The Homecoming part One

This is little bit of fiction mixed up with someone real life stuff. It’s up to each and everyone to decide witch parts is what….
Here’s a little bit of erotica about a Domestic King and his Queen in a modern environment. ?
We have received some great inspiration from someone in an other kingdom ? far far away!

The Homecoming Part One

It had been a long day.  As Nick inserted the key into the deadbolt on the front door, he was looking forward to the comforts of home to ease the stress that had built up facing the problem-du-jour at work.  The deadbolt unlocked and he swung the door open. The first thing he noticed was a wave of warmth that met him as he opened the door, but he didnt think more about it.

“Hey Baby, I’m home.”

“Welcome home……….. Sir,” came a sultry reply from Therese in the kitchen.

“Sir?” thought Nick, “That’s unexpected.”  Dominant/Submissive role playing had always been something initiated by him and mostly kept in the bedroom, so just being referred to as “Sir” by her own initiative caused a bit of a stir in his pants. Before he really had a chance to let his imagination run wild, Therese began walking out of the kitchen.  Nick immediately hears the tell-tale clicking of stilettos on the stone floor. “She never wears heels just around the house,” thought Nick. His imagination was in a full-on sprint, and the twinge in his pants had started straining against the fabric of his crotch. A million possibilities were running through his mind as what Therese might have in store for him. 

A few more clicks of her heels and Therese turned the corner of the kitchen counter and came into Nick’s line of sight.  His imagination hadn’t even prepared him for this view. Her petite winter pale figure walking in black strappy heels wrapped around her perfect feets, leading to smooth shapely legs was a mesmerizing sight.  Where he had been expecting to see some sort of cute lacy underwear, was he greeted by bare skin. Therese looked like she recently had been waxed and her beautifully bald pussy was on full display, highlighted by the curves of her hips.  A few more clicks of those heels brought her and her gently swaying breasts, with nipples at full attention, directly in front of Nick. His eyes consumed the rest of her and realized that the only other thing Therese had on, besides her heels, was her thin black collar that she was wearing around her neck.  Her face was done beautifully, with wet, soft dark red lips, but focus being drawn to her dark and smokey eye makeup. Her dark hair was pulled back, as not to distract from the incredible sight of her naked body. 

Face to face with Nick, she placed both hands on his chest, leaned forward to place her lips gently against his.  Pulling back just slightly, eyes locked with his, she greeted him with another, “Hello, Sir”

Nick was now worried about splitting his pants as his cock was straining with all its might to break free of its restraints, but was able to respond back with a muttering “Hello…”

“I have a bit of a confession…” she started, her hands slowly sliding down his chest.  “I have been really horny and thinking about orgasming the whole week whilst you have been away, and ever since you said goodbye on your way out on Monday morning I’ve been super horny the whole week!  I love how sexy you look in that suit of yours.”

“Oh Yeah?”

“Mhmm,” she nearly moaned, “I was really tempted to cum so many times since you have been away.”

“And did you?” Asked Nick in an authoritative tone, grasping where this might be going.

“No  Sir. But I have been edging all week for you.  I was hoping you would reward me tonight.”

“And did you have anything in mind?”

“I was really hoping you would allow me to have that orgasm I’ve been yearning all week long…but my body is yours to do with as you please,” she said with a teasing bashfulness and fluttering eyelashes.

A devious smirk spread across Nick’s face.  This didn’t go unnoticed by Therese, and for the first time a flicker of nervousness in her eyes gave away that she had really stepped out of her comfort zone to play the role of an obedient submissive for Nick. 

“We’ll see.  If you do everything that’s asked, I think I can arrange that.” Replied Nick.  “Now go into our room, kneel with your back to the wall, and your hands interlocked behind your head,” he commanded as he immediately assumed control over her.

“Yes Sir!” was all she said.  She had steeled her resolve to commit to this role.  She trusted Nick more than anything, and despite the fact that she knew he’d push her limits, she also knew she’d really enjoy herself in the end.

Nick watched her ass sway as she walked away, one heel in front of the other accentuated the pop of her hips.  She disappeared around the corner and his trance was broken. He quickly started gathering some of the supplies he would need for this little adventure that had fallen into his lap. 

He knew she could hear him rustling around in different rooms, opening and shutting doors.  After a few minutes he had things pretty much set, but wanted to check on how his all of a sudden sub was doing while she waited on him.  He popped his head through the doorway and was so pleased at the sight. There was Therese, just in front of the bed, feet laid flat on the floor in line with her shins.  Her knees were slightly apart and bent at 90 degrees. Her back was straight. Her chest was pushed out. Her hands were behind her head, staring straight ahead. After years of fantasies about exploring this kind of role playing, he couldn’t believe she had surprised him like this, and was so committed to making this come to life for them.

“I’ll be right there,” he said.

“Yes Sir,” was her response, not even breaking her stare. 

Nickn finished getting things ready.  He had taken off his dress jacket and shoes but kept the shirt and tie on.  He grabbed the door restraint, leather cuffs and rope and walked into the room, purposely keeping them to his side so Therese couldn’t clearly see what he had in his hand.  She held her stare straight ahead as he came even to her. He dropped the ropes and the cuffs on the bed next to her. He cracked the door just enough to slide the door restraint to the middle and closed the door.  He stepped back in front of Therese and squatted down. She fully emerged herself in the role of her sexual submission, but he could sense the anxiety behind her façade.

Taking her chin in his hand, he tilted her head so that they locked eyes.  He knew he was right about the unease she felt about the situation she had put herself into. 

“You can sit back on your heels and place your hands on your thighs.”

“Yes Sir,” as she positioned herself in compliance with his commands.  

“Are you OK?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Do you understand that you are giving me ownership of your body and that I can do anything I want to you until I relinquish your rights back to you, and that I will push your limits?”

“Yes Sir,” with a slight falter to her voice.

“If you ever feel too uncomfortable, you can use the words ‘Yellow’ to slow things down or ‘Red’ to stop things immediately.  Do you understand?”

“Yes Sir.” With more confidence in her response. 

“Before we get started, I wanted to review what I expect of you.  I’m going to tie your wrists with the cuffs and pull them above your head as you stand with your back against the door. Do you understand?”

“Yes Sir.”

“I’m going to secure your ankles to the spreader bar with the cuffs to make sure I always have unobstructed access to that beautiful pussy. Do you understand?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Until I decide I’m ready to finish with using your body, I’m going to tease you and keep you right on the edge of orgasm. You cannot climax without permission. You cannot ask to climax.  You cannot try to prevent me from using your body as I wish, outside of using your safe words. If I am pushing you to the point that climax is inevitable, but you haven’t been granted permission, you can request ‘Please sir, don’t make me cum yet.’  Breaking any of these rules will result in a punishment as I see fit, but if you obey me, and these rules, I will grant you the most explosive orgasm you’ve ever had. Do you understand?”

“Yes Sir.”  There was now a hint of excitement in her voice.  They had played games like this before and she’s always had incredible orgasms at the end, nearly blacking out each time. 

“Good girl!”  Nick said as he stood up and held out his hands, asking for hers.  He helped her to her feet. “Keep your hands in front of you, palms face up.”

“Yes Sir.” As she obeyed his command.

Nick grabbed the first wrist cuff he had laid on the bed, and then slipped it onto her left wrist before he secured the buckle of the cuff snug tight around her slim wrist.  They had done bondage before and used both ropes and cuffs quite a bit before so she knew what to expect, but she still felt the flutter of nervous butterflies in her stomach. The cuffs felt much softer than what they had used to in the past.  As it gently rubbed around her wrist, he could see her becoming more at ease with it. He laid the twists of rope across her palm and then knotted the rope in hand to the cuff. He closed her hand around the knot. Realizing that was the extent of the tie, she was much more at ease as he repeated the process on her right wrist. 

With both wrists secured in the cuffs and with the ropes attached, he commanded her, “Please take a step back up against the door.” She complied, and with her hands still in front of her, he took the rest of the rope from her left hand, fed it through the loop of the restraint he had just placed in the door, slowly pulled her hand up above her head before trying it off so she couldn’t lower her arm.  He repeated the process with her right arm. The knot in her palm gave her something to hold onto, something she knew she’d need soon as she was sure her legs would be JELLO soon. He stood back to admire his handywork and his gorgeous new toy in front of him that was nearly helpless. Before he knelt down in front of her and started to secure the first cuff around her left ankle, he made sure it was tight and snug before he proceeded with the right one. He said to Therese with a stern voice to spread her legs wide apart, as he slowly secured her ankles cuffs to the spreader bar. He could see that flicker of nervousness in her eyes again that really gave away how nervous she felt as she realized how naked and exposed she really was, and how little she could do about it. 

“I’ll be right back. I need to get the rest of my supplies.”

“Yes Sir.”

He gave her just a moment to anticipate what would come next before returning to the room.  He carried the silver tray they had received as a gift, but he had one of their kitchen towels concealing the ‘supplies’ he planned to use this evening.  Her eyes were glued to the tray as he set it down on the dresser next to her. Nick watched for her reaction as he pulled the towel off. She noticed the purple  Magic wand, a few different sized buttplugs, the steel anal hook, some lube, two big dildos and a a big black ball gag, then Nick saw the subtlest hint of unease spread  across her face as she noticed the………..

Anyone wants a part 2?
And any suggestions about what made Therese uneasy?



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