The drive thru [MF}

The scene:Driving around on a dark and stormy night, Looking for a place to eat, pulls into a drive thru,.

Pulls up to Speaker, says “yes I would like a double cheeseburger meal with curly fries please”. There’s a very long pause. The voice on the other end says “um mm ma’am, I am sorry. You may have us confused with the restaurant next door”

“what do you mean?”

“Ma’am this is the screaming cafe. We are a BDSM themed restaurant. You have a choice: if you drive to the left and leave the driveway no harm no foul, but if you continue to drive forward then you are committed and you have given consent. Understood?”

Biting my lip with trepidation I drive forward to the next window. They give me two menus- one labeled domway, one labeled subway. I choose subway menu, look it over and my attention is drawn to menu item #2. It’s on special so win win.

“Sir tell me more about this #2 session item please”

“Wise choice ma’am that is our best seller. With that you get Humiliation and bondage with light impact play. My eyes widen.

“Ooh nice” I say.

” Also for a extra $ 2.00, you get sensory deprivation play- you will be blindfolded and be given noise cancellation earphones. You will not hear or see us cumming.” I try to ignore the pun.

“I would like the #2 with the extra deprivation play please”

“Very well ma’am your humiliation play begins NOW slut! And just so you know “oh, if you decide to stay that other restaurant’s name is your safe word”

“Yes thank you” I answer.


“YES MASTER” I answer.

“OK that will be $12.99 move to next window. QUIKLY, MOVE! MOVE!.”

I drive ahead, heart racing, wanting to please my restaurant overlords. I pull up to window #2.

The lady behind the counter says “OK that’s $12.99″. I hand her $13.00.

She whispers “Maybe you DIDN’T understand CUMHOLDER, its $12.99 EXACTLY.”

“OK you expect me to get .99 cents ?” I reply.

“YES, WORM” she growls. “SO I will speak slowly and use SMALL words so you understand since you are STUPID, we need EXACT change.”

I fumble around come up with EXACT CHANGE knocking over a small water bottle on my lap.

“Here, Mistress. I am sorry.forgive me.”

“OK, pull forward to parking slot #2, you will be met by two guys in black leather”

I smile, well of course. I drive to slot #2 and see a man and grabbing towels to clean up.

“Bitch get out of the car” he orders. I obey. The second guy puts headphones on me and blindfolds me. I get excited. He grabs me behind the neck, notices I am wet, he draws me close and says

“See you are already Horny for me,you slut.”

“Master that was just a water bottle. It fell on me, honest.”

“Right” he snarls, “that’s what all sluts say, you do not fool me.”

I Fall to my knees. They both pull out crops and start beating me. I start begging for them to stop. “McDONALDS” -I use my safeword for them to stop. I feel wetness flow down my inner thigh and this time its not water.

First Dom comforts me,

“OK you did well.” He removes everything off me.

“I have something for you to put in your mouth, go sit in your car please for me.”

He comes over with a cup and a bag, he hands me TeA and some biscuits.

“Make sure you eat, OK?”

“Yes. thank you”

“Did you enjoy your stay at Screamers Cafe?”

“Yes I did thank you.”

“I want to let you know we have a special next week. We have a guest Dom- he is a lumberjack. He is into knife play.”

“Really ,my friend shari would love him.”

“Perfect if you bring another person you get discount. Hope to see you then. Bye!!!”

I drive away munching on my biscuits, very happy.



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