[Mf] [reluc] [alcohol] Kaylee the Sister-in-Law Pt. 2

Before Kaylee arrived with her friends, I set out the liquor and made a bourbon then forced myself to turned on some bro country. These girls had to feel comfortable after all. I went outside and lit the fire pit, then turned on Sportscenter to make it appear like I couldn’t care less if they showed up.

It’s good that I did because an hour and two bourbons later I was sitting by the fire pit alone, trying to not let the fourth Florida Georgia Line song on Spotify grate at me. Apparently Kaylee was not fond of being on time, and I was getting mad. But I knew better than to check where they were.

Finally I heard the doorbell ring, I took my time walking down the foyer, doing my best to play non-chalant. I opened the door to find my SIL and three of her cutest friends, one I recognized as the short-haired brunette with thick legs and huge boobs from her soccer team that graduated before Kaylee, the other two were new to me, but after checking out their low cut shirts and short lacy shorts, I didn’t mind. Kaylee was simple and sexy with her long hair made up, probably with a wand I’ve heard her discuss with my wife, a pair of bright gem earrings and matching long necklace, and she was in a short striped dress that could’ve been a tshirt with a pair of Chuck Taylor’s.

All four girls had overwhelming amounts of perfume on, but it was obviously to mask the stench of alcohol they were giving off. If that wasn’t enough to let me know they were pre-partying, their glossy eyes and shit-eating grins confirmed it. “Hey brother-in-law” Kaylee slurred, “These are my friends, Abby I played soccer with, Brittany and Taylor are my new friends that I met visiting college”. A little tipsy myself, I took them all in, gave my best smile, and said, “Welcome, I was about to give up expecting y’all, but it was worth the wait, there’s a fire going out back, and drinks at the bar, help yourselves”.

They filed in one-by-one, Brittany and Taylor followed by Abby. As Kaylee walked in, I placed my right hand across her chest to stop her. As she spun to face me, I pulled up the side of her dress to see what she was wearing. “Just a peek for now” I said, looking down to see red bows. “I hope you like it” I told her rhetorically. Like when I fondled her in the hall, she tightened up, then gave me a forced smile and said “It’s really soft, I like it. Thank you”

I could tell she wanted to be by her friends so I let her go. She needed to loosen up before showing my present to me.

The girls were standing in the kitchen chatting when I came in, “Who wants a shot?” I announced before taking the tequila and pouring into the five glasses I had laid out. “Woo let’s get this shit going!” cheered Taylor, I could tell she was the wild one. We all picked up our glasses, and Abby toasted, “To getting fucked up and maybe fucked sideways” they all giggled and drank, except Kaylee who hesitated before shooting the tequila, eyeing me. “Reluctance, or nerves?” I thought, taking my drink.

“Mm that sends chills right between my legs” announced Brittany. These girls were little sluts, Kaylee kept good company. I wondered if they were all talk. “How about a margarita?” I said making my way to the blender. “Oh yeah!” Said Kaylee’s friends in unison. As I started the mix, they poured another shot. “Fuck, I need to pace them or else I’ll have girls puking all over the house” I put as little tequila as possible in the drinks. They wouldn’t be able to tell.

Some song came on the radio that made Abby jump. “I love this song, turn it up!” She demanded. I walked to where the Bluetooth remote was and cranked up the music. As I sat it down I felt a hand on my back. It was Abby. “Let’s dance, brother in law” she said teasingly. Before I could agree, her huge tits pressed against my chest through her blouse and her arms were around my neck. Looking down I could see he massive cleavage. I obliged by wrapping my hands around her curved waist. And she began swaying to the beat. She was wearing tight jeans that hugged her ass, my hands slid up her bare back and I moved with her. “You’re a good dancer” she said, grinding the her crotch against my growing erection. She spun around and bent over then grinded her ass on my dick. I guided her movements with my hands on her bare waist.

Brittany and Taylor caught the mood and began dancing together. They rubbed against one another with their asses jiggling out of their shorts as the material pulled up their cracks.

Kaylee hesitated then came towards me and Abby. She got behind me and placed her arms on my chest. She rubbed my torso, feeling out the pecs and abs I had worked hard to get over the past few months. Her hands became more firm as she traced out the muscles in my stomach, she lifted up my shirt and traced the skin down by my jeans.

Sensing her friend, Abby moved away, then whispered something to Brittany and Taylor which made them glance over and grin. Whether at me or at Kaylee rubbing me, it was hard to tell, but they looked away and continued dancing together.

I spun around to face Kaylee, her eyes were closed, and I bent over to kiss her neck up by her ear. I had moved faster than I had anticipated, but I was emboldened by the alcohol and Abby dancing on me like she did. Kaylee relaxed and let me kiss her. She moved her hands up my back and locked them together around my neck. We swayed to the music, which had turned to another, upbeat song and I took in the flowery smell of her perfume. My right hand cupped her head and intertwined in her hair as I continued to softly kiss her neck. My left hand on the small of her back. She tilted her head and it felt as if she was melting in my fingers.

She worked her hands on the muscles of my back and pressed my body into hers. Her legs began to spread and I could feel the part in her legs against my cock. I traced down her body across her breasts, down her abs and to her ass outside of her dress. When the material of the dress stopped and my hands touched her naked thighs, she took in a deep breath. She tightened up slightly, and I moved from her neck to her lips, not letting her have a second thought. As our lips parted and tongues touched, we both tightened up in unison, and I moved my hands underneath her dress. I felt the soft skin of her ass as I moved towards her panty line. Her round cheeks were firm but gave way eagerly as I squeezed them and pulled them apart.

Suddenly she stopped and jerked upright, realizing her friends were staring with big grins on their faces. Kaylee’s face was glistening with a slight bit of sweat, and she gave the girls an embarrassed smile. “We’re going outside” Taylor announced, “to give you two some space”. Kaylee looked shocked at what had just been suggested but her friends were already walking outside with the drinks.

She looked at me then walked over to the bourbon and took a swig from the bottle which caused her to grit her teeth. “I can’t” she pleaded, “my sister”, I interrupted that line of thought, “She won’t find out”. “I just, I can’t believe I’m…” she continued, “yes you can” I told her, “just do what I tell you to”. She gave a reserved sigh, “Am I worth betraying my sister?” She asked, coldly. With a hard look I said “I want you both, but right now, I just want you”, in my most convincing tone.

I walked over to where she stood on the other end of the bar, then gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulders. She sighed, “I want you too” she said, “what do you want me to do?”. “Very good girl”, I thought.

“I think your friends are ok by themselves for a while, come to my room.” With that she looked at me and smiled reluctantly. I grabbed her hand and guided her to my wife and I’s bedroom.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5594tb/mf_reluc_alcohol_kaylee_the_sisterinlaw_pt_2

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