Tied In Her Arms

**Another day, another lesson for the would-be princess. I hated these educational lectures from expert professors. Quite frankly, I didn’t want to be a princess at all. I wanted to be a warrior, a fighter. Alas, the king would never let his prized daughter do such a thing. No, I had to prepare for motherhood and sewing and cooking and cleaning. All the dull work of a domestic wife. I wasn’t even close to the top of the list to succeed the king. I had five brothers and one older sister ahead of me.**

**The clock struck the top of the hour interrupting the mathematical professor. I felt blessed to be free from their boring speeches of how amazing the tiny and most irrelevant facets of equations. I packed up my belongings and head out the door. I bumped into my personal guard, my hero, Elise. She was one of the few women in the kingdom that ever made it into a suit of armor. Not to mention, she was drop-dead gorgeous. Those beautifully silky strands of chestnut-colored hair or the crystal-like blue eyes were thought about more than once in inappropriate fantasies.**

**Elise latched her arm into mine and we strode back to the castle as usual. I loved the closeness between us but she would never look at me that way. I had gone back and forth about confessing on my eighteenth birthday. I knew she had been fully devoted to me, leaving little room for a social life. Elise never once mentioned boys either. I felt the odds were in my favor but I couldn’t find the courage I needed to confess my love for her.**

**We walked through the markets on her stroll back to the palace, taking in the sights and smells of the daily shops. There was always something yummy to eat here. Elise preferred her fruits, but I was more of a candy girl. We made a stop at Elise’s favorite fruit stall where she politely asked for two peaches. The shopkeep always tried his hand at flirting with her. Unfortunately for him, Elise had always brushed off his advances playfully. Just enough to make sure he understood no, but not too much to appear rude.**

**Our next stop would be the candy store. Elise loved buying me treats after lessons. She said if I could make it through a lecture without throwing a fit she would reward my good behavior with candy. She never said I had to get good grades too but I feel like she was gonna update our agreement to that too.**

**The usual young lady that worked the candy shop greeted us as we arrived. Elise spent maybe five minutes deciding on what to get. She’d always say nothing and I think she did this to tease me. When Elise finally conceded to nothing, I asked for a bag of gummy snacks. I loved the fruity tastes and squishy candy. Despite my being royalty, Elise had always paid for my treat. She said it was something to do with the principal. I didn’t really care, free candy!**

**Finally, we completed our usual routine of after lesson activities and headed home. A couple of commoners had stopped us on our way back to the palace. Their kids were very eager to play with me. In the corner of my eye, I could tell Elise was taking the worse of the two. The parents looked upset about one thing or another and were voicing their concerns with Elise. I didn’t really like her being used like that. Last time I said something, Elise gave me such a spanking I couldn’t sit comfortably for several days. So I knew better than to intervene this time.**

**Eventually, the parents gave up on their endless assault. Elise linked her arm with mine and she escorted me the final stretch home. I could see whatever they talked about got to her. It made me sad actually to see Elise like this. I would have to think of a way to cheer her up later.**

**Several days had passed since that incident with the parents and my birthday would be tomorrow. I had finally steeled myself to confess to Elise tomorrow. She would be spending the night with me in my quarters tonight. There was apparently some kind of threat against me or my family; Elise didn’t say which. I did know that my father specifically ordered Elise and several guards to remain vigilant. Elise being in the room was a mix of emotions; both good and bad.**

**One part of me wanted to worship her perfectly toned body from head to toe. The other part wanted to just hide in her comforting embrace and feel safe. The first part got so much worse when she came in her nightgown. I’d never seen her without her armor so this was a major shock. The gown was transparent silk that displayed every inch of her form.**

**Her plump breasts, barely contained in her tight-fitting bra sent my sexual dreams into overdrive. Every curve, every inch of her porcelain skin sent my body into a frenzy of lust. When my eyes finally ripped off her feature I got to her perfect kissable lips and I was done for.**

**“E-Elise isn’t that a little um revealing?” I asked timidly.**

**“Hm? Oh, I guess so. Do you want me to change? I can find something else to wear I think.”**

**“N-No I just umm,” I stuttered looking over at the clock. There were only several minutes until my birthday. What was the worst that could happen if I came out a little early?**

**“E-Elise… There’s something I have to umm tell you.” Elise tilted her head quizically.**

**“Go on,” she said.**

**“I h-have a crush on y-you. S-Seeing you like that is umm h-hard for me. It’s making my body feel things I never felt b-before.”**

**There was a long silence between us. I couldn’t read what Elise was thinking. Maybe this was a dumb idea after all. I’m such an idiot why couldn’t I just keep it to myself!?**

**“Princess, how about you and I finish this tomorrow okay? It’s late. I’ll find something less revealing to wear for you.”**

**Not exactly the response I wanted or expected but it was a healthy in-between. She didn’t outright shoot me down she just wasn’t dealing with my emotions tonight. It could have been because she needed to remain vigilant in her duties. Just because our relationship always felt casual didn’t mean she could forego her duties. Sleep was difficult and I found myself more than once trying to roll over, pushing myself closer to Elise. She either didn’t react, ignoring me or was just that heavy of a sleeper. I dozed off at one point as I found a cuddleable point at her side.**

**The next morning I noticed she was gone. It was the biggest disappointment I’d ever felt. Waking up in this bed alone never felt so awful. I felt rejected like Elise didn’t even want to stay the night with me. There was a knock on the door but no voice accompanying it.**

**“GO AWAY!” I shouted.**

**“It’s Elise, princess Kira. May I please come in?” Elise replied.**

**I bounced out of bed and ran to the door. Rushingly I opened the door and there she was. I never felt my pulse race at the sight of anyone else. Something was wrong though, her armor, it was different. It didn’t register that she was wearing mercenary armor. Did she have some assignments from my father?**

**“Elise what are you wearing?” I asked**

**“An old armor set of mine. I used to be a mercenary you see. Then I was offered a gig here protecting some bratty girl. Never expected it would be the youngest of the two sisters. Dealing with you was the biggest pain in my ass. Then things changed. You became more bearable then you were enjoyable to be with. I loved my work because it meant I got to be with you. Then you confessed last night and I realized why everything had changed. You love me. At first, I thought you were pulling some trick but as the night went on I noticed you inching ever closer to my body. It was like you wanted me to hold you and protect you. That’s when I decided to end this charade.”**

**“W-What charade? What do you mean Elise?”**

**“You see I didn’t accept the role of your guardian because of the pay or that I particularly enjoyed babysitting you. No, I did it so I could make you mine one day. Today is that day.”**

**“Elise you’re scaring me.”**

**“Kira I’m so sorry, but my name is Camilla.”**

**I turned and bolted for the bathroom to hide but Camilla caught me and held me in her arms tightly. I didn’t know where it came from but Camilla pressed a rag over my mouth and nose. I struggled in her iron grip but I couldn’t get free. The world around me started to go blurry and my eyes felt heavy. It got worse as time went on. Soon my whole body felt heavy, I couldn’t keep my eyes open. Finally came blackness. I trusted her more than anyone else and now I see her true colors.**

**I woke up sometime later in a dusty arena. My head throbbed and the ground felt harsh. I still wasn’t completely lucid so I barely took in the information around me. It looked like the arena hadn’t been used in ages. I looked up and saw a crumbling canopy of marble stone. This must have been for the VIPs to sit and watch.**

**Slowly I became for more conscious and the sharpness had returned to the world. Immediately I felt I was on the floor, my skin touching the dirt. Wait, my skin!? I looked down at myself. I was completely nude, ropes had bound coiled around my chest and belly binding my arms behind my back. I couldn’t swing my arms either way. My upper thighs were squished by similar rope with two final coils slid below my knees and around my ankles. I tried to scream for help but only muffled noises came out. I could finally notice the taste of cloth in my mouth, one roughly textured inside while a thin strip was resting on my lips. Most likely the thin strip of cloth was to hold the ball of cloth in place. Nothing but garbled low groans and noises escaped my muzzled mouth.**

**Just as if on queue, Camilla appeared behind me. She was wearing that same strange armor. Her facial expression was malevolent and dark. I’d never ever seen her like this before. I tried to speak her name through my gag.**

**“Hey there princess. Finally awake huh?” Camilla joked.**

**“Untie me right now!” I screamed into my gag making only muffled incoherent words.**

**“Haha there’s the brat I knew was in you princess. Some of the more, wealthier buyers like a girl with a fight. I almost thought for a moment I’d feel bad about selling you. I actually liked you.”**

**“Liar,” I groaned.**

**“Not true. And I wonder if there’s still a part of you that’s infatuated with your sexy caretaker.”**

**I lowered my head, blushing furiously. I hated that she was right. Despite being kidnapped by her I still had feelings for her.**

**“Yeah, that’s what I thought. I’ll be giving you this one gift before we part ways.”**

**Camilla sat behind me and tugged me close. I could feel the dirt rub into the crack of my ass. I didn’t fight her touch but I did make a scowling type of noise as she dragged me. She pulled me into her lap and then I felt her fingers tracing my belly. Her touch felt so erotic but oddly soft.**

**“I’m gonna make you feel good Kira. I know this isn’t how you wanted it, but you’ll enjoy it I’m sure.”**

**Her fingers slid down the pale skin of my belly reaching down to my crotch. Camilla’s fingers stopped inches above my slit. She danced her fingers teasing me into arousal. A freehand rose and gripped my breast, squeezing and rubbing. I couldn’t help but moan being touched like this. Camilla giggled at my reactions. I hated her for both what she was doing and what she was going to do.**

**“How’s that feel princess? You like being groped don’t you princess?”**

**I whimpered against her touch, my hips thrusting themselves upward hoping to push her hand into my needy pussy.**

**“Oh my! Princess might be mad but her body knows what it wants,” She whispered into my ear giving it a light nibble.**

**I made one long moan as her teeth held to my ear, her hand still teasing my breast.**

**“Beg for it princess. Beg for it and maybe I’ll make you feel good.”**

**I whined as her fingers pulled away. I cried pleading noises as I continued to try and push my hips further upwards hoping to just get a feeling. After a minute of my begging, she dove her index finger inside my folds finding my sensitive clit. Flicking and tugging she got a laugh from my sounds of pleasure.**

**Another finger joined inside me, more focused on exploring my inner walls. Surges of ecstasy flowed through my body as I began to melt in Camilla’s hands. I couldn’t help but try to angle my body better for her.**

**“Oh my how needy you are princess. You love your kidnapper, you like it when she makes you feel good huh?”**

**I couldn’t deny the facts. I was absolutely turned on and desperate for her. More fingers joined into my walls, exploring, probing, teasing. I couldn’t handle the buildup of sensations inside me. Her pace increased and her hand at my breast dug into the skin. I could myself getting close.**

**“You’re gonna cum soon aren’t you princess? Cum for me princess! Come for your kidnapper. Cum for me princess now!”**

**As if on command all my vaginal muscles tightened, my body spasmed a bit, and pure bliss washed over my naked and humiliated body. I leaned back against her, tired and panting into my gag. I felt like I was going to blackout. Camilla removed my gag and pulled out the cloth rolled into a ball. I was happy to breathe easy again.**

**“How was it, princess? Was I all you ever dreamed about?”**

**“Yes,” I whispered.**

**“I’m glad. We should probably head back to the castle soon before your father notices we’re missing.”**

**“Wait, what?” I asked confused.**

**“Haha, happy birthday Kira. I thought I’d get some of my own desires out too if you were gonna confess like that.”**

**“So you’re not kidnapping me? I’m not going to be sold?”**

**“Nope. I just wanted to pretend. And god was it worth it. You look so hot tied up right now I almost want you to put that tongue to proper use.”**

**I blushed at her remarks.**

**“Sorry if I scared you but I also had to get you away from the palace before I could speak honestly with you. Your father doesn’t approve of same-sex attraction.”**

**“Oh… then we never have to tell him about us. Could you untie me now Camilla?”**

**“Elise. My name really is Elise. Camilla is my older sister.”**

**It took some time but Elise finally got me all free and took me to some fresh clothes. She didn’t want me to shower first. She wanted me to walk home proudly. I laughed at that until I realized there weren’t any panties. I embarrassingly screeched at her to which she laughed. She gave me a chaste kiss on the lips and I returned it with a more passionate one.**

**“I love you Elise,” I said.**

**“Love you too, princess.”**

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/fo3hke/tied_in_her_arms

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