The Camgirl Part LXIX: I Think You Broke Me [Oral] [FM] [Spanking] [LONG]

**LXIX: Liam and Blake**


Liam swallowed as he looked at his image in the bathroom mirror. He pulled at his collar a bit, wishing he hadn’t opted for the tie.

*Tonight is for Blake, not you. You’ll have fun, but this is for her, and she wanted to dress up, so you’re wearing the damn tie.*

With a sigh, Liam looked over himself one more time. His hair was styled, he’d trimmed his face, using Sophie’s cover-up after in a few places, and his clothes were wrinkle-free and fit well. He’d brushed his teeth and gargled mouthwash about five times, just in case, and had found an old bottle of cologne he hoped Blake liked. Just in case, he hadn’t put on too much.

*Stop freaking out. Everything’s going to be fine.*

Fine wasn’t good enough, though. “Fine” was alright for some girl he’d just met that he was taking out for the first time. This was Blake; his friend. His…

*Fuck, what even are we? Close friends that have really good sex? No, stop it. Don’t worry about that tonight. There’s no ‘us’ or labels or anything. Just Blake.*

The sex *had* been incredible, though Liam hadn’t expected any different given the way Blake had been looking at him the past week. Her…skill in that area was definitely appreciated as well, but he’d never really cared about that–with Blake or Marie. He just cared about how into it–and how into him– the girl was. Now that he looked back on it, Liam knew Marie had never even come close to how Blake had been this morning and the previous night.


Liam cheeks grew hot as he glanced down at the growing tightness in his slacks. Even with the jacket and the brisk weather outside, he was glad he’d opted for some particularly tight boxers.

*I’m probably going to need to get some more of these.*

Liam adjusted himself, then looked in the mirror one last time before stepping back out into the main room. It was empty, so he sat down on the couch.

After shifting around for a bit, Liam sighed–he never had been able to really relax in a suit. Not with the jacket on, at least.

He glanced over to Blake’s door, still shut, and found himself thinking about earlier.

They’d napped for almost two hours. Blake had seemed very content at falling asleep with him inside her, but frustrated that her pussy had apparently forced him out, even though he’d still been big enough that the could have stayed inside her in that position. Her pussy had also forced out quite a bit of cum, and Blake had sighed, deeming their genitals too gross for her to clean it up the way she wanted. They’d run into the shower, where after getting clean, Blake had gone down on Liam and he’d fingered her to orgasm. And then they’d cleaned off again.

Liam grinned, remembering how Blake had decided to spend the rest of the shower sitting after that, as apparently standing had been too hard.

The creak of Blake’s door opening broke Liam from his thoughts. He shot to his feet, adjusting his tie and jacket. When Blake stepped out of her room, Liam’s eyes went wide.

He noticed her hair first. It was a bit shorter than usual, but thick and a bit bouncier with curled ringlets. It was also jet black. Liam liked her blue hair better, but…


The black made her eyes sparkle, and turned the color darker, deeper. Her eyes looked almost violet, somehow.

*Maybe it’s just the light, or the eyeshadow.*

The contrast between her hair and pale skin made her seem made of fine porcelain, cheeks and lips painted with expert strokes. Shining, blue-violet shadow above her eyes made them even more striking. The red of her lips matched her dress exactly. And her dress…

*Where was she hiding that?*

A thick, bright-red collar encircled her throat, connecting to the rest of the dress over the right shoulder, where the smooth, clinging fabric traveled all the way down to her wrist. The left shoulder and arm it left uncovered, crossing her chest in a sinuous, slanted line that exposed her clavicle and wrapped over the curve of her breast. From there down, it clung to Blake’s curves before loosening at her thighs, where it travelled down to her ankles save for a wide slit that split the dress high on her left leg, revealing the smooth, toned pale flesh. Liam realized that the dress would have been in danger of dragging on the floor if not for the black heels Blake wore, accentuating her calves.


Blake’s voice shook him back to reality. He looked up and met her eyes to find her grinning, “What?”

Blake’s smile deepened, “I take it you like it, then?”

Liam nodded, swallowing hard, “Y-yeah. You look…wow.”

*Idiot? That’s all you can say? She looks fucking incredible. Way out of your league.*

Blake giggled, cheeks growing even more red. She looked at him for a moment, licking her lips as her eyes roved over him, then spun on one foot. The dress fluttered for a moment, but the movement gave Liam an incredible view of how the fabric clung to Blake’s ass. The sight made his pants uncomfortable again.

When Blake turned back around to face him, Liam realized the dress clung tight enough to her stomach to show a faint outline of her abs. He also realized that she definitely wasn’t wearing a bra.

*Fuck, now I feel under-dressed. And this is my nicest suit.*

Liam blinked when Blake laid a hand on his chest. When had she moved toward him. She looked him up and down, tugging at his jacket and shirt.

“This is good,” she murmured, low enough that Liam wondered whether or not she was talking to him or to herself, “Very good.”

Blake looked up at him, eyes sparkling, “You look really good.”

Liam grinned, “So do you.”

Blake giggled, cheeks darkening, “You already said that.”

Liam shrugged, “I didn’t actually. Even if I had, I’d need to say it again. You look way better—incredible.”

Blake grinned, biting her lip, then leaned up and nipped at his bottom lip. Liam blinked at that. Both at the brevity of the kiss and the realization that with those heels on, Blake now came up to his chin. He leaned down to kiss her, but Blake leaned away, holding a finger up between them.

“Ah! Nope, that’s all you get until after dinner, at least,” she waved her hand in a circular motion before her face, “I worked way too hard on this for you to mess it up with kisses.”

Then Blake sighed, leaning toward him again. She fingered his lapels, “Plus, if you kiss me, I’m gonna kiss you back, and it’s not gonna stop any time soon.”

Liam grinned at that, then slipped his phone out of his pocket, typing in the address for Davio’s and scheduling a car.

“You ready to go? If we leave now, we’ll be a bit early to dinner, but I don’t think they’ll make us wait.”

Blake nodded, smiling. She strode over to the coat-rack near the door, giving Liam another view of her swaying ass that made him have to adjust himself again. She took a long black overcoat off one of the hangers–one of a similar cut, but finer-looking material than what she normally wore–then shrugged it on and slipped a small clutch that Liam hadn’t noticed into one of the large pockets. He followed after her, taking his own coat and shrugging into it.

“We’re getting a ride, right?” Blake asked, “Otherwise you’re gonna be having dinner with an icicle.”

Liam grinned, holding up his phone, “It’s four minutes away.”

Blake grinned back at him, then opened the door, “See ya later, Sophie!”

Liam yelled a goodbye to Blake’s roommate as well before following Blake out the door.



“You alright?”

Blake blinked, looking to Liam and forcibly un-biting her lip. She realized she’d just been holding her glass of water, not drinking, and set it back on the table. Her cheeks grew warm.

“I’m fine,” Blake assured him, smiling as she put her hand over his. A warmth spread through her as it usually did whenever they touched. A good thing, considering how cold she’d become between the short walk from their car into the restaurant, and the ice cold water in her hands, “I’m just…”

Blake sighed, reaching for another piece of bread. She normally didn’t eat too much of it, but she was nervous, and it was good fucking bread.

“I haven’t been to a place this fancy since the time my—since high school graduation,” Blake said, not meeting Liam’s eyes as she broke open the roll and began stuffing butter inside it.

*That was close. Don’t want to open up a can of worms like that tonight.*

Blake took a deep breath, then looked back up at Liam, “This place is so nice—I feel like people keep looking at me.”

Liam smiled at her, squeezing her hand, “Of course they are. You look incredible.”

Blake couldn’t help but smile at that, an even deeper warmth than before spreading through her. She appreciated that he sat next to her rather than across the table. Blake initially hadn’t known what to think when he’d moved his chair over, but she was glad he had. It made her feel like this was somehow more than just a date.

*It’s a good thing we had sex this morning. If we hadn’t, I’d be looking for an excuse to drag him into the restroom with me—fanciness be damned.*

Not that a part of her still wasn’t. She was just better able to control that impulse.

“Thank you,” she said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, “You look really nice, too.”

Blake knew that was an understatement, but she couldn’t decide on the right word to describe how good Liam looked. The black jacket and slacks fit him well. Really well, especially from behind. The blue and white pattern on his shirt made his eyes seem even more blue than usual, and his trimmed facial hair revealed his square jaw and the lines of his face.

Liam always looked good, but tonight…

*He cleans up really, really good.*

He didn’t normally wear cologne, either, though maybe that was a good thing. He hadn’t put on a lot, as Blake couldn’t smell it even from this close, but the few whiffs of it she’d gotten on the ride over and when she leaned up to nip at his lips before they left had made her pussy even needier than usual.

“So, did you just have that dress lying around?”

Blake blinked, focusing her gaze on Liam, “What?”

“The dress. I feel like it probably isn’t something that gets a lot of use here considering how cold it is most of the school year.”

Blake grinned, moving another lock of hair out of her face, “Oh, right. Chloe and I actually went shopping for it the first chance we got after you agreed to take me out. I—” Blake paused, cheeks growing hot, “I was too excited to wait any longer.”

Liam grinned at that, and Blake felt some of the tension leave her body. She’d decided she wouldn’t hold back when letting Liam know how she felt about him, but so far, he hadn’t displayed anything but warmth and desire toward her.

*Maybe I can push things a bit, then?*

She wouldn’t unload all of the crazy, emotional, horny mess of feelings he caused her to feel all at once, but maybe she could be a little bit less guarded and tease him a bit more—like she did before she’d realized she actually had a chance with him.

“What about the hair?”

Blake raised an eyebrow, “Hair?”

Liam glanced around, then looked back at her, leaning in a bit, “Is it a wig? Or did you dye it?”
Blake grinned, “Still a wig, just like last time. I don’t think I could have dyed my hair this well today without you noticing. Do you like my eyes? I decided to try out some colored contacts tonight.”

Liam’s eyes widened, mouth opening a bit, “Okay, I kinda thought I was seeing things for a bit. I know eye shadow can bring out different shades of color in your eyes, but your eyes are definitely too violet for that.”

Liam cut off as the waiter came by, asking if they were ready to order.


Blake grabbed the menu. She’d been so nervous and focused on everything around her and then Liam that she hadn’t even looked at the menu. When she saw the prices, her eyes popped.

“Uh, Liam?”

He smiled at her, meeting her eyes, then looked back to the waiter, “We’ll need just a few more minutes.”

The waiter smiled, retreating. Once he was out of earshot, Blake leaned in close.
“Liam, this place is really fucking expensive.”

He gave her a look that was far too amused for her liking.

“You did say you wanted to go somewhere fancy.”

“I know, but not like…gold-digger fancy. I’m not plastic enough for that, you’re not old enough, and neither of us make enough money for that.”

Liam snorted, “Blake, don’t worry about it, alright? I’ve been here before a few times with Eli and Swar. I know exactly how expensive the food is. It’s definitely worth it, and I want tonight to be really special.” He paused, glancing at the menu, then looked back to her with a smirk, “Plus, if anything, I’m the gold-digger in this situation. Pretty sure you make way more money than I do.”

Blake stuck her tongue out at him, “I’m paying for half, then.”

Liam shook his head, “No way. Normally, I wouldn’t complain, but I chose the expensive restaurant, so I’m paying. Plus, Kekoa sent me some money when I told him about our date. He said it was him finally paying me back for all the times I’d spotted him cash when we were hanging out, and that I had to spend it on you,” he paused, eyes looking somewhere far off for a moment as he grinned, “Though, he probably snuck in a bit more than he actually owes me, since he and I spotted each other pretty evenly.”

His gaze returned to Blake, “Kekoa works part time as a programmer for one of the companies he had a summer job with, and they pay him pretty well.”

Blake frowned at Liam for a moment, then sighed, “Fine. You win.”

She looked back to the menu, “Still have no fuckin’ clue what I’m gonna get.”

Liam laughed, “Want me to order for both of us?”

Blake raised an eyebrow, grinning, “Pulling a power move on me?”

Liam blushed at that. Blake wondered what he would think if she told him that it was actually a bit of a turn-on for her.

“Not like that,” he said, “I just–I’m pretty sure I know what you’ll like.”

Blake smiled at him, entwining her fingers with his as she closed her menu, “I trust you.”

Liam’s smile deepened. Then he studied the menu.

“I like it, by the way.”

Blake raised an eyebrow.

“Your hair, and the contacts. Both look really good.”

Blake grinned, cheeks growing hot again, “Thank you.”

“I’m glad you didn’t dye it, though. I really like your blue hair.”

Blake squirmed in her seat, trying to keep from melting as her heart swelled.

*Fuck, that’s not fair. They’ve got to have a single unisex bathroom we could use, right? I could be quiet for once. Worse comes to worse, I can just stuff Liam’s cock down my throat again. Oh, fuck, now I’m wet. Why the fuck did I start thinking of that?*

“Blake? You okay?”

Blake forced a smile, bringing herself back to reality.

“Yeah. Just zoned out for a moment. I’m really glad you like it.”

“Do you use this hair a lot?”

Blake bit her lip. She’d known he’d ask about this if she wore this wig.

“It was the first one I bought,” she sighed, not meeting Liam’s eyes, “After dying my hair. It’s not my real color, but I dyed it this color a few times in high school cuz I thought my blonde hair made me look too red and blotchy, especially when I exercised. I use it mostly when skyping with family or when I go home. It’s just…easier that way.”

Liam squeezed her fingers, and Blake couldn’t help but smile. She looked up at him through her lashes.

“I get it,” he said, the warmth in his voice melting her tension, “I can’t wait to see your regular hair again though.”

*Fucking in the bathroom is off-limits. It’s off-fucking-limits!*

“So where are we going after this?” she asked, trying to change the subject, “You did say there were two parts to the date, right?”

Liam nodded, grinning, “I did. And it’s a surprise.”

Blake glared at him, which only made him laugh.

Before she could say anything, however, the waiter returned, “Are we ready to order?”

Liam opened back up the menu and glanced at Blake, smiling, then looked to the waiter, “I think we are.”

As Liam listed off the dishes they’d be eating, Blake’s mouth started to water.



Blake’s head swiveled about, neck craned and mouth agape, as she and Liam took their seats in the front row, only a few feet from the edge of Symphony Hall’s main stage. The sound of instruments being warmed-up and setup filled the room, overpowering the low hum of conversation from the audience.

“This is incredible,” she breathed, gazing at the gilding surrounding the stage and all the impressive wood and stonework of the balconies and walls. Up until about ten minutes ago, Blake had been pretty sure that Davio’s was the fanciest place she’d ever been to. This incredible concert hall now topped that by a mile.

“Are those for an organ?” She asked, looking to Liam as she pointed beyond the mass of musician-filled seats on the stage to the massive column-like pipes at the back of the stage.
Liam grinned, nodding, “Yeah, though I haven’t found a concert with any of the music I really want to hear played on it.”

Blake took his hand, squeezing it, “Thank you for bringing me here.”

Liam’s face lit up at that, “You really like it? Even if it means we have to listen to some of my stuffy music?”

Blake rolled her eyes, “I’m sure you picked something you think I’ll enjoy.”

*If the music is even half as good as the food was, I might try to fuck him halfway through the performance.*

Her mouth started to water again just thinking about that steak. Even the sides had been fucking incredible. And that slice of key-lime pie at the end…She was a little bit more stuffed than she would have liked with this dress as tight as it was, but *fuck,* it had been worth it.

*And Liam either hasn’t noticed, or he doesn’t care.*

“Why does the one plaque say ‘Beethoven,’ but all of the others are blank?” She asked, noticing the oddity as she gazed at the beautiful hall again.

“The plaques were originally supposed to bear the names of the greatest composers,” Liam explained, “I was told that they agreed upon Beethoven as the greatest composer of all time, since every other symphony he wrote changed the face of music forever, the ninth basically splitting Western composers into two schools of thought on how music should progress, but since then, they haven’t been able to agree on anyone that can be put in the same category as Beethoven, so the other plaques remain blank.”

Blake squeezed Liam’s hand as she grinned up at him.

He gave her a sheepish grin, almost running a hand through his hair before he brought it back down. Blake giggled at that.

*Good thing he remembered that he’d probably mess it up if he did that.*

“Sorry,” he said, “I know I was rambling a bit.”

Blake shook her head, “Don’t be. You’re passionate about music. I like hearing you talk about it.” She bit her lip, “I also really like that you want to share it with me.”

“Of course,” he said, smiling, “Why wouldn’t I?”

Blake shrugged. She tried to think of an answer to that, but the hall suddenly went very quiet. Blake’s eyes widened, looking about for the cause, and she noticed that one of the violinists near the podium center-stage was standing. A moment later, everyone started clapping as an older gentleman with white hair entered from a door in the back and walked toward the podium. For the first time since walking in, Blake realized that a lot of the musicians looked very young.

“Is this a student orchestra?” she asked Liam.

He nodded, “It’s the school’s Symphony Orchestra. That’s why we got in free. Most of them are grad students, but I know a couple people from my theory classes that are good enough to play in it. I’ve only heard them a few times before, but it’s hard to tell the difference between them and a professional orchestra most of the time.”

Blake grinned at Liam, though his eyes had returned to the stage.

*Does he think I’m going to be disappointed that they’re not professionals? He could have told me they were just really young pros and I probably would have believed him.*

“What are the pieces they’re playing, anyway?” she asked.

“Just one,” he said, “Verdi’s *Messa Da Requiem.* It’s basically a Catholic mass for the dead written with the flair and drama of an Opera, since most of his compositions that people know of are Operas. It’s one of my favorite pieces.”

Blake grinned, trying to snuggle a bit closer to him as she squeezed his hand, though the chair was in the way, “I’m sure I’ll love it.”

She hoped she did. Classical music wasn’t always her thing, but she’d liked most of the pieces that Liam had suggested to her so far. If this was his favorite piece, she *really* wanted to like it.

“You’ve actually probably heard a few parts of it in a movie before,” he said, squeezing her hand back.

Blake raised an eyebrow, about to ask what movie, but she noticed the conductor raise his baton, and turned her attention to the stage.

The music started out soft, almost imperceptible, but rose in volume slowly, the choir and orchestra haunting as they rose from a whisper to a roar, then back down again. The soloists surprised her when they first came in. She definitely wasn’t used to that sound. As one sang his first notes, though, Liam’s hands tightened on hers, drawing her gaze.

*He looks so enraptured.*

Blake decided to keep her eyes on Liam after that, watching how he reacted to the changes in the music. How he would close his eyes or shiver at certain parts, how he would lean forward in his seat or sit back. His hand never left hers, though.

With her attention on Liam, however, Blake jumped when the orchestra let loose a loud blast, followed by loud banging drums. She looked back to Liam in time to catch him grinning at her. Blake stuck her tongue out at him.

*The fucker knew that was going to happen.*

She didn’t say anything, though, instead returning her attention to the music, and Liam.

This was the part Liam had been talking about. She thought she remembered it from a few old cartoons, and could recall the scene in the new Quentin Tarantino movie when it played as the KKK came riding over a hill in the night to attack the main characters.

As that part died down, trumpets sounded, but not from on-stage. Blake blinked, looking toward the upper balconies. Her eyes went wide when she realized that each one had three trumpet players, music stands before them. They, along with the orchestra, played a fanfare that was so full and incredible, especially when the choir came in, that it sent shivers through Blake, making her uncovered arm and leg break out in goose bumps. A glance at Liam told her that this was his favorite part.

The piece dipped down then for a bit, still full of drama, yet without as much contrast as the beginning. Blake actually found herself liking the soloists quite a bit. There was one part where the choir suddenly roared, making her jump, and realize she’d stopped paying attention to Liam. As the music went on, however, she found it hard to keep her focus solely on him and his reactions to the music. By the time the loud theme she recognized returned, the music transitioning seamlessly, Blake found herself on the edge of her seat, hand gripping Liam’s.
Once or twice, during brief rests between the different movements, Blake found her mind returning to the fantasy she’d had of her and Liam, where just hearing him play music had made her wet.

*Maybe I can find a way to make that happen some day. I was close enough already when I heard him in the practice rooms that once. Fuck, that feels like so long ago.*

When the piece finally ended, the final notes barely louder than a whisper, even with the brass, Blake found herself breathless, and yearning for more.

When the conductor finally lowered his baton and everyone began to clap, Blake leapt out of her seat, clapping furiously.

She felt Liam nudge her, and looked up to find him smiling hopefully.

“Did you like it?” His voice was just barely audible over the applause.

“It was incredible,” she breathed, “I–”

Unable to decide on the right words, Blake grabbed Liam by his hair and kissed him deeply.

*I think I like being this tall. Fuck, I don’t know if I can get used to wearing five-inch heels all the time, though.*

She knew it was probably messing up her makeup a little bit, but she didn’t care anymore. She needed him *now.*

When she finally pulled back, she tried to control her breathing a bit as she clutched at the lapels of his jacket, “Uh, Liam? Any chance you’d be comfortable with me dragging you into the ladies room?”

Liam’s eyes bulged, but Blake grinned as she caught a hint of movement from Liam’s pants out of the corner of her eye.

“Kidding,” she reassured him after another lingering peck.

*Only a little bit. Maybe a bit later down the road.*

“But since that’s not an option,” she said, breathing in the scent of his cologne. *Fuck, whatever that is, it’s like liquid sex. Why does just smelling it make me so fucking wet?* “Can you call a car and tell them you’ll pay them an extra $10 for every red light they run and $30 for every pedestrian they hit?”

Liam grinned. Before Blake could tell him she was serious, Liam pulled her into a kiss that left her breathless. Blake made sure to press her hips into his, and grinned against his lips when she felt something press against her hip.

When Liam pulled back and took out his phone, he was still grinning, but something had changed in his eyes.

*Fuck, yes, he wants me.*


Blake took deep, controlled breaths as she strode from the bathroom to her room, blue hair once again falling over her shoulders. It didn’t look *as* good with the dress as the black hair–with the red dress, and her pale skin, Blake thought she looked a rocket-pop–but she had a feeling Liam would like it, even if she still had it in braids rather than flowing free as usual.

*I also don’t want to risk him pulling the wig off or damaging it while we’re fucking.*

She didn’t think Liam was the type to pull her hair unless she told him to, but he liked touching her hair. And massaging her scalp.

Blake shivered at that thought as she opened the door. She hadn’t asked Liam to do that–he just seemed to like it.

A grin split her face as she came into the room, Liam rising from the edge of the bed.

*Fuck, he’s gorgeous.*

That alone had been problem enough when she’d first met him. It was his heart that had caused her to fall for him, though.

Blake closed the door behind her and hung her black wig up on a peg next to her closet, not breaking stride as she approached Liam. Their lips met in a kiss that left both of them breathless by the time the pulled back. Blake’s heart hammered in her chest. Her pussy had already been wet and hungry for Liam’s cock. Now it burned with need.

“Have I told you that you look really, really good in this?” Blake asked, meeting Liam’s gaze as she fingered the lapels of his jacket. Her heels were killing her feet, but she liked being this tall. She didn’t have to crane her neck as much to look into his eyes, and her legs and ass looked damn fine in the heels.

*Maybe I can look into some half-platforms half-heels for the future?*

“You have,” Liam said, reaching out to run his fingers down one of her braids. He grinned, “Have I told you that these make you look adorable?”

Blake narrowed her eyes and stuck her tongue out at him, “Hey! I’m supposed to look sexy, not adorable.”

He grinned, raising an eyebrow, “*Por que non los dos?*”

Before Blake could respond to that, Liam pulled her to him–by her braids!–and kissed her again, pushing all thought from her mind for a bit. She pressed herself against him, clinging to his shoulder and his jacket.

She whimpered when he pulled back, lighting her cheeks on fire. His smirk only made her even more embarrassed as he twisted the end of one of her braids between his fingers, “Huh, I think I like these.”

Blake wanted to be indignant, but the gleam in Liam’s eyes made her knees weak for a moment. An image of her down on her knees, Liam’s massive cock down her throat, with him holding her by her braids while he fucked her face, made her afraid she would completely ruin the panties and maybe even the dress if she didn’t take them off soon.

“You do look incredible though, Blake.”

Blake knew the grin that spread across her face at Liam’s words was probably dopey as fuck, but she didn’t care.

“I thought you looked incredible normally,” he continued, “but tonight…”

He cut off, smiling, “You just look really amazing.”

Blake bit her lip, squirming. She grabbed at one of his buttons, “Liam, stop talking and get me naked before I ruin these panties.”

He grinned and kissed her again. Blake moaned into the kiss, pressing herself against Liam. She cackled when his cock pressed against her thigh.

Blake whimpered when he pulled back, then moaned when Liam kissed her neck, then moved to her ear. She clutched at Liam’s clothes, gasped as he sucked and nipped at her ear. Electricity bolted through her, from Liam’s mouth directly to her pussy, making her even wetter, even more desperate to have him inside her again.

“Liam,” she gasped, shuddering as he kissed down her neck and shoulder, “I need–Ah! Fuck, that feels good. The zipper’s in the–oh fuck!”

Blake moaned loudly as Liam’s lips latched onto her shoulder, sucking hard.

“Can you leave the dress on?” he asked a moment later, breath hot on her ear.

It took Blake a moment to make sense of his words. She didn’t think he’d sucked hard enough to give her a hickey, but *fuck,* it had felt good. When she realized what Liam had asked, she shivered.

“Yes,” she gasped as Liam returned to kissing her neck and shoulders, “Yes. Fuck, yes. Just–ah! Need my panties off.”

Blake heard Liam’s grin when he spoke, “I can handle that.”

Blake whimpered when his lips left her neck, but his hands were on her the next moment, roving her body, slowly travelling downward. Blake opened her eyes to find him slowly crouching down before her.

*I can hold out a bit longer.*

“Wait,” she breathed, grabbing his shoulders and pulling him back up. She gazed into his blue eyes, “You first.”

Liam grinned just before Blake kissed him again.

*Two can play at that game, you cocky fucker.* I *win the teasing game.*

Blake’s nimble fingers went to work as she kissed Liam, his hands cupping her face and the back of her head. The tie made Blake grin a bit as she pulled at it, a few naughty ideas popping into her head.

*We’ll see if either of us are up for that tonight.*

While tying Liam up and having her way with him would be fun, tonight she wanted *him* to fuck her. Hard.

Once she had the knot undone, tie hanging from his shoulders, Blake’s fingers went to his buttons. She had to restrain herself from simply tearing at the shirt. It was nice, and looked really good on him.

*Fuck, now I want to steal it, though.*

She didn’t think Liam would mind seeing her walk around in just his shirt.

Once Blake had the final button on Liam’s shirt undone, she pressed her hands against his bare flesh. She licked her lips at the hard muscle and smooth flesh under her fingers, squeezing at Liam’s abs just a bit before running her hands up his torso and over his chest. When she came to his shoulders, she slipped her hands under both the jacket and shirt and pushed them off. Liam grinned against her lips, removing her hands from her to comply as she pushed the clothing off his torso. He let it fall the bed.

Blake broke the kiss after a last quick nip at Liam’s lower lip, then took a step back and took in his naked torso. His skin was smooth, muscles sculpted. The only hair was a light dusting on his chest and forearms, the actual hairs so light Blake could easily forget about them unless she had her fingers tangled among them.

Then Blake’s hands went to Liam’s pants.

“No,” he said, placing a hand against her chest. Blake was too quick for him, though. She’d already undone the buckle and pulled the belt free from its loops as she looked up at Liam, giving him her best innocent smile.

He smirked, then pushed on her chest, “My turn.”

Blake took a step back, then another as he continued to push. She started when she felt the wall against her back and noticed a glint of satisfaction in Liam’s eyes.

Now shirtless and jacketless, he sank down to his knees again, hands running over the curves of her body. Blake shivered as his fingers brushed the naked flesh of her thigh, then slipped under the fabric. Wide-eyed, mouth half-open in a silent gasp, she gazed down at Liam to find him grinning up at her as his fingers found the hem of her lacy thong and tugged. He was gentle pulling the fine, but small scrap of fabric down slowly. His eyes didn’t leave hers until the band came into view. Then he switched his grip, pulling down on the middle of the panties with one hand while the other gripped her exposed thigh.

Then he kissed her thigh.

Blake hissed, tilting her head back against the wall, eyes fluttering closed as her leg broke out in goose bumps. Liam didn’t just brush his lips against her flesh, but sucked a little bit before breaking contact and moving further down. He licked a line across her thigh just above her panties, then kissed her again before moving down and repeating the process as the hand gripping the back of her thigh–his hand was big enough that it encircled half of her limb–squeezed and kneaded at her muscles.

Blake started panting, glad that her panties were no longer against her pussy. Liam’s attentions didn’t cause her more physical pleasure than him kissing her nipples or eating her out or fucking her would have, but it was so fucking sexy. The sheer eroticism of it had Blake’s pussy dripping down the inside of her thigh. She was barely able to keep herself from quivering with lust. One hand pressed flat against the wall, steadying her. The other she threaded through Liam’s hair, gripping his scalp. She knew she’d messed up his hair, but she didn’t care.

*I’m the one with schoolgirl pigtails, for fuck’s sake.*

Plus, she liked his hair a little messy. It made him a little bit less perfect. Just enough to seem real.

*Which only makes him more fucking perfect. Oh, fuck, that’s so good.*

This was something Blake hadn’t experienced before. Her past experiences had been focused around sex and raging hormones, but this…this made her feel like she was going to melt.

*It’s like he just wants to show me how into me he is.*

She’d never had anyone treat her like this. Even with Chloe, the foreplay had been pussy or nipple-centric aside from kissing.

A sudden, unexpected sensation on her inner thigh made Blake jump and bark a laugh. She looked down to find Liam nipping at the inside of her thigh.

“Ticklish?” he asked, a mischievous glint in his eye.

“Don’t you fucking dare,” she said, unable to keep the giggle from her voice.

He just grinned and went back to kissing her leg.

This time, Blake watched him, reveling in the feeling of his lips and his fingers as they traveled down her calf. When Liam finally reached her ankle, Liam licked a long, swift line up to her knee, making her shiver and giggle again. Then he lifted up each of her heeled feet in turn, slipping the thong off before tossing it toward the bed.

Blake pushed herself off the wall a bit, ready to pull Liam up and finally free his cock.

*I bet he’s so fucking hard right now, his poor cock is all trapped in his pants, just begging to be free.*

The Blake gasped.

While she’d been distracted, Liam had moved back up her legs and pushed her dress open at the slit.

“Fuck,” she gasped, fingers digging into his scalp as her hips thrust forward involuntarily.

Liam chuckled against her pussy, the vibrations sending sparks of pleasure through her already worked-up body. Then his tongue was inside her, licking between her folds as his chin and nose pressed against her outer lips and her clit.

*Fuck, how am I already this close?*

Something was different than usual. Blake didn’t know if it was that after finally fucking Liam, the hours she’d spent not fucking him had just built up her desire to a tipping point, or the effect of tonight on her emotions and her body.

*He made me feel so special. Letting me dress up for him and dressing up for me, treating me to dinner, sharing something he loves with me and allowing me to see him so passionate. And then the way he kissed me and practically worshiped my leg.*

He’d barely taken his eyes off her the entire night, too, save during the concert. Even then she’d caught him sneaking a few glances at her, and he’d never taken his hand from hers save to clap.

As Liam continued eating her out, Blake found herself unable to open her eyes. Her mouth worked soundlessly, legs trembling as bolts of pleasure shot through her with every flick of Liam’s tongue. At this point, he and the wall were the only things holding her up. His hands had moved to her ass, kneading and squeezing.

*Fuck, I’m so close. Is this what it’s like to be with someone who makes you feel special? Not just someone who you’re crazy about, but who’s crazy about you and shows you how they feel?*

“Fuck!” Blake gasped, finding her voice at last, “Fuck, Liam. Yes! Your mouth feels so good.”

A bit of a laugh entered Blake’s voice at that last part. She didn’t care. Even if she had, she wouldn’t have been able to stop. She felt drunk and high and horny all at the same time, and she hadn’t even cum yet.

“Please make me cum, Liam. I want to cum for you so bad.”

His tongue sped up between her folds, hands tightening on her ass as he ground his jaw against her pussy.

“Oh, fuck, yes,” she half-gasped, half-giggled, “Fuck that feels good. I’m so close, Liam.”

She brought her other hand to his head, pressing his head against her hips as she arched her back, “Make me cum. Please, please.”

Blake couldn’t stop smiling.

*Fuck. This is it. This is what I’ve wanted for so long, and he’s not even inside me. Fuck, will I just lose it when that happens?*

She hadn’t lost it earlier. But then, Liam hadn’t taken her out yet then.

“Oh god,” she gasped, almost there, “Fuck, I’m close. Your tongue feels so fucking good. Make me cum, Liam. Please, Liam. Please. Fuck! Fu–”

Blake cut off with a shriek, slumping against the wall as she came. Her entire body exploded with pleasure, legs shaking, hands clutching at Liam’s head. She would have fallen to the floor if Liam hadn’t held her up. He hadn’t stopped eating her out either.

“Fuck,” Blake gasped, her voice raw, breathing ragged, “Fuck, oh fuck.”

*Oh fuck, yes. Keep me cumming, Liam. Fuck, yes.*

His mouth felt amazing, tongue prolonging her orgasm, keeping her riding the top of that wave longer than she had in a while, even including this morning and the previous night. What she couldn’t figure out, though, was why Liam was laughing.

*Wait, that’s not Liam, that’s me. Fuck, I’ve lost it.*

Blake found she didn’t care that much. It felt too fucking good.

(Continued in the comments)



  1. **Liam**

    Tongue finally too close to cramping for Liam’s liking, he pulled his head back from between Blake’s legs. Glistening strings of arousal and pussy juice connected his Blake’s lower lips to his. He swiped at them with his tongue, lapping at some of the wetness around his mouth, then adjusted his footing–not the easies thing with his cock as hard as it was. Blake was still giggling and panting, legs quivering, but her fingers had gone slack in his hair. The weight of her legs on his arms had also grown a lot heavier. Carefully, pressing Blake against the wall with one arm and holding her up by the ass with the other, Liam rose, a little concerned. Blake’s hands fell to her sides, and her head was thrown back against the wall. Eyes closed as giggles slipped from her lips, chest heaving with every breath.

    *Is she alright?*

    Blake almost seemed drunk, not that he could actually ever remember seeing her that way.

    *Neither of us drank at the restaurant, and even if we had, she wouldn’t be sober for two hours and then suddenly be wasted.*

    “Blake?” he whispered, leaning in close as he tried to get a good grip on her, “Can you wrap your arms around my neck?”

    Blake didn’t answer, but after a moment, her arms rose to lazily cross behind his neck.

    *Hope she holds on.*

    Liam lifted her up without too much effort, very thankful for their size different, and carried her the short distance to the bed before carefully laying her down on the sheets. He slipped off his shoes, then sat down next to her, stroking her hair. She cuddled up to him, still giggling, if not as much as before.

    “Blake? You okay?”

    She did something like a nod, eyes fluttering open to gaze up at him. They shone in the room’s dim light, pupils dilated.

    *If she’s not drunk, is she just really turned on?*

    “Do you want me to get you out of the dress?”

    She shook her head. The giggling had stopped now, but her eyes had taken on a bit of a dazed look. Her chest still rose and fell noticeably with every breath, which did very nice things to her breasts, though Liam was surprised that her nipple weren’t straining at the fabric.

    “Wanted to fuck me in it,” Blake breathed, voice thick, almost ragged.

    Liam frowned, “Are you sure you’re alright? Should I get you water or something?”

    Blake took a few deep breaths before her eyes finally focused on him. She brought her hand to his thigh, “I’m sure. Water’s probably not a bad idea, though.”

    Liam half-rose from the bed before noticing a half-full glass of water on the nightstand. He handed it to Blake and helped her straighten, propping her up against the pillows and headboard. She drank greedily, but not all, offering him the last few sips, which he accepted gratefully.

    “I think,” Blake began, then paused as Liam set the water down on the nightstand, “I think you broke me a little bit.”

    Liam felt his eyes widen, and Blake grinned, another giggle slipping lose. This time, she slapped a hand over her mouth, though her deep blue eyes still laughed.

    “It’s a good thing,” she said from behind the hand, taking him by the arm with her free hand, “Really good. I promise. I feel amazing.”

    Liam relaxed, smiling, “Should I continue then?”

    Blake bit her lip, cheeks darkening, “I want to, but not yet. I don’t know exactly what you did, but it made something wonderful and weird happen in my brain, and I haven’t entirely come down from it yet. If you started fucking me right now, I think you’d actually break my brain.”

    Somehow, her cheeks darkened further, “I don’t know if I’m ready for you to see me like that yet. Too…unpredictable.”

    Liam studied her for a moment, then nodded, smiling, “That’s fine. I was watching when you cuddled Lt. Dan, though. You okay if I get you out of the heels, by the way?”

    Blake flopped tilted her head back, “*Yes.* I love those heels cuz they make me tall and my legs and ass look amazing in them, but they’ve been actively murdering my feet since I put them on.”
    Liam grinned as he scooted down toward Blake’s feet.

    “I remember that,” she said as he slipped off the first heel, “Oh, fuck yes! And me cuddling Lt. Dan is probably about only a third of the crazy that would happen if you manage to do something like that to me.”

    Liam eyes widened for a bit at that. His cock throbbed at the memory of seeing Blake like that. Her giggling made a lot more sense.

    *Shit…so her acting like that was just because I made her cum really hard?*

    She hadn’t acted that way last night or this morning though. There had to be something else to it. Liam didn’t think Blake was hiding anything from him–more likely she just didn’t realize it.

    *Maybe waking up to sex just made her turned on the whole day and all the teasing plus the date really added up? She came a lot quicker than she did earlier.*

    “So basically if I want to break your brain, I should just tie you up and edge you for an hour before fucking you?” Liam asked, grinning at Blake as he set the first shoe down at the foot of the bed, then went to the next, “Also…should I be insulted that the noises you make when I take your shoes off are the same ones you make when I go down on you?”

    “Fuck,” Blake hissed, toes flexing as Liam slipped off her other heel, “Oh fuck, finally.”

    She looked at him, a hungry glint in her eyes, “Heels, not shoes–heels are far more evil, so no you shouldn’t. And yeah, I think that would work. It would put that tie to good use, too.”
    Liam blinked, gazing at Blake.

    *Does she want me to do that now?*

    The idea of that was hot, but he’d never done anything like that before.

    *Wouldn’t we need like…a safe-word or something?*

    “We can save that for later, though,” Blake continued, “I don’t want my wand tonight. Just you.”

    Liam made sure not to let his relief show at that. He wasn’t opposed to the idea. The thought of being put on the spot like that just made him a little nervous.

    Not knowing exactly how to respond to Blake’s words, Liam went ahead with his original plan, and took one of Blake’s feet in both hands, placing his thumbs on the bottoms of her feet just beneath her toes. He grinned at the momentary surprise on her face, then started kneading.

    Blake’s eyes fluttered closed, head thunking against the head board, “*Oh, fuck!*”

    Liam just laughed, continuing to massage Blake’s feet.



    “Oh, fuck!”
    Blake felt like her eyes were going to roll back into her hear. Her body was on the edge of melting into a puddle of horny, contented moans as Liam’s thumbs worked magic on her feet. It shouldn’t have been erotic. He was just giving her a little massage.

    *But it just feels so fucking good.*

    Blake had mostly come down from the strange mix of giddiness and overwhelming pleasure that Liam had caused to saturate her brain, but she guess she was still worked up enough that Liam’s touch made her horny, even if she knew he wasn’t doing it for that reason.

    *Maybe its just him. Any time he touches me I feel all warm and safe, so why shouldn’t I feel more aroused when he touches me like this.*

    “You–you don’t have to do this,” she breathed.

    *Why the* fuck *did you say that? Shut up! It feels fucking incredible and he hasn’t even started on your other foot.*

    Blessedly, Liam did not stop. He just laughed, “I believe you said your heels had been ‘actively murdering my feet since I put them on.’ I’d want someone to massage my feet if I’d been wearing shoes that did that for the past few hours.”

    “But that–ohhh fuck,” Blake arched her back, flexing her toes. Liam had switched to the other foot. Every touch of his fingers relieved some of the soreness in her poor abused feet.

    “That’s not a first-date thing,” she continued, shuddering as Liam’s thumbs pressed against a particularly sore part of her arch, “that’s a boyfriend-girlfriend thing.”

    Blake’s eyes shot open, body going rigid.

    *Fuck, fuck, fuck! I fucked it up.*

    Liam didn’t look uncomfortable, though. And he hadn’t stopped massaging her feet. He looked at her expectantly, almost grinning as he grabbed her toe and pulled on it a little bit, then did the same to the next one.

    *Wait…did he like hearing that?*

    Blake had to swallow the massive lump that formed in her throat.

    “I don’t want to put any pressure on you, Blake,” Liam said, eyes on her feet as he continued working her toes, “And I’ll shut up about it if you want–I don’t want to ruin tonight for you. Isn’t that where this was going, though? You did tell me that you needed me, after all. I thought that was more of a boyfriend-girlfriend thing than a dating or friends-with-benefits thing.”

    He paused, switching from pulling on her toes to pressing his hand against them, stretching them and her Achilles, then looked up at her, “We can be whatever you want for now, though, alright?”

    Blake’s chest was tight, heart pounding against increasingly constricting walls.

    “You–you want to be my boyfriend?”

    Liam smiled, moving one hand to stroke her bare leg, a fond look in his eyes, “Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”

    *Because you deserve better. Because I’m fucked up and insane and will probably scare you off just by being me, much less when you find out about all my stupid family shit.*

    “You’re too perfect,” she murmured, averting her eyes.

    Liam’s hands left her feet. A moment later, he was next to her, tilting her chin up to meet his eyes.

    “You know I’m not,” he said.

    Then he kissed her. It melted away all her anxiety and doubt, relaxing her chest, slowing her pounding heart. It was slow. No tongue, no biting. The kiss wasn’t chaste. Just…

    *Perfect. Just like you. You know I meant you’re perfect* for me, *asshole. I just don’t deserve that.*

    Liam broke the kiss, touching his forehead to hers, “Fuck what I said earlier about no pressure.”

  2. Whew! Hey everyone. Sorry for the uber-late post this time. I wanted to do something big for part 69, and include some 69-ing in it. Even then I screwed up in this sub because I forgot that it seems crossposting *to* this sub is disallowed. This part ended up being double the character-count limit for a post. I hope you guys enjoy it! The rest of this part is continued in the comments.

    In case any of you are interested, [here is Verdi’s *Messa da Requiem*](, one of my absolute favorite pieces. The music starts at the 8:30 mark.

    I also created my own subreddit: /r/taylorstormserotica. It’s still a bit more under construction than I would like a the moment, (so please let me know if you have any issues either in the comments or DM) but I plan on using this for *The Camgirl* arcs 1, 2 and 3, Marie’s story, which I’m currently thinking of calling *The Roommate* and some other shorts and ideas that I plan to write and have cued up in case I ever get writer’s block while writing about Blake and Liam. I will also be creating a side-bar link for each complete story so that they are easier to read, and will also post info about any paid books or shorts I publish on Amazon (including each arc of *The Camgirl* once I finish them). Please subscribe/join! Sorry for the delay!

    I hope you enjoyed this part and continue to enjoy the story itself! Reviews and comments are always appreciated.

    For anyone who wants to help support me, please visit either my [Ko-Fi]( if you want to just drop me a tip, or my [Patreon]( if you want to support via monthly-subscription!

    [Part I](
    [Part II](
    [Part III](
    [Part IV](
    [Part V](
    [Part VI](

    [Part VII](
    [Part VIII](
    [Part IX](
    [Part X](
    [Part XI](
    [Part XII](

    [Part XIII](
    [Part XIV](
    [Part XV](
    [Part XVI](
    [Part XVII](
    [Part XVIII](

    [Part XIX](
    [Part XX](
    [Part XXI](
    [Part XXII](
    [Part XXIII](
    [Part XIV](

    [Part XXV](
    [Part XXVI](
    [Part XXVII](
    [Part XXVIII](
    [Part XIX](
    [Part XXX](

    [Part XXXI](
    [Part XXXII](
    [Part XXXIII](
    [Part XXXIV](
    [Part XXXV](
    [Part XXXVI](

    [Part XXXVII](
    [Part XXXVIII](
    [Part XXXIX](
    [Part XL](
    [Part XLI](
    [Part XLII](

    [Part XLIII](
    [Part XLIV](
    [Part XLV](
    [Part XLVI](
    [Part XLVII](
    [Part XLVIII](

    [Part XLIX](
    [Part L](
    [Part LI](
    [Part LII](
    [Part LIII](
    [Part LIV](

    [Part LV](
    [Part LVI](
    [Part LVII](
    [Part LVIII](
    [Part LIX](
    [Part LX](

    [Part LXI](
    [Part LXII](
    [Part LXIII](
    [Part LXIV](
    [Part LXV](
    [Part LXVI](

    [Part LXVII](
    [Part LXVIII](
    [Part LXIX](

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