Captured by Bigfoot [mf][non con]

Cassie set her pack down on a stump and pulled out her map. She’d been hiking the trail for a few days now, and she was making good progress. She should be at the next stop in three days.

Unbeknownst to her, a creature had been following her for the past day or so, waiting for a chance to strike. Cassie’s intense focus on her map provided just such an opportunity. Quietly, the creature snuck up behind her, it’s footsteps muffled by fallen leaves. It balled up a massive fist and struck her head from behind. Cassie immediately collapsed, unconscious. The creature threw her limp body over his shoulder and lumbered off towards the cave where he made his home.

Cassie’s consciousness returned slowly. She gradually became aware that she was lying on cold, uneven stone. Wherever she was, it was dark, and she could hear water dripping somewhere nearby. As Cassie’s eyes came into focus, she realized she was in a cave. Looking around, Cassie saw that her pack was here too (her lantern was, in fact, the only source of light). So, she wasn’t alone. Someone else had brought her here. Cassie’s blood turned to ice at the thought, and she looked around frantically for her captor.

She didn’t have to look hard. The creature that had brought her here had noticed she was awake, and was moving toward her. Cassie could almost taste her fear as she took the beast in. He was at least seven feet tall, covered in dense brown fur, and his face was that of an ape. What flesh she could see under his fur appeared to be well-muscled. *What the fuck?* Thought Cassie. *Have I been…. Captured… By Bigfoot, of all things?* As unlikely as it seemed, it did seem to be the case.

Cassie scrambled to her feet, wanting to at least reduce how vulnerable she was, but the Bogfoot shoved her back against the cave wall. Cassie tried to push the creature away, but he was far too strong. He easily grabbed both of her wrists with one giant hand, pulling her arms over her head and lifting her into the air. Cassie looked up at his face, wondering what the Bigfoot wanted.

The creature looked down at Cassie, seemingly thinking about what to do next. Cassie struggled a bit, which only seemed to entice the creature. With his free hand, the beast ripped her T-shirt off her body, exposing her sensible sports bra. The creature made similarly short work of said bra.

Cassie gasped as her breasts were exposed to the cold cave air, pink nipples tightening in shock. The creature leered down at her and grabbed one of her breasts roughly. His touch was clumsy and extremely rough, with none of the finesse Cassie was used to. Realizing more clearly why the creature had brought her here, Cassie’s stomach dropped even further. She tried to struggle against the creature, kicking out at him, but it was no use. The creatures hand moved down, and with one easy motion pulls down Cassie’s hiking pants and panties.

Cassie blushed, hot with the embarrassment of being exposed to this creature. The creature moved his free hand back to her breasts, squeezing, fondling, groping. The creature played roughly with her nipples, then slid his hand down between her legs. No! Cassie thought, squeezing her legs together. The creature roughly pulled them apart, and Cassie realized that, in spite of herself, she was wet. The creature easily slides his middle finger deep inside of her. It is hot, and roughly the size of an average dick. He begins to stroke her pussy with it, and his palm moves to play with her clit.

*Oh my God, I’m getting fingered by Bigfoot* thought Cassie. She found the creature disgusting, but she was helpless against him. Bigfoot’s hand began to thrust more vigorously, his finger curled towards the front of Cassie’s pussy. Cassie’s face flushed hot with shame and disgust as her body responded to the vigorous finger fucking. Cassie’s breasts were bouncing wildly, and her pussy was now sopping wet. Despite herself, Cassie moaned with pleasure and came hard, the walls of her pussy contracting around the bigfoot’s finger.

His goal achieved, the Bigfoot let go of Cassie’s genitals and reached for his own. Cassie’s eyes widened as she saw it- his dick was a foot long and quite thick. *No wonder he fingered me first, any woman would need a warm-up before taking THAT, * Cassie thought to herself.

*No no no no, please, not that* Cassie thought desperately as he moved his dick to the swollen lips of her pussy. The Bigfoot was still holding her in midair by her wrists, and he slowly lowered her down onto his dick. Cassie’s back arched as the giant dick was forced deep inside of her. Cassie let out a whimper. The Bigfoot thrust up into her, then again, and again, and again. Cassie’s disgust with the creature was gone, replaced by the shame she felt at her own arousal. Cassie couldn’t believe how strongly her body was responding to getting fucked like this. It was humiliating, but her thighs were drenched in her own arousal fluids. The bigfoot’s thrusting became even more vigorous, completely overwhelming Cassie. She hurt from taking such a huge dick, but Cassie couldn’t help but be overwhelmed with pleasure as well.

The Bigfoot released her wrists, and her arms fell uselessly to her sides Bigfoot moved his now-free hand to Cassie’s bouncing breasts, groping and pinching her nipples roughly. His other hand was at the nape of her neck, shoving her down onto his dick while he thrust into her. Cassie moaned, completely lost to pleasure now. Deeper, deeper into Cassie went the creature’s dick, and all she could do was moan. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the Bigfoot thrust in deep as Cassie came hard around him. As her orgasmic spasms were finishing, he thrust into her again, releasing a torrent of cum deep inside her.

Finally, the creature let Cassie slump down onto the cold floor of the cave, cum and her own arousal leaking out from between her legs. Cassie wanted to get up, to run away from the creature, but her legs wouldn’t move at all. Cassie drifted back into unconsciousness.


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