Captain’s Bait – [MF] but also [tentacles] [non-con] [dark]

For as long as anyone can remember, a woman aboard a ship has been bad luck.

That is, until the *Marigold* washed up on the shore of a colony town a few months back. The flesh of its sailors peeled off, limbs strewn about like children’s toys, and a message written on the white sail in dried, brown blood.

*I desire a girl.*

Further messages arrived, written in viscera and gore, on the docks of port towns. It was evident to all. Ships that departed without one of the fairer sex aboard did not return.

Sailors mutinied. Brothels were raided, screaming whores dragged into the holds of ships. Fathers locked their daughters in their rooms – or else decided they were better off with a pocketful of coin and one less mouth to feed.

Soon, women realized they could secure free passage across the Endless Ocean, with merely a gamble.

The Captain’s Bait, the position became to be known as. Dangled, metaphorically – and sometimes, it was rumoured, literally – over the monstrous jaw of the unknown creature of the sea.

At first, it was the desperate ones who volunteered. Women and girls with nothing left to lose on land, running from violent husbands and destitution. Then it was those of us who dared to dream of something beyond our lives of corsets and obedience. Of freedom beyond the Endless Ocean.

Or those of us who were running from something scarier than sea monsters.

I had seen your ship in the harbour for the past week, and there was only one reason a vessel like that would be anchored for so long. You were without your bait.

I remember the first time I saw you.

You barked orders and your crew scrambled to obey, but there was only so much a ship could do while anchored. They were getting antsy, and so were you.

The multitude of curious and hungry eyes of your crew fell on me as I walked up the gangplank, all the possessions I owned thrown over my shoulder. I forced myself to ignore them, and instead focus on the only person whose opinion mattered: you.

I hid my shaking hands in the pockets of my threadbare coat as I approached you.

I can’t imagine what you must have thought of me.

I remember the storm in your eyes as you looked me up and down, seeing me for what I was: a sheltered girl, with more secrets than belongings. You weren’t kind, not at first, the guffaws of your gathered men at your lewd comments made me blush furiously.

My destination wasn’t too far off course from your own, but besides, I held the ultimate bargaining chip: without me, you could not sail.

I remember the roughness of your palm as our hands clasped in agreement.

I stood at the rail of the ship, watching the only land I had known fade into the distance. I closed my eyes and filled my lungs with the salty air, letting the wind whip my hair around my neck. I could feel your gaze on me, but I refused to shrink away under it.

That evening you sought to confine me to my cabin, saying that a ship at sea was no place for a woman, regardless of what the sea beasts thought. It had been the cook who had taken pity on me, failing to secure the latch after delivering my supper. I remember how handsome you were when I snuck out to the helm, your face upturned to the vast tapestry of stars as you gripped the wheel.

You first kissed me there, more gently than I’d ever been kissed, with the stars above us and the sea below.

That night, we made love in your cabin. You were kind then, but our bodies moved with such ferocity and need that the bruises were written across our skin the next morning. Every man on that vessel heard me scream your name, and I fell asleep with your heartbeat in my ears.

Your crew grumbled, but I was the Captain’s through and through, and they didn’t dare touch me when they saw how you looked at me, how your hands wrapped around my hips possessively whenever I stood near. When I joined you at the helm, my body nestled between your frame and the wheel more often than not I could feel the hard press of your desire through my skirts.

With the turquoise waters before us, and the sky above, I thought we were unbreakable.

It was barely a fortnight later that the beast arrived.

The storms howled, lashing angrily at your ship. The rain was relentless, beating down upon the backs of everyone who dared step outside. A man was lost over the edge, and I remembered the grief that tore your face as his body tumbled into the churning ocean. You screamed at a man to confine me in your cabin, and you turned away as he hauled me below deck.

We knew it was coming.

And then, over the noise of the storm – the howl of a beast, unsatisfied and hungry.

My heart skipped in my chest, but my soul hardened in resolution.

You held me to your chest, and I watched tears form in your eyes, but we both knew there was no choice. It was me, or it was all of us.

I begged you not to watch, but I knew you would.

The wind lashing at my skirts, immediately soaked through, I stumbled barefoot onto the main deck. The seas churned around us, the sky dark and gray clouds low. My feet slipped under me as the ship tilted wildly, and I grasped the mast tightly, fear making my breath catch in my throat. I had not prayed for a very long time, but I did then.

At the next flash of lightning, it appeared.

The writhing limbs rose over the side of your ship, twitching eagerly in their search. I counted at least a dozen before fear froze my ability to do so. As thick as my wrist in their narrowest parts, the tentacles were dark in colour and rippled with sinew as they stretched across the deck, as if scenting their prey.

I bite back a scream as one reared in front of me, the tip probing at my tightly sealed lips. I could feel the mucus of the creature smear over my mouth, thick and cold.

I tried to move away from the writhing limbs, but one wrapped around my ankle, moving impossibly quickly. It wound up my leg, and without hesitation, pressed inside of me.

It was then that I did scream, and the tentacle seized its opportunity – filling my mouth and my throat in the next moment. The thick slime coated my tongue and slid downwards to my stomach. My hands loosened on the mast, and I slipped to my knees, overcome by the sensation of the dual violation.

The tentacle inside me – where you had so recently been, where you had filled me with pleasure – steadily pressed inside of me, filling more more than I ever thought possible. Just when I thought I would tear under its need, it moved outward, withdrawing from inside me – and then pressed even deeper. I groaned around the shape in my throat.

The final violation was still to come, and I screamed when the beast pressed inside of me there.

Do you remember how I looked? Of course you do, I have heard you cry out in your nightmares.

Impaled, my arms and legs hanging limply as the beast worked inside of me. It drew me into the air above the deck, suspended on its limbs. If it calms you, know that I was barely capable of thought – there was only the undulating of the beast inside of me as it curled in my core, the roar of its pleasure in my ears.

When I did find my sanity, my thoughts were of you.

I do not know how long it lasted, but I remember when it finished.

The sea creature shuddered inside of me. I could feel the pulsating of its release radiating through my body as I gagged around the tentacle that spasmed in my throat, the salty-sweetness flooding my stomach instantly. My abdomen too bulged with the liquid evidence of the beast’s rapture, and I felt it dripping thickly down my thighs.

Warmth filled me, an impossibly unearthly glow that even now I cannot describe without longing. My body shook with pleasure, which both revulsed and sustained me.

I do not know why it didn’t seize me and drag me down into the depths, to be its toy for eternity.

I would have almost preferred that.

It withdrew swiftly and left me there, crumpled on the deck in a puddle of its own pleasure. I could feel the sunshine across my face, the brightness of a cloudless sky as the storms and sea parted.

I barely remember you skidding across the deck to my side, cradling my body in your hands, calling my name. Your voice cracking as my sightless flickering eyes failed to open. How you pleaded.

What I do remember is how you looked at me, when I awoke in your bed. Like I was a broken girl to be pitied, not the woman who saved your life, and the life of every single man aboard your ship.

You will never stop looking at me like that, love.

And perhaps that is the true curse of the sea beast. That you will never look at me like you once did, full of wonder and love and hope for our future.

I hope by the time you find this letter, I will be long gone. I have secured passage on another ship, bound southward. I ask you not to follow me, and instead, if we are fated to meet again, to let the whims of the sea and the winds – and yes, even the sea beasts – decide, for that is what brought us together.

Thank you for my freedom.



  1. outstanding writing! it may be less erotic but it’s definitely more skillful

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