. There was a fortune stacked on every single shelf. Picking up her light sphere she brushed her fingers over the surface and linked it up to her so it could draw power from her source. A soft white light lit the room. She saw Sigrid shading her eyes and blinking. It took a few moments for her to adapt to the brighter light as well. Then she started searching.

“I think I have found something,” Sigrid said from behind her.

Mirja looked over her shoulder at the Sister and did a second take as she saw how the color had drained from the Sister’s face. Which was an accomplishment considering her already very pale complexion.


“Just come,” Sigrid said and turned around walking away.

Mirja had been so focused on finding any traces of the substances mentioned in *An Analysis of Physioactive Substances and their Effects*. Especially the ones that had the ability to turn the users blood black, even for a limited period of time. The problem so far was that she had found every single one of the ingredients mentioned in the book. The room probably contained the most complete collection of physioactive substances in the empire. Probably in the world. Mirja nodded and carefully put down the beaker containing aluminophylostrate, which was supposedly extremely volatile outside of its container. Once she had determined that it stood secure in its holder, she followed Sigrid.

To Mirja’s surprise the Sister headed out of the laboratory. Mirja hesitated on the threshold for a second, headed back and grabbed the light sphere and hurried after her. She found the Sister standing outside a closed door three doors down from the laboratory.

“What’s this?” Mirja whispered.

Sigrid looked at her and shrugged.

“I don’t know. But I have to get in.”

Mirja blinked and stared at the woman. Had she gone completely insane?

“This was not part of the plan!” Mirja hissed feeling the irritation rise.

Sigrid squared her jaw. Mirja sighed. She knew that look. There would be no debating the issue.

“Where’s Samel?” Mirja whispered looking around.

“Gone,” Sigrid said as if it was nothing.

Mirja spun around and faced the Sister again. The light from the sphere lighting up her narrow face casting long shadows from her sharp cheekbones.

“What? When?”

Sigrid seemed to take this as a personal insult and a deep scowl formed on her face.

“I. Don’t. Know,” she said crossing her arms across her chest. “He’s gone. All right? Now get me through this door.”

Mirja stood there. Completely baffled by Sigrid’s strange behavior. The Sister seemed to have completely lost control. It was not something that she had seen before. Mirja nodded. She walked up to the door. There was no lock. Just a flat piece of metal. She stood there looking at it for a moment. When she opened this door there was no doubt that someone would notice their presence. But on the other hand, she was done with the laboratory. She had already concluded that basically anything could be distilled in there. But there were no traces of anything having been prepared recently. At least not anything that had not been thoroughly cleaned away afterwards.

“Once I crack this lock someone will come. Understood?”

Sigrid nodded. Mirja sighed and put her hand on her nexus. She would at least not draw power from the ley lines under the building. She wasn’t that much of an amateur. She put her fingertips on the metal plate and to her surprise it was not locked, it only required a simple cantrip to turn the handle.

*Just to keep non-practitioners out*, Mirja thought as the door slid open.

Sigrid stepped past her and walked into the room which was lit with the soft orange glow of real candles. Mirja looked along the corridor in both directions. The door to the laboratory was still open. She walked back and closed it before returning to the room Sigrid had disappeared into. As she reached the door, she heard a strange song from inside. It was like nothing she had ever heard. High-pitched ululating sounds mixed with what sounded like low wails. It was … hauntingly beautiful.

Stepping around the corner into the room Mirja froze in her tracks. The room was indeed lit by real candles. Hundreds of them. She could feel the magic emanating from them, magic that kept them burning indefinitely without running out. But that was not what made her stop. The room was a prison cell. In the middle of the room a wall of narrowly spaced thick metal bars ran from floor to ceiling. Behind the bars stood a … *thing*. It took Mirja’s mind a moment to process what she was seeing. At first, she thought she saw a huge fox standing on its rear legs. But it was way too big for a fox. And it had a face. A human face. An incredibly beautiful human face. And what she had mistaken for a fox’s fur was a thick wave of red hair that ran down the creatures back. It wasn’t wearing any clothes, pale white skin shone through beneath the thick hair. And its paws … no not paws. Long fingered hands clutched the bars. And it was singing. It was making that strange song with its fine lipped mouth.

And that wasn’t the strangest thing. The strangest thing was that Mirja had seen the creature before. Several of them. Or at least similar ones. They were at the centerpiece of the Room of Ascendancy in the Westerling parlor. She had only been there once, but the visit had made an eerie impression. It was supposed to be modelled from an ancient Westerling city and all the buildings were without straight angles. And there were these creatures, who seemed to be watching you in everything you did. It was the perfect thing for certain clientele but Mirja had just wanted to leave as soon as she got there. And here it was. One of them. Alive. Staring at her with those strange slit eyes.

Sigrid made a sound and Mirja jerked. She looked at her friend. She had thought that it was the creature that made the strange sounds but now they came from Sigrid. Moving her lips in strange ways, she emitted the same sound that had been coming from the creature. Mirja just stood there staring for a long moment as the Sister seemed to … communicate with the thing.

“You can speak with it?” Mirja hissed leaning in, trying not to look at the thing that was moving at the edge of her vision.

“I …“ Sigrid shook her head. “My mother. She taught me. I’ve always thought it was just childhood fantasies.”

“What does it say?”


“What?” Mirja said raising her hand to block the creature out of her vision.

“She’s a she. We have to break her out,” Sigrid said nodding.

“You’re thinking of releasing that thing on the capital? Are you insane? If the College does not hunt it, and you, down, the Imperial Guard will. Or the army.”

“I have to,” Sigrid said with an urgency in her voice that Mirja had never heard before.

The Sister ran her hands over the bars. There was no sign of a lock or even a door. After a moment she turned towards Mirja who still was trying to ignore the thing that moved with fluid movements behind the bars.

“You have to get it open for me,” Sigrid pleaded, grabbing Mirja’s sleeve. “Please.”

Mirja opened her mouth to protest.

“You will do no such thing,” came an all too familiar voice from the door.

Mirja shut her eyes and let out a long sigh. There was a screech from the creature and when Mirja opened her eyes again it had retreated to the far side of its cell where it hid surprisingly well in the shadows considering its vivid coloring.

“Master Olgric,” Mirja said forcing a smile onto her face. “We were just admiring your … menagerie,” Mirja said and didn’t even believe the lie herself.

“So you were, were you?” the Master said stepping into the room. “Acolyte Mirja and you are …” he said pointing at the Sister. “Sigrid. Of the Sisters of Infinite Mercy. Am I right?”

Sigrid nodded in apparent defeat. Master Olgric studied them for a long moment as Mirja tried to figure out a way of this cul-de-sac. Finally the Master let out a long rasping sigh.

“As interesting as I find all this. You have still to tell me what you were really doing here,” the Master said.

Mirja felt her stomach curl at his gaze. She forced the feeling back.

“We were looking for a laboratory capable of producing potions that could turn a man into a shadow,” Sigrid said suddenly.

Mirja glared at the other woman who seemed as surprised at her own words as Mirja was. The redheaded Sister pressed her lips together. The Master nodded.

“Well. I have to hand it to you. You could do that here.”

He drew a deep breath and pinched his chin.

“I even believe I did. Many. Many years ago. It was … interesting,” the wiry old man said seeming to be studying something not in this world. “But the after affects were … strange. Not going down that path again. That much I can tell you. Took me years to get … *back* … to myself.”

Mirja just stared at the old man. Talking to him was always unnerving but this was taking it to a new level.

“There is one other place that could have the same capabilities. However, I’m not certain … It has not been used very frequently under Master Cerdic,” the Master continued still half in his own reality.

“Where is that?” Mirja asked.

Master Olgric stared at her as if he saw her for the first time.

“What are you two still doing here. Get out before I have you thrown out.”

He took one look at Sigrid and the Sister immediately turned away and started walking off. When the Master turned his gaze to Mirja she had to concentrate not to do the same. The Master’s gaze relented somewhat, and he nodded in apparent satisfaction.

“You need to leave now as well miss Mirja. There is nothing for you here. We will forget all about what happened here tonight. Yes?”

Mirja nodded.

“And you owe me. Both of you. Remember that,” the Master of Animancy said pointing one long finger at her.


This was chapter 17 of our book An Ode to Uncertainty.

Please at our profile for more sexy stories.



  1. Chapter 1


    Chapter 2


    Chapter 3


    Chapter 4


    Chapter 5


    Chapter 6-7


    Chapter 8-9


    Chapter 10


    Chapter 11


    Chapter 12


    Chapter 13


    Chapter 14


    Chapter 15


    Chapter 16


  2. One of the absolute best on-going erotic serials. Fantastic reading due to very creative writing.

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