The Camgirl Part LXXI: Don’t Stop [MF]

**LXXI: Liam and Blake**


“Okay, table’s set, food is on the table. Anything other than the Brussel sprouts?”

Liam shook his head as he turned off the heat on the stove and carefully tipped the hot pan into the waiting bowl, “Just these. You think Blake is ready by now?”

Sophie took the bowl once he had everything scraped into it, and glanced at him with a shrug, “She’s your girlfriend, dude.”

Liam grinned, setting the pan back on the stove to cool off before he washed it. He took a few paper towels and folded them up to wipe off the grease.

*She is my girlfriend.*

The thought spread a warmth through him.

“She is,” Liam said, walking over to stuff the oily paper towels into the trash can, “But you’re her roommate. The only time I’ve had to wait on her to change was last night, and I don’t think she’s gonna be as dressed up tonight.”

Sophie grinned at that, taking one of the glasses of sparkling cider and sitting down at the table.

Her curly black hair bounced as she plopped into the seat, “I mean…she’s still gonna be dressed up tonight.”

Liam laughed at that, giving the kitchen one more glance to make sure it was clean. Well, relatively clean. He’d told Sophie about his and Blake’s bet–the outcome, at least, rather than the actual bet itself–and she’d seemed to enjoy the idea. Blake had stubbornly told him he didn’t get to see her outfit until after her show, so he had no idea what it looked like, but he was excited. Mostly because of how embarrassed she seemed at the idea.

He’d felt a little bad at first, but only a little. Blake had the upper hand in that sort of thing far too often.

Satisfied with the kitchen’s state, he strode over to Blake’s door and knocked.

“Hey, food’s hot. You ready?”


Liam grinned at the pout in her voice.

A moment later, the handle twisted and the door opened just enough for half of Blake’s face to peek out, lustrous blue hair framing her pale face.

“Do I have to?” she pouted.

Liam had won the bet pretty quickly. He’d known the bet was a dirty one, considering that teenage boys usually trained themselves to be pretty quiet when masturbating–something that one grew even more skilled at when you lived in a dorm with thin walls and two other guys. Blake, on the other hand, had been very vocal with him so far, and was even more vocal on her shows from what he remembered.

Either way, the sex had been fantastic. At the time, at least, Blake had seemed more relieved at losing than disappointed.

Liam shrugged, “I guess not. But the food is hot, and you’d have to satisfy the bet some other way.”

Liam had no clue what he would do as a backup, but Blake’s bit her lip, narrowing her eyes as though she thought he’d done this specifically so that he could get her to agree to something else. Then she sighed.

“Ughhh, fine.”

Liam couldn’t help the grin that spread across his face as Blake opened the door, revealing her costume.

She wore a lacy set of black and white lingerie as the base, with a wide belt bearing a thick buckle cinched over her waist, almost covering her bellybutton. A long white collar fell down over her shoulders and upper chest , though it was open at the middle, ensuring no cleavage was hidden. It looked like she’d even pinned it to the bra straps. Black sleeves with white cuffs covered her arms from wrist to mid-bicep, and white stockings rose up to mid-thigh, with little buckled black hems at the top, matching her black heels with big black buckles in the middle.
“That’s awesome,” Liam said, his grin growing even wider.

Blake stepped out into the main room, cheeks turning bright red. Liam could tell she was struggling not to pout or glare at him.


Blake blinked as Liam stopped her. He met her eyes for a moment, then looked to her room, “Isn’t there a hat?”

Blake rolled her eyes, throwing her head back, “Do I have to?”

Liam glanced back at Sophie, “What do you think, Sophie? Hat or no hat?”

Sophie wore a wide grin as she looked between them, “I think she’s gonna make you pay for this later, so hat it is! Just hurry up–I’m hungry.”

With another exasperated sigh, Blake darted back into her room. A moment later, she came back out with a large black top hat, complete with thick golden pilgrim buckle, atop her blue hair.


Liam nodded, “Very. Come on, let’s eat.”

As Blake followed him over to the table, Liam grabbed her apron from its hook, then handed it to her with one hand as he pulled her chair out with the other.

She raised an eyebrow.

“Don’t want you to risk ruining the costume or getting any hot food on you.”

Blake’s expression softened as she took the apron, tying it on.

“Don’t think this gets you out of trouble.”

Liam grinned as he took a seat between her and Sophie, “I think the food will take care of that.”

He lifted one of the bowls and waved it back and forth between them, “Happy Thanksgiving, guys. Who wants mashed potatoes?”



Blake lay on her bed in Liam’s arms, content and full. And cozy. Once they were done eating, Liam had told her she’d fulfilled her end of the bet and could go change into PJ’s. A part of her–the stubborn, indignant part–had wanted to choose her thickest, longest pair of PJ’s, but the horny, smitten part had won out. She’d chosen her red, silk PJ’s that she knew looked damn good on her. Liam had simply taken off the shirt he’d worn for cooking and eating.

*And every touch feels like there’s nothing between Liam’s fingers and my skin.*

Though, he’d also slipped a hand under the fabric pretty quickly, fingers drawing lazy fingers over her belly.

“Thank you for the food, Liam. It was really wonderful.”

“Thank Sophie, too. I’d probably still be cooking if not for her.”

Blake smiled, nuzzling into his embrace, “I will.”

“What was your favorite?”

Blake sighed, thinking for a moment.

“Well, the honey-sriracha chicken was super tasty and all nice and crispy, and the Brussel sprouts were almost like chips. The mashed potatoes were super yummy…” Blake laid her head back against Liam’s chest, “Ugh, do I have to pick one? All of them. All of them were my favorite.”

Liam chuckled, and Blake smiled at the vibrations she felt through his chest.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

Blake twisted enough so she could look up at him, “It was really good. Though you probably could have made me boxed mac and cheese and I would still have loved it.”

Liam laughed again, “Oh, I know you would have. I use flavored cream cheese instead of milk when I add in the cheese and butter and everything.”

Blake licked her lips as her mouth started to water, “You didn’t by chance get some mac and cheese when you were at the store, did you?”

“What do you think I am, an amateur?”

Blake giggled, turning around so she could rest her face on Liam’s chest as she cuddled against him again. Liam smiled, placing a hand in her hair and occasionally scratching or massaging her scalp while the fingers of his other hand brushed over her back.

For a while, Blake just lay like that, enjoying Liam’s touch and listening to his heart beat. It was so simple, yet so wonderful.

*This may not* feel *as good as sex, but the closeness is better.*

“How did your show go today?”

Blake blinked, raising her head to meet Liam’s eyes.

“You don’t have to ask about it, you know.”

Liam shrugged, “I know. I asked because I’m curious.” He grinned, “Would you prefer: ‘How was work today?'”

Blake searched his eyes. She found no sign of resentment or negativity in them. Just a genuine curiosity. A shiver ran down her spine at that even as the same comforting warmth that Liam usually brought with him spread through her, making her feel a little tingly.

*Either he’s really good at trying, or he genuinely wants to know.*

Blake smiled putting her head back down on his chest. His curiosity made her feel wanted, even more than Liam normally did just by looking at her or touching her.

“It was really good, actually,” she said, moving a hand up to play with his chest hairs, “I came a few times, which was not the case in my last show,” she looked up at him just long enough to shoot him a quick glare, “There were a lot of people on, too. Not just more than I expected cuz of the holiday, but a bit more than my usual shows. They seemed a lot more excited and a lot of people tipped more than they usually would have, or just tipped in general when they normally wouldn’t have.”

Blake glanced up at Liam in time to see him to smile. She looked away immediately, hiding her own smile.

“I guess that means today was a very good day for you? Made more than usual?”
“A *lot* more.”

“Do you think it’s because you took a few days off?”

Blake nodded, “Pretty sure. A lot more people said they missed me and stuff like that.” Blake bit her lip for a moment, “I was thinking I might try that out a few more times over the next month or two–just to see if I can get something like that to happen on a semi-regular basis and give myself a bit of a breather without losing too much income.”

“Makes sense. All that ‘absence makes the heart grow fonder’ stuff.”

Blake giggled, “In this case, I think it’s more like ‘absence makes the dick grow harder.'”

Shivers ran down Blake’s spine as Liam laughed, the vibrations from his chest flowing into her.

“You did not just say that.”

Blake lifted her head up enough to stick her tongue out at him.

He still chuckled, giving her head a few more scratches in just the right spot. Blake’s eyes almost rolled back into her head as more shivers wracked her spine.

“Do you have like, a spreadsheet of all your tippers or something like that? I know you have a leaderboard on your website, but that’s just for the super-high tippers, right?”

Blake nodded, “Yep. I’m actually working on a program that will just automatically record and update all the users that enter my room each show and track their viewing time, amounts and times they tip, and amount of chats they enter, along with what my goals are during each show. I don’t know if I’ll be able to analyze it well enough to get anything useful out of it, but seems like it could be good for something.”

Blake looked up when Liam didn’t respond. His gaze was far off.

“Wow,” he said after a little bit, “That actually sounds really cool. Probably has a ton of potential applications outside of that, too.”

He grinned at her, “You’re way ahead of me in that area.”

“You also have two degrees.”

“So do you.”

Blake snorted, “Barely. The only reason I added the Math major is because it might even be less work than adding a minor.”

“Fair enough.”

Blake gripped Liam’s chest and pulled herself forward to kiss him. It was a slow kiss. Lazy, almost chaste.

*Still fucking wonderful. Because it’s him.*

Blake had intended for the kiss to linger only a bit, but she found herself unable to pull away. Liam pulled her closer, deepening the kiss, the arm at her back wrapping around her. Blake responded, sucking on his lower lips, tongue darting out to taste him or trace his lips. Despite that, the kiss somehow managed to keep from getting frenzied, as their kisses had earlier this morning or the previous two days. They took their time, exploring each other’s mouths, enjoying their tastes and scents.

*I think this is the longest I’ve ever kissed anyone.*

And she loved it.

They teased each other with little nips and growls and flicks of their tongues, drawing forth little moans, gasps, and even laughter.

Liam didn’t focus all his attentions on just her lips, either. He kissed her forehead, jaw, nipped and sucked at her ears, and even kissed her nose and eyelids a few times. Those last two made her melt into his embrace.

A part of Blake’s mind was aware of her growing arousal, but it barely registered–she was far too focused on Liam.

Blake couldn’t stop touching him either. She tried fighting fire with fire a few times, kissing his nose and down his jaw before moving on to his neck and earlobes.

Eventually, the kisses, the teasing, even the silly moments of laughter compounded on each other, morphing into burning arousal.

Blake pulled back, panting. Liam’s eyes seemed to shine as she gazed into them, her own vision and thoughts hazy.

She started undoing the buttons of her pajama top. Her fingers couldn’t seem to move fast enough, “I need you.”

Liam nodded, eyes fixed on hers.

She shivered as one his hands fell from her shoulders, trailing down her back to the hem of her long, silk pajama pants. He tugged at them with hooked fingers, but their position didn’t allow for him to do much.

Stupid fucking clothes.

With an exasperated sigh, Blake rolled off Liam onto her back and lifted her hips enough to pull her pants down over her ass. She took the panties off with them, and flung both onto the floor once they were past her ankles. After shrugging out of her top and throwing that off the bed as well, Blake rolled back onto her knees and glanced at Liam. He’d done the same as her.

Blake straddled him again, and Liam took her thighs in his hands. One traced up the sensitive skin toward her pussy, but Blake put her hands over his, meeting his eyes again as she shook her head.

“I just need you inside me. Scoot back so you’re sitting up.”

Liam hesitated, but did as she asked. Once his back rested against the headboard, Blake moved to straddle his hips again.

“Are you–”

Blake dipped two fingers between her lips, shivering at the mix of pleasure and slight discomfort–she was still a bit sore and swollen from the night before, something their antics this morning had only prolonged–and cut him off by pressing the dripping digits against his lips. She shuddered when he accepted them immediately, sucking on them and licking them clean.

“I’m ready,” she breathed, grasping his cock with her other hand and guiding it between her legs.

A moan slipped from her lips as the swollen head pressed against her entrance. After reveling it the teasing sensation for a moment, she removed the hand from Liam’s mouth and placed it on his shoulder. She lowered her hips, hissing as Liam’s cock spread her folds, stretching her out as she took him inside her.

*Fuck, I hope that never gets old.*

Blake bit her lip, gripping Liam’s shoulders with both hands as she lowered herself all the way down slowly, letting her pussy adjust to his size. On the one hand, she wished her pussy could get stretched out like ignorant boys usually thought so that Liam could just sheath himself inside her with a single stroke. On the other, she loved the feeling of his cock stretching her walls every time he thrust into her. It seemed even more intense tonight with her slight soreness and swollen lips.

As he bottomed out within her, Blake pulled herself to him, reveling in the contrast of his hard, muscled body against her curves. She leaned her hear against his, breathing in deep, his scent filling her head. He smelled like their dinner, like cooking. It made her mouth water.

“Can you fuck me like this?” she asked, open her eyes to gaze at him through her lashes.

He grinned, hands going to her ass and squeezing her cheeks, lifting her up a bit as he adjusted his legs. Blake shivered at even the slight change in her sense of fullness.


Blake took a deep breath, nodding, raising her hips up a bit. Liam pulled out. When she let her ass fall back down, Liam met her with a firm thrust, the head of his cock hitting the spot deep inside her that made her see starts.

“Fuck,” Blake gasped, eyes fluttering shut as Liam thrust again and again, giving her no time to recover from the intense sensations. She forced them back open, though, needing to look into Liam’s eyes as he thrust in and out of her. The delicious friction and heat, combined with the satisfying fullness she felt with every stroke threatened to overwhelm her. Blake’s hips fell into a rhythm with Liam’s as his pace increased, strong hands squeezing and guiding her ass as he speared it with his cock. It was so hot, and felt harder than a steel rod. Liam met her in a frantic kiss as Blake’s orgasm grew, only feeding the fire of her arousal. She moved her hands down his chest and arms, feeling his muscles flex as he fucked her, feeling his heart pound within.

Blake’s breathing grew increasingly ragged as Liam’s cock seemed to swell inside her. She found herself unable to keep upright anymore and clung to his shoulders, pressing her head into his neck. His constant thrusting gave her no relief. After their sex this morning and her show, her base level of horniness was already higher than normal.

“Liam,” she breathed, “Gonna…cum soon. Fuck!”

Liam’s hips shifted gear, pumping even faster. Blake stopped trying to match his motions and simply focused on holding on as he fucked her. She liked to be active, but fuck, it felt wonderful for Liam to just take over and fuck her.

“Liam,” she breathed again. She couldn’t finish her sentence, however. Liam fucked the thoughts out of her mind. Blake dug her nails into his skin, trying to hold off her orgasm just a bit longer.


Her world exploded, vision going white. She clung desperately to Liam as she rode it out, pussy clamping down on his cock. The intensity almost sent her into another orgasm. Her body spasmed, fingers twitching as she clung to Liam.

Images and phantom sensations from the previous night flashed through Blake’s mind. The memory of being so overwhelmed by Liam intoxicated her. She wanted to feel that again, to be so completely lost in him.

*Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.*

He didn’t stop.


1 comment

  1. Hey everyone! I wanted to make a little announcement:

    While I will continue to post episodes of this story, I will be moving to doing so once a week on Sundays instead of trying for every Wednesday and Saturday. I’ve been feeling a bit burnt out lately and while I like to be consistent in my frequency of posting, the consistency and quality of the writing is far more important than that. I’m pretty sure that the only reason I’ve kept up this pace for so long was because I already had 20-25 parts written before I even posted Part I.

    This arc of *The Camgirl* will be coming to a close soon in the next 5-6 weeks depending on how I split things up. After that, I plan on taking a little break to give this story a little polish for publishing as a single volume, and hammering out the details on my outlines for what comes next.

    I hope you guys understand. Don’t worry though–I plan on continuing to post for a *long* time. Especially about these two lovable idiots.

    I hope you enjoy this part and continue to enjoy the story itself! Reviews and comments are always appreciated. And thank you for the gold on Part 70!

    For anyone who wants to help support me, please visit either my [Ko-Fi]( if you want to just drop me a tip, or my [Patreon]( if you want to support via monthly-subscription! And don’t forget to join/subscribe to /r/taylorstormserotica

    [Part I](
    [Part II](
    [Part III](
    [Part IV](
    [Part V](
    [Part VI](

    [Part VII](
    [Part VIII](
    [Part IX](
    [Part X](
    [Part XI](
    [Part XII](

    [Part XIII](
    [Part XIV](
    [Part XV](
    [Part XVI](
    [Part XVII](
    [Part XVIII](

    [Part XIX](
    [Part XX](
    [Part XXI](
    [Part XXII](
    [Part XXIII](
    [Part XIV](

    [Part XXV](
    [Part XXVI](
    [Part XXVII](
    [Part XXVIII](
    [Part XIX](
    [Part XXX](

    [Part XXXI](
    [Part XXXII](
    [Part XXXIII](
    [Part XXXIV](
    [Part XXXV](
    [Part XXXVI](

    [Part XXXVII](
    [Part XXXVIII](
    [Part XXXIX](
    [Part XL](
    [Part XLI](
    [Part XLII](

    [Part XLIII](
    [Part XLIV](
    [Part XLV](
    [Part XLVI](
    [Part XLVII](
    [Part XLVIII](

    [Part XLIX](
    [Part L](
    [Part LI](
    [Part LII](
    [Part LIII](
    [Part LIV](

    [Part LV](
    [Part LVI](
    [Part LVII](
    [Part LVIII](
    [Part LIX](
    [Part LX](

    [Part LXI](
    [Part LXII](
    [Part LXIII](
    [Part LXIV](
    [Part LXV](
    [Part LXVI](

    [Part LXVII](
    [Part LXVIII](
    [Part LXIX](
    [Part LXX](

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