[Acting on a trusted source, your expedition party to the Andes Mountains leads to the discovery of a hidden bunker, whose huge steel payload door appears once camouflaged but is now exposed. A handwritten note secured in a small messenger bag is the only indication of life you find]
“To Whomever Finds This,
Today is the fifth of June, 1995. If you’re reading this, and you seek what I sought in this place, know that it was never here, if it were anywhere at all. What I did find here both nearly killed me, in multiple ways, and you’re better off now that it’s gone. Gone too are the men that kept me here, and I assure you that you don’t want to find what’s left of them, either.
My name is Lara Croft
For nearly three months, I was held captive by a band of mercenaries captained by a man named Stellan. I was starved, suspended, beaten, waterboarded, interrogated, stripped, raped, interrogated, and still I refused to be broken. However, my captor was more resourceful than most. He wanted all of the contacts and leads I could offer, and when pain couldn’t extract them from me, he subjected me to the most intense pleasure I believe I will ever experience in my lifetime. I still do not know what this thing is, this being he procured. But whatever it is, it has a unique ability to sense and tap into the limbic system of its host, wherein it reads and amplifies…well…everything.
It wasn’t until well after my second encounter with it that I realized why I couldn’t fight it. I was simply too tired, in too much pain. When it came into contact with me, my strongest desire was to not be in pain. By providing this, the being tricked my body into accepting it, allowing it to find and harness my pleasure centers. For lack of a better term, it turned my pain into a ceaseless and complete state of orgasmic bliss. That is, until I would pass out.
I eventually managed to persuade Stellan, with the help of some old information I had long since refuted, to allow me to eat and to shower. I had come up with a plan, but my body would need to be strong enough to withstand the toll on my will, for I have a will of hardened steel, and they would all come to learn that…”
Stellan stood in the doorway, watching intently as Lara slowly and carefully soaped her lean, muscular form. She would catch him staring every so often, confident that she had his full attention. As she turned the water off, and he began to monologue again, she turned and presented herself in a dominant stance, still dripping.
“Do you ever shut the fuck up?” She asked, sauntering toward him. His sudden silence and confused demeanor betrayed his confidence. “You dare speak like that…”
She wouldn’t let him finish. “Do you ever…” she began again, “Shut… Up?” with each syllable she gently slapped his face, finishing the sentence by grasping his silk tie and pulling him into an animalistic kiss. He put up a hand to dismiss the responding armed guard in the corner, and played right into the game Lara was planning. She would need to plant the seeds of subconscious desire into his mind now, that she could reap the rewards later.
Grabbing the lapels of his suit jacket, Lara instinctively tossed him with adept Judo skill, holding back just enough to not cause enough pain to alert the guard. Rolling with his body, she quickly mounted his torso and tightly grasped his throat, reaching her other hand toward her chest and half faking a moan as she squeezed her own breast. Though she was intending to put on a show, her body had not forgotten the high it still craved. She leaned down and whispered in his ear.
“I notice, you know.” She snickered as she tightened his tie around his throat. “I notice, even whilst your pet is ripping my brain out through my vagina; you love to fucking watch.” Her hands coasted down his athletic form, shoving him back down when he attempted to sit upright. “Stay the fuck down.” She loosed his trousers as he complied, letting out a dry snicker. “Oh, what’s the matter, is this not what you like? I’ve seen you at full staff before, when your little thing started tapping into my swollen clit. Is that the only time you can get it hard, when I’m powerless?” Before he could answer, she got up and walked away, leaving him humiliated on the floor. “Pathetic.”
The guard escorted her back to her cell. As she proceeded, she pronounced as prominently as she could, ensuring that anyone in the vicinity could understand. “Can any of you fucking boys actually fuck, or do you all need me to be tied down? Are you going to let the fucking Alien be the only one to get the job done?” The door slammed behind her, and a smirk made its way across her face.
“Now, we wait.”
Lara knew poking the bear was a risk, but she was still banking on her instincts. She knew the predictability of men in positions of power, she knew herself, and she assumed she knew enough about the creature to make this work. What she hadn’t quite counted on were the two other bears, or in this case stallions or bulls, that Stellan decided to bring with him. It mattered little. Though she felt a sliver of panic, her mind held one thought at the forefront, focusing on it; ‘Control’.
“Hanz, Franz, if you would be so kind?” The two behemoth men relieved themselves of their uniforms, revealing to Lara exactly why he’d chosen them for this task.
“Of course those are their fucking names.” Lara managed to chuckle out before the two grabbed hold of her. Resist, however, she did not; knowing the less pain she brought on herself, the better chance she stood. One of them; she couldn’t tell which was which, not that it mattered; grasped her by her tangled hair and set about filling her throat. When she attempted to use her hands to gain some measure of relief, she found them both secured behind her back as she was bent over at the waist. A sharp sting ripped through her as a well lubricated, but still substantial invader made his way to her ass. Screaming in protest as best she could, what ended up coming out was more of a gargle. The intrusion was not forced, to her surprise; he waited, applying only gentle pressure, until she relaxed and eventually accommodated him. ‘My clit, you stupid oaf!’ Lara thought to herself. ‘Rub my fucking clit!’
The two brothers focused only on keeping her in place, falling into a slow, matched rhythm. Where one would pull out just enough for her to breathe, the other would slowly bottom out in her backside. When he would retreat, the other would gag her whether she was ready or not. ‘Control, must maintain control’; the mantra ran through Lara’s mind. Legs shaking, pussy quivering and swollen, part of her wished they would pick up the pace for her sake, but they never did. Neither showed any signs of doing anything but keeping her in this limbo as her arousal built and built.
After some time, Stellan wandered over, carrying the familiar container. “Not so much to say now, have we, Croft?” As he opened the tube, the contents jumped to life, pouring out and leaping toward her flesh in stark contrast to the slow crawl of times before. Though Lara had braced herself for this, her body was still overcome by the shock and the rush of excitement flowing through her; the sheer wave of pleasure causing her to clench every muscle as she squirted with a muffled moan. ‘No.’ She commanded herself. ‘I must not yield to this. Listen to me, you wonderful thing, we’re going to try this my way.’
There seemed to be a response on the part of the glowing creature, as the flood of chemicals from her brain did not amplify as it had before. Now, though, began the battle; with the aftershock of her orgasm still fresh on her mind, conflicting with her desire to stay in control as the two men continued slowly thrusting away, she formed a succinct command: ‘Give some back’. With lightning speed, tendrils shot forth toward each of the men and ensnared their genitals, forcing them to release their grip on her hands and head. ‘More!’ She projected, and suddenly all three bodies were aflame with passion. A hot pulse of ejaculate filled Lara’s insides, and she stole his pleasure and sent it back tenfold; grasping the other man and swallowing his load. Back and forth was sent this collective climax, as she wrapped each of them in her legs and arms, as her own climaxes left puddles at their feet. It would take all of her strength to break free from the spell she was using this creature to weave, to come down from this high, and issue one last commandment: ‘Obey!’
At that instant, the creature reached inside each of the two men’s minds, subjecting them to Lara’s will. They could no longer fight, having not had the strength of mind to deal with the amplified orgasmic assault. Instead, she stole their strength, and bent them. “Seize him.” She finally spoke aloud, and Stellan stared in abject terror as his underlings drove him to the ground before her.
Standing above Stellan, gently fondling herself, Lara smiled a victorious smile. The creature reached out more of itself, tapping directly into the man’s temples and ceasing his struggles. Inside his mind, Lara rode him viciously; the image of her lithe, athletic body grinding into him overtook his consciousness. Once more, she allowed the creature to tap into her womanhood, going back to that heaven she had longed for. The sheer, unadulterated joy flowed outward from her center, and the three men convulsed as she let out a moan so primal, one would have thought a caged animal had been unleashed.
When Lara once again came back down to lucidity, she released the being’s hold on them, and withdrew its connection to herself to background noise; her domination complete.
“I did have one…last…thing, you impotent fucks.” She spat at them as she began to walk out. “Fuck yourselves.”
They did just that, without shame, under pure compulsion. They did not stop while she recovered her equipment, while she radioed for a rescue, while she wrote the letter she would leave behind, and while she left. Her captors fucked themselves until they could no longer. God knows what became of them in that Purgatory, but Lara walked away with Heaven in the form of something unlike anything else on Earth.
Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/f3ecjj/spinal_tap_2_feedback_lara_croft_heroine_femdom
Author’s Note:
I’ve been incredibly busy and preoccupied, so this one took some time to type out. Apologies. I’ll fix the formatting later.
Currently in the process of trying to come up with ideas for a next submission.