Like Mother, Like Daughter – The First Collection – Free on Smashwords!

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**Part One**

**The Deal**

It was a beautiful summer day in southern Sweden. The sun shone down from a clear blue sky while I was driving along the fields in my BMW M6 Cab. I had only owned it for a couple of weeks and I was heading from my summer house outside of Kivik into work in Lund. When I was closing in on Loberod I remembered that there was a little Thai food wagon there that served an excellent fried rice. I drove into the small town that most people just passed through if they even knew that it existed. After a couple of hundred yards I saw the food wagon. It stood just where it used to, it must have been two years since I last ate there. I pulled up the car to the curb and stepped out. Two wooden tables with benches were placed just next to the wagon and two teenage girls sat there drinking Coke.

”Nice car”, said the first girl.

She sat with her legs spread over the bench and under her short red dress it was impossible to miss her white panties. I guessed that she couldn’t be more than eighteen, but it is always difficult to tell with girls that age. Her red summer dress showed a significant cleavage and a couple of large firm breasts looked out at me framed by a white bra.

”How fast does it go?” she asked and pulled her hand through her blond hair.

”Depends on how hard you push it”, I answered with a smile.

Her friend let out a laugh. She was a cute little dark haired girl that even in this warm weather was wearing a turtleneck and jeans but the tight fit showed of her body in a nice way. I went over to the food wagon and ordered a fried rice with chicken and a Fanta. The Thai woman handed over the soda and started preparing the food. I went over to the table and sat down next to the girls.

”I’m Linn”, said the blond girl.

”Nice to meet you Linn. I’m Peter.”

”How old are you?” she said and tilted her head.

”It’s not very nice to ask someone’s age that way. Haven’t your mother taught you that?”

”My mother has taught me a lot of things, being nice is not one of them”, she said and a little smile appeared on her lips.

”I’m 38”, I said and opened my soda.

”Shit. You’re older than my mom.”

”Is that so? And you? How old are you?”

”Eighteen. But I turn nineteen on Friday.”

”So I guess your mother was pretty young when she had you?”

”Eighteen. So pretty much like me when she fucked dad.”

The girl had a dirty mouth and I could see how her friend was dying of embarrassment. The dark-haired girl smiled apologetically and I smiled back. The Thai woman came over with the food and I started eating.

“Can you give us a ride to Malmo?” Linn asked.

“I’m only really going to Lund”, I answered when I had finished chewing.

“Pleeeease”, she said pleadingly and leaned forward so that I got a clear view straight down here ample cleavage. Those were not bad tits on that little girl. I had to admit that much.

“Ok then. There are probably not too many people in the office any way and they probably won’t notice that I’m an hour late.”

“Thanks!” she said shining up like a ray of sunshine. “It’s such a fucking drag taking the bus to Emporia.”

“Going shopping at the mall then?”

“Yeah. Need some new clothes. Birthday party on Friday. Wanna look fine ya know?”

“I think that you look pretty fine already”, I said without thinking.

Both girls blushed and I realized that was probably not the proper thing to say. I finished eating quickly.

“Let’s go then.”

The girls got in the car. Linn got in next to me and the dark haired girl got in the back.

“What’s your name?”

“Sarah”, she answered shyly.

I started the car and headed out towards the highway.

“Do you girls mind going fast?”

“No!” Linn answered enthusiastically. “Kick it!”

Well, I thought, if she asked for it. I went up to 80 on the 50 road. When we got out on the highway I went up to 100. The wind whipped our faces. It wasn’t entirely comfortable going with the roof down at that speed but I couldn’t slow down now.

“Doesn’t it go any faster?” Linn shouted smiling at me. I looked in the rear-view mirror for any cops before I pushed the pedal to the metal and the 500 hp engine kicked in to full throttle.

“Ooohh”, I heard Sarah whimper in the back over the sound of the wind.

We went the last 10 miles into Lund going just over 150. Luckily enough the road was almost empty so no emergency braking was needed. Going into Lund slowed down to a more reasonable 90. The girls calmed down after a few minutes and did not ask to go any faster again. Both girls seemed to enjoy the ride into Malmo.

“What does a car like this cost?” Linn asked as we turned on to the outer ring road.

“Quite a bit.”

She turned on me and stared.

“Are you rich?” she asked after a short silence.

“Depends on what you mean. But I am definitely not poor.”

“So how much do you make?”

“Two hundred plus bonus.”

“Two hundred crowns an hour? That’s not so much”, she said sounding a bit disappointed.

“Two hundred thousand per month”, I laughed. “And the bonus is usually around a hundred.”

“Fucking hell! You’re rich as a motherfucking dragon!”

“Not really. There are people that are rich on a different scale than me. But as I said. Not poor.”

She went quiet as we went around the city towards the mall. Just as we went of the high way Linn speaks again.

“How much will you give me if I blow you?”

Luckily, I was not going that fast because I stared at her until Sarah called out and I had to hit the brakes not to run into the car ahead of us.

“For fucks sake Linn”, Sarah cursed from the back seat.

“Do you usually charge for sexual favors?” I asked Linn when I had composed myself a bit.

“I’m not a fucking whore!”

“Really? So what was that you were offering then?”

“Well. But …” she started. “I mean. More like a sugar daddy. Like. You give me a nice dress for my party on Friday and I suck your dick. That kind of thing. Don’t you like getting your dick sucked?”

The only thing I could think about right about then was Linn’s teenage lips around my hard dick, but I was not going to admit that.

“Of course I do. I have never turned down a blowjob. But I don’t think it sounds like a fair deal. You get a dress for how much? Three, four thousand? And I get a blowjob.”

“Four thousand crowns for a dress?” Linn yelled. “Where the fuck do you buy a dress for four thousand?”

In any decent store, I thought, but didn’t say anything. We evidently did not have the same frames of reference in life.

“If you give me four thousand crowns for a dress you can fuck me in the ass”, she said and leaned backwards in her seat.

My dick which was already hard with the thought of getting a blowjob from this pretty young thing was now bursting the seams of my pants. Just imagine fucking this fine young girl with her firm teenage tits, in her tight little butthole. The thought was just too much. I shot a glance back towards Sarah. The shy girl just stared back at me. I turned back around again. We were almost at the parking lot. I pulled in and parked some distance away from the entrance. When I had stopped, I took the roof and windows up.

“Ok. Deal”, I said and stretched my hand out towards Linn.

She looked at my hand and then up at me.

“What the heck, you are pretty handsome”, she said, looked me straight in the eye and shook my hand. “Don’t you want a dress as well Sarah?” she said and turned towards her friend.

I couldn’t imagine that the shy girl was as easy as Linn so the chance of getting in there was pretty slim.

“Eh. No. I don’t think so”, Sarah almost whispered.

“Didn’t think so”, Linn snorted.

I looked at Sarah. She almost looked like she was about to cry.

“I have a deal that may suit you better.”

Sarah looked up at me with fear in her eyes.

“No sex”, I said to calm her. “I was thinking that we check into the Hilton to close the business deal between me and Linn. If you join us to watch, I’ll give you clothes for two thousand.”

Sarah stared at me. Linn stared at me.

“So she’s getting two thousand just for watching when you fuck me?” Linn asked.

“Why not? It’s probably on the same level of sacrifice for her that you are making.”

Linn and Sarah exchanged a look.

“Whatever. You may actually learn something”, Linn said.

Sarah sank down into her seat.

“Ok”, she whispered.

While the girls were shopping, I made sure to cancel the rest of the days meetings. I would not leave for the US until Sunday and most people in the office were out on vacation anyway, so it was not difficult to push the meetings out to the following day. I then called and booked a suite at the Hilton Kastrup. I had told the girls to meet me by the Ambrosia café when they were done. I sat down and went through my mails while they were shopping. It took hours before they came back, I had almost assumed that they had taken the money and left, it would have been the reasonable thing to do. When I put the bills in their hands I thought that that would be the last I saw of them, but I ended by saying that there’s more where that came from to keep them hooked.

Apparently the six thousand that they had got lasted for about three hours and they came back with about ten bags from as many stores. It was clear that they had chosen quantity over quality.

”You ready?” I said closing up my computer.

”Sure thing!” Linn said.

She seemed very happy with her end of the deal. Sarah didn’t say anything but followed us a few steps behind out to the car. We drove off. When I turned towards the bridge to Denmark Sarah asked where we were going.


”Isn’t that in the middle of town?”

”No. They’ve closed. We’re going to the Hilton at Kastrup.”

The rest of the trip over the bridge was an intense discussion between the two girls of which purchase had been the best. There was at least no doubt that they loved shopping. Good to know. We drove into the Hilton garage just after six.

”Did you have time to eat during your shopping spree?”

”Yeah”, Linn said.

She had become quieter as we got closer to the hotel. Now we were closing in on her end of the deal and I assumed that she was nervous. We went to the reception and I picked up the keys. The girls had brought all their shopping bags and were holding them like they were filled with gold.

”Fuck me, this place is fancy”, Linn said when we went out into the open interior.

I raised an eyebrow. She had clearly not been anywhere close to luxurious if she thought a Hilton at an airport was that nice. Not difficult to impress this one. Definitely to my advantage. We went up to the executive floor and went over to the room. I had chosen one of the suites with a view over Copenhagen. When we entered the room Linn burst out.

”Fuck me, what a fucking view!”

*That is exactly what I intend to do*, I thought with a smile. She dropped her bags and went over to the huge panorama window and put her face to the glass.

”You can see absolutely everything from up here!”

I went up to her where she stood leaned against the window and stood behind her. I put my hands on the front of her thighs. She twitched when I first touched her but then pushed back against me. I felt her firm ass rubbing against my dick that instantly firmed up. I let my hands go up under her red summer dress. I felt her smooth skin under my fingers and came up to her panties. My hands continued their path up over her stomach and up to her breasts. I pulled the dress over her head so she stood in front of me only wearing a white bra and thongs. Her ass was unbelievably firm, it stood out in a way that I had not seen on a woman in years. I turned her head slightly and kissed her deep while keeping the pressure of my body against her so that she was pushed up against the glass. I put one hand down the front of her panties and stroked her smooth pussy. I put one finger into the slit and could feel how wet she was.

”Your turn”, I said and took two steps backwards.

She turned towards me and I could see the desire fogging up her eyes. She stepped towards me and undid my tie. She took of my jacket and threw it on the floor. Then she went down on her knees and undid the fly on my pants and coaxed my stiff member out of my pants. She stroked it a couple of times up and down the length of the shaft.

”Such a nice one”, she said and licked the underside of the glans. I shivered with pleasure. She then took the whole head into her mouth and started sucking. And by God could the girl suck dick. She alternated hard and soft. Took the shaft with both her hands and worked it up and down while her mouth worked on the tip of the penis. Then she stopped and slowly pushed the whole of my dick down her throat until her lips touched my balls. The feeling was divine. It was the first time anyone had been able to take the full length of my cock down their throat. She went up and down a few times and then pushed it to the root again. She held it there and just when she was about to disengage I put my hand on the back of her head and pushed her back down. I held her there until she pushed away. A string of saliva ran from the tip of my cock to her cheek. She looked up at me.

”So you like it rough?”

I nodded.

”Go on then. Fuck my mouth. As hard as you like”, she said with a glimmer in her eyes.

I took her up on her offer and started pushing the length of my dick up and down her throat. She never let her eyes slip from mine as I was doing it. It was absolutely amazing. I stopped seconds before I was about to cum. I had no intention of cumming in her mouth before I had fucked every hole available. She breathed deeply after I had stopped facefucking her. I pulled down my pants and took of my boxers and sat down on the edge of the bed. For the first time I noticed Sarah who was sitting in one of the large chairs at the other end of the room. Her eyes were foggy and she sat with her knees pulled towards her chest and stared at us. I smiled over at her. She jerked to life when she saw me looking at her and immediately looked down at her knees. Linn stood up and pushed her hands through her long blond hair.

”Take them off”, I ordered.

She obeyed and undid her bra. Her firm breasts didn’t sag an inch when she threw of the bra. Each beautiful breast looked like it would fit perfectly in the cup of my hand. Stiff nipples stood out from minimal areolas. Then she slowly pulled down her panties and allowed me to get a good view of her pussy. Perfectly shaven with small thin labia.

“Where did you learn to suck a dick like that? You can’t have had that much practice?”

She smiled a devilish little smile.

“I told you that my mother had taught me some good things.”

“Your mother taught you to suck dick?” I asked with surprise.

“Not as such. But I’ve seen her doing it many, many times. I must have been thirteen the first time I saw her. She always has sex at home when I am there. And then our house is full of porn that I watch all the time. And I have probably sucked at least a hundred dicks since I was fourteen.”

“She blew our math teacher in ninth grade to get out of detention”, Sarah chimed in from across the room.

We both turned towards her.

“But it’s true”, she complained with a shrug.

“Still nothing compared to my mother. I saw here fucking the electrician last week. I assume she did not pay for the work.”

“So she’s kind of a slut then I guess?” I said with a laugh.

“Kind of?”, Sarah said. “Everyone knows that Lisa fucks everyone all the time.”

She had put her feet down on the floor and was leaning forward staring at my still very stiff cock. I twitched it a little and saw how her eyes followed. She blushed furiously when she realized I had caught her watching.

“Shut the fuck up. You know your dad fucked her as well.”

“Just cause she does whatever she’s told.”

“Well, that’s the fucking truth”, Linn said nodding.

My interest was piqued. I was beginning to want to meet with this Lisa. If her daughter could suck dick like this after just a couple of years training what would Lisa be able to do after twenty-five? And did she really do anything? I just had to ask.

“So she really does anything you tell her?”

“I think so. Except letting people take a dump on her. That’s what she’s said anyway.”

“Come. Get on top of me”, I said and laid down on the bed.

Linn crawled on to me and steered my throbbing dick into her wet pussy. It was wonderfully tight. She stared riding me up and down. I just laid there enjoying the feeling of this young teenage girl working on top of me. After a few minutes I flipped her over and put her on all four with her face towards Sarah. I pushed my hard cock into her from behind and fucked Linn hard while all the time keeping my eyes on Sarah. At first she turned her eyes down but after a while she looked up at me and kept eye contact. After another minute she put her hand down the front of her jeans and started caressing herself. I smiled at her and fucked Linn even harder. The blond girl made loud noises and I hoped that the rooms next to me where not occupied. It would have been impossible to miss what was happening.

“Now it is time for you to deliver your end of the bargain”, I said and pushed her down on the bed.

“Are you going to fuck my ass now or what?” she asked smiling up at me.

“Just that.”

“Wait a second”, she said and put her fingers in her mouth. She spit on them and then pushed two of her wet fingers into her own asshole. I stood on my knees behind her and stroked my cock while watching her prepare her butthole for the arrival of my dick. I looked up at Sarah. Her eyes were fixed upon my cock and she was still fingering herself.

“Now”, Linn said and put her hands on her buttcheeks and opened up herself up for me. I saw her butthole open slightly. I was not waiting. I pushed my cock into her waiting ass. It slid in easily. This was clearly not the first time she had had a cock in there. I started fucking her ass hard. She moaned louder than before. Just before I was about to come, I pulled out and pulled her off the bed. I dragged her over to the window and pushed her naked body up towards the glass. Then I pulled her ass out far enough to be able to push my cock back into her butthole. I fucked her ass hard enough that the glass swayed. For a second, I was afraid that it would come loose and we would tumble down. It didn’t. She started massaging her clit and it wasn’t long before she came on my hard cock. I could feel her asshole tighten around my dick and it almost brought me over the edge. After that her tight little butthole eased up a little and I started hammering her hard. It wasn’t long before I could feel the familiar feeling in my groin. I did not hold back. With a roar I let myself come far into her butt. I continued pushing her up and saw that her feet were no longer on the floor. She was squeezed tight between me and the window. I wondered if someone could see her. Probably not, we were pretty high up. Finally, I pulled out of her.

“Nice doing business with you”, I said to Linn and smiled.

She slid down to the floor looking exhausted.

“Likewise”, she said and smiled back.

I went towards the bathroom to clean up when I was again reminded that Sarah was still sitting there. She had closed her eyes and were fingering herself energetically. I stopped and watched her. After about a minute of masturbating she froze, and a loud moan escaped her lips. She relaxed and sank into the chair.

“Was it any good?” I asked.

She opened her eyes and looked at me where I stood stark naked in front of her. She blushed hard enough to make her cheeks crimson.

“Yes”, she whispered.

After showering I drove them home. The sun was setting in the west and painted the landscape with long shadows from the sparse trees. When we came back to Loberod Linn showed me the way to her house. When we turned into her street I said:

“It may not be good for people to see me drop you off.”

“True”, she answered. “Drop us here. It’s that house over there. Sarah can walk from here.”

I dropped them off but waited so that I could see which house Linn went into. After she had entered the house and closed the door I slowly drove by and looked through the windows. I could see Linn and what had to be her mother Lisa. It was slightly too far away to be able to see details but the mother seemed just as fine as the daughter but with a significantly larger bosom. I decided then and there that I was going to fuck fine little Linn’s mother.


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