[Fm][Femdom][Chastity] The Bracelet


This is a sequal to my previous story The Dentist posted a week or so ago. I hope you will enjoy it as well. Like last time, my Mistress made my me post this story.


The smell of a bakery wakes me up, I open my eyes feeling my muscles being sore. I stretch my arms and yawn. The beams of sunlight highlight parts of a mostly dimmed room, with the window open it got a bit chilly on this spring morning. I wonder whether the smell of the bakery is coming from outside or from the house. I get out of bed and try to open the door but the handle isn’t moving. I hear a beeping sound and some white noise as a voice becomes clear.

“Ah, you’re finally awake, I am baking some cookies to take my mind of what I will do to you. I don’t know what kind of dentists you go to, but this is definitely the last straw’’

A cold sweat breaks out. The dentist was not a dream? But how did I end up here? Did my mistress find me or someone else?

Before I can reply, I hear footsteps down the hallway on the other side of the door. Someone is unlocking the door and I quickly sit down on my knees. I don’t know if it will help, but I do know that when my mistress and I were playing around ,she wanted me to present myself in a servant manner. I lay down my hands with palms facing upward and my head facing downward with eyes closed.

“You are pathetic, you think this will solve all your problems? If you think we will continue playing like we used to, you are hugely mistaken’’

“Lay down on your belly, with your arms stretched out in front of you and your legs spread’’

I get up and want to lay down on the bed as my mistress instructs, but before I am even barely on my feet, I feel a stinging pain in my balls, followed by a loud smack.

“Times of a comfy bed are over, you will have to earn the privilege of furniture from this point. In addition, you will soon learn you have lost many more privileges’’

I fall on my knees, catching my breath and caressing my balls. I am not used to this kind of pain, especially when it’s in a surprise. Before I can calm down I feel little stings on my feet as my mistress is quickly hitting them with a cane.

“You are so slow in following commands, hurry up and do as I say!”

Not wanting to get hurt even more I lay down flat on my chest, stretching my arms out and spreading my legs.

“Good boy, now stay nice and quiet while I am eating my breakfast’’

Mistress sits down on the bed with her feet resting on my back. I feel her feet move as she is cutting up pieces of an omelette. The stings in my feet and thumping pain in my balls isn’t subsiding, but I don’t want to receive any more hits or disappoint Miss any further. However, with blood rushing to my balls, I feel arousal building up as well. My penis is not able to get hard though and it somehow feels different. As my arousal is building up I feel my penis straining against a cage, but it feels different. Small pins press against my glans and dig deeper as I get aroused, it hurts like nothing I have ever felt before. I whimper in pain.

“Seems like you have noticed one of the changes of comfort. I found that this would be a fitting change as you apparently are able to climax within your cage. How is that a punishment and how am I supposed to control you?!’’

My predicament is dawning on me as I feel the pens sticking into my penis.

Miss moves up from the bed and puts down the plate, she picks up a piece of paper makes me read it.

“I think we should make our relationship more serious and as you have told me before, you don’t feel like marrying. So, this will be a fitting alternative’’

I lift my head to read the paper:


Mistress and servant agree to the following terms and conditions of their Dominant and submissive relationship:

1. The relationship is led by Mistress and the servant pledges loyal to only Mistress

2. Termination can only be done by Mistress and at any time or date after signing the agreement

3. Priviliges are given and taken away on any arbitrary reasoning of Mistress

4. The servant has to wear a servant attire at any time including but not limiting to: a chastity cage and a wrist band with Mistress’ details on it. Clothing and alterations (tattoo, nipple clamps, ball gag, etc.) can be chosen as Mistress pleases.

5. The servant should maintain a healthy lifestyle and thus has his diet and exercis regime decided by Mistress.

6. By no means is the servant allowed to argue any changes in his life made by Mistress If this happens, the servant will be given a fitting punishment including but not limiting to: caning, spiked chastity, solitary confinement, waxing of hair instead of shaving, writing words

7. When Mistress and servant are in public, the servant will always follow the lead of Mistress and will never argue against anything she says in any way possible.

8. The servant needs to be trained in pleasing in an immediate way, when Mistress desires to be pleased in any manner or any time, the servant is to present himself within 10 seconds when the couple is the same buidling. The time is increased with increasing distance but never exceeding 1 hour.

Signed by

Mistress servant

As I read through the rules I see that the paper is already signed. When did I sign this? The things stated were mostly a fantasy from time to time. Does this even have legal grounds?

“You are probably wondering how I got your signature on this legally binding partner agreement? Well you should have just cut down on the beers as I told you! This is already a year old, but I kept it as a joke, as keepsake of your fantasies. You were too wasted to understand the consequences if I would actually implement this. But with the recent events, I think this agreement will need to be enforced. You are now serving me, not only at home and during some fun little fun adventures outside, but until I terminate this agreement”

As Miss is clarifying the agreement she squats and takes my right arm. She shows me an elegant golden wristband with her initials on it. Anyone would see it as a regular piece of jewelry but to us this will mean a new era of our relationship.

“This bracelet tracks your location, your heart rate and other biometrics. I will know when you are lying, I will know when you have been drinking, I will know when you have slacking off on diets and exercise. It also includes other neat features, but I want to keep those as a surpise. You will love me even more now, I know because you wrote all your little fantasies down for me as I told you. However, I will decide the outcome and it will always be in my favour, you are out of the equation”

Mistress puts a blindfold on me and walks out of the room. I hear the door locking and wonder why she even put the blindfold on me without restricting me. I move my arms and immediately hear beeping followed by a painful shock.

The speaker from before turns on again.

“Are you already disobeying me?! I thought it was quite clear that you had to stay like you are until further notice… Well, at least you found out about one of the extra features of the bracelet. Now I don’t have to use all those pesky restraints if I want you to stay in place. So, for disobeying me already, you will be punished. See you tomorrow!”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/fhjk39/fmfemdomchastity_the_bracelet

1 comment

  1. Well described dom/sub relationship. Looking forward to finding out what kind of punishment your mistress has in store for you. Thanks for posting.

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