Lexi Naked at the Mall

Maddison was Lexi’s best friend. Both girls had the same bubbly flirty personality and were pretty much inseparable during the summer, especially when it came to tanning, shopping, and seeing how much skin they could show in public. Maddison needed to go shopping for some new clothes and begged Lexi to tag along. Sure, I guess, I need to run some errands anyway, Lexi said. Rolling out of bed, she opened her drawer and grabbed a short, thin white summer dress with small pink flowers on it. After pulling it down over her head and adjusting it to fall right over her chest and hips, she felt blah. Feeling a bit bulky, Lexi decided that it was a no panty and bra day. So, in a quick swift motion, she unhooked the back clip to her strap and then pulled her bottoms off and threw them across the room. That’s better, she thought. It was a good feeling to have the light cotton material on her bare chest, bum and legs. Maddison had been waiting outside for 10 minutes at this point. She honked three times for Lexi to hurry up. Quickly she brushed her teeth and splashed some cold refreshing water in her face, slipped on some sandals and headed out the door.

While bending to get in the car, Lexi’s dress stretched up her bare legs a bit revealing her soft shaved clit. Maddison saw before Lexi pulled them quickly back down. Oh, my God. Where are your panties, Maddison asked? While feeling a bit embarrassed, Lexi replied, mind your own business. She said it with a corky smile and slightly red face, still adjusting and tugging down her dress. This will make an interesting day, Maddison said giggling, as she started to drive off.

It was about 11:30 with blue skies and a few clouds as they got on the road. The short conversations were mainly about guys and some work drama with Maddison. Lexi closed her eyes, put her head back on the seat rest and reached around and grabbed it her hands. She stretched her legs out for a moment and relaxed thinking how good the wind felt blowing around her. She was so comfortable that she didn’t realize that her dress was blowing open again. At that moment bus of swim team athletes was passing by. Maddison saw the bus passing then noticed Lexi’s bare legs exposed, but thought it would be funny to not tell her. Many of them took their phones out to capture the moment. Maddison waved and gave thumbs up while laughing. Lexi was wondering why her friend stopped talking suddenly. When she opened her eyes, she saw the bus of boys then looked down at her skirt. Ah, she screamed! Yanking down her dress again. Lexi couldn’t believe Maddison would do that to her. She turned beat red and glanced just quick enough to see everyone gathered at the bus window. They had a good laughed as Maddison took the next exit.

It was unusually empty on the top-level parking lot. Walking into the mall, Lexi and Maddison hit the first couple shops. Lexi saw some cute mini bikini’s and decided to try them on. Maddison decided to come in the changing room with her. Ok, come on in Lexi said, while laughing. The small changing room had a big mirror and a cloth door that seemed fall open easily. Lexi was naked with a pull of the dress. It hit the floor and she was completely bare. Maddison commented on how nice toned she was. Even your vagina is perfectly smooth, Maddison said reaching out and grazing it with her fingers. Stop, Lexi said laughing while turning her hips away as she fiddled with the bikini bottoms. After she put them on, Maddison said, I have a great idea. What’s that, Lexi said as she slipped on the bikini and was checking herself out in the mirror. We should leave the changing room door open just a crack as you change, Maddison said. Um, exposing yourself naked in public can get you in trouble, Lexi told her. Yes, but only if you deliberately expose yourself. We could go around the mall and have some fun. People will just think you didn’t mean too and I know you love being naked so you can’t argue that, Maddison said with a joyous tone. Lexi felt tickled by the idea and started to feel those butterfly’s again. Fine, she said.

Maddison excited, hopped up quickly and said, oh and I’ll be outside filming as people walk by, so take your time. She opened the door and left it open a crack. Lexi felt nervous but started to change like she would normally, pretending the door wasn’t open. When the first person walked by she Turned quickly away from the door and didn’t move. After a moment, she slowly looked over her shoulder and saw that they didn’t seem to care. Be brave, Lexi said under her breath. Relaxing her body, she turned and faced the open door fiddling with her clothes. Another boy walked by and saw her standing there. He looked surprised, thinking she didn’t know the door was open. Lexi saw him out of the corner of her eye and just kept moving clothes around. After a minute, she accidently looked up at him. He got embarrassed and walked away quickly. Maddison got it all of video. After Lexi changed, they both watched the video and his reaction over a couple times. This is fun, Lexi said. I don’t feel bad at all. Seriously, why should I be ashamed of my body. Perfect day to wear this fun light dress Lexi said while ruffling it up a little.
As they walked out the door they saw the escalators. Maddison said, Now there’s a good one. Let me go first and you wait here. She found a bench close by and sat when she got to the bottom. Lexi stepped on and started riding down. She decided to stand with her feet apart and close to the glass. You’re not going to believe it, Maddison said as she got down. You could see almost see your whole vagina, and showed her the video while in disbelief. Seeing how much this exposed her, Lexi said, let me try this again and went to the escalator going up. She Pulled her skirt up just a bit, bunching it on her waist. She then put one foot up two steps and bent down to play with her sandal strap. She caught a peek on her right side and saw a couple guys starring up at her, one with their phone out. The girl that he was with hit him and yanked him along. Lexi was excited to ride back down to laugh with Maddison.

Maddison decided to do real shopping and hit one more store to get what she came for. After that they made their way back out to the parking lot, which was a lot busier than it was when they came in. This gave Lexi one more idea. When they stepped out the doors, she looked around and didn’t see anybody right away. She took a deep breath and pulled her dress completely off in one motion. Here, take this before I change my mind, Lexi said looking around frantically. Maddison couldn’t get her phone out fast enough before Lexi started walking quickly across the parking lot. She was shocked and stuffed her dress in her pocket. Slow down, Maddison said, trying to get in front of her. Hurry up then, Lexi said giggling. A car drove by and honked his horn right then. Lexi wanted to cover herself, but waved instead. The car circled back around and rolled down his window. What are you doing this for, he asked? Lexi, standing there told him it was a video project she was working on that showed that nudity wasn’t always sexual. He enjoyed hearing that and asked to take a photo with her. Sure, she said. After the photo, Lexi gave him her phone number so he could send a copy. More cars drove by, slowing down then driving away.

They finally got to the car and hopped in. Lexi asked for her dress as they sat down. Maddison said, you’ve come this far, what’s a quick car ride home. Lexi refused and said no way but it was too late. They were on the road in seconds. It was only a 10-minute drive back home. There were many cars that seemed to notice Lexi naked. She told Maddison that she wasn’t going to forgive her for this as a tall truck of guys drove by. As they pulled Lexi’s driveway, they noticed that her brother had some friends over. She demanded her dress before her anyone saw. Fine, Maddison said and threw it over the car on to the driveway. Lexi hopped out and put it on quickly, calling her a spaz. I’ll talk to you later Maddie, Lexi said chuckling while walking into the house.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/fip414/lexi_naked_at_the_mall


  1. Damn, these girls are naughty. Two hot naughty girls are better than one.

    Just two criticisms:

    The lack of quotation marks. I think it’s okay to not use them. I read a book once that had dialogue without quotation marks, but it is an option if you want your story to be more readable.

    Then there’s one or two paragraphs that went on too long. I believe in long paragraphs, but only when they’re necessary.

    On the plus side:

    You brought in Maddison, who is just as much fun as Lexi. I’m very much looking forward to their further adventures. Maybe something more touchy feely to go along with the exhibitionism, like, being groped by some guys in a dance club. Just a suggestion.

    I really enjoyed this second adventure of Lexi. Thanks for posting.

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