The Bigamist (Last Part) [FFM]


The limo picked us up dead on time. It made its way out to the prison farm Karl was going to be released from. The driver was a little surprised at the destination but knew where it was.

Driving out there, we held hands, not sure of what kind of reception this trip was going to receive. Finally we reached the destination and we waited. We knew that prisoners were to be released at 9:05. There was a four minute walk to the bus stop and the bus would come at 9:13am, if it was on time. Prisoners were given bus fare and some cash, as well as whatever money and other goods they had in their possession at the time of their incarceration. Other than that, we knew nothing.

When we arrived, there was no-one at the bus stop and it was a few minutes to 9:00 am. Waiting, I could feel the nervous tension building. That was the longest seven minutes I had ever had and I know Anna was not feeling any different. We had sat in silence when a small door to the right of the gate opened and out stepped a man in a cheap suit. A few seconds later another man stepped out and then a fair haired, tall god looking guy followed him. Anna and I looked at each other and we nodded.

I opened the door and got out, followed by Anna. The men had begun to walk down the drive and Karl looked up as one of the other men said something. I hadn’t noticed a forth man and the whole party stopped, looking at us. Karl turned and said something whereupon the other three men smiled, one held out his hand and Karl took it. They shook, then the other two followed suit. We couldn’t hear what was said, but it all looked friendly enough. Karl flashed a smile at the group and they parted company.

Karl crossed the road and made his way to the limo. His smile was gone, replaced by a non-emotional look that gave nothing away.

We hadn’t rehearsed anything here, both of us were just standing watching him as he neared the limo.

“Good morning,” he said.

We both nodded, not saying anything. Anna then said, “Get in. We got lots to talk about.” She was feeling as awkward as I was. I could hear the tiniest of tremors in her voice. Karl got into the limo but on the seat opposite, with his back to the driver.

We got in and I asked the driver to return to the hotel. After that, I asked him to return the next morning for our flight back to LA.

“How are the children?”

We looked at each other and I said, “In the envelope beside you there is a number of papers, read them, if you want to continue, sign them.”

I looked out the window and Anna said, “Business first, then the rest later.”

“No,” Karl responded, “I have been getting a letter a week from the children. I have missed them terribly. Are they alright?”

“Yes, they’re fine.” I replied, not looking away from the window, “Now just read the damned papers and sign them.”

“When can I get to see them?”

“After you sign the papers.” Anna replied.

“They’re here?”

“No, dumbo. They’re not. Look it’s simple. The conditions of your parole are you come and take up your duties in the management of the franchise. Otherwise you’re stuck here reporting to your parole officer weekly. So read the papers, sign them and we can move on from there.”

“I’m aware of the conditions my parole are.” Karl replied, stiffly, mangling his English as he does when under real stress. “All I want is to see the kids. Is that alright?”

This is not going as well as I had hoped. “They’re in LA. They wanted to come but we didn’t want them to see you walking out of a jail. We’ve been living in LA since just after the trial. Anna kindly took us in and is helping me learn the restaurant business.”

“You sold the house here.”

“Yes, I did, and the disposal of those funds is included in the documentation in the envelope.”

“Look, bozo, this is hard enough as it is, and you’re not making it any easier.” Anna said.

“Dumbo? Bozo?” Karl said, “Look, I’m not sure what happened to manners whie I was gone-”

“You weren’t gone, you were incarcerated! You conned us and a lot of other people!”

“I never meant to hurt anyone!”

“You did anyway!” Anna and I said at the same time, “Did you give any consideration to the children?” Anna went on.

“Or to us?” I asked.

“I’m sorry,” Karl started, “I really am. I fell in love with two wonderful, smart, beautiful women. We had five children who are likely to be smarter, more wonderful and more beautiful than we ever were. I just couldn’t be without either of you.”

We looked at each other, Anna nodded. “Well, tough. We get to work with each other, if you read and sign the documents in the envelope.”

“When we get to the hotel, you get to do a lot more paperwork. Sometime around dinner time you might be finished, then we can talk about the kids,” I stated.

“What if I want to talk about the kids?”

“Work first, play later!” Anna said. Karl said that once to Gary when he was complaining about homework. If Anna knew that then likely he said it to Ingrid as well.

Karl knew we weren’t going to take any further delay, so he reached down, opened the thick envelope and started reading. After the first few moments, he looked up, somewhat surprised and then went back to his reading.

All through the journey back to the hotel, Karl didn’t say anything, just went from document to document. He didn’t ask questions, but we knew we were in for a grilling when we got some privacy. The limo pulled to the frontage of the hotel and stopped. Karl looked up and his eyebrow lifted as he realized where we were.

The conciége opened the door and we got out.

“Welcome back to the Four Seasons, ladies, sir. Are there any bags sir?”

“No, just my carry all. Thank you.” Karl was more relaxed than he had been earlier. I think he realized that we were not trying to screw him over, and I doubt that screwing him didn’t enter his mind. He was in for a very rude shock.

We went straight up to our suite, ordering coffee to be delivered to our room as soon as possible. We were there for no more than a few minutes when a discrete knock on our door let us know that room service had obliged us. Anna opened the door and gave the bellboy a tip, who nodded appreciation and left, closing the door behind him softly.

On the table in front of the sofa, a pile of documents awaited Karl’s inspection.

“What’s this?” he asked.

“Katherine gave you quarterly summaries of what was happening, but there were no financials,” Anna said. Karl nodded.

“We didn’t want that information inside the prison, never know who would be seeing it,” I added.

“Yes, an astute decision,” he said, “I am sure a lot of people were reading my mail and searching my cell, so the less they know the better.”

“Here are the complete financials, contracts, agreements, accounts, dealers and everything.You have the afternoon to catch up with the last year.”

“First, though,” Anna said, “You have to sign the documents from the envelope. There’s a pen right there. Everywhere there is a red tab, sign it, everywhere there is a yellow tab, initial it.”

“I see you’ve already signed them.”

“Yes, we did. We’re a partnership. Initially we engaged you as a consultant, now when you sign all those documents, you have agreed to be a consultant, then resigned to become a full partner with all rights and responsibilities pertaining to. Oh, Katherine drew these up, well her staff did and she vetted them, so there is no hidden bombs, no screwing anyone.”

“Yes, I got that from my reading. I also see that there is a substantial amount of money in our joint account that has been untouched since you sold the house.”

“I am not going to screw you over for money.”

Karl nodded, “I understand that, you’re not that kind of person. This is part of why I fell in love with you in the first place. Your heart-”

“Yeah, well you broke it, but let’s not go there again, get on with it, sign them all and then we can move on.” Anna looked at me. Shit, I thought, this is just not working out like we wanted it to. Keep this up and we were going to drive him away.

“Please, Karl, this is hard for us. So much has happened in the last year, and we’re both still angry at you. We hoped we weren’t, that we had gotten over it, but I am still just as angry as Julie. We need you to be a part of this, you’re the master chef, it’s you who will make decisions about a whole lot of things that we do not have the expertise for. All we’ve done is kept things like they were and built two more mirrors. It’s you we need to drive it further.”

Anna said what I was thinking. Then she said, “If you don’t like it, or think our anger at you is going to fuck it all up, then don’t sign and piss off.” I smiled, again she was saying exactly what I was feeling. “We can find a buyer I think and you’ll walk away with nothing more than what you already have.”

Karl thought it over, sat down and signed all the paper work. After that, he opened the first ledger and read over the accountant’s report. For the next two hours, Karl was a machine, saying little but writing copious notes. I couldn’t read Austrian, German or some such and I had no idea what he was thinking at all. Anna called a halt, asking if we wanted to order room service or go to the hotel’s restaurant. Karl looked up and said coffee, a small snack for a working luncheon.

He then started asking questions. We answered as best we could. For the next two hours we were grilled pretty hard on every aspect of the business operation. Karl asked if we knew if Katherine was available, no she was in court but Bill Parker was and he knew everything Katherine did.

Karl rang the lawyers, asking if Bill was available. He was on speaker when we heard, “Yes sir, we were informed you might call and to put you right through. Welcome home,sir.” Karl’s eyebrows raised more than a little.

Bill answered all of Karl’s questions, thoroughly. We all said goodbye to Bill, thanking him for his time, knowing we would get a bill for it anyway.

“How did you train Bill like that?” Karl asked when he had hung up.

“We didn’t. Katherine has been a huge help for us. She told us that she loved the idea we were taking the world on in our own terms. She’s provided legal services for us far above and beyond anything we thought we would need. Besides, you and her have been friends for a long time, she doesn’t want any of us to get hurt. She has been a good friend, as well as an excellent counsel.”

With that we went on with his analysis of the operations side of things. After another couple of hours it was heading towards dinner time. Anna stretched and we could hear her muscles creaking. I suspect we too were feeling the same. Then I realized we had been talking business for hours, and when we were doing it, there was no bickering, no anger, nothing negative. Karl’s assessment of what we were doing was the same as ours, we needed him, for much the same reasons as we had already intuited.

“Dinner in the restaurant, I want to see Jerry and Guy.”

“We can’t disrupt them, it’s their operation you can’t just barge in,” I said.

“We’re not going to, we are going there for dinner. I haven’t had a decent meal for over a year. I want to eat properly. Besides, I booked it last week, I don’t want to let them down.” He smiled and my insides just melted. I looked at Anna whom, I could tell, felt the same way. Fuck, he can play us like a fiddle, I thought.


Surprisingly, dinner went off without an issue. We went to the restaurant, met by Guy. His eyebrows jumped up his forehead but his smile was genuine. Giving Karl a hug he said, “Welcome back.” Within moments Jerry was out from the kitchen, shaking Karl’s hand and welcoming him home.

The meal was superb, charged to the Company account, as always. Jerry out did himself with this meal. The pleasantries were over and Karl demanded to know about the kids. What were they doing, what schools were they attending, health, everything. Most of all, how were they getting along? Julie and I told him everything. Well, almost everything.

We talked to Jerry and Guy after the restaurant closed and Karl was surreptitiously checking to make sure everything was still up to his standard. He was happy that the demands he had made when he was head chef had not been degraded in his absence. Karl thanked Jerry and Guy for a lovely meal and great service. They were very pleased to receive his praise.

We went back to the hotel and up to our suite. Inside Karl became sombre. There were two rooms and it was obvious he wanted to know where he was sleeping.

“Okay,” he started, “You’ve told me where you stand, and yes, I am a stupid, selfish man who fell in love with two wonderful women. Yes, I do deserve your anger, every bit of it because I was dishonest in my selfishness. I love both of you and I do not know if we can make this work,” Karl said, “I want to be professional, but I cannot turn off my feelings.”

“Neither can we,” Julie said.

“We’ve talked about little more than this for the last three months,” I stated, “Today, tonight was a good start, I think.”

“We’ve managed to get through the day without killing you, so yeah, a good start.” Julie went on.

Karl nodded, “I cannot say I regret a moment of my time with you. I am serious when I say that I love you both. I love our children and want to be with them again.”

“Yep, we thought that might be the case,” Julie said, “But things change and not always in ways we expect.”

“It means you’re going to have to accept that change,” I challenged Karl, “For we won’t be happy if you don’t or can’t.”

“I know,” he replied. “I have thought about this ever since I knew you were going into business together. When Katherine told me of your idea to finance Jerry and Guy, I couldn’t believe it. Katherine also told me that you were decent people, who were hurt and yet willing to put that hurt aside and work together.”

“It was a lot easier than either of us thought it would be,” Julie commented, “And being with Anna really opened my eyes to who I was and what I could do.”

“We learned we were two seriously hurting people brought together in unusual circumstances. We learned we could help each other, heal each other of that hurt and we did.”

“Now you’re going to have to accept that if you want a role in our business and our lives.”

“What are you talking about?” He asked.

“This,” I said. I turned to Julie and held her, kissed her. A real kiss. “We’re going shower, then bed.”

Karl was stunned, his eyebrows climbed his forehead and mouth opened. I took Julie’s hand and headed for the larger bedroom. Julie turned and came with me, looking at me. I then nodded and she said, “You can stay out here, or use the other room. Or, you can join us. Up to you.”

I opened the door and taking Julie’s hand, gently pulled her in behind me and she didn’t bother to close the door. Undressing, we went into the bathroom, where I turned the shower on. I felt Julie’s soft body snuggle into mine, her breasts on my shoulder blades, the soft swell of her stomach pressing into the small of my back and the heat of her loins against the cheeks of my ass.

The water came to the right temperature and I stepped in, under it. Julie close behind me. I reached for the soap and started to rub myself with it, then Julie.

I saw another hand reach around Julie and take the soap from my hand, a man’s hand. Julie smiled and leaned forward to kiss me. Karl was playing with her ass, that scrumdidiliumptious ass I loved watching wiggle. After a moment or two, Julie stepped aside, swinging me around herself and into Karl’s arms.

I felt his hands all over my back, lathering me up, in more ways than one. They snaked to the front, caressing my breasts. I felt his breath on my back his lips on my neck while Julie was kissing me. I could feel his rock hard cock poking me in the back, and I loved that feeling. Julie washed the suds off me and kissed my breasts, sliding down lower and lower. I felt her tongue on my mons, then darting on my clit. I gasped as Karl thrust his cock between the cheeks of my ass.

Stepping aside quickly, I pulled Julie’s head forward, only to poke her in the eye with the raging horn that had been squeezed by my butt crack. “Oh fuck!” I cried, “Sorry my love, you were supposed to stick it in your mouth.”

“It’s okay, didn’t hurt at all,” she said as I held it down and she eagerly swooped on it. Karl gasped at the warmth of Julie’s soft lips around his prong. Watching them was a thrill, I thought I might have been really jealous, but no, I wasn’t.


I had water cascading over my head, which wasn’t an issue, my hair is short, but sucking a cock and trying to breath at the same time as being under a shower head wasn’t easy. Didn’t matter though, after being poked in the eye by a cock and having my lover give me that cock to suck is really something sexy.

For the first time in over a year, I was fucking a man, my ex-husband. Wow! This is not supposed to happen, I mean, who fucks their ex-husband? In a threesome, with his other wife? My lover and our ex-husband, this is seriously fucking warped.

I could see that Anna was kissing Karl, but turned so that her pussy was easily in my reach. I stopped sucking and then started eating Anna. I felt Anna rubbing the soap over Karl and she started pulling his dick. I love eating Anna’s pussy, it is really tasty, even with all the water running over me. I cupped her pussy with my lips to keep the water out of my mouth and nose, but it wasn’t enough. Water will have its way.

I had to let Anna go, with one last wipe of my tongue and all I got was a mouthful of water – at exactly the wrong moment. Just about choked me as I spluttered and coughed it up. I stood up with Anna and Karl’s assistance, they held me while I calmed down again and started breathing properly. They were cooing and making all the right caring noises, making me feel safe and cared for.

“This is just too fucking awkward,” I said, “Much easier in the movies. Come on, out, bed in five.”

“Yes, boss,” said Karl.

“And you probie,” I said to Karl, “You’re gonna have to really prove your worth.”

“Yes, ma’m, sir, boss,” he replied as Anna turned the water off.

“Grab a towel and dry me off, stud,” I said. Karl couldn’t grabbed a towel quickly enough and started drying both Anna and me. I took another towel and rubbed my hair, then as Karl was drying Anna and himself, I used the provided hair dryer to finish my hair off, giving my head a blow job, well, whatever.

There was little ceremony, we had been waiting for this for too long. I gently pushed Karl forward and spun him around so he fell backwards onto the bed.

“Which end do you want?” I asked Anna, “Top or bottom?”

“Well, seeing as you had it in the shower, I’ll take the bottom,” Anna replied. I smiled, kissed her and got up on the bed, turned around straddled Karl’s face so I could watch Anna sucking his dick. Karl was already as hard as I have ever seen him, and his tongue immediately went to work on me. Anna started licking that prong like a lollipop, then lowered her mouth over his cock, allowing it to slide into her mouth.

Her head just kept going down and down. Un-fucking-believable! She was deep throating him! Really deep throating him, taking it all the way in It’s a big dick, over six inches and thick and Anna was taking it all the way in! I thought she wasn’t going to stop but also swallow his balls too! She bottomed out, then lifted her head up almost the whole length of his dick. I didn’t see the knob, but the inside of her lips must have been right on the rim of it. Then she repeated it, the same thing, same action! JEEZUZ- I can’t do that! Where the fuck did she learn that? Then I remembered, the shy guy in college with the really big dick.

She’s gotta show me how to do that!

Karl’s tongue was not as talented as I remembered it, but then I realized that I had had the benefit of Anna for the last year or so. Karl would have been out of practice, but more importantly, Anna was a woman, Karl was obviously not. In that moment, I really appreciated how much I loved being with Anna, how much I loved her. I marvelled in this deep revelation, this gorgeous woman who had come into my life, healed me, made me whole, gave to me her love. I knew I had it, I loved her for it.

I could feel Karl’s lips disengaging and heard him saying, “Better stop Anna or you’re gonna make me cum!”

I wanted to say don’t stop but Anna lifted off him. I reached out and pulled her to me, I leaned down and kissed her, hard, with all my love. “Go on, you do it,” I said as we broke.

“You sure?”

“Yes, I love you, of that I am sure, I will always love you.” I kissed her again and tried to pull her into a position where she could mount Karl.

Anna moved and took hold of his cock, pointing it upward as she lowered herself down onto it. It slid in just right and she reached up, grasping my hands, pulling me toward herself. She kissed me, held me as she knelt with Karl’s cock deep inside her. “I love you too,” she whispered.

“Ride him girl, ride his cock, make him cum in you.”

Anna rode him as hard as she could, bouncing up and down on his hard rod. She was gasping and gulping with the effort while Karl was doing his best to push into her.

I felt his movements becoming harder, faster. His moans around my pussy more frequent, his tongue action more erratic. “Cumming! Cumming!” he cried.

“Yes, cum in her,” I called, “Fill her with your juice!”

Anna was startled but kept riding his cock. I eased forward and as I felt Karl push hard upward kissing Anna hard. She moaned into my mouth, her vagina being filled with Karl’s spurting prick. I imagined his baby making fluids racing out of his cock and into the heated, well lubricated canal, filling Anna.

Karl flopped down, spent for the moment, gasping for air. Anna kissed me and caressed my boobs, then she took a nipple into her mouth. I held her there until I heard her sigh that signified Karl’s prong had fallen out of her. She rolled onto her side as she dismounted Karl, so I did the next thing. I leaned forward and, laid down on Karl and without any hesitation, took his wet and now mostly detumesced prick into my mouth.

I sucked as much of his semen off it, cleaning it with as few wipes of my tongue as I could. For some reason it tasted different than what it used to, Karl’s cum, I mean. Likely it was the shitty prison food given him. I could feel his prong starting to rise again in my mouth but didn’t get all that hard, which was okay with me. I really didn’t want him realizing I couldn’t suck him the way Anna could. When I had enough, I lifted off Karl and sat up again. I then lifted my hips off Karl and with a little maneuvering, positioned myself so I could hold Anna, kiss her, suckle on her breasts.

I ran my fingers down her body and onto her vagina. I could feel the sticky mess and still engorged labia, her hard clit protruding. She gasped as I touched her wiping my fingers over her, covering them with a layer of mixed fluids. I brought them up to our mouths and holding them against her lips, we both licked my fingers, out tongues touching and we kissed again.

“I’m going to eat your pussy and make you cum,” I said, “I want you to take my love and let it fill you.”

“Yes,do it, and I am always going to love you,” she whispered to me, looking into my eyes. She kissed me and then said, “Let me clean your lips and mouth after.”

I nodded and in moments, my was buried deep inside her, sucking all the juices inside her love canal out and into my mouth. I was eating a cream pie, and was filled with the thrill of knowing I was going to be making my love cum. I wiped my face over her pussy, making sure I was going to have a lot of juice on it. I kept poking my tongue into her, wiping her labia lips with it, sucking her vaginal canal, slurping the mix of juice inside her, prodding her clit, then starting all over again.

I could feel Anna getting higher and higher in her ecstacy, her body tensing getting ready to orgasm over my mouth. I kept prodding and poking at her pussy with my tongue, swallowing the mixed juices her love tunnel was squeezing out, until she groaned loudly, spasmed, wrapping her thighs around my head, pushing herself onto my mouth, squealing in the pleasure I was giving her.

I felt a rush of her cum mixed in with more of Karl’s seed flow into my mouth, which I savored then swallowed. Anna fell back, her spasms passing, gasping for air. I quickly moved up her body and kissed her mouth. She eagerly kissed me, her tongue plunging in past my lips to lap at the residual juices there. She held my face and lapped around my mouth, licking up any smears of the heady mix of cum and semen.

We kissed again, and then looked over to Karl. By this time he was gently stroking himself, watching us, “Come on big boy, you can fuck her now, properly,” Anna said.


Watching my two former wives, my lovers, having sex! I used to dream of this moment, I had always wanted to introduce them, to have them both in bed at the same time. It was a fantasy, I never thought it would happen. Here it was, right in front of me. Then I realized something.

I was really, well and truly, fucked!



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