The Camgirl Part LXXIV: Can I Shampoo Your Hair? [FM]

**LXXIV: Blake**

As the shower-head turned on, handle cranked up to the steamy-setting, Blake twitched, then smiled. She straightened, twisting in Liam’s hands, and her smile deepened as her eyes drank in his naked form. His arms looked a bit bigger than usual, his muscles a bit more defined.

*Probably still a bit pumped from working out. We’ll have to do that more often.*

His cock, already hard again, pressed against her belly, pulsing and warm.

She raised her hands to his shoulders, then drew her fingers down his torso, “This is a good look for you, you know. You should do it more often.”

Liam grinned, hands moving to the hem of her tank top, “I think it’s a better look on you.”

Blake bit her lip as he undressed her, loving the feel of his fingers brushing against her skin, eyes tracking his as he drank in the flesh he revealed. She swore she could literally *feel* his eyes on her when he looked at her like that, caressing her in a way that sent shivers down her spine and jumpstarted her pussy. Not that it ever really needed that around him.

*Does he feel the same when I look at him?*

Within seconds, they both stood naked before each-other, clothes on the floor. Blake looked up, meeting Liam’s eyes, and smiled, nodding toward the shower, “You first.”

He raised an eyebrow, “And risk the freezing water?”

Blake shrugged, “I sucked you off.”

Liam’s mouth twitched in a faint smile, “So that’s how this works? You make me cum, and I have to turn into a popsicle?”

Blake nodded, unable to hold back her own grin, “Pretty much. I’d also appreciate it if you eat me out later like you’d said back at the gym.”

Liam stuck his tongue out at her, then pulled back the shower curtain and stepped in.

*That was fucking adorable.*


Blake giggled at Liam’s hiss, “A little cold, still?”

“Yeah. Made the mistake of thinking your showers would get warm quicker than mine.”

Blake snorted, “It’s still winter, dude.”

“Fair enough. It’s…almost warm enough, now.”

Blake waited a few seconds, then stepped in.

The spray was still a bit cold, but Liam stepped to the side, making room for her under the warm spray. Blake shuddered, smiling as the warmth spread through her. She closed her eyes as the water rained down on her, sufficiently warming every part of her, letting her hair get wet—it would have ample time to dry. When she opened her eyes, she drank in Liam’s wet, naked form.

He’d told her he planned on gaining a bit more weight—something Blake had zero problem with—she didn’t think he needed it. He was perfect as he was.

*He could be a stick or a chubby bear for all I care. As long as I feel safe in his arms.*

She let her gaze travel up Liam’s body until their eyes locked. As usual, the desire in his eyes when he looked at her made her throb with need. He stepped closer, joining her under the spray, and his cock pressed into her stomach. Blake shivered at the way it throbbed as it pressed against her, insistent. Hungry. Blake reached out and rested her hands on Liam’s chest for a moment, smiling when she felt his heartbeat. Then she moved her hands over his torso. Sex with him was phenomenal, but sometimes she just liked touching him, feeling all the different planes and curves and shapes of his body under her fingers. Her eyes flickered toward his a few times as she touched him. He just stood there, smiling.

Blake moved closer, snaking her arms under his so she could touch his back. She swore she could feel the warmth radiating from the muscles he’d worked so hard earlier. At some point, a desire to be closer to Liam overwhelmed Blake, and she gripped his back, pulling herself against him.

“I like this,” she murmured into his chest.

His chest vibrated under her head as he chuckled, “Me, too.”

Blake took another moment to just lean against him. Against her boyfriend. It felt like forever since she’d felt this way about someone or been able to think of someone that way. She almost didn’t want to count the last person she had. He’d been what she needed for a time, but he hadn’t even come close to being as amazing as Liam.

*I can hear his heartbeat.*

Blake sighed. For a moment, she just wanted to stay like that and drift off to the rhythmic thumping beneath her.

Then Liam’s fingers moved down her back, creating lines of heat and electricity down her flesh even under the warm spray.

She looked up at him, smiling.

“Can I shampoo your hair?” He asked.

Blake’s pussy twitched, and she stiffened at the memories and fantasies his words conjured in her head.


Blake shook herself, “Sorry—I was just remembering. That night when you sat with me in here, Marie told me about how you would do that for her when you two showered together.”

Liam blinked, “I promise you, there’s no way I’ll be thinking about her with you in front of me.”

Blake gave him a tight smile, “I wasn’t worried about that, silly. That was just—well, that night and her doing that to me was what eventually led to her and me…you know…”

Liam’s eyes went wide, “That’s what you guys did in the shower together?”

Blake nodded. She tried to move back a bit, but Liam held her against him. She opened her mouth to apologize, but he beat her to it.

“Fuck, she really did seduce you, didn’t she?”

Blake blinked, looking surprised, “What?”

Liam kissed her. All thoughts of shame or regret or nervousness fled from her as their lips connected and her body melted against him. When he finally pulled back, her mind was hazy, and her heart hammered at her chest.

“Let me do your hair?”

Blake nodded, the water hanging off her lashes obscuring her vision somewhat.

Liam grinned. He stepped back and took Blake’s color-treated shampoo into one hand, squirting out a dollop the size of two quarters next to each other.

She raised an eyebrow, “How’d you know that was mine?”

He gave her a flat look, “I pay attention to things. I *have* had a girlfriend before, you know. One who said not to touch this expensive bottle of shampoo or the matching conditioner.”

Blake felt her cheeks heat, “Oh, right.”

Liam lathered his hands, then stepped forward. Blake stepped out of the spray to meet him, twisting so that he could be under the water. Their bodies pressed together once more, Liam’s cock pressing up against her stomach like a hard, pulsing radiator. Blake felt her breath catch as memories of Marie flashed in her mind, piercing the fog.

“Wait, Liam,” she said, pushing against his chest, “I–”

“Don’t want me to waste your expensive shampoo?” he asked, gathering her back against him with his arms, “I didn’t think so.”

Blake bit her lip, looking up at him, “Liam, I–”

She shuddered as his sudsy hands brushed up against the back of her neck, fingers threading through her hair at the base of her scalp. Liam pulled her further into his embrace, and Blake found herself helpless to resist, fingers curling around Liam’s shoulders as she clung to him.

“I already forgave you for what happened with Marie, Blake,” his fingertips massaging her scalp in little circles, “You don’t need to feel bad about it anymore.”

Blake bit her lip again but said nothing. What could she say to that?

“I’m guessing Marie told you I used to do this to her when we’d shower together, right?”

Blake nodded.

“And you don’t feel like it’s some trick or something like that? Or feel jealous knowing that?”

Blake shook her head.

“Then you need to unclench, Blake.”

Blake snorted against his chest, in part because of the mirth in his voice. It infected her.

“I don’t think any part of me can be clenched while you’re doing this.”

Liam chuckled. Blake caught a hint of satisfaction in his tone.

“Marie is still a part of your life,” he continued, “You can’t start feeling bad every time you see her or are reminded of something you guys did together just before she and I broke up. Navigating us around her is going to be hard enough.”

He tugged down gently on her hair, and Blake let him tilt her head up so she could look at him. He smiled at her, eyes sparkling with compassion. A warmth that had nothing to do with the shower spread through her, relaxing her, melting any feelings of guilt over what she and Marie had done.

“Just relax and enjoy this, okay? I’ve wanted to do this with you for a while.”

Blake smiled at that. Then she smirked up at him.


“I like it when you pull my hair,” she said, ensuring her voice dripped with sex.

His eyes bulged for a moment, cock twitching against her stomach, and Blake couldn’t help herself.

“Though if you do that during sex, pull it harder.”

His cock twitched again, cheeks turning red. Blake drew in a deep, hissing breath as Liam’s grip tightened on her hair for a moment. Shivers ran down her spine.

“I–I’ll remember that,” he said, voice thick.

Blake let out a soft cackle as she rested her head back against Liam’s chest. He continued massaging her a moment later.

*Fuck, that feels good.*

Blake bit her lip. It felt *really* good. Liam’s fingers tangled in her soaked, sudsy blue locks, stripping the oils out and massaging the stress and tension from her body. Not that she’d had much reason for any of that today. She slumped against Liam a bit, resting most of her weight against him, as the haze of arousal filled her mind again. She put what concentration she had left into keeping herself upright. With Liam’s hands working magic on her scalp and his cock like a warm rod of steel against her stomach, weakening her knees, just standing proved one of the hardest things she’d done in a long time.

Another memory came back to her, but this time she smiled at it.

*How did I wait so long for this? How the fuck did I not just pull him into the shower with me and press myself up against him?*

She knew the answer: because he was Liam. While he was with Marie, he wouldn’t have let her do that, and she would have felt awful for putting him in such a position. When they were following her stupid rules…well, Liam wasn’t exactly the rule-breaking type.

*I finally get what I fantasized about.*

She was pressed up against Liam, his chest glistening, strong arms around her, hands running through her hair, big hard, perfect, cock pressed up against her belly, leaking slippery precum onto her skin.

When Liam finally removed his hands, Blake whimpered at the loss of contact and clung to him.

“Don’t move,” she managed, “I’ll fall.”

His chest vibrated as he laughed, “I’ve got you, don’t worry. Can you move enough for me to wash it out?”

Blake nodded, and Liam slowly turned them around, moving her into the spray again. He never broke his embrace, and his hands never left her head. Instead, he simply began massaging her head again, washing out the shampoo.

Blake let her mind drift as Liam massaged her.

Blake let her mind drift as Liam massaged her, thoughts floating about somewhere in her hazy mind with impressions of the wonderful intimacy she’d discovered with Liam.

When his hands left her hair again, Blake started, blinking a few times as Liam rotated them so Blake was out of the spray once more.

“You were supposed to clean me off so you could eat me out,” she murmured into his chest, “Not turn me into a pile of mush.”

Liam chuckled, “Can you hand me the conditioner?”

Reluctantly, Blake pushed herself up from Liam’s chest. She had to keep one hand on him just to make sure she wouldn’t suddenly fall to the floor, but she reached over and grabbed the shampoo’s matching conditioner. She squirted a generous amount into his hands, then set it back down in the corner as Liam lathered up his hands. When Liam gathered her into his arms again, fingers making her hair and scalp slippery with the conditioner, Blake’s eyes fluttered and she let out a soft moan, pussy quivering.

“Fuck,” she breathed, “That feels really good.”

“I’m glad you like it.”

“And you just like doing it?”

“I enjoy all the little noises and movements you make when I do it.”

Heat blossomed in Blake’s cheeks. All the noises? She didn’t think she’d made enough for him to describe them that way.

Liam must have sensed her embarrassment, as his chest vibrated beneath her in a low laugh, but he didn’t stop his ministrations. Somehow, he even pulled her closer, making her very aware of how hard he was.

*Fuck, how has he ignored that this long just to play with my hair? How have* I *ignored it?*

The answer was in her question: Liam’s fingers just felt too damn good.

*Every time he touches me, it’s like fucking magic.*

As Liam’s cock throbbed against her belly, however, Blake’s own need became harder and harder to ignore, until her pussy pulsed in time with his cock. Just being with him like this, Liam’s warm, firm body against her, felt so good. When Liam’s fingers finally slowed their motions, then stopped, Blake’s eyes fluttered open.

Liam smiled down at her. Blake smiled back when he didn’t move her under the spray, instead reaching for the body wash.


He stopped.

“Can we do something else first?”

Liam raised an eyebrow, “What did you have in mind?”

Blake smirked, snaking a hand between them. Liam hissed, his eyes fluttering as she curled her fingers around his cock. It pulsed in her hand.

“I need you inside me.”

She thought he shivered at that but couldn’t tell.


Blake would have liked to simply fuck him like they were, standing, facing each other, but Liam was a bit too tall for that. Instead, she reluctantly pushed herself off of him and faced the wall opposite the showerhead. She arched her back, bracing herself against the wall and sticking her ass up in the air. She gave it a little wiggle, knowing Liam would like that. Glancing back over her shoulder, Blake met Liam’s hazy blue eyes.

“Fuck me.”

Liam gripped her hips. A low growl was all the warning she got before his cock pushed against her lips, spreading them as he entered her.

Blake’s seemingly perpetual state of wetness and its increased state around Liam had often been annoying when single. Now that she was with Liam, however, she fucking loved it.

He slid into her with no resistance. Even so, Blake moaned as his cock stretched her walls, brushing against her g-spot. Her nerve-endings lit up, bolts of pleasure crackling through her as Liam’s cock traveled deeper and deeper. Then her brain fuzzed, the pleasure radiating out in heavy pulses as Liam’s cock hit the back of her pussy, head grinding against that wonderful spot.

“Fuck,” she hissed.

Liam withdrew, wonderful sensations crackling through her once more, then once only the tip of his cock remained just barely within her, he rammed his cock back in. Blake’s vision blurred for a moment, the haze in her mind growing thicker. Liam’s next thrust shook her a bit, almost making her slip, but she adjusted her footing, gripping the bathmat with her toes and pressing forward into the wall to keep herself from falling or slipping.

That kept her steady enough for Liam to quickly fall into a nice rhythm. Blake closed her eyes, giving herself over to the sensations assaulting her body. Liam’s cock stretched her, stimulating her with every thrust, sparks of pleasure radiating out from her core. The underside of his cock rubbed back and forth over her G-spot, constantly sending lightning bolts of pleasure through her, further clouding her head with arousal. At the end of each thrust, his balls slapped against her clit and his cockhead ground against the back of her pussy. The twin explosions of pleasure within her made it even harder for her to keep upright or even just keep from twitching, but she managed. Liam’s fingers digging into her hips helped. It wasn’t painful, but it was something she could latch on to in order to keep herself from being overwhelmed and falling to the floor.

*I think that’s the only bad thing about fucking in the shower.*

As Liam fucked her, Blake’s mind conjured fantasies of what sex with Liam might be like once she knew he could handle her more extreme desires. Phantom fingers curled around her throat and held her head down between his legs, while invisible hands slapped her ass relentlessly, overwhelming her until she became putty in Liam’s hands, all the stresses and distractions of real life gone, allowing him to be her only focus for a time.

Blake’s mind drifted so far that her first orgasm came out of nowhere, rolling over her like a tidal wave, almost literally knocking her off her feet. Only Liam’s tightened grip, shifted to support her belly, kept her from complete disaster. He kept thrusting as her body succumbed to her orgasm, twitching and shaking soundlessly. Blake’s mouth was wide open in a silent scream of bliss, too overwhelmed by her orgasm even to get her vocal cords to work.

That continued thrusting, stretching, slapping, grinding, quickly became too much, but Blake couldn’t get her mouth to work right away.

Eventually, the words came out as weak whimpers, her fingers clawing for purchase on the smooth, slippery bathroom wall.

“Stop. Stop! Please! Gonna fall.”

Liam’s thrusts stopped almost immediately, though he left himself fully seated inside her. That made it harder for her to think, but she wasn’t entirely upset that his hot, pulsing cock stayed within her. To her surprise, Liam’s hand was suddenly on her shoulder. The next moment, he’d pulled her upright, back resting against his chest. She had to push herself up on her toes to keep him inside her, but a moment later, his arm wrapped around her belly, supporting her a bit and sending that wonderful, comfortable warmth through Blake’s entire body.

A moan slipped out when he kissed Blake’s neck, lips like fire, sparks bursting from the skin. She whimpered when his mouth left her skin, then shivered, pussy involuntarily clenching around his cock, when his lips brushed against her ear.

“How about we finish getting clean, then go to the bedroom and finish this?”

Blake just shivered, tightening her pussy around his cock. She smiled at the moan that it drew from Liam.


1 comment

  1. Hey everyone! Hope you enjoy this part!

    Since this first arc of *The Camgirl* is coming to a close, I would really appreciate it if you all would take the time to fill out his [Survey]( and answer some questions. Thank you, as always, for reading!

    Also, please go check out my friend [u/amira-brie](’s subreddit /r/Amira_Brie. She’s cute, sassy and awesome and her boobs are pretty great, too. Go give her some love!

    For anyone who wants to help support me, please visit either my [Ko-Fi]( if you want to just drop me a tip, or my [Patreon]( if you want to support via monthly-subscription! And don’t forget to join/subscribe to /r/taylorstormserotica

    [Part I](
    [Part II](
    [Part III](
    [Part IV](
    [Part V](
    [Part VI](

    [Part VII](
    [Part VIII](
    [Part IX](
    [Part X](
    [Part XI](
    [Part XII](

    [Part XIII](
    [Part XIV](
    [Part XV](
    [Part XVI](
    [Part XVII](
    [Part XVIII](

    [Part XIX](
    [Part XX](
    [Part XXI](
    [Part XXII](
    [Part XXIII](
    [Part XIV](

    [Part XXV](
    [Part XXVI](
    [Part XXVII](
    [Part XXVIII](
    [Part XIX](
    [Part XXX](

    [Part XXXI](
    [Part XXXII](
    [Part XXXIII](
    [Part XXXIV](
    [Part XXXV](
    [Part XXXVI](

    [Part XXXVII](
    [Part XXXVIII](
    [Part XXXIX](
    [Part XL](
    [Part XLI](
    [Part XLII](

    [Part XLIII](
    [Part XLIV](
    [Part XLV](
    [Part XLVI](
    [Part XLVII](
    [Part XLVIII](

    [Part XLIX](
    [Part L](
    [Part LI](
    [Part LII](
    [Part LIII](
    [Part LIV](

    [Part LV](
    [Part LVI](
    [Part LVII](
    [Part LVIII](
    [Part LIX](
    [Part LX](

    [Part LXI](
    [Part LXII](
    [Part LXIII](
    [Part LXIV](
    [Part LXV](
    [Part LXVI](

    [Part LXVII](
    [Part LXVIII](
    [Part LXIX](
    [Part LXX](
    [Part LXXI](
    [Part LXXII](
    [Part LXXIII](

    EDIT: If anything pops up on the survey that I feel deserves follow-up or that I want to respond to, I’ll do so in conjunction with next week’s post!

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