My [f]irst time taking BBC

When it comes to sex–and life in general–I’ve got a No Discrimination policy. I don’t judge people in terms of age, race…or even gender. I love to fuck. And I love to be pleased. And closing off any avenue of pleasure would just be foolish!

I’ve always had a thing for black cock. It’s not about size–though that’s certainly a nice part of it. And it’s not about the allure of something forbidden or exotic. It’s more about ripped guys with muscles who can fuck all night.

And maybe it’s connected to youth. We always romanticize the things that happen when we’re young. And I never forget anyone that makes an impression. And Ant certainly made an impression!

I’ve been a basketball junkie for as long as I can remember. Not that I could ever play. I’m too short. And while I’m certainly flexible, graceful, and have a lot of stamina at some activities, that never translated to being athletic. Or maybe I just found better ways to spend my time than practicing!

In any case, I think it has a lot to do with tall, fit men getting sweaty in shorts. From the time I was a freshman, I went to all the games of the local boys’ school. I liked all the players, but Ant–a junior–was clearly the star.

Back then I was not the kind of girl that men immediately noticed. Today I get looks all the time. Even if I’m dressed conservatively, there are men who will always notice a dark-haired woman. Especially one with great tits.

But in high school, I wasn’t quite as curvy. And I was shy and maybe even a little nerdy. Even when I started to fill out I still wasn’t the type of girl that boys immediately noticed. High school boys were always too concerned with cheerleaders and the popular girls at the parties. Of course, by that time, Ant had moved on from high school. He was playing for a local junior college. Being a fan of the game–or maybe just him–I still went to a lot of the games. And a college man isn’t nearly as concerned about silly things like social status.

I didn’t really have a master plan. Fortunately, Ant started noticing me coming to games. It’s not that he recognized me. I was just the voluptuous stranger who often showed up alone. At least that’s how I imagine it. Even when I told him that I’d watched him in high school it was obvious he didn’t know me–though he pretended to remember. Honestly, I didn’t care. He’d been a star as a kid, and now he was quite obviously a star again–even if it was only on a junior college team that hardly anyone followed.

It’s not that he lacked female attention. A star is still a star–even if they’re trapped on a small stage. From the minute we started talking he must have seen the look in my eyes. And he knew exactly how to play that. I was still naive and inexperienced enough that I never really expected him to hit on me. Though, deep down, I know I wanted it.

“You keep coming to our games,” he said. It was the second or third time we’d actually talked. “You aren’t coming here just to see me, are you?”

“Of course I am,” I said honestly! “I love watching you play.” Playing coy wasn’t something in my repertoire at the time.

“You love to watch me play? Or you just love to watch me?”

I blushed in response.

“Both,” I admitted.

“Does your mom let you date black guys?” he asked.

He was still in his uniform and drenched in sweat. And standing very close. I could feel my body heat rising.

“I don’t know,” I responded. “But I don’t ask my mom’s permission for everything I do.” I might not have been coy, but I’ve ALWAYS been a little sassy!

Ant could read the situation perfectly. Every jock has groupies. Even at little schools. I certainly wasn’t the first girl to show him a little attention. I went to an uptight boarding school–and there were still rumors that he’d fucked half the girls there. Still, I couldn’t stop looking at him with stars in my eyes. Especially since he was making my entire body tingle. He was tall and muscular and standing so close–looking me up and down and not even attempting to be discrete about it. I always tried to dress up for games–hoping he’d notice–and that night was no different. I had on a short black skirt, black stockings, a silky cream-colored camisole, and a pale blue cardigan. With my hair up in a bun, I hoped I was giving a “naughty librarian” vibe.

“I like a girl who doesn’t need mama to tell her what she can do,” he said. He was looking at me they way a hungry man looks at a hot, grilled steak.

“So,” he said, “You down to fuck?”

He certainly didn’t beat around the bush!

I think he must have read the surprise in my wide eyes and slack-jaw.

“Oh, sorry,” he said. “Is that too fast for you?”

I nodded.

“Well, do you want to go out to dinner, talk about the weather and a bunch of other bullshit, and then fuck?”

I might have been shy, but as I said before, I’ve never lacked in the sass department.

“I don’t think so,” I responded. “But how about you be a gentleman, take me out to dinner, try to impress me, and, maybe, if you’re lucky, we’ll see what happens from there. After a few dates.”

Ant laughed out loud.

“Are you kidding?” he asked. “A high school girl who keeps coming all the way down here just to watch me ball? It’s not going down like that. I’m not looking for a girlfriend. Especially one in high school. I don’t take girls out to dinner. I take them home. And sometimes I see them again.”

“How romantic!” I said sarcastically. “Well, look, if that’s your thing and you’re just looking for any old groupie trash, I’m sure you can find it. But you certainly seem to pay a lot of attention to me. And–just judging by the way you look at me–I think you like what you see. And maybe even realize it’s worth the extra effort.”

I struck a defiant pose, crossing my arms beneath my breasts. At the same time, I knew it as lifting them and forcing more of my cleavage out of the top of my camisole. And just a hint of the lace bra I was wearing.

At first, he looked surprised. And then he smiled. And finally laughed.

“Alright. Shit,” he said. “Let’s go on a date. You free now?”

I agreed and half an hour later we were in his car–a big tricked out Impala from the sixties. He was freshly showered and wearing jeans with an untucked button-down shirt and a few chains. He didn’t go for some fancy restaurant–just a retro-styled diner that served greasy food and was popular with the students. We sat on the same side of the table in a back booth. His arm was draped around me, but he acted like a perfect gentleman as we ate burgers and fries. He complimented me and seemed interested in talking and getting to know me. Obviously, he had more experience at taking girls out to dinner than he’d admitted. And I loved every minute of it. I was putty in his hands.

After that, he could have pushed for anything he wanted. But he kept playing the nice guy card. He drove me back to my car–parked in a garage near the arena. It was mostly abandoned. Instead of rushing me out or even making a move we just sat talking–asking about my interests and friends and family.

And my panties were getting drenched.

Maybe he planned it that way. Maybe he knew how to charm me into something. Or maybe he just thought he was setting up dominoes that he could knock down some other night. When we were saying goodnight he gave me a kiss. It was quick. Delicate. Gentle.

And I responded by pulling him on top of me.

He didn’t feel the need to be a gentleman any longer.

Ant’s massive hand went right to my titty. He gave it a rough twist and I liked it. His tongue worked its way inside my mouth. We wiggle and moved until I was lying down on the big bench seat and he was on top of me. He put a hand under my skirt and slammed two fingers into my dripping wet cunt. I started bucking wildly. Grinding my hips toward his touch. He finger-fucked me right there in the garage. I could hear my own moans echoing through the open-windows. He put a thumb on my clit and made me cum in a matter of seconds.

“I’m not going to fuck you tonight,” I said, trying to catch my breath.

There was an obvious flash of confusion–maybe even anger–in his eyes. But that went away as soon as he realized I had no plan of leaving him hanging.

I went for his jeans and quickly freed his cock. I wasn’t overly experienced at the time–but I also wasn’t a virgin. I knew right away that his cock was magnificent. It was thick and long. A real monster. The biggest I’d ever seen. I didn’t know if I’d be able to handle it in my pussy–much less my mouth.

But I was sure as hell going to try.

I ran my tongue up and down his thick shaft. He groaned. It was glistening in the lights of the garage. I teased the head with the tip of my tongue. I wrapped a hand around the base–it would barely fit! And I gave it a few mighty tugs.

I took the head into my mouth. He groaned louder as I swirled my tongue around.

“Oh. Oh shit!” he exclaimed.

At first, I thought he was excited, but then I noticed the tone. I was worried I’d done something wrong. I started to pop my head up and he quickly put a hand on it.

“Cops,” he said.

I looked over and saw a patrol car pulling into the garage. Had they caught us on camera? I thought it was probably just a routine check.

And slid down in the seat so the car would appear empty. My head was still in his lap. He kept glancing in the mirrors while the cops made their rounds. And I kept glancing at that cock.

I went back to work.

“Damn girl!” he said, trying to push me away.

“Better stay still,” I whispered. “Don’t want them to catch us.”

I bobbed my head up and down–taking as much of him as I good. He was wiggling and groaning. It was obvious he was still concerned about getting caught, but he couldn’t focus on that. I felt his hand on the back of my head. Pushing me down.

I wrapped my hand back around the base and tugged him while I sucked the head. It was like trying to get my mouth around a soda bottle. It was so thick! But I kept taking more and more.

When the cops left he straightened back up. He started thrusting his hips and fucking my face.

“Why don’t you give me that pussy?” he said, breathlessly.

“Not tonight,” I said. “But I’ll give you something else.”

I sat up, reached under my skirt, and slid off my panties. They were light blue satin and DRENCHED in my juices. I held them to his nose and he inhaled deeply.

Then I wrapped them around his cock. Even damp, the satin was so smooth and frictionless. My hand glided effortlessly down his big shaft. Ant started grunting and moaning and I responded with a few giant tugs. That’s all it took. He exploded and his hot cum ran down my hands and over the silky fabric. I leaned forward and licked up every last drop.

We sat talking for a few minutes after. It was pretty obvious that he was still hoping to fuck, but I shut him down and left him there holding my panties.

When I got out of the car the tables had turned. Now HE was the one asking me for a date.

“Maybe after your next game,” I said. “Just look for me in the stands.”

I wondered how the next few days would play out. What would happen if I went to another game? Would he ignore me? Would he have moved on to someone else? Would he pissed that I had shut him down? Or would we go out again? And would I eventually end up with that thick, black cock inside of me?

As it turned out, I didn’t have to wait.

Of course, he knew where I went to school, so getting my email address wasn’t a big deal. Still, I was surprised to find a message in my inbox. It was nothing fancy–short and to the point.


I had fun the other night and don’t want to wait to see you again. I’m going to a party Friday night? I’d love you to be my date. What time can I pick you up?


I didn’t have any illusions or silly girlish fantasies about what he wanted. He wasn’t looking for a girlfriend. Still, I was flattered. For a guy like Ant I knew a party would be a great chance for him to hook up with some random girl. And instead, he was still thinking about me. I waited a day to respond–I didn’t want him to realize that I couldn’t wait either–and then accepted his offer.

When the night came I wasn’t sure how to dress. I assumed a college party would be casual, but I also wanted to look good. I settled on a silky navy blouse, a plaid skirt, and a cardigan. I was aware that I looked a bit like a schoolgirl or librarian again–but he apparently didn’t mind that look. Underneath I put on black thigh high stockings and new lacy, sexy sapphire-colored panties and a matching push-up bra. I planned on Ant seeing them. [Continued on my profile. Check it out!]


1 comment

  1. Amazingly hot interracial story. Excellently written. Thanks a lot for posting.

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