The Nerd Strikes Back [fmmmmmmm] [straight] [fiction]

*Featuring bittybytebaby as Ruby Warner.*


It begins with a late transfer to the 11th grade class of Urstwyn High School.

“Please introduce yourself to us, Ms. Warner,” says Mrs. Prior.

The alt girl with pale skin, tattoos, blue hair, and dark blue eyes rises from her seat to address the class. “Hi. I’m Ruby. I’m originally from Dalton. I was attending Dalton High School before I transferred here.”

Before the girl can sit down, Mrs. Prior asks, “And how did you come to move to Urstwyn, Ruby?”

“My dad got a new job here after he was fired for blowing up the laboratory he used to work at. It was an accident but he was fired anyway. Two people died in the explosion.”

A murmur goes up from the class, but it dies down quickly when Ruby adds, “I’m more into computers than chemicals, which is what my father is into. He’s a chemist. I hope to be a web designer someday.”

That first day for Ruby goes by quickly and before the final bell rings, she has a boyfriend named Quentin from 12th (final) grade and has given him a blowjob in the library.


*You’re wild*, Quentin texts her in the evening. *A bj and we just met. Not even a date!*

She texts back, *Sorry didnt mean to blow your mind. Things happen fast in Dalton.*

*So everything I heard about Dalton is true? Public nudity allowed and open sexuality?*

*Mhm dont forget high crime rate and rampant corruption. Every cop in Dalton is in someone’s pocket. I even had a cop myself. Plainclothes officer. Gave him a blowjob once a week and he made sure I didn’t feel the heat ;)*

*You’re kidding, right?*


*Oh :|*



Ruby really is wild. She openly flirts with boys in her class as well as those in other classes at Urstwyn High, all very much to Quentin’s chagrin.

Thankfully, his discomfort doesn’t last long as the end of the school year is just around the corner. Plans have been made. He and six and of his high school buddies will be renting a cabin twenty miles away from Urstwyn, near the town of Rockdale. While there, they intend to go to war against each other. Nerf War, that is.

It’s the last day of school. Quentin’s friend Josh approaches him in a crowded hall.

“You ready for tomorrow?”

Quentin says, “Yeah. What about you?”

“Oh, I’m ready.” Josh sees something behind Quentin and grins. “Hot. She’s so naughty.”

Quentin turns to see Ruby talking to a mutual friend of theirs – Ned. He has her backed against a locker. They’re both smiling with eyes locked. Ned reaches down and clutches her at the junction between her thighs, her short skirt barely hiding his hand. Quentin knows that she isn’t wearing anything under that skirt because she texted him that morning that she wouldn’t be. He goes red with anger and starts heading towards them. They’re five yards away.

Then he sees Ruby grab Ned’s crotch, a bold look on her face. They’re both grabbing each other hardcore in a crowded locker room and smiling about it. Quentin’s blood runs cold. Josh, unaware of Quentin’s mood, places an arm around his shoulder.

“Damn. Those two are really into each other. Or maybe she’s just messing with him. They say she’s been messing around with everyone, even you.”

“What? I’m her boyfriend!”

“Oh. In that case, I won’t tell you what I saw her and Ned doing in the gym closet last week.”


During lunch break, Quentin sees Ruby hanging out with her nerdy friends at a table in the cafeteria. He seizes the opportunity to make her feel bad in front of others. It’s a heat of the moment thing.

“Hi, Ruby. Just wanted to say, we’re done, as in it’s over between us.” He nods confidently, waiting for her reaction.

Ruby has cards in her hands as do her other friends, who are now looking from her to Quentin. They’re also expecting a reaction from her, but it’s as if she hasn’t heard him. On her cards are printed respectively a storm trooper, Darth Vader, the Millennium Falcon, and Luke Skywalker’s green light saber. Each card has stats and details printed below the larger picture. There’s a game going on between this group, involving cards, a game board, two dice, and player pieces.

Ruby’s brow furrows as she places one of the cards on the table, face down. “Is it my turn?”

“Yes,” says a goth girl with a nose ring.

Ruby rolls the dice and frowns at the number.

“Death,” says an Asian boy. “What card are you throwing away now?”

Ruby smiles demurely and turns the card face up.

No’s and groans go up from the table.

“Not another storm trooper!” says the Asian boy.

A black boy looks at his cards and says in a calm voice, “I’ve been counting the cards we’ve played so far. That’s the last storm trooper in the deck. Every other card we use or lose from this point on is going to have significant value. From how the game has turned out so far, I can make a good guess on what cards each of you have.”

“No fucking way you’re gonna rat me out, Fred,” says the goth chick.

Everyone else agrees with her, except for Ruby, who doesn’t seem to care.

“Go ahead,” she says. “Make my day.”

“Okay, you most likely have a powerful ship or station, one of the light sabers, and a very powerful Sith Lord, my guess is either Vader or Darth Sidious.”

All this time, Quentin is waiting and he runs out of patience.

“Fine! Be that way. Her cards are-”

Ruby whips her head around and fixes him with a death stare.

“Jokers,” Quentin says in a hollow tone. He walks away, shoulders slumped.

“There are no jokers in the deck,” says the Asian boy, annoyed. The goth girl gives him a dangerous look. “Oh, right,” he mumbles.


*I can’t believe you would pull that stunt with me in front of my friends!* Ruby texts Quentin that evening.

*Yeah well everyone’s into stunts these days. You and Ned by the lockers this morning?*

*Thats not serious. Its just fun*

*He had his hand on your pussy!*

*Oh it was more than that. He got two fingers inside. He finger fucked me by the lockers with everyone walking around us ;)*

*WTF!!! WHY???*

*Because I provoked him to!*

*:o !!!! >:( And what about us?!*

*We’re still good :)*

*You’re crazy*

*No you are. Crazy is so you. Crazy is trying to embarrass me in front of my friends and almost sabotaging me in a game. I thought you loved me!*

*And I thought you loved me!!*

*I still do!*

*That can’t be right. You fucked half the guys in school*

*Oh gosh Q. I only managed to bang three of them including Ned.*

*Seriously WTF!!!!*

*Just because I haven’t banged you doesnt mean I dont love you. I do LOVE YOU and I’m working my way to claiming whats rightfully mine in your pants. You’re special so I’m just taking my time banging the other boys in school. Why cant you wrap your head around that?*

*I dont know what to say :(*

*Then dont say anything and please chill out, okay? Do you think I’m having conversations like this with all the guys I bang and flirt with? Apart from my nerd pals, only two boys other than you have my number and I rarely respond to their texts because they’re not worth my time. Gosh my thumbs are aching fucking texting you but I LOVE YOU OKAY??*

*Okay :|*

*Good. Now write my name on your cock in black marker. Send me the pic now. I want to see MY cock*

He doesn’t respond after fifteen minutes, so she texts him, *????*

*Gimme a sec dammit! Can’t find a marker in my room. Borrowing one from my little sister*



6 AM, Monday, the week after graduation. The cabin.

Josh, Kev, Cam, Harry, Ned, Roy and Quentin sit by the fire with their presents in front of them. Instead of jumpers, the boys are geared up for Nerf war with tactical vests and trousers packed with ammo.

“Let’s do it,” says Josh. The other boys nod to each other

They trade presents. Each boy receives a gift-wrapped box with his name on it. They unwrap their presents and do due diligence by carefully looking over and testing them, making sure the giver hasn’t sabotaged them for the impending battle. They exit the cabin, putting on beanies and anti-glare glasses for when the sun comes up, each holding on to his Christmas gift: a Nerf gun.

Josh carries a Nerf Rival Zeus MXVII-10K, Kev a Nerf N-Strike Modulus ECS-10 Blaster, Cam a Nerf Rival Khaos MXVI-4000 Blaster, Harry a Nerf Zombie Strike Doominator Blaster, Ned a Nerf N-Strike Elite Delta Trooper, Roy a Nerf Rival Nemesis MXVII, and Quentin a Nerf N-Strike Elite SurgeFire.

Each boy had made known what Nerf gun they wanted for Christmas to do battle with. Now that they have granted each other’s wishes, it is time to duke it out.

The land surrounding the cabin used to be a farm, but the owner had re-purposed it to serve as an outdoor recreational ground. The land now has trenches, artificial bumps and a few dormant trees. The barn, tractors and old farm house serve as great additional cover for mock battles. All of this looks beautiful with a layer of snow currently resting on top.

The boys split up, connected via walkie-talkies. It is go time.

Ned is the first “kill” courtesy of Quentin, who takes a bit too much pleasure from firing ten rapid rounds into his pal’s face. Four minutes later Cam groans over the airwave as he is “killed” by Josh. Another eight minutes elapses before Harry is surprised by Kev.

Ned, Cam and Harry wait in the cabin, while the other four continue the war outside.

“Uh, guys?” says Cam, looking out the window. “There’s a blue Toyota Prius that just drove in.” He turns to beckon his friends over to see. By the time they reach the window, the car has been parked several yards from the barn and the driver has disappeared.

“Where’s the driver?”

“Must’ve dashed out of the car – whoa, look!”

They see a figure dressed in white snow camo gear, holding a Nerf gun, sprint out of the barn and dive into one of the trenches.


Next minute, “Shit,” says Roy on the airwave. “I’ve been hit by some new guy. Got me from behind.”

“What kind of weapon they packing?”

“A Nerf N-Strike Elite Retaliator.”

“Gah!” cries Kev over the radio. He chokes a bit and sounds like he’s spitting out something that went into his mouth the wrong way, most likely Nerf rounds. “That was not cool. I’m dead.”

Josh says, “Hey, Q, you thinking what I’m thinking?”

“Yeah, let’s not. I don’t trust you. You’ll try to ‘kill’ me the moment I get within firing range.”

“Fine. Double points for whoever gets this mystery shooter.”


“I think I see him,” says Josh.

“Where is he?” asks Quentin.

“Like I’m gonna tell you. Hold on to your little wiener while I blast him full of plastic.”

Josh crawls stealthily toward the farm tractor, his Nerf Rival Zeus MXVII-10K slung over his back. He sees snow boots and a white coat beside the tractor wheel. He is going to sneak around the side and –

A shadow falls across him. He instantly realizes he has been lured into a trap with the tractor’s promise. He curses himself and does his best to bring his gun to bear and fire at the same time, but gets bombarded with Nerf rounds all over before he can do any of that.

“Aahh!!” he yells. “Okay, okay, you got me, stop yo- huh?”

A storm trooper from Star Wars stands over him, reloading a Nerf N-Strike Elite Retaliator after emptying a magazine into poor Josh.

Josh exclaims, “What the fuck?”

“I see him. Josh, keep him occupied. Coming your way. He’s mine!” says Quentin over the radio.

“I think he heard you,” says Josh as the storm trooper turns and runs.

“Yeah, he’s heading towards me. It’s on!”

Cam, Ned, Harry, Kev, and Roy come running out of the cabin to see this last piece of action. The storm trooper and Quentin run straight for each other, firing all the ammo in their magazines. When the magazines are empty, they throw aside their automatics and go for their hand guns. Quentin brings up his Nerf N-Strike Elite Disruptor Blaster at the same time the storm trooper levels his Nerf N-Strike Elite Strongarm Blaster. They both hit their targets multiple times, but keep running until they collide, bump off each other and fall to the snow-covered ground.

Quentin’s entire body hurts from ramming himself into the storm trooper, whose armor, he assumes, protects the person inside from feeling the same amount of pain he feels now.

Then he hears a familiar voice.

“That was hardcore. Can’t move. Get this helmet off me, babe. It’s stuck.”

“Ruby? What the hell are you doing here dressed like that?”

“Thought I’d surprise you. How’d I do?”

Quentin rolls onto his front and pushes himself up. Kneeling beside the storm trooper, he removes the helmet to reveal a pretty face with dark blue eyes gazing up at him.

With a playful smile, Ruby asks, “Is my hair still there, or do I look like Vader now?”


In the cabin, fire crackling and everyone in sweaters and warm trousers, the boys recount the battle several times and from each of their own perspectives. Everyone has a mug of hot chocolate clutched in their hands, although several have caused spills on the floor due to their excitement and hand waving.

Quentin is sitting with Ruby on the couch. Josh joins them, sandwiching Ruby between him and Quentin, who doesn’t appreciate the closeness.

“I just realized something.”

“Oh yeah, what’s that?” says Quentin, not interested.

“Ruby has sucked off every guy in this room. Every guy. I asked.”

“What?! Even you?”

“Chill, Q,” says Josh. “I’m not that bad looking. Can’t blame your girl for wanting my dick.”

Quentin reaches across to grab Josh, but Ruby stops him. “Don’t be a jerk, both of you.”

“Is it true?” Quentin asks.

“Yes, it’s true. Will you relax? We’ve talked about this.”

“But Josh?”

“He’s just a dick, Q. They’re all dicks.” Grabbing Quentin’s head and kissing him lovingly, she says, “You’re my guy. Don’t go amnesiac on me, please!”

“Okay,” says Quentin. He pulls her into his embrace and kisses her deeply for his benefit, for hers, and for all the guys in the room. “You’re my girl.”

“Aww that’s so sweet,” says Josh. “Could the rest of us fuck her now?”

Everyone laughs, including Ruby, except for Quentin.

“Why don’t you all just fuck each other and leave her out of it?” says Quentin.

“Baby, don’t be rude,” says Ruby.

“Me? Rude? Did you hear what Josh said?”

“It’s only a request.”

“He’s crazy.”

“Oh, I’m crazy all right. Crazy and hard,” says Josh, indicating his pitched tent.

“Ooh hmm,” says Ruby, obviously fascinated by the bulge in Josh’s trousers. “Someone’s very much up for action.”

Quentin puts his head in his hands. “I don’t believe this.”

He feels a hand reach for his trousers. Soon his cock has been freed and is being stroked by Ruby. She pumps it for a while then releases him once he is erect.

“Stroke my cock,” she commands.

He hesitates at first, conscious of the other guys watching him, but obeys her anyway.

“I need some stuff from my car. Wait here, boys,” Ruby says.


She returns with a box of condoms that come in assorted colors of red, green and white.

“Season’s greetings, boys,” she says, setting the box down on the table. She orders them to get naked. Then she goes to Quentin with a white condom in her hand. “I said I wanted our time to be special, but I won’t stop you if you want to fuck me now.”

“I’ll wait,” he says with a sullen look.

Ruby mounts his lap and kisses him deeply for a full minute.

Then it’s off with her clothes, bouncing away to join the boys in the middle of the cabin living room. They gather around her and spank her ass, touching her everywhere, feeling her breasts and commenting as she slowly turns herself around in the circle, feeling their hard bodies.

“Nice to see all your dicks primed for me.”

Ruby jacks off Cam and Ned while kissing Roy.

“Mmm, every guy here has a big cock. I’m spoiled,” says Ruby.

Roy pushes her down so she can suck him off. Her lips move along his shaft expertly while his eyebrows rise to the rhythm of her sucking. She’s pumping Harry’s and Kev’s cocks now while Josh and the other boys feel her up all over, stroking their dicks as well.

Ruby switches to Kev’s cock, sucking it at a leisurely pace. She’s relieved the boys aren’t getting too greedy and disorganized. She can feel the circle rotating, cocks slipping out of her hands to be replaced by different ones. She keeps stroking and sucking off the cock in her mouth. Before he can cum, she takes another cock into her mouth. This time it’s Josh. He holds her head in place and fucks her face, groaning aloud.

Ruby sucks off all six of Quentin’s friends, while he watches from the couch, hand pumping his cock. Josh asserts his dominance of the group.

“Over there on the sitting isle,” he points to a large meditation cushion Kev had brought. “Hands and knees.”

Ruby does as he instructs, mounting the sitting isle on hands and knees, angling her ass and pussy at him. “Any takers?” she asks.

“Me first,” says Josh with a red condom on his cock. He orders the other boys to put on a condom before penetrating her pussy or ass. They do as instructed.

He gets behind her and slips his cock balls deep inside her. Ruby gasps and moans as Josh starts pounding her cunt. The other five gather around to watch. Kev moves in and his cock is greeted by Ruby’s open mouth. He and Josh spit roast Ruby for ten minutes. They vacate her mouth and pussy only for her two orifices to be filled by Ned and Cam, respectively. Their turn takes twelve minutes before Roy and Harry fill Ruby’s two holes.

“On your back,” says Josh. Ruby obeys and finds herself stroking Ned and Kev with Harry fucking her pussy and Roy in her mouth. Josh and Cam grab hold of her breasts, one in each hand, squeezing and playing with her nipples while they jack themselves off.

Quentin watches and keeps stroking himself in obedience to Ruby as he watches his girlfriend get gangbanged. Josh and Roy push both their cocks into her mouth as Ned slides his cock into Ruby’s ass. He fucks her hard while her mouth is being stuffed full of two hard cocks.

Ruby gets up off the sitting isle as Cam lays back on it. She straddles him reverse cowgirl, his cock deep in her ass. Roy gets in front of her and eases himself into her cunt. She jerks off Harry and Josh while sucking off Ned.

Quentin erupts, firing his cum in a strong jet. Josh smiles and closes his eyes, shooting his sperm load in Ruby’s mouth. He tells her to swallow and she does so happily.

Ruby finds herself once again on hands and knees as Kev and Roy give her a double vaginal penetration. She moans at the pleasure of being filled in one hole with two eager cocks. They both cum in her into their condoms while Cam spills his load in her mouth. Harry pushes himself into her mouth next, getting his cock sucked really well before unleashing his cum.

Ned and Harry masturbate and shoot their semen on her ass and back.

“Too bad the shower can only fit two at one time,” says Ruby after all the boys have ejaculated. She and Josh shower first before the other guys.

“So what did you think?” Ruby asks Quentin, sitting with him on the couch as mid-day approaches.

“That was hot and my balls are sore from losing all my spunk.”

Ruby giggles and kisses him on the cheek. “In a couple of hours, you’re going to have a full tank of cum ready to fire. The boys want another gangbang later in the afternoon and the evening.”

“I’m not going to stop you,” says Quentin.

Ruby caresses his face. “No, you’re just going to watch. You’re such a perv!”

Quentin smiles at that and kisses her full on the lips. “No, I’m just your boyfriend.”

“You so are and I love you, nobody else.”
