Educating Laura, a ddlg saga. Part 17.

And here it is. The long awaited part 17. If you have enjoyed my work previously, I hope this one will meet your expectations. If you haven’t read any of my work before then you can find it in my profile, but at some point I will add direct links here as well. Enjoy!


Part 17.

We had all been very busy; my students preparing for their exams, and myself preparing things for my students, Laura in particular. The morning of the final exam had arrived and I could see them waiting outside the exam room, pumped and ready for combat.

Examination board rules strictly forbid teachers from supervising the exams of the subjects they taught, so as my students marched into the exam room all I could do is hand out high five and words of praise and encouragement. Laura pauses by me as she went in and whispered “I’m plugged up, daddy”, and gave a little wiggle of her bum as she headed to her assigned seat. All 18 of the class were there, all 18 ready for this last test, all 18 looking confident and happy.

They would have three hours for their test, and then they would head home, their next exam after the weekend. I would be stuck in school until 4pm, teaching my other classes. Still fun, but no substitute for my seniors in general and Laura in particular. I had tonight to look forward to though, my completely unofficial and unsanctioned night out with my class.

The lessons went well, the calm demeanour of the final year students having a positive effect on all the others in the school. My students were focussed and diligent in their work. Even the school’s canteen staff were having a good day, their mostly ok offerings being actually rather palatable.

I sat in the teachers’ lounge at the same table as the head teacher, Mr Ian Morrison. 15 years my senior and a veteran of the school for over 45 years, if you include the 7 years he was a student there himself. He knew every student by name, and this was a school on over 1200 pupils, and insisted on teaching at least one class every day, in addition to his management roll.

“Mr Kanute,” he whispered to me in his quiet voice that still carried as much authority as a shouted order, “I received your email about tonight’s gathering. Jolly good for organising this sort of thing, thank you for adding to the strength of our community.” I nodded. I had kept him in the loop for all my plans for the evening, as was right and proper. Well, maybe there were some details I had left out, but he knew what he needed to know.

I headed to the Borivilli for half past six. The owner/head chef and manager/head of front of house were the parents of former students of mine. Their four children, as well as 6 more children from various kitchen and serving staff at the restaurant had gone through my school, all had scored excellent grades and gone on to study “top shelf” subjects at prestigious universities around the U.K.: medicine, law, politics etc. As a result the whole restaurant and I were on very good terms, and they were happy to support (and subsidise) my little post-exam ritual.

By 1855 all 18 of my students were in the restaurant. The waiters had pushed 5 tables together to make a single, long table, and we were all sat around it. I had sat Laura opposite me, but tonight I would be trying to spread my attention around the whole class. We didn’t need to order food, the kitchen staff had known about this months in advance and together we had planned a special menu for my students, taming into account their dietary preferences and tolerance to spice.

I’m quite proud of this. Hold your hats and be amazed: in our module on applied statistics I made the students fill in questionnaires about what they could or couldn’t eat, and how spicy they liked their good. Under the guise of creating frequency diagrams for food allergies and restricted diets, I had access to all the information I would need for this evening.

There were 7 large dishes of curry brought out, as well as stacks of popadoms, steaming dishes of rice and hot, fresh, sweet peshwari naan breads, as well as assorted dips and sauces. We had a Tarka Dahl (lentil curry) and some Saag Aloo (spicy potato and spinach). There was a chicken dopiaza, a lamb madras, a chicken tikka masala, a king prawn rogan josh and a lamb biryani. It was all delicious.

We ate well and chatted freely: although they were still my students, now they had completed the last of their exams in my subject I could treat them a little differently. The wine flowed generously (3 of the student didn’t drink, but we still got through a dozen bottles), and after 2 hours we were all done. I thanked the owners for our wonderful meal and paid the bill (somewhat less than half the menu price) and we headed out. One by one the students disappeared, either taking the bus or hoping into the car of a designated driver.

Soon it was just Laura and myself left.

“My place, babygirl?” I asked casually. She nodded and moved in close to me. It was warm out, but our shared body warmth was a comfort, and we stood together as I texted for a taxi.

The car arrived promptly and we got in. It was driven by one of the regulars from the Prince of Wales, a lady called Trisha who ran an arts and crafts store with her husband during the day, and hide a side gig as a taxi driver in the evening. I greeted her and we chatted as she drove the quiet back roads over to my village.

Laura was snuggled up next to me in the car and I managed to slide a hand under her bottom. I could feel the hard crosspiece of one of her plugs resting inside her panties.

“I’ve been wearing it all day, daddy,” she whispered into my ear, “I’ve been so desperate to cum, I haven’t touched myself in four days. Can you please help me, daddy, please?”

She looked into my eyes with an adorably desperate look. She needed release, something already has plans for. I kissed her, and then she rested her head on my shoulder as we quickly sped over hills and down valleys.

Trisha pulled into the Prince of Wales’s car park, and Laura and I got out. I tried to pay Trisha but she waves me off. “Paul and I will see you inside. You’re good for tonight.” Laura and I headed in, and made out way to the side bar.

It was already quite full, perhaps forty patrons, mostly couples from the village, but a few guys I recognised from further afield. David and Liz, and Dick and Judy were sat in the same side booth as before, and gestures for us to join them. Without ordering, one of the bar staff brought a bottle of bubbly over, and set down glasses for the six of us.

We sat down, Liz shuffling over and swapping seats to make sure she could sit next to Laura, and Judy set about opening the champagne and pouring us all glasses.

“We are here to celebrate twice tonight,” Dick told our small group, “firstly, Laura has completed her maths course, smashing through her final exam like the super star she is!” We all gave Laura a little round of applause, and she replied with a mock bow of thanks. “I am also very pleased to announce that Laura will be working here as our summer cover, helping with the waitressing and the bar work, so we will be seeing a lot more of her in the future!”

We all applauded again, and Laura beamed at all the attention she was getting. We drank the champagne and chatted, as more and more people joined the side bar, including our taxi driver and her husband. Liz and Laura were whispering to each other, and giggling like teenagers. Something wonderful had changed in Liz since her last encounter with Laura, she had a positive energy around her which was intoxicating. Before long the pair of them were kissing passionately. Dave and I shared a shrug, and continued with our chat.

A while later, another patron and regular turned up and went straight to our table. I gave Laura and Liz a tap, and they were able to separate their faces in time to give our new table mate a smile. Judy introduced the guest to Laura.

“This is Janet, she runs the florists in the village. Her husband and Dick and I are trying to promote the pub as a wedding and reception venue, for when the village church is too small. Janet has been trying to set up a wedding planning business, and we have something that we would like to show you all.”

Janet led the six of us into the conference hall, where only a few weeks before we had been watching Liz’s climactic performance. It had been transformed into a heavenly wedding venue, with chairs arranged in sweeping arcs arranged around an impressive floral arch. Silken tapestries hung from the ceiling, and tall vases filled with lilies stood around the perimeter. It was quite spectacular, and Laura and I, as well and David and Liz, stood speechless.

“We has photographers in today, taking shots for both our own promotional material, as well as Bridal Magazine,” Janet told us, “we are hoping that this will get us quite a bit of business in the next few months.”

“It’s beautiful,” Laura told them, “when ever anyone thinks of a dream wedding location, they always think of something like this.”

Judy smiled. “Well, we thought given the celebration we are having tonight, we would leave the decorations up for a while. We also have a few other surprises planned. TK, do you mind if we borrow Laura for a while?”

I had put in a lot of effort planning this, but the bridal decorations and theme were a complete surprise for me, as I was keen to find out how they had upgraded my plans. “Laura,” I looked her in the eyes and held her hands, “we have something special planned for you tonight. I want you to go with Janet and Judy, and trust them as you trust me, is that ok?”

Laura looked about 5 parts excited and 1 part nervous, but she nodded and was led into the side room by Judy and Janet, who took Liz along as well. Dick took David any myself back to the bar, and we finished our bubbly.

“Laura has no idea about what you have planned for her?” David asked.

“No, but now that Judy and Janet have her I am not really sure what is going to happen either!”

It was around 10pm, an hour after they had disappeared into the back rooms, when Judy appeared and gave her husband a nod. Dick got up and addressed the crowd in the pubs now jam packed side bar.

“Ladies and gentleman,” he began in his booming accent, “we are ready for tonight’s celebration. If you could all make your way into the great hall please. Couples seated to the right, singles to the left, please.”

A quick head count showed over 80 people in attendance, an excellent turnout for an event with less than 2 weeks notice. Around 30 couples, and two dozen singles, mostly men, but a few single ladies or ladies without their partners, all sat down and waited patiently. Around the room 4 digital cameras stood on tripods. All focused on the bridal arch. Two were manned by volunteers (a couple of the wives ran an AV club from the pub), the other two were fixed.

I was not expecting the bridal march to start playing, but when I did I, like all the other guests, instinctively turned around and what I saw took my breath away.

Laura, flanked by Liz and Judy, was standing at the head of the aisle, in phenomenal virgin white bridal lingerie. An open cup balcony bra somehow managed to lift her bosom without covering it, her bosom held high and open for all to see. She had a lacy garter belt holding up sheer silken stockings, and a delightful pair of split-crotch panties. She was wearing a white, silken blindfold, and had a bridal veil covering her face. Each hand was encases in elbow length white, silk gloves, and behind her flowed a long bridal train. Her hair and makeup were exquisite, they must have had a professional hiding back in the side room, and flanked by Judy and Liz, she slowly made her way down the aisle. Being blindfolded, the ladies gently held her arms and led her. They were dressed as bridesmaids, in attractive but simple burgundy dresses.

As Laura passed the row I was sat in, I got to see how her bridal train was attached, given she wasn’t actually wearing a dress. The light material gathered together and seemed to be coming from her bottom, some kind of custom bridal butt plug being the trains starting point. I was in awe as she was led down the aisle, to where Janet and Dick were waiting for her.

“Dearly beloved,” started Dick, “we are gathered here today to welcome a new member into our family. I hope you will all treat her with warmth and friendship.”

Janet pulled a small box from behind one of the tapestries, and set it at the end of the aisle.

If you don’t know what a Sybian is, you are really missing out. It’s a little like a saddle with a built in vibrator, and it has been shown to summon some of the most intense orgasms possible. A lady can ride the machine, and have one of a number of different attachment to either penetrate, stimulate, or both, powered by a potent, variable speed motor. They are not cheap, but they are worth every penny. The attachment selected today was a large phallus with a curved clitoral stimulation prong arcing away and back round.

Judy and Liz led Laura over to the machine, and turned her around to face the audience. They helped her squat down over the Sybian, moving he bridal train so it flowed behind her and didn’t get sat on. They separated the fabric of the split crotch panties, and helped guide the dildo attachment into her perfect little pussy. The large toy must have been pre-lubed, as it slid gently into Laura, and she gave a little grunt as she rested her weight on the black leather of the sybian, the dong fully in her.

Liz and Judy attached her feet to shackles at the back of the machine, and handcuffed her wrists together behind her back. Blindfolded and restrained, Laura was entirely at her mercy.

The room sat silent, in awe of the refined beauty if it all. The tapestries, the floral arrangements, the beautiful lingerie, the professionally done hair and makeup. All of it just enhanced Laura’s stunning natural elegance. 80-something pairs of eyes were staring at my little princess and she had rendered them all mute.

The spell was broken with loud, metallic BZZZZZZ as the Sybian was turned on. Laura let out low, feral groan as powerful vibrations rocked her pink princess parts. She ground her hips down on the machine, pushing its dildo deeper into her and smooshing the clitoral stimulator hard against her. She moaned again and arched her back.

“Fuck, daddy,” she cried out, “it’s so good. It’s so fucking good!”

At that signal Liz, who has the Sybian’s control box, dialed the vibrations all the way down to a quiet whisper. Laura responded instantly.

“No! No! Let me cum, please let me cum!”

She angrily tried ride the dildo, to try and fuck herself to climax, but the shackles on her feet restricted her ability to move around, and all she could manage was a rhythmic grinding of her hips.

“Please, daddy, please. I’ve been a good girl today. I need to cum. I need to cum so badly. Let me cum, please. I need it. Please!”

The entire room was spellbound again. Liz slowly turned the vibrations up, over the course of five minutes, and soon Laura was voicing her approval.

“That’s so good, daddy. That’s so good. Thank you. Thank you for bringing me here. Thank you for being my daddy, thank you for…” her words turned into a low growl as her climax filled her whole universe, but with the control that only a true master can wield, Liz turned the machine all the way down before it could escape.

Laura sobbed. She was inconsolable.

“Nooooo! No daddy! Please! Don’t do this to me. Let me cum. I’ll be a good girl, I promise. I’ll do anything you ask. Anything. Let me cum!”

She begged and pleaded, desperate to climax, but it was denied. For a second time Liz slowly turned the machine up again, and with true sadism denied every orgasm. The room watched silently as time flew by, captivated by the display. 10 minutes turned to half an hour, to a full hour, and each stolen orgasm brought increasing levels of desperation from my beautiful little girl.

After the ninth stolen climax Janet gave me a nod, and I walked over to Laura and knelt next to her.

“Babygirl,” I whispered into her ear, “why aren’t you cumming yet? Aren’t you enjoying yourself?”

“Oh daddy,” she burst out, “I want to cum, I want it so bad, but she won’t let me. Please make them let me cum. I need it so bad. Please. I’ll do anything!”

I smiled, my pre-scripted conversation working perfectly. Laura didn’t know her part, but I knew her well enough to plan around what would probably happen.

“Laura, all our guests have come here tonight to celebrate you, I think the least you could do is let them see you orgasm just once!”

She begged, she pleaded, but only when she started to bargain did I respond.

“Daddy, please. Let me cum. I’ll suck your cock. I’ll blow you every day for the rest of our lives. Just please let me cum!”

I smiled. That was what I had been waiting for.

“It hardly seems fair,” I replied, “that I get to have my dick sucked when everyone else is here to see you too.”

“Daddy. Please! I’ll suck every cock if you just let me cum!”


Liz slowly turned the vibrations up for the tenth time, and this time there was no slowing down. Laura’s moans turned into grunts, turned into screams, turned into shrieks, then turned into guttural noises that defied logic or sanity. And then she came.

Edging on a sybian for an hour does strange things to a woman. I have never, and never will I again, see an orgasm like that one. A moment of infinite pleasure stretched out into a 3 minute long saga of crystallised elation. In those moments Laura’s world was changed for ever, as was the world of everyone who witnessed it. It was the most perfect moment in history and to have been there to see it would forever bind us all together.

She really came that hard.

Liz and Judy held her body as she unconsciously spasmed and convulsed for 10 minutes. Only then did she start to come around, and she was gently lifted off the sybian and knelt down on a padded mat.

“Laura, are you ok?” I asked. It took a minute for her to respond.

“Daddy? Are you there?”

“Yes princess. I’m right with you. Are you ok?”

She nodded. Every now and then her body shook as she came a little again.

“I. I. I can’t describe what happened to me. I don’t have the words. It was more than anything I could ever imagine. Thank you.”

I smiled. She was happy, and I was happy that she was happy.

“Laura, you made a pretty big promise in order to get that orgasm. Do you remember what you said?”

A pause. A moment for recollection. A moment for what might have been realisation, and perhaps a touch of shame.

“I promised to suck your cock every day forever?”

“You did that, babygirl, but you made another promise too.”

She looked down and blushed. I beckoned over to two of our Male guests, and they walked up to Laura.

“I, I, I promised to suck off every guy here?”

“You did, babygirl, you did.”

The two gentlemen unzipped and got ready.

“Daddy, how many guys are here?”

Laura was still blindfolded and had no idea how many, or whose cocks she had promised to suck.

“Laura, there are quite a few. You will have to get busy if you are to keep your promise.

The two guys stepped forward and Liz and Judy, acting as good bridesmaids, directed Laura’s gloves hands to their already hard cocks. With the somber seriousness of the celebration they lifted the veil from over her face, uncovering the mouth that was going to be very busy for the rest of the night.

Like a true professional she started eagerly sucking the first guest off, whilst skilfully jerking the second, only to swap and jerk off the first whilst swallowing the cock of the second. She’d come a long way since the first enthusiastic but unskilled blowjob she’d given me by that secluded waterfall merely a few months ago.

She paused her sucking, just gently tugging both guys for a moment.

“Daddy, do you think these guys want to cum in my mouth and have me swallow their gift, or will they want to spread their seed over my face, or perhaps across my tits? What should I do?”

Damn, she knew how to turn it up.

“Princess, I think you should let each guy decide. I’m sure they will let you know.”

She got back to sucking their cocks with renewed vigour and enthusiasm. It didn’t take long for the first guy to pull out and splash his seed all over her face, half of it going over her blind fold and into her veil, the other half decorating her lips and nose. The second guy came almost instantly at that sight, choosing to adorn her ample bosom with a few lines of his own jism.

Straight away Liz and Judy directed the next two guests into place, and so continued the night.

The two “bridesmaids” took on the roles of “fluffer”, always ensuring their was a hard cock to replace the ones that had just shot their wad down their throat, across her pretty face, or over the delightful cleavage the bridal lingerie had made. Every once in a while they helped clean her up, scraping up all the semen with a silicon edged spoon, and feeding it to her. The cum that went into her hair or he veil was considered lost, but she was managing to swallow a decent proportion of all the cum being unloaded onto her. The rest of us stood around and watched, chatting, enjoying a drink and revelling in the snow being put on. A few of the wives and single ladies decided to join in as well, and very soon I had a friend’s wife’s lips wrapped around my cock. We all kept the pace very casual: there were to be no “misfires”: all the cum was Laura’s for the night.

And that is how Ian found me.

That Ian. My boss. The head teacher of my school.

With his wife with my balls resting on her chin.

“Hell of a show you have put on tonight TK, I can’t thank you enough for inviting us.”

I shook the outstretched hand he offered me, and gave him a sincere nod and smile of friendship.

“I know we haven’t been visiting the society that frequently, but when you emailed and said you had something special planned and insisted that we make this meeting, I thought we better step up and put some effort it. I’m so glad we did.”

His wife, Mary, pulled back and freed herself off my spear.

“It’s been such a beautiful evening TK, you are a lucky, lucky man.”

I thanked Mary as she started to enthusiastically take both my balls into her mouth.

“Now, TK, I have to ask…” Ian paused, as if unsure about what he was about to say. “Isn’t she one of ours?”

I nodded.

“Is she…”

“Yes, Ian, she is over 18. One of our seniors. I’m sure that if she hadn’t got the blindfold on, or had her hair done the normal way, you would recognise her right away.”

He rubbed his chin in thought.

“Yes. I’ve got it. I know her. Now, tell me, have you…”

“No, not yet. She’s still my student, so no sex until she graduates. We have standards, don’t we?”

He gave a thoughtful nod at my reply.

“Well, that’s all wonderful then! Shall we?”

He gestured to Laura and I nodded. I looked down to Mary, who had somehow managed to fit both my balls into her mouth and was gently sucking on them. “Thank you, darling, but Ian and I should go and have our turn. We’ll be back in a minute.”

Mary released me, then turned to another guest and had a cock in her mouth before I could even step away.

Ian and I sauntered over to Laura, who was being fed spoons of cum by her attentive bridesmaids. Before too long we were stood in front of her and she was enthusiastically sucking and jerking us off. We didn’t say anything. It was better than all the gifts were anonymous, and before long I too had dumped my load down her throat, with her own head master choosing to deposit himself over her heavily glazed chest. We stepped away and were instantly replaced with two more cocks.

I noticed that many of them men were lining up for a second round, the fluffers and a few other guests working hard to keep a steady supply of hard cocks for my princess to choke herself on. Before too long I found Mary kneeling in front of me again, but Ian was back in the queue, eagerly waiting for another to himself.

Many of the guests walked up to congratulate me. What a wonderful ceremony. You are such a lucky daddy. Isn’t she adorable. Each compliment was warm and genuine and I beamed with pride at the show my lovely little girl was putting on.

Mary lacked the enthusiasm of Laura in the arts of fellatio, and whilst she was an attractive lady herself, she couldn’t compare to Laura in the looks department. But she was just about old enough to be Laura’s grandmother, and she had over 50 years experience in handling cock (she once told me that she blew the milkman for an extra pint of gold-top when she wasn’t even a teen), and soon she had me rock hard and ready to blow. I thanked her again, then returned to Laura, ready to give her my second round. This one I unloaded across her pretty face, which was already wearing the seed from a dozen other me. Judy gave me a wink she she herded the sperm into Laura’s waiting mouth, where she dutifully swallowed it all.

I stepped away, again to be replaced. I was sure that was the guys third go…

It went on for another half an hour, until every cock was exhausted, every ball emptied and last drop of cum swallows. Laura slouched back, finally allowed to rest, and did a little cummy burp. Liz and Judy led her away to the back room, to be washed up. The cameras were shut down and the ladies handed my the SD cards straight from the machines. Janet walked over to me, clipboard in hand, with the stats.

54 guys. Each guy serviced at least twice. A total of 142 pops. Not a record in terms of participation (over a 100 for an event a few years ago), nor a record in terms of number of cumshots (160 at the aforementioned event). But not terms of loads per participant, a record. No one had ever managed to break 2 loads per guy at a large (20+ members) event, and Laura had managed to get 2.5. She was officially our highest quality cocksucker. To say I was proud was an understatement.

We headed back to the bar as Dick mopped up the few errant shots that had missed Laura, and soon Janet, David and myself were joined by Dick, Liz and Laura. Laura looked delighted, and was sorting a little enamel pin badge on her sweater that simply said “champion”.

“650 grams,” Liz said, “650 sodding grams. We weighed her before and after the event, and she just gained 650 grams in weight. That’s more than a pint of little swimmers in your tummy right now, little one!”

Before long they were kissing again. I leaned in to David. “I think your wife might have the hots for my little girl…”

David smiles and nodded. “Do you think we should set something up for them one day.”

David has a wicked imagination when it came to perversion, and given his wife’s obsession with my little girl, I’m sure he would set something delightful for us all.

Later that night we were spooning in my bed, and Laura was snuggling her naked bum up against me.

“Daddy, did I suck your cock tonight?”

“Yes princess. Twice. It was very nice.”

“Did I do well today?”

“Yes, Princess. You were the best. You were perfect. “

She sighed and snuggles in closer.

“How do you feel, Princess?” I asked.

“Tired. Happy. Full.”

The drifted off to sleep, an aching body, a contented mind and a full tummy.

It would take several days to edit the video of her show together, and to blur out all the faces. The four cameras had recorded more than 12 hours of raw footage, and the final product, a 3.5 hour spectacular of edging, impossible orgasm, blow bang and bukkake. The film would be our favourite home viewing for many years, and was shown in the pub on special occasions many times. No, you can’t see it. We have rules about that.

I drifted off to sleep with my princess in my arms. Little did I know that she was already scheming on how to “thank me”, but we shall learn about that later.


Well, you made it to the end, well done! Feedback from my readers is what motivates me to write more, so please do let me know if you liked it.

If you are a daddy you could let your little take a load across her face and roleplay that you are just one of many men to receive the service that night.

If you are a little then maybe tonight is the night you beg your daddy to paint your face with his his precious seed, and that there is a long line of men ready to gift you their precious load after.

All PMs, pics and vids will be gratefully received!
