Aunt ties up her Nephew

Found in the Dreambook – stories of girls tying up boys

Name: Aunt Bondage Sunday, February 17th 2002 – 09:16:48 PM

Comments: To begin, let me tell you that this is my first entry of what I promise will be many to come. To elaborate on my name, my key bondage partner is my nephew (not by blood) Alex from a divorced marriage…he is 19 and I am 48. I am about 5’10 in heels and have straight grayish brown hair. He and I have been playing tie up games for a little over a year now. The games are not sexual, but I can be perverse at times. What we have found is a common interest in bondage, mine more dominant, his more submissive…. and so we play our games.
On this particular day I sat in my green Taurus wagon in the grocery store parking lot. I checked my face in the mirror. Dark eye shadow and black lipstick. I wore a tight red sweater accentuating my large breasts. I had a brown and gold plaid skirt, black stockings and brown knee high boots. I watched the store like a hawk until I saw my prey. The man came out, he was lean, about 5’9 and wore khakis and a blue dress shirt. He had short brown hair and had been working on growing a beard. I put on my sunglasses and stepped out into the fall air clutching my purse close. It was a little heavier than usual, but there was a reason for that. I picked up my stride and stuck a gloved hand into my purse. I approached the man from behind. My pace matched his. The sidewalk was rather crowded and no one noticed anything as I managed to step up beside Alex and in one motion put an arm around his shoulder and another to his side…a gloved hand clutching a starter pistol into his side. He feigned shock and I brought my lips to his ear.
“Make a move and your done for, walk with me and maybe I’ll go easy on you.”
“I don’t have any money” he replied.
“Shut your mouth” I hissed. I dug the pistol into him and he behaved. We walked back to the green wagon. I stepped aside and opened the front door. I ordered him in and stepped in the backseat behind him. I told him to drive where I told him. He started the ignition and pulled the car out of the parking lot. I crossed my legs in the back seat and smiled slyly. I gave him directions to a local park. I directed him to an empty lot down by a lake. “Get out and stand up against the back of the car.” He followed my order to the back. Getting out I commanded that he cross his wrists behind him. Ensuring no one was in sight I took my purse and pulled out a thick chord. With expertise I bound his wrists securely. I had become quite proficient at securing Alex’s wrists and he knew he was not getting away. I opened the trunk door opening to the wagons flat bed. I commanded him to lie down inside. I stepped in and held the starter pistol to his back as I closed us both in the trunk space. “I’m gonna finish tying you and gag your mouth, struggle and I’ll tie you so tight your limbs will go numb.” he silently obeyed. Taking a roll of duct tape I wrapped his ankles together. I also ran the duct tape over his wrists for extra restraint. Taking a plastic tie I looped it around one ankle and over his wrists. I stretched it tight and he was hogtied. From the purse I pulled a rolled ball of stockings making a nylon ball. I force-fed this into his mouth and it filled it completely. I proceeded to wrap the duct tape around his mouth three or four more times. He grunted slightly. “That’ll keep you quiet my little kidnapped bitch” I hissed. Teasing him was all part of the fun. “You know, these pantyhose here…” I began pulling out a pair of beige hose and letting them touch his face…”I wore for four days, quiet pungent, but you don’t mind do you…” I teased waiting for a response. “Well, if you don’t mind.” I laughed as I pulled them over his head. I tied the legs off around his eyes, completing his helplessness. I got out of the back and shut the door. Going back to the drivers seat I drove us from the area. I talked to him in the back, letting him no that my only intention was to kidnap him and that he’d be kept in bondage for as long as I felt like it. We pulled into my neighborhood and I drove into my garage. I entered the empty house leaving him in the car. I made myself a glass of wine to relax. I slipped off my boots and sat down looking over the daily paper. After about a half hour I went out to fetch my prey. I opened the trunk and with a knife cut loose the hogtie and the tape around his ankles. “Get up and don’t try a fucking thing” I hissed holding the blade to his throat. I led him blindly from the garage into my house. We stopped in the laundry room. “Lets make you a little more comfortable.” In the room I unbuckled his pants and let them drop. I cut loose his white undershorts and he stood there humiliated. I told you that even though we are not related by anything except a failed marriage, we don’t engage in sexual activity. He began trying to mumble through his gag but I held the knife to his genitals. “I would stay quiet, your sucking on my nylons for a reason.” I laughed but then got stern. “Lets go.” I led him through my kitchen and down a set of stairs into my basement. Taking an old dog collar from the wall I put it around his kneck. Attaching a leash I led him further into my furnished basement. I attached the leash to a hook on the sealing and sat him in a chair in the middle of the room. For the next ten minutes I went to work securing him to the chair. I used primarily old stockings. I found they held the best and didn’t cut the skin. When he had been completely secure I whispered in his ear. “You’ll stay nice and quiet down here for a bit. I’m gonna go relax with a bottle of wine, afterwards I’ll deal with you kidnapped bitch”. I gave him a kiss on the cheek through the nylon hood and patted his cock firmly. Giggling I pranced back up the stairs leaving my nephew secure and helpless, waiting to see where our game would take us.

Name: Aunt Bondage Monday, February 25th 2002 – 07:27:02 PM

Comments: Hello again, its Aunt Bondage here, and I have been waiting to place more entries regarding the bondage games that my nephew Alex and I have been playing. If you recall last time, my little prisoner was in quite a precarious state of affairs. After successfully plotting his kidnapping and making him helpless I had gotten him back to my home (now solely mine since I divorced his mother’s brother) As I sipped my wine and watched the television upstairs I contemplated what he looked like down below in the basement. He was sitting in a chair in the middle of the room, his wrists tied tightly behind him. Old gray and black stockings tied him securely to the chair wrungs and his feet were bound as well. His head is covered with a stocking and the legs are tied over his eyes leaving him in the dark. Beneath the makeshift nylon hood layers of duct tape keep a ball of nylons stuffed into his mouth. An old dog collar adorns his neck, the leash of which is run up to a hook on the ceiling. There is no tension, but this ensures that he cannot stray too far if somehow he were to orchestrate an escape from the chair. And as the added kicker, his pants and underwear were removed when I first ushered him into the house. I had all my bases covered and I was sure that he could not go anywhere, let alone make a sound. I new soon it would be time to “play”, all the games up to this point had me excited. I’ve explained that our relationship is never really sexual, but it would be a lie to deny that we both receive some level of sexual satisfaction from our play. And while for me the satisfaction is derived from his torment, I have in recent months found a way to give him a little “release.” I finally made my way back downstairs. I approached him from behind in the chair and put my face very close to his stocking covered ear. “I see you haven’t moved very much bitch” I hiss. He mumbles a little through his gag, but by now he knows it is useless. I check his bonds and smile to myself. It is clear that he has been struggling, but the strong knots have held. Its now that I play the role of captor, and explain to my prey what purpose he will serve.
“You’re probably wondering why I kidnapped you. The fact of the matter is, I intend to sell you on the black market as a slave. You’ll go to whoever pays the highest amount, female or male, and they’ll do whatever they want to you. Just think of the possibilities little slut.” My speech is rehearsed and he quivers at my words. He begins to moan through his gag and I place a hand over his gagged mouth. “But before we send you on the way, your future sellers request that you are…drained, if you no what I mean. They don’t care for pent up slaves, so we’re gonna have to accommodate them.” As I talk I cut loose the old stockings holding him to the chair. “On your feet.” I order. As he stands he is awkward, wrists still bound behind him and balance shaky from sitting and being tied so long. I unhook his leash and I bring him into the corner of the basement where there is an old washing machine. It was by chance that I discovered this little torture, but its proven quite interesting. The washer stands only about three and a half feet high, basically waist level to my prisoner. I order him to stand right up against it. With one had I lay his penis on top of it. It instantly becomes erect and points straight as I retract my hand. He spreads his legs and I walk to either side of the dryer. For some time there have been ropes attached to the pipes on the wall. Coincidently they stretch out to just about where his ankles come to the sides of the machine. I bind each ankle, which pulls his legs and lower body up against the machine. Retrieving a roll of duct tape I pull off two short pieces and with them I tape his shaft down onto the top of the washer machine. “I think you’ll find this oddly pleasurable.” I kid as I turn the machine on. The machine is such an antique that if nothing of significant weight is in it, it tends to shake, shutter, and vibrate for the entire forty-five minutes cycle. Immediately the vibrations begin on my prisoner and a slight moan comes from his gagged mouth. I go back to the middle of the room and get the dog collar and leash. I put it back on him and attach the leash to another hook on the ceiling. This time I tie the leash off so there is very little slack on the collar and my prisoner is kept up against machine as it pulsates and gyrates his member. “Now I’ll let this work on you for a bit, lets hope you can last.” I smack his ass and laugh. Its now that I walk towards the basement steps and walk my way up. Then, having faked my departure I tip toe back down to the basement. I edge back over to the seat he was bound in and sit myself down. Then I enjoy the show. The first ten minutes pass with my nephew standing there obediently. Its then that I notice things beginning. Alex first begins to struggle with his bonds, testing them and recognizing the futility in doing so. He then will begin moaning, hoping beyond hope that he might loosen his gag. As the machines gyrations take over and he becomes more and more aroused he hangs his head down and moans as he attempts to move his hips in a swaying motion to compliment the erotic pulses. His moans increase in depth and I can hear his breath coming quickly through his nose. And within minutes he ejaculates forcefully. It lasts for about ten seconds and then his struggles cease…yet the washer machine continues on its cycle, as it will for about thirty more minutes. I tip toe away and head back upstairs to relax a little…knowing that the prisoner games are not yet complete, no matter how much my nephew wishes they were right now….more to come soon darlings.
