The Doctor – [M/F] Pt 3 of the story of a pregnant woman’s rather unconventional examination.

“I’m … I’m sorry Doctor … I didn’t mean to … I’m so sorry … please, please – I really would like to have the Anal test done today. Please?” she asked in her most demure and apologetic tone. Doctor Hendricks glanced over at her, his eyes surveying her whole body like a scanner. After a moment he gave a low hum and stood up.

“OK. We should do the anal tests today, I suppose. If you’re sure you’re happy to proceed” he asked, looking directly at Ana. In response she nodded avidly and smiled “Oh yes, yes please … yes the anal tests are so important aren’t they” she said in mild encouragement.

Doctor Hendricks nodded in agreement but didn’t speak. Grabbing Ana’s ankles he pushed her legs back until her ass popped up and her ass hole was clearly visible. “Did you clean it out, like I told you?” he asked, looking in her eyes. Ana smiled “Yes, just as you asked Doctor. Washed it out, and made sure to empty my bowels” she beamed, proud of herself for following his orders.

“Can you hold your knees up for me” asked Hendricks, nodding at his hands on Ana’s ankles. With a low “OOff” Ana reached down and, placing her hands behind her knees she pulled them up toward her chest so that her ass hole was now still accessible to the Doctor. In response, Hendricks put a hand on each of Ana’s ass cheeks and pulled them apart slowly. Ana groaned and Hendricks nodded “Yes, your ass cheeks spread splendidly. I think we can proceed to the first taste and touch test” he said, giving his lips a little flick with his tongue.

Ana was creaming herself now, in anticipation. Some of her cunt juices were leaking out of her wet pussy, running down the valley and onto her ass hole. It was something that didn’t go unnoticed by the Doctor. “You’re getting wet Ana, that’s good. It’s a good sign”. Ana blushed despite herself.

“I’m going to push my tongue into your ass hole Ana, and then I’m going to give it a good licking. What I need you to tell me, is how it feels. Use your word Ana, as I told you before – the words you choose to use give me an opening into your mental state, so it’s important you use the words you are comfortable with, without concern or worry about being ‘rude’ or ‘disgusting’ ”. Ana nodded, the anticipation clearly visible in her face now.

Hendricks extended his tongue and lowered it onto Ana’s puckered hole. In doing so, he scooped up some of her cunt juices and then let out a low “MMMM. Not that we’re testing this today – but just to let you know, your cunt juices taste normal, Ana.” He added, sounding so officious it made Ana laugh despite her heightened state of arousal.

She felt the tip of Hendricks’s tongue begin to push against her hole and she felt the slow resistance begin to wane. In truth, she wished she could command it to just ‘open up’ in the same way as her cunt did – but Ana knew, ass holes didn’t work the same way as Cunt holes. With a gasp, she tried to relax, hoping it would be enough for the tongue to gain entry and do it’s wonderful stuff. Ana felt the Doctors nose press onto her skin, just below her cunt – as he tried to stuff his tongue into her asshole. It felt absolutely glorious “Oh fucking hell, that’s good” wailed Ana, surprising even herself with the outburst. “Oh god yes, shove your fucking tongue into my dirty little ass hole” she groaned, her clit still complaining loudly in her mind about the lack of attention. Hendricks pulled Ana’s ass cheeks as wide as he could and then pressing his face in as hard as he could – he firmed his tongue up and pushed it in. He managed to get a good portion of it in, and began to roll his tongue around the hole, licking as best he could.

Ana squealed with pleasure, “Oh fuck Doc, yes … that is so good… it feels, it feels … mmmm yes … oh god yes, stuff your tongue in my ass hole Doc.” She moaned lowly, her eyes closing in pleasure as she felt a warm feeling build up inside her. With a little shiver, she realised she was close to her first orgasm.

Hendricks continued to lick and suck, lapping avidly at the puckering hole. Ana’s eyes flashed open as her Orgasm hit her a little sooner than she expected “Oh … fuck … DOC … I’m … oh fuck … should I … should I be … oh fuck … gonna cum Doc, gonna cum … should I … fuck … should I be able to … fucking hell … yes yes … fuck… should I be able to cum from having my ass hole licked …” groaned Ana, the effort of getting the words out between the waves of her orgasm taking its toll.

Hendricks looked up at her “Perfectly normal” he said, resuming his licking. “Again, I’m now going to finger your ass hole until you climax again. This orgasm should be the same as the one you just had, so that is what we are testing. Are you OK for me to finger your ass hole Ana” asked the Doctor a little perfunctory, almost as if he was going to do it anyway. But Ana was in no mood to argue, and certainly had no desire for him to stop. “Ah yes, Doc … finger my dirty little asshole”.

The Doctor lifted up his middle finger, then offered it up to her mouth. At first, Ana was a little confused until the Doctor added “Lubrication Ana, I only use ‘natural’ lubrication, none of that chemical nonsense. So just lick my finger a little so it slides into your ass hole a little easier.” He declared with a smile. Ana quickly understood and took the digit into her mouth, sucking it like a cock until she was happy she had put plenty of saliva on it. Then, on a whim she said “Why … why don’t you … use some of my cunt juice for lube” she giggled, before adding “there’s plenty of it in my cunt, as you can see” she said, squeezing her cunt and forcing a bit more juice out so that it ran down the channel and onto her ass hole.

Hendricks chuckled “A very good idea Ana” he smiled, scooping up her cunt juice in his hands before bathing his finger in the copious pool. He let the rest drizzle onto her ass hole before placing his finger at the entrance to her ass. He applied a bit of pressure, and felt her ass hole’s resistance. Ana gave a low “Oooff” as she felt her ass hole slowly give up and pop open to the intruding digit. “Oh Fuck Doc … yes, yes… that’s … Ohhh that feels so weird. I’ve … I’ve never had anything up there before” she huffed. Ana felt the Doctor’s finger delve deeper and deeper into her, she felt her asshole gripping the digit tightly, felt it pucker and open as the Doctor continued to thrust his finger in and out, getting quicker and quicker as he did so. Her orgasm was building, waiting impatiently for that one whoosh of pleasure that would send it rolling all the way over her lust wracked body. It was then that the Doctor did something, and quite what she didn’t know – she only ‘felt’ it and it brought her orgasm crashing in with all its might.

In truth, the Doctor had merely inserted a second digit, from his other hand so that he was able to pull Ana’s ass hole wide open and keep it open. What Ana felt was the warm air as it rushed around her ass hole, spread as it was – wide open to the elements. Hendricks blew lightly into the now open hole, and Ana erupted. “Oh Fuck …. Fuck fuck fuck … what .. what was THAT” she gasped, her orgasm still hitting her, and causing her breathing to become ragged. “Fuck … do it … do it again Doc…” demanded Ana, insistently. Hendricks pulled her asshole apart a bit further, causing her to groan loudly now. Then, taking a big breath – he placed his mouth right by the opening and blew slowly. Again Ana erupted with pleasure, her body bucking as she struggled to keep hold of her legs tucked up to her chest.

“Oh fucking hell Doc … is it … is it meant to feel that good … fucking hell, I’m coming doc … I’m fucking coming …” wailed Ana, her body slumping as she let go of her legs. They swung down and caused Hendricks to move back slightly. He watched intently as Ana twitched and shivered on the bed, her eyes rolled back in her head and her breathing so laboured. Ana was muttering unintelligibly now, a mixture of moans, groans and downright curse words.

Satisfied with his efforts, Hendricks returned to the desk and made some notes and he let Ana recover. “FUCK” yelled Ana finally, “That orgasm was much more intense than when you licked me. Is … is that OK Doc?” asked Ana, a little concerned. “Nothing to worry about, Ana” replied the Doctor with a smile, “The more intense the better” he chuckled.

Ana relaxed. “I feel like I’ve been through a wringer” she said with a chuckle “… but in a good way” she added, smiling.

Doctor Hendricks stood up once more “Well, if I’m right – this next orgasm that you’re going to have will wipe everything. All your concerns, all your worries – washed away, Ana. But …” the Doctor paused. “… but we do have a decision to make. Well, it’s your decision Ana.” He said, sitting back down in his chair.

Ana looked at him anxiously, so the Doctor smiled “Don’t worry Ana, it’s really not a bad choice – the opposite of ‘two evils’ this is a choice of ‘two pleasures’ he added with a chuckle. And it does have some bearing on me too” added the Doctor with a little shrug. Seeing her confusion, Hendricks took Ana’s hand in his and patted it lightly. “First, a little biology lesson” he chuckled.

“You … you know that a man’s orgasm is quite different to a woman’s? What you are probably not aware of is the actual biology around it. A man … well, yes he can ‘cum’ when a woman is jerking him off, or sucking him. But when a man is buried deep into a woman, then his own cum is more intense. Speaking as a man, and indeed Mrs Hendricks will vouch for it – my orgasm is so much ‘more’ when I am buried deep into Mrs Hendricks” said the Doctor, glancing at his screen – realising that he was perhaps making things more personal than he intended. Indeed, Ana was intrigued. This was the first time the Doctor had ever mentioned his wife.

“I … I sort of get that” said Ana, casually. “So, what’s the decision I have to make?”

Hendricks took a breath, perhaps considering how to phrase the next part. “Some women, that I’ve performed this test on – well, they have expressed a desire, ummm … a request, if you like – that I don’t … ummm … I don’t cum inside them.”

Hendricks stood up, getting cross at himself for his own ineptitude in trying to explain a basic physical function. “When I’m fucking their ass holes, they don’t want me to cum inside them” he said, blurting out a little more frantically than he intended. “So … you have to decide Ana, if you want me to fill your ass with cum or do you want me to spray it over your face, tits and belly” he asked a little flustered. Despite this, Hendricks was surprised with Ana’s response.

“What are the benefits, Doctor? Which would you recommend” she asked innocently. “I’ve never been fucked in the ass, I’ve never had a man fill my ass with cum, I imagine it will be quite wonderful, but … I can see that I won’t then be able to swallow any of that cum. Oh it is a conundrum” said Ana, adding a deliberately churlish tone to her voice.

“It is your choice” added Hendricks, relieved that Ana had not immediately railed at the idea. Indeed, the Doctor had had some patients that positively recoiled at the thought of him cumming in their ass.

“Can … can we decide a little later” asked Ana tentatively. “Only … once you are in my ass … I might like it, if you filled my ass with cum. But, if I don’t particularly enjoy it – then you can spray your cum over my bump, can’t you?”

“We can do that” added Hendricks with a nod, removing his trousers and underpants, his cock now standing out still semi erect. Slowly he stoked it, and Ana drooled – hoping he would ask her to get him ready. But quickly, she realised there was no need. Just a few strokes and Hendricks was rock hard once more. “Mrs Hendricks is a lucky woman” thought Ana with a chuckle.

“Spit on your hands” said Hendricks a little more directly than he intended “And scoop as much juice out of your cunt that you can, Ana. You need to cover my cock with plenty of fluid so that I can drive my cock past your ass hole. It’s not as obliging as a cunt hole” added the Doctor with a laugh.

Ana used her hands and opening her cunt hole with one hand, she managed to get 2 fingers inside herself and scooped out a fair amount of juice. She held it to her mouth, the strong earthy smell of her juice wafting up to her nose – she spat on her hands, and then as Hendricks offered her his cock, she wrapped her hands around it – making sure not to rub it in, so that it dried.

“Are you ready, Ana” asked the Doctor, clear anticipation and desire in his voice now. Ana placed her hand behind her knees once more and pulled them to her chest so that her ass hole was delightfully exposed and ready for the Doctor’s cock. “My ass hole is all yours Doctor. Do what you want with it” she giggled, feeling the tremble of an orgasm already begin, deep inside her.

Doctor Hendricks took his cock in his hand and using one hand to push her ass cheek to one side, he placed the tip of his cock at the puckered hole entrance. Ana shivered, again – aware that it felt a lot different to both his tongue, or his finger. This felt a lot more ‘intense’, she was about to let a man fuck her ass for the very first time, and she had no idea how it would feel – she knew only one thing. She trusted the Doctor. So this Orgasm was going to be HUGE.

As Hendricks increased the pressure, Ana gave an “OOff” as she felt her hole open slightly. Hendricks huffed and increased the pressure a little more, driving another inch or so into Ana’s ass hole. Already, Ana was huffing loudly, trying to get used to the cock inside her ass. She couldn’t believe how it felt – as if she was being filled completely, her ass feeling like it was stretched to the limit and about to tear. A sudden fear overtook her and she moaned “Ah … Ah Doc. Hold it, just … just stop there a minute” she breathed hoarsely.

Hendricks did as he was bid, pausing – even though he only had barely 2 inches of cock in her. She has a long way still to go, he cautioned to himself. Ana’s ass hole was grasping his cock firmly and as he began to slide it in and out, he could see and feel it stretch and quiver as he fucked it. Finally, after a few minutes – realising that Ana’s breathing had returned to some normality – he pushed his cock in a couple more inches. Ana wailed loudly “Fucking hell Doctor, what is it you’re shoving inside my Ass? Feels like an elephant cock” she said, with a half chuckle, half moan.

Hendricks huffed once more, the desire to just slam his cock all the way into her was almost overwhelming. “It … it will feel as if … it’s bigger … because your ass hole is not used to being stretched like this” groaned Hendricks again, now finding great difficulty in stopping himself from pounding Ana’s ass.

“How … how does it feel Ana. Tell me, use your words Ana” said Hendricks with a grunt, pushing another 2 inches of cock into her until, he was 6 inches inside her ass.

“Oh Fuck Doc. I … I feel so full, so stuffed. My … my ass hole is burning a little, and I can feel it being stretched but I … I’m OK with that. I feel your cock twitching inside me Doc, it feels … mmm …” said Ana, unable to complete her sentence as Hendricks withdrew and then thrust straight back into her ass hole. “Oh god yes that was good Doc, you can … you can do that again …” huffed Ana, a strong desire rising in her voice. Hendricks withdrew his cock until it popped out of Ana’s ass and the puckered hole closed up – but then instantly pushed back in, causing the puckered hole to open back up, with a little less resistance this time. Ana gave a loud howl “Holy fuccckkkkk” she yelled, her hand pulling on her knees, trying desperately to push her ass hole deeper onto the cock that now impaled her.

“Oh Shit Doc … how much … how many inches you got inside me …” she hollered, her tone making her sound insatiable. The Doctor gave a loud sigh “About 6 Ana, I’m not sure you can take any more. I will just fuck you with long slow strokes until you come.” Announced Hendricks, a little disconsolately. But Ana picked up on it. “No, No Doc … I … I’m OK. Really, I am. Please. I … I want you to bury your cock in my ass. It feels … incredible, fantastic … please Doc, please pound my dirty fucking ass hole” asked Ana in an imploring tone.

The Doctor grunted, relieved and delighted that he would be allowed to completely bury his cock into Ana. But did she want him to come inside her? Or on her? Hendricks withdrew his cock and then drove it in, harder and faster than previously, pushing a full 7 or seven and a half inches into Ana. He withdrew again and thrust in hard. This time, his whole cock buried itself into Ana and she howled like a banshee. “Aaaahhhhhh fucckkkkkk Yess Yes yes Doctor Hendricks … fuck me, fuck my dirty fucking whoring ass hole … please I … I want your cock deep in my ass … oh fuck fuck it feels so good … so fucking good … yes plough my ass … fucking rip it up” she yelled, her orgasm building huge and menacingly inside her. “Oh FUCCCKKKKKK” she yelled once more as Hendricks now continued to pump her ass, his hips a blur as his cock drilled her hard like a jackhammer. The Doctor was breathing hard now – his own orgasm not far.

“Time to decide” yelled Hendricks, feeling his eruption of cum just moments away. “Where … where do you want my cum, Ana” asked the Doctor breathlessly. Ana struggled to reply, her orgasm upon her as Hendricks continued to pump all 8 inches of his thick cock into her rapidly more welcoming and demanding ass hole.

“I’m gonna cum Ana, where the fucking hell do you want it” yelled the Doctor, his intensity hitting her like a brick. It was the first time Ana had heard him speak with such emotion and desire, not that she was in an position to ponder on his words. “Ah fucckkkkk in my ass … pump my fucking ass Doc … give me your cum in my ass … my dirty fucking ass … pump your cock in there and fucking fill me … fill my fucking ass hole Doctor.” Was the best she could manage as the Orgasm slammed into her like a ten ton truck. Her body shook and her legs trembled so much she was unable to keep hold of them. Her body shook, her tits swaying this way and that as her body heaved. Her back arched and she pressed her head back onto the bed as she used it as leverage to push even harder down on Hendricks’s cock.

“Ah fuck yes … deeper, push it fucking deeper … aaahhh jesus, fucking hell fill my ass … slam my dirty hole. Oh fuckk cummingggg … I’m fucking cumming doc … fucking fill me up you bastard … ahhhn fuck I’m cumming Doc, … you’re fucking my ass and … I’m fucking cumming … like a ….dirty fucking …whore. Aaaahhhh fuckkk …yesssssssssss” cried Ana, as she felt the first spurt of Hendricks’s cum spray inside her ass hole.

It felt weird, strange to the point of being so incredible that it was making her orgasm all the more. She had never felt anything like this before. Having a man fuck her cunt and spray his baby juice inside her – well that was one thing. But this, this was just so fucking incredibly intense and unbelievably pleasurable. Ana continued to roll and roil as Hendricks continued to pump her ass and spraying even more of his cum until his balls felt as if they were being sucked into her ass hole too.

Finally Hendricks stopped pounding and withdrew his cock slowly. Ana gave a low howl of disappointment, but her orgasm wasn’t finished yet and just as she was coming down slightly – from out of nowhere another wave of pleasure and ecstasy hit her and she began to convulse again. Ana tried to straighten her legs, but they refused to obey her command. They twitched and shook as if they had a mind of their own, and her belly heaved with the effort of dealing with her orgasm. Her whole body shook once more and again, for a brief moment – Ana passed out with sheer pleasure.

When Ana came back round, Hendricks was stood beside her – his somewhat flaccid cock in hand, and he nodded at her. Instinctively Ana knew what was expected of her. Without the slightest of hesitation, with absolutely no doubt, fear or concern – Ana opened her mouth, and took the cock that had just been in her ass, directly into her mouth. She rolled her tongue around it, savouring the taste – not for one moment allowing herself to feel any disgust or disapproval of what she was doing. She was licking a cock that had just fucked her ass … and she was loving it. Another small tremor passed through her, the promise maybe – of another orgasm.

Satisfied that his cock was now clean, Ana withdrew her mouth and gave it a cute little kiss on the tip. Hendricks smiled and returned to his desk, he sat down and began typing away. His breathing still heavy and laboured, a sure sign of the effort he too had put in.

After a moment Ana coughed and said “So Doctor … the ummm … tests … what … am I OK?” asked Ana, feeling sure he would give her a clean bill of health. But his pause, gave her cause for concern. “I am all right, aren’t I Doctor”? she said, beginning to sound a little flustered.

Doctor Hendricks looked at her flatly. “Physically, you are fine. You and your baby are both doing well” he said, rather matter of factly. “But Ana, were you … umm … were you aware that when I was … ummm … fucking your ass … were you aware that you called yourself a ‘Whore’ … twice in fact” he asked, his eyes fixing her in his gaze.

“Did … did I” asked Ana, a little nonplussed and unsure quite why that was important. “It’s … it’s just something women say isn’t it? In the heat of being fucked so … mmmm … so GOOD” added Ana, trying to make light of a conversation that worried her in its direction.

“Perhaps so” replied Doctor Hendricks, tapping his chin lightly with his forefinger. “Nothing to worry about I’m sure. Physically – I am happy for you to continue. Keep up with your daily cum shots, remember – as much as possible. Taken internally, but also copious amounts to be rubbed into your face, tits and of course your bump.

Ana nodded then said “You … you said, ‘Physically’ I was OK. What … what did you mean by that Doctor” she asked nervously.

Doctor Hendricks took a big breath, as if he was weighing something up in his mind. “I … don’t know Ana. If I’m honest – but your ‘outburst’ bothers me – calling yourself a ‘whore’ is not normal, but I’m not a psychiatrist.” He added with a slight smirk. Ana’s face grew drawn “You … you think I should see a shrink?” asked Ana sounding panicked.

Hendricks stood up and walked towards her, taking her hand in his he tapped it lightly. “Ana, Ana – my dear. Don’t be so worried. It really, probably isn’t anything of concern. But … if you did want to see a shrink …” Hendricks giggled at the title “If you did, I can certainly recommend one. And I’m sure she would be keen to see you straight away – would you like that Ana” asked the Doctor, his fingers poised on the keyboard.

Ana felt deflated, she felt fine – mentally and physically and now she was worried that she might not be as stable mentally, as she actually thought she was. “Do … do you think I need it” she asked coyly. Hendricks smiled at her “Think of it this way, Ana – isn’t it better to be safe? And … if you trust me on this, then believe me that it won’t be at all bad – quite the opposite actually. I think you and your baby will benefit greatly from it”

Ana perked up at the words. “OK Doctor, I trust you. Can … can you refer me? You said ‘she’ – what is her name?”

Hendricks gave a little chuckle “It’s Mrs Hendricks … my wife – she’s a qualified psychiatrist” he said unable to hide his laugh “But I have to tell you Ana, she does tests too … and she is just as unconventional as I am”.

Ana orgasmed once more.

**Disclaimer**: This is a work of fiction.  You must be 18 or over to read this story. This story is provided for entertainment purposes only.



  1. Wow! This doctor goes where no doctor has gone before sexually with this patient. Brilliant erotica. Thanks so much for sharing.

  2. Holy Cow! This is my new go to tune on!!! Whew! I think the room got hot, did y’all notice?

  3. Absolutely orgasmic, best I’ve read in a long time. I look forward to post-partum

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