The Naked Hitchhiker

This is Izzy is a woman that loves two things: driving her nice car, and showing off her hot body. Today was a boring day of for Izzy and her house mate, Jill; so she decided combine her two loves together. Jill watched as Izzy dropped her pants. Naturally Jill was confused about this, she asked what her housemate was doing. Izzy explains that regular driving doesn’t excite her like it used to do, so she wondered how hot it would like to drive out clothes. “You’re crazy.” Jill says, telling Izzy how much of a bad idea this is. Izzy doesn’t listen, she stands in front of Jill whilst sliding out of her silky panties. “What if you get pulled over?” Jill added. But Izzy insisted that she wouldn’t get stopped by the cop; and even if she did, she believes that it won’t matter. Izzy was pretty with a hot, slender figure and a nice wrack with a firm ass; so she believes she could easily flirt her way out of getting a ticket if a cop sees her nearly nude body. Wearing nothing but a T-shirt and a pair of trainers, Izzy strides out of the house. Her excitement builds as she walks down her drive way, as she gets in her car she discovers the satisfying feeling of the smooth leather seat against her soft skin and bare ass. Izzy drives away with a seat belt being the only thing covering her shaved crotch.

Izzy drives down streets, through neighbourhoods, she even drives along a freeway. And yet after nearly half an hour, no other driver has noticed that she isn’t wearing pants. The woman felt a erotic and exhilarating sensation; she is liking how naughty this is. The chances of her getting caught only added to her excitement. This was already quite a big risk, but she couldn’t help herself and she decided to take this a step further. She pulls the car over on a quiet road in order to take her top off and unbuttons her white lace bra, after exposing her firm but perky boobs, she throws both of her last reminding items of clothing out of the window with glee. Wearing nothing but her seatbelt in between her cleavage, she drives around completely naked. Izzy continues driving, her heart pounds as she wonders if any of the passing cars can see her diamond hard nipples through her wind screen. She didn’t care though, as a tingling sensation goes down her spine and runs through her pussy. She even opens the window to let the refreshingly cool wind wash over her exposed skin; the ecstasy in her was building more and more. “If they see me, let them look.” She thought to herself, almost anticipating that some hunky guy would catch a glimpse of slender figure out in the open. Izzy had been driving for an hour without been noticed, her confidence was at an all time high. She clearly thought she was untouchable and nothing can stop her naked adventure. Izzy became more aroused as her journey went on, her crotch was revving similarly to her cars engine; she wanted to just stop now and masturbate right there in the car.

But she decided to turn the car around and go home to do so instead. And yet, not long after starting the trip home, Izzy heard a loud bang outside. This staggered the cars momentum. “Oh god no!” Izzy thought, her excitement is shot dead as she realises that she now has a flat tyre. As she pulls her car up on the hard shoulder, out in the middle of nowhere. Izzy sits in her parked car realising the tricky sit she’s in. She was too far away to walk home. Her heart pounds rapidly, unsure if what to do. The road was quiet and empty, but other cars were bound to come through at any moment. She didn’t have her phone, so she was unable to can a repair truck. And even if she did the situation would still involve some random stranger seeing Izzy’s nude body; how would she explain that? Her only option was to go out and hitch a ride; but even that idea terrifies Izzy. “What if a cop car comes by?” She thought to herself. Maybe her hot body won’t be enough to get her peach like ass out of jail. It was either take the risk and find someone willing to give her a lift, or stay in the car and do nothing but hide out of sheer embarrassment. Izzy bites her tongue and gets out the car to hitch a ride, hoping at least one car will be kind enough to help her.

The attractive naked lady stands out on display with her thumb out at the road, waiting for someone to come to help. A red car drives by and ignores her. A silver car drives up, the person inside honks their horns in appreciation of the beautiful lady showing off what her mama gave her; but the car zooms straight passed her. “What the hell?” She yelled to the car, as it goes off into the distance. After a while this was get her nowhere. Since traditional hitchhiking wasn’t working for her, Izzy decided to attract people in order to gain their attention. She throws her hands in the air to display her slender figure. After running her fingers through a silk like hair, she begins to rubs her juicy boobs together; pinching her nipples for good measure. She hears another car driving towards her, it’s a eighteenth wheeler. Her curvy hips start to sway, her ass jiggles with each movement. “Oh please stop.” She begged. She even starts to smack her squishy ass in the hopes of someone, anyone, would pull over. And yet again the truck just drives by, much to Izzy’s frustration. “Seriously!” She shouted at the truck, middle fingers in the air. Izzy is alerted by a siren that can heard coming her way. She panics and makes a dash to hide behind her car. “Oh god, hide!” She thought as her heart starts pounding out of her chest. She makes it to the car as a police car speeds past, not even noticing Izzy’s illegal nudity. She takes a sigh of relief as the police car passes by.

A mini is driving in the direction Izzy was originally heading, the occupant see the naked woman passing back and fourth across the gravel side of the road. The car pulls over near Izzy’s car, much to her relief, she makes her way to greet the driver: her name was Meg. “Hey! Nice outfit.” Meg said sarcastically. “Listen thank you for pulling over.” Izzy said. “I have a flat tyre and I forgot to bring my phone. So could you give a ride home please.” She continued, begging the stranger. Meg looked at Izzy’s hot body. “So, what happened to your clothes?” She asked Izzy, who stands unsure on how to respond. “I…uh. Forgot them.” Izzy laughed awkwardly. Meg starts making a deal with Izzy: she’ll give Izzy a ride, if she can take pictures of Izzy. She refuses and calls Meg a pervert, but as the car makes an attempt to drive, Izzy agrees begging her to stay. Meg gets out of the car and starts taking nude pictures of Izzy on her phone. Izzy awkwardly stands with a thighs crossed, her small hands cover her boobs as Meg instructs her on how to position her curvy ass. Izzy begrudgingly follows the commands of Me, switching between various sexy possess. “Don’t be shy. You have such a cute butt.” She teased Izzy whilst taking multiple pictures of the embarrassed woman; she dreads the moment another car sees her posing like this. “Let me see them titties!” Meg shouted, instructing Izzy to lift her hands up, as Meg zooms in on those tender nipples. “Oh yes, bitch. Damn!” Meg teased. Izzy has grown fed up. “Are you done yet?” She asked impatiently. “Yes that’ll be all. My boyfriend will love this photos.”

Then an idea came into Megs head. She pounces on Izzy, who struggles and fights as Meg wraps her hands around Izzy. She proceeds to cops a feel on Izzy’s juicy tits, and takes a grab of her ass; all the while taking selfie after selfie on her phone. Izzy manages to get out of Megs grips, but Meg has had her fun. “Ok I’m done now.” Said Meg, opening the passenger side door open for her. “Thanks for the photos. Come on, let’s go.” Izzy reluctantly gets in the car with Meg, the two drive off as Meg takes Izzy home.

The end.
