First time for everything

Your nerves are all over the place as you stand outside the black door It’s red, elegant and made of fine oak. A single sign “Cellphone use and photography strictly prohibited”. Heart pounding, you open the door and walk through. Your senses are hit all at once. The music electric dance music blaring, the smell of money in the air, and the women are everywhere. But then your view is suddenly cut short by large burly man.

“ID” he barks at you.

Embarrassed for being caught off guard, you fumble taking your wallet out. You were never one to walk to places like this. You don’t even know why you’re here. You live with a beautiful woman, who does everything you want, but you still want more. She’s gone away on a business trip, so theres no need to worry about getting caught. You wonder if she would even mind, heck, she might be wiling to join you.

“Here,have fun,” the bouncer hands back your ID,. With a smile on his face he says, “Don’t get too wild.”

You walk past him taking in the full view of the club. In the center is a stage with a pole reaching up to the high ceiling. A bar surrounds the stage where women hand are handing drinks to the patrons sitting around it. Men dressed in suits, accompanied by women are seen sitting and talking.

You feel awkward standing for so long so you decide to take a seat next to the wall. As soon as you sit down, a bust blonde wearing black 3 inch heels, a black and bra walks over to with a tray in her hand. Your groin aches as the picture of your cock between her tits instantly flashes into your mind. “Is there anything I can get fro you to drink?” She asked in a polite in tone. “No…uh, yes,” the blood starting to return to your head, “how much are the drinks? This is my first time coming to one of these things and I didn’t even think about drinking.” “Oh,” her smile seductive, “since its your first time, I’m we can find some way to accommodate you.” Puzzled you ask her, “What do you mean?” “Well,” she suddenly sits right on your lap facing you. Her tan breasts resting on your chest, now almost being pushed out of her bra, “what if I help you, and you help me?” she whispers in your ear. The scent of cherry fills your senses. “Ummm….I….,” you stutter. Looking over her, the you see the bounces dealing with some other guy who looks really drunk. She leans forward, squeezing her chest with her. “What I mean is, I can get you a couple of drinks ‘on the house’ if you come get a dance with me.” Her hands traveling down your torso. She bites her lower lip as her hands being to lightly stroke your groin. “So, what do you say?”

(Hi soo this is my first one of these and I was hoping to make it part of a series. If this has you interested for more please let me know and I can definitely make it happen! If you have any criticism or suggestions on how I can do better moving forward also let me know. Thank you!)


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