The Heal Slut: Part Three [MF, MFF] [Fantasy]

**The Heal Slut: Part Three – Of Two Minds**

Tirron had two minds from the moment the pink mist drifted into him. One mind was at the forefront, focused on Sybil, focused on her body, on the feeling of her sexual energy.

The other mind was trapped in the back behind the pink mist that obscured his mind. Tirron fought against it, trying to push against the bonds of his internal prison but it did no good.

Tirron felt his body respond to the pressures of the spell, his eyes lighting on the form of the ork priestess. She was beyond gorgeous in this moment, light green skin glistening in the sunlight, the rays of Light bouncing off of the sweat on her neck.

“Tirron. It has been so long since you felt wetness around your cock. I’m sure there is a woman here, aroused by the battle so and the sight of your strength, willing to take you and let you take her.” Her voice slipped through Tirron’s ears and it seemed to focus the magic that gripped his mind and brought his lust from deep inside, where he tucked it down.

Tirron’s body responded as the priestess waved her staff and his armor and clothes began to fall off of their own accord, removed by invisible hands and winds that bore them to the ground. Tirron, from the sane part of his hidden mind, felt the lust fill his body and harden his cock into aching form. His lust pulsed from deep inside as his blood pumped.

Tirron felt the magic urge him towards the nearest willing female, in his mind the quarter demon felt utterly amused that the priestess was that person, though he felt another nearby that would have been his target if not for the ork woman.

His feet brought him forward and he felt his satisfaction grow as he slapped the staff from her hands and grip her around the waist, pulling her closer and kissing her urgently. The priestess gave in and accepted the magic as easily as Tirron had. His mind retreated, giving way for his body to find its pleasure.

When Tirron’s mind focused again, it was behind the haze of pleasure as he thrust himself over and over into the Ork’s pussy. She moaned and he groaned and Tirron felt the power inside him well up, forming into a spear pointed into her.

He vaguely felt the power building behind him, an energy that resonated with his and brought his pleasure ever closer. A wind swirled around them, the energy building up into a wave of power. Tirron felt his mind and body on a precipice, teetered on the edge of an endless abyss.

At once, a firm push knocked him over the edge and Tirron’s entire being contracted with pleasure. He felt his energy rise at once with two others, Sybil the Ork Priestess and the other behind him. Both were part of the pleasure, part of the orgasm that pulsed and pulsed.

Relief filled his body and the magic loosened its slack around him. Tirron’s mind pushed forward and occupied its proper place for the first time since the pink mist began, though he could feel it rested in the same place his mind did before, waiting for its turn again.

Tirron let his cock pulse once more within the squeezing cunt around him, then pulled away and stood up, leaning over the priestess with a smirk.

“Hope you enjoyed that as much as I did.” Tirron growled as his eyes traveled down her nude body to the crease between her legs where his cum oozed from her. Her legs were still spread lewdly as she stared up at him.

“Believe me, I did.” She laughed, the magic finally slipping from her as she pleasure ebbed away. “Someone else did as well, lover Tirron. Don’t you sense her arousal, the smell of her pussy.” The priestess’s words reminded Tirron of the energy he felt, the power that resonated with his. Tirron turned and his eyes fell upon its source.

The girl was beautiful, he knew that even before the pink mist tried to surge forward and grip him once more. His pleasure was still too recent and power strummed around him.

“Who are you?” Tirron demanded as he pressed his foot hard on the ground, resisting the urge to move towards her. She was pale skinned and curvy, her form clear even under her heavy robes that marked her as a healer.

“I am Marcia. I came to help with the battle and your fight against the priestess. The caravan has went to the village.” Her soft voice explained, watching him with bright green eyes glittering with the remnants of the energy around him. Her hair was dark and tinted green and long. Tirron felt his body respond, the magic taking hold to his shifting thoughts.

“Marcia, you must go as well. I can feel the spell. It won’t let me stop it. Please go.” He took a step forward, growling under his breath as the pink mist drifted into his mind and began to replace his thoughts once more.

“I can’t, Tirron. The magic has me as well.” The girl shook her head and motioned with her wand. A ball of fire sped from the tip past Tirron. He glanced over his shoulder long enough to see the Priestess grab her stuff.

“Good luck, dearest loves. Marcia, it was so good to see you again and know I have my revenge for our last battle. Tirron, when you wish to see me again. You can find out where I am.” The Ork disappeared with a motion of her staff, leaving Tirron and Marcia to their own devices.

“Marcia..” He tried to resist the spell as it urged him closer to her, his lust pounding once more. She looked more than delicious in that moment, biting her lip as she closed her eyes and seemed to give into the inevitable. Tirron took one more step before he felt a spell jump up and grip him even more tightly than before, the pink mist retreated into the back of his mind.

“Tirron. We don’t have long. I’m going to take you back to my home and try to find a way to get rid of the lust spell. I have you under a calming ward and you must follow me. Okay?” Marcia explained and Tirron nodded, blinking as he felt a deep calm take over his being.

“I trust you, Marcia. I will follow you.” He told her as he felt the sympathy in their magic, a feeling that inspired him to believe in her as she did in him. Marcia handed him clothes as he dressed quickly and haphazardly. When his sword was returned to his hand, he felt his confidence return.

She explained that she lived close by and led him along the road. Tirron glanced at the blood-stained road as they passed, but noted the lack of bodies. Hopefully only a few warriors lost their lives.

As they passed a large tree, Marcia seemed to pull a basket of flowers from nowhere. Tirron watched her curiously, but didn’t say anything. He observed her as he followed, hand still gripping his sword in case of other enemies, but he doubted there would be any. The orks had been firmly defeated.

Tirron felt her touch for the first time as they came towards a clearing through a dense grouping of trees. It nearly roused the pink mist, but the touch of her magic was more important as he felt the wards they crossed through. As soon as he was across, she let go of his arm and sighed.

“Is it as hard for you as it is me?” Marcia asked in a soft mutter, glancing back at him. Tirron nodded slowly, clearing his throat after a moment.

“Quite. I can still feel the pink mist in the back of my head and it tries to grip me whenever..” Tirron growled as he tried to push through the words. “Whenever my thoughts stray.” His words brought a smile to Marcia’s lips and at least she found it a compliment.

“I have a book about lust magic. I hope the solution is there. If not..” Marcia trailed off as a rumble came from Tirron’s throat. They came into the clearing and a small house was there, built against a large rocky hill. In front was a garden split in two, one half was beautiful flowers, the other half was vegetables.

The house itself was mostly made of a bright brown wood, with a dark red roof of clay shingles. Decorations hung from the two front corners of the house near the door, one a metal wind chime that jingled softly and the other a round piece of wood etched in the likeness of a spiderweb.

Marcia forged ahead, running up to the door and slipping inside without a glance back towards him. Tirron took the moment to get a breath of air without her energy and his own lust suffocating his mind. He could do this, focus on moving forward. Harvey would be wondering what was going on, if Marcia hadn’t told him already.

Tirron moved forward and stepped into the house, looking around idly. The first room was fairly large, one end dominated by a kitchen, a table in the middle with three chairs. Closer to the door, the walls turned into bookcases and stands for various jars and glasses. In the corner near the door was a potions worktable, with her basket deposited on the chair next to it.

Further, the room gave way to another doorway that was concealed by a thin silk fabric decorated with images of birds and flowers. Marcia was in a chair at the table, flipping through a large tome. He felt the energy swirling around her, urgent and focused. The close-quarters brought his internal feelings back into his mind.

“Tirron, please go into the bedroom. I can not focus with your lust so close.” Marcia murmured. Tirron could see the blush rising up her pale cheek as she glanced at him. He nodded slowly, forcing his feet to carry him to the cloth and beyond.

The bedroom was considerably more intimate, though no less decorated. It smell like sweet flowers and something more that Tirron couldn’t place right now. The wall next to the door was decorated with a large tapestry that showed an ancient Healer ritual that Tirron was sure he’d seen before in a temple somewhere. He couldn’t focus on the image for long as each participant was nude.

When that wall ended, there was a small doorway on the adjoining wall. Tirron could see basin of water within and stone walls. The bed itself took up most of the room, put into the far corner against the stone wall. Draped silk hung over the bed and its posts. At the end of the bed was a large chest made of heavy dark wood and outlined in bright silver metal.

Across from the chest was a small writing desk and a chair and on the wall behind it was a large window that dominated that wall. The bed itself was distracting with a pink and purple blanket that was covered in soft fur.

Tirron sat heavily in the chair and looked out of the window at the afternoon sky. This day shifted from anything he expected, of course he expected a battle, but the one he received wasn’t the basic hack and slash.

His lust was a dangerous thing in most cases, his ancestry was a bane to him except for his ability to use magic at all. His grandfather, his mother’s father, was a lust demon summoned by his grandmother to help her conceive a child as she was nearly infertile.

The demon agreed, but his descendants would gain his magic as well, and lust would be a powerful thing both for and against them. Perhaps the priestess sensed it, or knew the spell would work against him because of the way his lust was caged inside.

Now, it was not. Tirron thought back to the way his eyes lingered on Ramona earlier. It wasn’t rare for him to look, even desire, but it provided the spark that helped his lust unfurl so completely.

“Gods..” Tirron growled to himself as he felt his cock stir at the images in his brain, the pink mist trying to climb forward and grip him once more. He knew, the pink mist knew, Marcia would be completely willing. It would be a simple thing to strip his clothes, find Marcia in the kitchen, strip her, take her naked on the wooden floor.

“Tirron.” Her voice came, disturbing his thoughts. She stood in the doorway there, staring at him with eyes that revealed how deeply the thoughts affected her as well. Her robe was gone now, she stood in a thin baby blue dress. It was clear how curvy her hips were now, how her waist called for his hands to grip it. Her bosom wasn’t so large, but her breasts were called for his attention, her nipples hard underneath the fabric.

“Marcia..” Tirron growled, trying to tear his eyes away from her but coming up short. “I didn’t mean to let the spell..” He trailed off as she lifted her hand and shook her head with a smile.

“I think I know the solution.” Marcia told him with her bright green eyes shining. He nodded slowly and she moved forward into his arms, their lips pressing together as the magic gripped them and their minds gave in as one.


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