I’m a Librarian Who Went Bad In my Late 30s.

*I spent most of my life as a good girl librarian. I never married and I was sick of doing what was expected instead of what seemed fun. So I went wild. I fucked a lot of people. I had a lot of fantasies. I like combining the real with the fantasy into sexy stories. Pic on my profile and please share your thoughts!*

Leah licked my slit from bottom to top. It sent chills through my entire body.

I leaned back in my leather office chair. My conservative black skirt and half-slip were pushed up around my waist. My white nylon panties were laying on the floor. She was on her knees between my stocking covered legs.

I moaned when she flicked at my clit. I opened my eyes and glanced nervously at the office door. Outside and up a short hall was a library full of people. If I opened the blinds on a big window just to the left, I would be able to see out to everyone. And they would be able to see in.

The only other person working was Rachel, my assistant. It was at her wedding, just two months earlier, that I’d been with a woman for the very first time. I didn’t think she knew all the details about how I’d fucked one of her groomsmen. And his date. And his dad. Walking in on her boss being eaten out by another woman would surely be a shock for her.

Leah’s touch was so soft it made me tremble. She delicately used her tongue to toy with my pussy lips.

“I love eating you out, Chellee,” she said.

That much was obvious. She’d been doing it pretty regularly for weeks.

Everything about our relationship–if it could even be called that–was wrong. She was 18 years old and still in high school. I’d been getting ready to start my master’s degree in Library Science the year she was born. I was old enough to be Leah’s mother. And in some ways, that’s the shape that things had taken.

The first time I saw her I thought that Leah was a tramp. She looked like poor white trash. She was a fake blonde and her style of dress made her look cheap. But I learned it wasn’t entirely her fault. Her home life wasn’t great. She had a negligent mom who was more concerned with having a good time than raising a daughter. When she wasn’t at work, she was out with her latest loser boyfriend. The more we hung out, the more Leah took to me as some type of maternal replacement.

But you don’t drop by your mom’s job to give her head.

Leah focused her attention on my clit. She circled it with her tongue. She slid a finger inside my wet hole. I gasped so loud I was worried someone might hear.

I had been with two other women before Leah. And I was her first. And she’d taken it to fantastically. In 20 years of sexual activity, she ate my pussy as well as anyone.

We’d first met a month earlier. I was spending the night with a man I’d been seeing. When he got called into work on an emergency, he left me alone at his place. His teenage son had shown up Leah and a male friend and I’d discovered the three of them watching a pornographic movie–and doing their best to imitate it. My immediate impulse had been to scold the three of them. But after watching for a few minutes, another impulse took over. And I ended up joining the fun.

I’d been the one to ask for Leah’s number. I was on such an erotic high by the end of the night that I couldn’t resist. It was impulsive.

I felt guilty when she texted me a few days later. My entire life I’d been sexually conservative. I’d been the type of woman who only sought committed relationships and never had sex with someone until I was certain there was real potential. At an out-of-town wedding a few weeks before my 40th birthday I’d finally decided to give in to hedonistic temptation. I’d indulged my fantasies and let them happen. And I’d rationalized it by saying it would be a one-time thing–just an adventure on vacation. The plan had always been to go back to dating and looking for the right relationship when I got home. But that hadn’t been as fulfilling as I hoped. And stumbling upon the high school kids had been like an invitation to unleash the suppressed bad girl within. At least for one more night.

I didn’t feel guilty about my actions. The kids had already been having sex. I hadn’t seduced or coerced them in any way. But an ongoing thing seemed wrong. It wasn’t just the age difference–which made me feel like I was taking advantage of someone. It was also the fact that a string of meaningless encounters wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted an exclusive partner. Someone who could give me emotional support and longtime commitment–as well as hot sex. And I couldn’t find that if I was spending my nights elsewhere.

But I’d never even considered ignoring her text messages. I didn’t plan on anything happening, but I wasn’t going to be a bitch. She seemed friendly enough. And smarter than I would have guessed. I felt sorry for her situation at home. She needed a female role model in her life. She’d already picked up some of her mom’s bad habits–like dating loser guys and letting them objectify her and treat her like shit. But I broke her of that habit quickly. It was amazing how little tenderness and attention it had taken to boost her self-confidence and make her feel like an equal.

Playing the role of a cool older sister came easy at first. She just needed someone to talk to her and be a friend. And I enjoyed taking her shopping or out for dinner. I wanted that to be the extent of it. But the sex was inevitable. I knew it was there for the taking. She didn’t offer overtly, but it was obvious. And I was definitely drawn to her–even though I knew it was wrong. After a few frustrating dates with guys who I knew I could never love, I caved.

From there, things just escalated for two weeks. Every time I told myself it would stop. I didn’t want to stop being her friend. But I didn’t want it to be sexual. I was honest with her. And I didn’t call her to get together. But I never ignored her calls either.

“I need some advice,” Leah would say. “Can we get together and talk?”

And an hour later we’d be fingering each other in my car in some dark alley.

But she’d never visited me at work. Not before that Friday. And when she showed up I knew exactly where it would lead. I’d never done anything sexual in the library before. I’d had fantasies–like most women–but never seriously considered it. But I still knew it would happen as soon as Leah asked to see my office.

I couldn’t stop squirming in my chair. I knew there was very little chance of anyone catching us. But still, the chance that Rachel might walk in–or some higher up from city hall might drop by and discover us at that precise moment–frightened me. And it drove me wild. It made every sensation more intense. Every time Leah drug her tongue up my pussy I thought I would pass out. And she could see the effect it was having on me. A month earlier she’d been a complete submissive–just eager to please and be told what to do by a man. But as her confidence grew, so did her ability to control the situation.

“Maybe we should stop?” she said coyly. “This is too risky.”

She had a strong Texas accent that was both adorable and sensual.

I didn’t acknowledge what she was saying in any way.

She stood up. She had on jeans and a tight, old black angora sweater. It was so worn and thin and stretched that I could see where her black bra stopped and the creamy white flesh of her breast started. I was dressed conservatively in a button-down white sweater and black skirt. I didn’t want her to leave. But I didn’t want to crack first.

“Yeah,” I said. “I don’t know what I was thinking letting you do that here.”

I pulled down my black nylon half slip. Then I stood up and straightened my skirt. I nodded at my little white panties on the floor.

“Can you hand me those?” I asked.

“Wow, these are soaked,” she said when she picked them up. “You must have really been into it? You sure you want me to go?”

“It’s probably best,” I said.

Leah brought the damn nylon panties to her nose and inhaled deeply. Then she tossed them in my direction.

“OK,” she said. “I’ll text you later or something. Hug?”

I reached out to embrace her. We really could pass for mother and daughter. She wasn’t a real blond like me, but we had a similar stature–both tall and fit and busty. The only difference was her tiny, high-school girl ass, as opposed to my more muscular lower body–the product of years spent at the gym. I loved the way our big titties crushed together when we embraced. My two previous experiences had been with slender women with an average chest. Leah and I were both double-ds.

We held each other for a second. One of us was going to break. It was just a matter of who. She kissed me on the lips. Her soft tongue slid into my mouth. Then she pushed my skirt up. Then she started rubbing my silky slip against my furry mound.

“Are you sure you want me to go?” she asked.

I needed her. But I wasn’t ready to end the game. I didn’t say anything.

She pulled her hand back again. I leaned to kiss her lips, but she stepped back.

“Don’t go,” I said.

“Are you sure?” she asked playfully.

I grabbed her arm.

“Stop fucking around and do me,” I said.

She pushed me back in the chair. I grabbed my skirt and slip and bunched them around my waist again. My bare ass was against the leather. And my furry cunt was exposed.

“We could get caught,” Leah said as she kissed her way up my thigh.

“Yes,” I moaned.

“You’d get fired,” she said.

“Maybe,” I panted.

“Is it worth it to you? For me to eat your pussy?” she asked. “Do you want it that bad?”

A puddle was starting to form in my chair. At that moment, I would have paid anything to just get off.

Leah could read my expression. She lost interest in teasing me. She just wanted to get me off. She drove two fingers into my cunt. She pressed hard on my clit with her tongue. And she licked it with long, firm strokes.

I started driving my pelvis into her hand. It was like I was trying to take a cock inside me.

“Fuck me hard,” I whimpered.

I knew I was being loud. I just hoped the walls were thick enough or nobody was close enough to hear.

Leah licked faster and I could feel the tension building. She brought me right to the edge of the cliff. And then she took me over.

“OH!” I almost shouted.

The orgasm was intense. The build-up had built up so much need and pressure.

She straddled me in the chair and we kissed for several moments. Then she got up and walked to the door.

“You owe me one,” she said with a wink.

Then she left me there with my legs spread and my panties still on the floor.


That evening I went out for drinks with my best friend, Sky. We’d known each other since college. Even though we had little in common on the selfish–her being a colorful, outgoing, self-described “hippie chick” and me being the prudish, voluptuous librarian–we shared tons of interests and our personalities meshed perfectly.

We always shared everything going on in our lives. After two decades of friendship, Sky had been naturally skeptical when I came back from vacation and confessed my one night stand. Or, more appropriately, three nights of non-stop fucking. But I’d eventually convinced her I was telling the truth.

I’d been on dates the last few weekends, so it had been a while since we really caught up. It didn’t take long for me to tell her all about what had been happening with Leah. As I told the story from our first meeting up through the mid-day library hook up, Sky became increasingly shocked.

“Chellee!” she exclaimed at the end. “I can’t believe you! I’m not judging. And you know I love you. But this just seems wrong. This girl seems young and impressionable. And this doesn’t seem like a good idea.”

Of course, she was right. I had been thinking the exact same thing. I told Sky the truth about how I’d felt guilty, yet I kept caving in.

“If you were that hard up for sex you should have just called me,” Sky said with a wink.

A few weeks early we’d decided to spend a night exploring the sexual side of our friendship. It was an amazing experience. And neither of us had any regrets. But we also both agreed that it would be best to keep it a one-time thing. Both of us preferred men. And we were both the relationship type–though, unlike me, Sky had engaged in a few passionate flings in her life. We both agreed that we had too much to risk as friends to muddy the waters by continuing to explore sex together.

“It’s not that I’m that hard up for sex,” I said. “I mean, I haven’t been on a good date in a while. But you know that I can go a while without. It’s just her. There’s just something about her that makes me lose my mind.”

Sky nodded as if she understood. She took a sip of her drink.

“Well then,” Sky said. “I have to meet her. I have to see what it is. If you’re just crazy or if I see it, too.”

I have Leah a call to see if she was busy. She quickly agreed to come to meet us. Even though she was only 18–and didn’t look a day older than that–I knew Leah had a fake ID to get in the bar. I didn’t feel great about further corrupting a minor by helping her drink at a bar. But, morally, it was probably far from the worst thing I’d done with Leah.

Leah walked in looking devastating. Her blond hair was perfectly styled. She had on a short, faded denim skirt with a frayed hem. Her top was a thin, white button-down with black pinstripes and a square neckline that dove down to show off her cleavage. Beneath it, she wore a hot pink bra with lacy black trim that was one hundred percent obvious through the thin blouse. When I’d called to invite her out I’d know that if Sky talked to Leah for a few minutes she’d see her charm immediately. But watching Leah cross the room, I didn’t think she’d have to say a word. Every head in the place was turning to look at her. She definitely had a slutty look about her, but it was mixed with confidence.

“You two really could be sisters,” Sky said after a round of drinks had been delivered to our table. “I’m jealous. I wish I had a big rack. Or an ass as small as Leah’s.”

Sky was definitely a couple of cup sizes down, but the remark about Leah’s ass was a bit of a stretch. Sky had been a weekend yoga instructor for years. Everything about her body was small and tight.

Like me, Sky attached to Leah almost automatically. The girl wore the scars of her hard life on her sleeve, but she was still surprisingly good-natured, upbeat, and resilient. When she was treated with respect, she was a great, witty conversationalist with tons of charm. For the hundredth time, I couldn’t help thinking I just wanted to be there for her to help her get her life on track and make sure her education didn’t end after high school or that she didn’t end up knocked up and living a life of low expectations like her mother. I could tell that Sky felt the same way. We chatted through the first round of drinks and then ordered another. The conversation got livelier.

“So, when you two fuck it must be a little like looking in the mirror,” Sky finally blurted out.

Leah’s cheeks turned bright red.

“You told her?” she asked.

She wasn’t angry. Just shocked. And maybe a little embarrassed.

I explained to her the nature of my friendship with Sky. And that I told her everything.

“So have you two ever done it?” Leah asked.

“You DIDN’T tell her?” Sky said, mocking Leah’s earlier tone.

Now it was my time to turn red. I tried to change the subject but neither would have it. Sky relished telling Leah what a prude I’d been for most of my life. And how the two of us had spent a night getting one another off with the help of two guys we met in the bar.

“It’s hard for me to believe that Chellee was ever that much of a prude,” Leah said after the story. “She fucked two guys with you. And two guys with me. It sounds like she loves fucking guys to me.”

“I never said I don’t love fucking guys,” I protested. “I just prefer one guy. A guy who is committed to me.”

“You want one guy, yet you keep ending up with pairs,” Sky teased.

“Yeah, apparently so,” I admitted with a laugh.

“Maybe the three of us should find a pair tonight,” Leah said.

We all laughed.

“I’m kind of serious,” Leah said after a moment.

I immediately protested, but Leah was persistent. And very persuasive.

“It will be fun,” Leah promised.

Sky shrugged and admitted she was game. She hadn’t had sex in a month. Plus, it was obvious she was still curious about Leah. She couldn’t take her eyes off the girl’s body. It was almost as if she had a little crush.

The idea appealed to me, too. Just talking about it got me excited. On some level, I knew I wanted it. But at the same time, the cautious, conservative side of me was holding back. I really DID plan to start dating again and stop having one night stands. But I was giving in to Leah’s argument until I remembered her age. And I thought about how she saw me as an older sister or maternal figure. And then I just wanted to take her from the bar and drop her off at home.

“I don’t think so,” I said. “Besides, where would we even find guys?”

“Are you kidding?” Leah asked.

She stood up from her chair and then bent back over to talk to us. She rested her arms on the table. Her tight little ass was wagging in the air. Her skirt rode up so high that almost every inch of her long, sexy legs was exposed. It took less than two minutes for some creep to sidle over and start talking to her. He was at least 15 years older than her with a gut and a shit-eating “watch me seduce this little girl” grin on his face. He made my blood boil. I couldn’t just watch what was happening. I was aware of my hypocrisy–that I had recently seduced much younger men, not to mention spending so much time with Leah. And I didn’t feel happy about that. But feeling guilty wasn’t going to shame me into being a part of just handing her over to some barfly.

“I can not be a part of this,” I said emphatically.

I glanced at Sky for help. And I could tell that despite her apparent lust for Leah, she was having the same misgivings.

“What gives?” the guy said as he looked at me. “I like cougars, too. RAWR!”

His condescending remark took me by complete surprise. My jaw almost hit the floor. And without thinking I gave him a full, open-hand slap to the face. Sky and Leah both just stared at me. And then Leah started laughing. Sky quickly followed. The guy just stood staring at us.

“You’re just a bunch of cunts,” he said and stormed off.

“Let’s just get out of here,” Sky said with another laugh.

We all agreed it was time to go. I handed our server some cash for our tab and we walked outside. We were all still laughing.

When we got in the parking lot we saw the guy I slapped. And he was talking to a cop. He pointed at the three of us. The police officer had his arm on the guy’s shoulder like he was trying to calm him down. After a minute he patted him on the back and pointed him back in the bar. He approached us.

“Ladies,” he said, “this guy claims you assaulted him. Care to tell me what happened?”

I quickly told him the entire story, only embellishing a little bit what the guy had said to offend me.

“He just rubbed me the wrong way, officer,” I said at the conclusion. “He was hitting on Leah and he’s obviously way too old for her and it was creepy.”

“I understand,” he said. “And this isn’t the kind of thing we arrest people for,” he assured me.

Then he glanced at Leah.

“Miss, you do look a little young for him. And to be in a bar. Do you have an ID?”

I immediately got nervous. But Leah played it much cooler than me. He reached in her purse nonchalantly and handed over the license she’d used to get in the bar.

“Are you really trying to hand me a fake ID, Miss?” the cop said.

“I don’t know what you mean,” Leah answered.

“The height is wrong. The eye colors are wrong. And you are very obviously not 25 years old,” he said. “Do you know this is a serious offense? Let me see your real ID right now.”

Sky and I were both completely paralyzed with fear. I couldn’t believe the situations I had gotten myself into. And I knew she was thinking the same thing. Neither one of us had needed a fake ID in nearly 20 years. And somehow we’d gotten wrapped up with helping a minor break the law.

The cop must have seen the look on our faces.

“Are one of you her mother?” he asked.

We both shook our heads.

“Aunt? Sister?” he asked.

Again, we shook our heads.

“Do you know you can be arrested right now for contributing to delinquency?” he said.

Leah had become just as frazzled as the two of us. She dug around in her handbag for her actual license. Her hand was trembling and she knocked a few things out of her purse. Including a small bag of something. The cop knelt to pick it up.

“This looks like marijuana,” he said. “Things are just going from bad to worse for you, honey. I think you need to step over to the car. And I’m going to need the number for your guardian.”

Tears started streaming down Leah’s face.

“No,” she said. “You can’t do that. My mom will kill me. She’ll fucking kill me.”

“Everyone says that,” the cop responded. “But parents don’t usually kill their kids.”

Leah continued to cry and plead. For the hundredth time that night, I felt guilty. And responsible. I’d been trying to be a friend to the girl, and yet she was only at the bar because of me. And it was going to get her in serious shit at home.

The officer took all of our IDs. Then he led Leah toward his car. He opened the driver’s side door to grab a clipboard and pen. Another cop was in the passenger seat playing with his smartphone. He didn’t even look up.

“Officer,” I said. “She’s 18. Do you really have to call a guardian?”

“Who else is going to get her out of jail? I should be taking you two in, too,” he said.

Sky reached out and gently grabbed the officer’s arm.

“Come on, Officer,” she said. “Leah’s not a criminal. She made a mistake. We all made a mistake. We’re just three ladies who wanted to go out for some drinks and cut loose. Can’t you just give us a warning?”

I’d been in the car before when Sky was pulled over for speeding. She always tried to flirt her way out of a ticket. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn’t. But I recognized the routine. The police officer couldn’t have been a day over 25, but Sky was batting her eyes and smiling at him like he was the first real man she’d ever seen.

“Are you flirting with me, Ma’am?” the cop asked.

He put extra emphasis on the word Ma’am. Sky had the skin and body of a 30-year-old and the ass of a teenager. But the silver streaks in her once long, blond hair belied her age.

“I’m just saying that there has to be another option,” Sky said. “Something you can do.”

He glanced at Sky. And then glanced at me. His eyes lingered on my tight, white sweater.

“Depends,” he said. “What she can do?”

“What do you mean?” I quickly asked.

“I don’t mean anything,” he said. “Not a thing. I tell you what…I’m just going to take a seat here in the back seat of the cruiser for a few minutes to rest my legs. And we’ll see in a few minutes if I feel like dealing with all this paperwork. Or…maybe…I’ll be just a little less stressed out about things.”

He unlocked the back door to the car and slid in. Looking out at us–and specifically at me–he unbuckled his belt and the top button to his uniform pants.

Leah wiped the tears off her face.

“Don’t do it, Chellee,” she said. “This is bullshit. My mom will kick my ass but it will be fine.”

But I couldn’t shake the guilty feeling. I didn’t want anything in Leah’s life to be harder because of me.

Plus, I kind of found the whole thing appealing.

Officer Johnson was hot. It wasn’t just the uniform–though I’d always had a thing for them. He was handsome, square-jawed, broad-chested, and young. He looked like a sketch of what Clark Kent should be. In the past two months, I’d fucked over half a dozen strangers on nothing more than a whim. And though I didn’t plan to keep it up forever, I certainly didn’t have any regrets.

But I would regret it if Leah got arrested.

If it took giving a cop a handjob in the back of his car to get her out of trouble, that seemed like a small sacrifice. In truth, in a different situation I may have been happy to take him home with me.

I looked at the girls and suggested they take a little walk.

“Are you sure?” Sky asked.

I nodded and she took Leah by the arm and started walking away. I slipped into the back seat of the squad car and pulled the door behind me. The guy in the front glanced back. He was just as young as his partner.

I reached over and started rubbing Johnson through his pants. I could feel his cock stiffen.

“You know,” he said. “I’m a very visual person.”

He nodded in the direction of my chest.

“What are you asking?” I questioned.

“I’m not asking anything,” he said. “I’m just saying. I’m a very visual type of guy.”

His eyes lingered on the slight bit of cleavage showing above my sweater. I hadn’t changed since leaving the library. I had on the same sweater and skirt I’d been wearing when Leah came to visit. I left my right hand on his lap. With the left, I took the big button at the top of my sweater between my fingers and popped it open. Then I opened the next two. My sweater dangled open. Officer Johnson and his partner both gazed at the lacy white bra holstering my breasts.

“Nice,” the guy in the front seat mumbled.

I pulled the zipper down on Johnson’s uniform pants and fished out his cock. It was nice and thick. I wrapped my hand tightly around it and started to tug.

[This story only gets hotter! Check out my profile page for more!!]

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/fmmu5g/im_a_librarian_who_went_bad_in_my_late_30s

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