Young Jennifer soon found herself forced to the ground and a big snarling, heavy wolf mounted atop her, as his huge thick cock jammed at her strangely sopping little pussy.
She honestly didn’t know what to do,she was so frightened, yet so aroused.
What followed next completely blew her mind.
The cock that was jamming into her eventually found its mark, and due to how wet and ready miss Jenni was. That cock just slid in, but it did take her breath away as it sank in, 1, 2, 3, all the way to 8 inches in. Then it stopped.
“why did it stop” she thought, “why’s he just sitting there…. Hmmmf, she couldn’t even finish that thought before she was being absolutely ravaged.
The cock was pistoning in and out of her, for such a long time, she lost count of how many times she had cum.
Poor little Jenni was a sweat and cum soaked mess by the time she felt an alarming pain. Then full. So full.
“I think I’m gonna pass out if I cum any more” she thought.
She tried to get up, but her pussy had seemed to have fused to the wolf.
He knotted her, not that she knew it yet.
At that moment the cute guy from earlier came into the pen, “seems you’re a little stuck there hun, give it about 20,you’ll slip right off, he’s knotted you, I’m just feeding them”.
Poor Jenni heard everything but didn’t really take anything in, in her post orgasmic bliss
Let me know what you think and if I should go on.
What animal should young Jennifer visit next at the zoo?
That was good
What did you like about it most?
that was good.. more detalis please.. and keep it cumming ;)
very good, sext animal should be a gorilla
More details. How fat was the dick, how much cum. Etc…
Great follow up. Next animal, how about a zebra?