Bred on the Farm [Mf]/[Mfm] [hucow] [breeding] [lactation]

**Part 1**

Annie squirmed in her seat as she read and reread the contract.

It seemed simple enough. Eighteen months of honest labour at Forrest Nursery and Farms, room and board included, in exchange for more money than she could have possibly imagined. Even just seeing the figure on the paper made her mouth dry. She could pay off her college debts, even set some aside for the future.

To distract herself from the decision, Annie raised the mug of coffee to her lips, taking a generous gulp. It was warm, and oddly sweet, and settled thickly in her stomach. Annie glanced up at the man standing in front of her.

Wade Forrest, owner and proprietor of Forrest Nursery and Farms, met her wary gaze with a warm smile. The farmer dressed exactly how Annie had always imagined a farmer would: a red plaid shirt that fit tightly over his strong, tanned body, worn denim jeans and muddied rubber boots. He was handsome in a fatherly sort of way, salt and pepper hair at his temples and the day’s scruff written across his strong jaw.

Now, he leaned against his desk, waiting for her to make a decision.

“Well, what do you say, Annie?” The farmer said, raising an eyebrow. “I don’t have all day, there’s a full barnyard out there that needs tending and milking. But we’d be really excited to have you on board, I promise.”

Annie swallowed, feeling nerves bubbling in her stomach, but pushed them aside. She grabbed the pen from Wade’s extended hand, signing her name before she could second guess herself further, and taking a steadying breath.

Wade’s smile blossomed. “There’s a good girl.”

Annie tried to return his friendly grin, but found her eyes hazing. The pen shook in her hand and then slipped out of it, falling to the floor. Wade jumped forward, grabbing the mug from her hands before she could spill it.

She looked up at him, her eyes wide, as the room spun around her. Annie felt the roughness of his palm against her cheek as he held her gaze to his. Darkness reached for her, her vision narrowed.

The last thing Annie heard before she fell into the darkness was his deep, comforting voice.

“Don’t fight it, Annie,” Wade murmured. “It’s alright, girl. Relax…”

Annie floated back into consciousness, the musk of hay and barnyard strong in her lungs. She could hear a gentle mechanical whirring noise, that reminded her of a fan. Her head felt heavy as she opened her eyes.

She was laying on a mattress in a small, wooden-floored pen. There was a vertical-barred gate on the wall by her head. Annie blinked, struggling to comprehend her surroundings. She tried to push herself up to her elbows, but her body felt weak and sluggish.

Annie glanced down; she was naked.

“I… where am I?” Fear strained her voice.

“*Shh*. It’s alright, girl.” Annie heard the familiar voice from behind her, before a large, calloused hand clasped over her face. Multiple, small hard objects bounced against the back of her mouth as her eyes widened in shock and fear.

“Swallow. *Swallow*,” Wade ordered gently, his fingers pinching her nose as his palm covered her mouth. Annie tried to wiggle away from his strong grip, but soon lost to the lack of air – she swallowed, the large pills sliding down her throat. Wade released her and she gasped for air.

“What the *fuck* was that?” Annie gasped, scrambling away from the man until her back pressed against the wooden wall.

“Just standard growth hormones, estrogen supplements,” the farmer said. He didn’t approach her, but remained seated on the edge of the mattress.

“The *fuck*!” Annie breathed. She could feel the pills settle in her stomach. The world felt like it was spinning out of control, as she desperately tried to cover herself. “Why – why would I need – why would you-”

“You’re a bit on the small side,” Wade said kindly, with a pointed nod at her chest. “Not a bad thing, I actually prefer it myself – shows you’re healthy. But we need a bit more bulk on you, so you’ll produce.”

Annie spat out the next question. “*Produce* – produce what?!”

Finally, as her eyes frantically searched for escape, Annie saw the source of the mechanical whirring. Across from her enclosure and the narrow walkway, there was another pen. A small machine hung from the barn’s ceiling, translucent tubes dangling from to the pen’s enclosure. As Annie’s eyes traveled down the machine’s tubes, she gasped.

The woman in the other cell was on all fours, her dangling, full breasts sealed in tightly fitting suction cups. A steady stream of milk traveled from her breasts through the tubes to the machine. Her eyes were closed, flickering behind her eyelids as she swayed on her hands and knees.

She was in ecstasy.

Annie’s jaw dropped.

“Milk, of course,” Wade said. “That’s Molly there – and that’s my son, Buck. Say hi, Buck.”

On the outer side of the pen, a young man turned from an electronic panel to face her. He wore a tight dark t-shirt under well-worn denim overalls, his skin well-tanned by the sun like his father’s. His smile, as wholesome as apple pie, lit up as he turned from the panel and waved at Annie.

“Hi there, Miss Annie,” the young man called. “Awful nice to meet you. Pa told me we were hopefully getting more stock today. You’re real pretty.”

“Now, Buck,” Wade chastised gently. “Don’t you have something to take care of?”

“Yes, Pa,” Buck said primly, turning his attention back to the panels. “Just waitin’ till she’s empty and all. You know how Miss Molly likes it.”

With a twist of Buck’s wrist, the gentle hum of the machine slowed and then stopped. Molly moaned as the suction cups detached from her breasts, but she remained on her hands and knees, milk dripping from her pert nipples to the floor of the barn.

Buck undid the latch to the pen, letting himself in and closing the gate behind him.

“You want to watch, Annie?” Wade said as he moved closer to her, his hand resting on her back, rubbing gently. Annie was too shocked to pull away from the touch. “My boy’s a professional. She’ll be carrying soon enough.”

Annie whimpered at the implications of what he just said, but couldn’t pull her eyes away from what was unfolding before her.

Casually, Buck pulled his cock out of his overalls. He was already semi-hard and he was *thick* – like a soda can. The young man stroked himself to full hardness, staring downwards at the docile Molly, who waited patiently, her ass upturned. If she knew what was about to happen, she gave no sign of it.

Buck dropped to his knees behind Molly, and quick as you please, pressed himself inside of her. Annie knew that he did it from the way her face flickered with pleasure, her hands tightened, her lips parted. She moaned, a low, mewling sound.

Buck grasped her wide hips, and began fucking her. He was tender, and it was clear from the expression across his face that he enjoyed it greatly – but it was all business. His gaze flickered up to Annie’s, a grin spreading across his face.

Annie couldn’t decide if she wanted to join or to throw up.

“Don’t worry,” Wade said beside her, snapping her back to reality. “Molly’s been with us for several months, it’s only now that she’s ready to be impregnated. It’ll be the same with you; you’ll come around to it.”

Annie scrambled to find words. “I – no, I didn’t agree to this -”

“The contract remains the same,” Wade said, his voice firm. “You signed it. The money still stands, and your freedom is still assured when your contract expires. We follow all labour regulations.”

“I didn’t think…” Annie whimpered. Across the way, Buck’s thrusts increased in intensity, his face tightening. Molly’s generous frame bounced under his touch, her hanging breasts swinging.

Buck’s lips parted ever so slightly in a restrained growl, and then he slammed his hips against Molly. He groaned, his hands clenching around her hips. Annie knew, undoubtedly, that he was cumming inside of her. Molly writhed under him, her own face contorted with pleasure.

“You see?” Wade said before standing. “Don’t worry, that’ll be you soon enough. In the meantime, we’ll get acquainted and see if we can’t soon get you producing like Molly. I promise you’ll enjoy it, just like she does.”

Annie whimpered, curling onto the mattress.

“Come now, chin up, girl,” Wade said, as he unlatched the gate. Annie thought about fighting him to escape, but knew there was no way she could physically best the large farmer, not to mention his equally stout son, who was cleaning his slick cock on a handkerchief.

Wade snapped the gate shut and looked at her through the bars. “I’ll be by for your first feeding in the morning.”

**Part 2**

Annie smiled as Wade held the suction cups to her aching breasts. The tugging sensation against her nipples began as he flicked the switch on the controller in his hand, and Annie laid back against the older man, sighing with relief.

In the months since her arrival at Forrest Nursery and Farms, Annie’s body had changed. Her girlish features had grown out, her hips widened and thickened. Her body felt sturdier, healthier in a way that Annie never could have imagined. Most significantly, her breasts had swelled until they hung heavily on her chest. In the first few weeks, Wade had forced her to swallow the pills, now, she swallowed them eagerly every morning before her milking.

Annie mewled slightly as her milk flowed, traveling from the suction cups and up into the machine above her pen. She still wasn’t producing as much as Molly did, but Wade said that was to be expected.

The other woman had swollen quickly with child, her belly beginning to bulge generously. She was out now with Buck for her daily exercise in the pasture. Buck fed her at least once daily – twice, as treat – with his thick seed, and Annie often watched through her pen gate as it dribbled down Molly’s chin, past her contented smile.

The first time Wade had approached her with the milking cups in his hands she had panicked, but his calm voice and reassurances had won her over. She had suspected that there was something else in the supplements that he fed her every day, something that made her fight less, but she hadn’t cared. Annie had whimpered at the sensation of the suction pulling at her breasts, and watched in awed fascination as white beads of milk budded at her nipples. Wade had stoked her backside, telling her how proud he was.

He did the same now, gently combing her hair and humming a wordless tune as the milking machine whirled above them. Anne’s head rested in the farmer’s lap as the machine milked her, and she nuzzled into the soft denim on his thigh.

“You’re such a good girl, Annie,” Wade whispered, affectionately pushing her hair behind her ear.

His words made a blush travel up her neck.

He inspected the milk traveling through the tubes into the machine, the flow stilling, and he decreased the pressure around her breasts. Annie winced as the suction cups detached, and Wade reached around her body, gently rolling her sensitive breasts in his hands. She melted into his touch.

“You know what today is,” Wade murmured as he massaged her.

Annie’s gaze flickered up to his and then shyly away. She bit her lip.

“There’s no need to be nervous. I’ll be kind,” Wade said gently. “And besides, just imagine how much you’ll produce when you’re carrying. I know you enjoy it.”

Annie nodded. She did; being milked was her favourite part of every day, other than when Wade would let her suck on his cock, and drain his balls into her stomach. But this felt… scary.

A part of her knew that even if she protested, she would end today knocked up anyway. Wade was a kind man, but he was a businessman first.

Annie shifted away from Wade’s lap to her hands and knees. Wade smiled gratefully, and moved behind her, his large hands sliding across her backside affectionately.

One of his thick fingers pressed inside of her, and Annie whimpered. She was *wet*, as she often was after the milkings, but Wade was making sure of it this time – gently fingering her, spreading her wetness around her vulva, teasing her clit with a practiced touch until she shuddered.

Annie heard the jingle of Wade’s belt, before the soft sounds of him stroking himself. Annie’s heart galloped in her chest as she waited quietly.

“You ready, Annie?” Wade asked. Annie could feel the heat of his cock near her entrance. She knew from the times she had sucked him that he was thicker than his son, and generously endowed in length. The thought of him inside her made her knees weak.

“I’m ready,” Annie whispered.

“Good girl,” Wade said, and buried himself inside of her.

Annie cried out, his girth stretching her.

“You’re going to *glow* with child,” Wade said, his breath ragged. His calloused hands ran up and down the small of her back as he thrust into her, pulling her onto his cock on occasion. Annie never would have described what they were doing as *making love* – he was undeniably fucking her, breeding her, but there was a tenderness to it. The kind of tender affection a farmer has for his animals.

She came on his cock, hard, stars bursting in front of her eyes. Annie almost collapsed on her face, but Wade grabbed her hips and held her up.

“Almost there, girl,” he grunted from behind her. The pace and intensity of his thrusts increased, and the wet sound of their bodies colliding echoed in the barn.

Annie heard Wade’s breath catch in this throat, and then –

She moaned as he hilted himself inside of her, and then released. The warmth of Wade’s seed flooded her, thick and rich. Closing her eyes, Annie thought she could feel each splash against her womb.

“Stay like that, for a moment,” Wade said, breathing heavily, when the twitching of his cock inside of her slowed. “Let every last drop soak in.”

Annie nodded. After a moment, Wade helped her lay her down on her side on the mattress, even though she whimpered as his softened shaft slipped out of her body.

“I’m very proud of you,” the farmer said. “I have to go take care of the others, but you’re my favourite today, Annie. I’ll be for your milking tomorrow morning, alright? And in a few weeks – the prenatal supplements.”

“How – how do you know it took?” Annie said, still catching her breath.

Wade’s hand rested on her stomach, smiling kindly down at her.

“I just know it,” Wade said. “Call it an old farmer’s intuition.” Leaning down, he kissed her just above her belly button, before standing.

Annie lay in her pen, tracing Wade’s name with her finger over her belly, the other hand slipping inside herself, feeling the warm remnants of his seed inside of her. Although she knew it was silly, she tried to push it deeper inside of her, hoping that it would take.

**Part 3**

The lights in the barn gate were dimmed for night, the only sounds being the quiet breaths of the occupants of the barn and the sound of crickets. Annie was curled on her mattress, half-asleep when she heard the creak of a gate.

Annie glanced across the walkway, but Molly was still asleep on her own mattress. The other woman was *huge* in the last few weeks of her pregnancy, purple-blue stretch marks etched across her bulging stomach. She spent most of her time bed-ridden, but Buck was at her side nearly the entire day. Twice daily, her pink mouth opened eagerly for his cock, sucking him until he braced himself against the pen wall and came hard down her throat. Annie often enjoyed watching them, her hands resting on her own slightly rounded stomach.

Quiet footsteps on the concrete of the walkway.

Annie looked up sleepily, frowning as she saw Buck open and then close the gate to her pen behind him, holding a finger to his lips.

“Shh, it’s alright Miss Annie,” the young man murmured with a reassuring smile, crouching beside her as Annie pushed herself up to her elbows. “Just wanted to come check on ya. No pain at all?”

Annie shook her head as his hand ran over the slight swell of her stomach. Annie was four months along, producing more than she ever had. Even after her milking this morning, her breasts ached for release.

“You’re Pa’s favourite, you know that?” Buck whispered. His voice was deep, and smooth like butter. “And for good reason – you’re the prettiest.”

He settled beside her on the mattress, his palm cupping her cheek gently.

“I really hope you renew your contract with us, Miss Annie,” Buck murmured. “I’d love to put *my* baby in your belly.”

Annie nuzzled into his touch, feeling the blush rising in her cheeks. She winced as even the slight movement made her breasts ache. The young man noticed, sympathy lighting his eyes.

“Could you…?” Annie asked shyly, nodding up at the milker.

“Nah, you know the schedule,” Buck said. “And the noise would wake the whole barn up. But you know what I can do…”

The young man ducked his head to her chest, taking one of her nipples into her mouth. Annie whimpered as he began suckling gently, releasing the pressure inside her as her milk flowed into his mouth. Her hand strayed to the back of his head, holding him to her breast. After a few moments, he switched to the other one.

He pulled away with a smile, wiping his mouth.

“There, is that a bit better?” Buck asked, a droplet of her milk still sliding down his chin. Annie nodded gratefully.

Buck’s smile grew, and then turned mischievous. He shifted in his seat for a moment, before apparently making up his mind.

“Your turn,” he whispered. He freed his erect cock from his pants, sitting up against the back of the pen and holding himself upright for her. Annie curled partially into his lap, closing her mouth around his shaft and nursing eagerly on his thick cock. He tasted very like his father, rich and earthly and solid in her mouth.

Annie could hear Buck muffling his noises of pleasure with his knuckles in his mouth, which only encouraged her to fit more of his shaft down her throat.

Both Annie and Buck missed the sound of the barn door opening and closing with an expert hand, and the soft footsteps on the walkway. It was only when Wade appeared at the gate to her pen that Buck swore, pulling Annie off his glistening cock.

“Pa…” Buck opened his mouth to make an excuse, scrambling to stand up. “I was just -”

“Don’t stop, boy,” Wade said, unlatching the gate and letting himself in. “Always finish what you started, especially with first time breeders. But take her rear – I like her eyes the most.”

Buck nodded bashfully, but dutifully moved behind Annie, who shifted to her hands and knees without being asked to.

Wade lifted Annie’s chin. She held his gaze as his son slid into her from behind, and her lips parted in pleasure. Buck grunted as he began fucking her, gripping her hips tightly. He felt different inside her than his father did, but fucked her with equal tenderness and desire.

Wade watched his son for a few moments, then nodded, before unbuckling his own pants. Annie whimpered as he stroked himself, missing the familiar shape of his shape in her mouth – even though she had already had it that very morning. Wade looked down at her with a tender smile, before edging closer to her.

“Go on, girl,” he said kindly, presenting himself to her. Annie opened her mouth eagerly, and he grasped her hair as he slipped down her throat.

It was bliss, as the father and son pumped in and out of her. Annie’s eyes shut, overwhelmed by the sensation of being duly taken, as her body bounced between the two men.

Buck burst first, growling before burying himself inside of her. Annie could feel his warm seed sink into her, before spilling out and trickling down her thigh.

Wade nodded at his panting son, and then turned his attention back to Annie, winding his fingers through her hair. Annie’s gaze flickered up to the man whose baby rounded her belly, her eyelids heavy with pleasure and desire.

He came in her throat, bypassing her mouth, and thick cum slid down into her stomach.

Annie collapsed against the mattress, breathing hard, as Wade pulled away. The farmer reached down and brushed a sweaty lock of hair out of her eyes, smiling down at her. “What a good girl,” he murmured.

“Come on, boy, we’ve worn her out,” Wade said, standing and zipping his pants. “And it’s late. You’ll do the early milking and *I’ll* be sleeping in.”

“It was worth it,” Buck said with a quiet laugh. “Goodnight, Miss Annie.” The young man whispered as the gate clicked shut behind the father and son.

Annie smiled contentedly in the darkness of the barn, half-asleep, curling around the swell of her stomach on the mattress.



  1. I really love this story. Hucow is always a favourite of mine. I typically like more consent than in this one, but your writing makes it work for me. I’d love to see more in this genre. :)

  2. you’re such a good writer, thank you for sharing! I love so many of your word choices and the situation is so much fun. Please keep writing!

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