Uni Slumber Party Suprise Part 2 [MFFFF] [Msub]

In part 1, I explained about the time I lived with two childhood friends, Carol (5’8”, 32c, 130Ibs, shoulder length blonde hair, glasses) and Fliss (5’11”, 31B, 120ibs, slim, red long hair). They had invited Jasmine (6” tall, slim, long dark brown hair with dark tanned skin)and Nina (Asian, 5’6”, petite, with short brown hair) for a slumber party, I wasn’t supposed to be home but my plans had changed last minute, I hid in my room most the evening but had to sneak to the kitchen to get my phone. On the way back I caught a glimpse of the girls in their underwear (underwear/panties a fav kink), before quickly getting back to my room. Being turned on by the sight I had just seen I went to view some porn but just as it was getting interesting the girls burst into my room, causing me to panic and ending up on the floor in an embarrassed heap hoping they did not see anything. Jas and Nina found it the most amusing whilst my friends were a mixture of feelings, then the atmosphere changed when Jas turned to the girls and said “hmm lets have some fun shall we”.

Jasmine was standing at the front of the group with her dressing gown fully open with sexy black silk underwear, toned skinned, long legs, belly piercing, 32b breasts almost falling out her bra, she was totally confident with her body image. Nina to her left, she seemed to be watching Jasmine and trying to mimic her stance, again her body on full view, slim petite body, small perky breasts with nipples poking through from underneath her blue sports bra, and tight blue panties leaving little to the imagination. Carol and Fliss was standing just behind leaning out either side of the other two, being a bit more reserved their gowns were down up at the waist but having jumped into the room were fully open at the top, the hearts on Carols bra seeming stretching with her ample cleavage, whilst Fliss’s dotted bra pushing up assets to make the most of them.

Unfortunately I was unable to enjoy this view, my heart pounding 10 to the dozen, eyes like a bunny caught in headlights, flushed skinned, flat on my back looking up at these four women wondering what the hell they going to do with me. Are they going to take me out front, tie me to the lamp post and leave me there, or just pushing me outside and locking the door…

Jasmine grew closer and kneeled down level with my head and shoulders, she then ushered the come sit next to me. Nina sat opposite Jasmine, Carol next to Nina, by my legs and Fliss on my right opposite Carol. “Girls make sure he can’t move his arms and legs” Jas said with a menacing chuckle, Nina immediately sat on my hand palm, up, Fliss copied, then with her other hand rested it on my leg but not with two much force and Carol put her hand on my other leg.

“Shit.. Shit..Shit” I thought, their gonna draw a cock on my head or shave my eyebrows, not great for going into Uni on Monday. Jas went to lean in, and I flinched, being ticklish, the jolt caused my legs to move, Carol’s and Fliss’s hands there made it worse. “Ohhh ur not ticklish are u?” Jas said in a, then before anything Carol & Fliss shouted “Yes he is”, followed by a round of laughter proceeded by them rolling up my t-shirt and them all having a qood tickle. Dam it was agony, and not being able to move so much made it worse, “you poor baby” Jas said in a demeaning manor, then leant in to gently kiss my chest, I flinched again, it was too soft and she knew it, “you try Nina,” said Jas, Nina didn’t need any invitation straight in there, another flinch, “Carol you next” but at first she didn’t move, “well come on then” said Jas, slowly she moved in and kissed my stomach, her reluctance make it more gentle and more ticklish, once over she sat back giggling and laughing at my expense. Fliss was already on her way in, “remember be gentle” Carol said now confident after her turn, Fliss dutifully followed suit and again casing me unrest.

I noticed my fingers were moist, was I just sweating from my torture or something else.. “No it can’t be” a quick thought flashed through head, could Nina and Fliss be getting off on my hands involuntary movements? This thought was interrupted abruptly by another round of teasing and tickling, whilst in a brief rest bite, I thought next tickle I’d try control my hand under Nina and exaggerate my movements. As it happens Nina lent in, me squirming, I managed to push up and forward. I watched Nina’s face for a reacting, was that a brief lip bite in between giggles? Ok try Fliss next, Carol kissed my stomach I went to repeat the same movement, however Fliss moved back as flinched then forward, was that a grind? Wait for next tickle, same again a brief change in her expression and almost an inaudible moan before switching her expression back or was it was just my mind playing tricks.

Dam how can they be still be finding this so funny, maybe the wine they had downstairs may have had something to do with their hysterics. “Shut your eyes and open your mouth” Jas said, suddenly the fear returned I didn’t want to move, “Gah!” tickling from all of them, “don’t make it worse for yourself” Jas said sternly. So reluctantly I closed my eyes and opened my mouth, bracing myself. Something warm and wet entered my mouth, was this sometimes tongue, I could taste lipstick, then it stopped “just a little reward” I heard Jas said, then she did it again, but this time she ushered Nina to tickle me again, she decided to kiss my chest I flinched, but with Jasmine’s tongue in my mouth I was slightly distracted. “Not bad, but needs improvement” Jas said.

Another kiss but this was different, softer on lips, a little bite on my lip, before a tongue seductively enter my mouth. I could taste coconut so this had to be Carol, it was her favourite lip balm, then followed another tickle from someone on my stomach, again just a small flinch. The next kiss but just on the lips, from someone less experience, maybe Nina as I knew Fliss had boyfriends in the past, then another kiss from someone on my neck, but this was too sensitive.

After a good giggle I was anticipating another Kiss it had to be Fliss, but suddenly a thump, something heavy was on me and a huge howl of laughter. I opened my eyes, Fliss was lying on top me, she had lent in but slipped, I could feel her warm body and her breasts pressing into my chest. She looked up all red in the face, and mouthed “sorry” quietly to be before a quick kiss then joining in with the others all now leaning back crying with laughter.

As the girls started to compose themselves, Jas suddenly exclaimed “Oh what to do we have here?”, I not sure if it was just the kissing or Fliss’s body lying on mine but I was hard with the tip of my cock showing out the top of my boxers. Jas pulled then down slightly, “I wonder if we can make it dance” what on earth does Jas, mean she then ushered the girls in to my stomach then kissed it, dam a tickle but this made my cock twitch, the other girls tried then all together before leaning out back not able to control their laughter.

“What’s this” exclaimed Jas, “Carol it seems some of us got better jobs than others” indicated to Nina and Fliss, with their dressing gowns now behind them exposing there panties with a clear visible dark patch. So it wasn’t my imagination. “We need to address this imbalance” said Jas.

To be continued

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/f88s32/uni_slumber_party_suprise_part_2_mffff_msub


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