The Lamia Quest [MF, monstergirl, nc, Fdom, unbirth]

Scott and Anath, lifelong friends and partners in adventure, entered the lair of the lamia together. They had accepted a quest to kill the creature, a half-human half-snake, for the safety of a nearby village. The reward offered was high, and it was thought that the monster had her own hoard on top of that. For Anath, success meant a nice house for him and his beloved Wynona back home. For Scott, it wasn’t so much about the gold as it was satisfaction that he was making the world a better place by ridding it of evil, and sharing the task with his best mate.

Anath was tall and agile, he led the way deeper into the cave. Scott followed as quietly as he could manage, which wasn’t easy in his heavy armor. The tunnel kept curving around and around, and always sloped downward. They both had torches, but there wasn’t much look at. The walls were unnaturally smooth, even tidy. They heard nothing as they descended, but after several minutes, began to notice a faint fragrance in the air. To Anath, it smelled like the soap his Wynona liked to use in the bath, and to Scott it smelled just like the incense from the cathedral where he had pledged to live a life of goodness.

Confused but alert, the two heroes pressed onward until they saw light emanating from around the next turn. Anath poked his head around the corner first, and beheld the den of the beast that the villagers lived in fear of. But instead of bones and filth, he found himself gazing upon a spacious parlor. It was cheerfully lit by a glowing orb affixed to the ceiling. There were decorative carpets, polished wooden furniture, a lit fireplace, and even some paintings hanging on the walls. An archway on the far side revealed a hallway that seemed to lead to more rooms to the left and right.

Anath motioned for Scott to take a look. As he did, a young lady in a short white nightgown and slippers appeared in the hall from a side room. The men froze, but the girl hadn’t noticed them. She walked straight to a bookcase and plucked out a book. Then she made herself comfortable on a bench by the wall and began to flip through the pages with delicate fingers. Finding the right one, she leaned back against the hall, crossed her legs, and started to read quietly. She was pale, slim, with long ginger hair and bangs, and delicate features.

Anath and Scott pulled back out of sight, and exchanged looks. Could this young woman really be the lamia? She looked like she could be a girl from their own village. No scales or reptilian eyes, no sign of a tail under that threadbare nightie. Her fingernails were pink and well-trimmed, no black claws. Possibly there were fangs hidden behind those lips, but it didn’t seem likely.

“Who’s there?” a small voice interrupted their thoughts.

Anath took a deep breath. He knew he was the least intimidating of the two, and he could be quite a charmer when he wanted to. He held Scott back, then stepped out alone into the light. The girl was already looking in his direction, she must have sensed their presence somehow. Her blue eyes widened when she saw Anath.

“Who are you? What are you doing in my house?” she demanded, standing up and glaring.

“I’m sorry, miss,” Anath sputtered, feeling like a peeping tom. “My name is Anath, and I didn’t know this was your home. I was looking for a monster, actually. I’ve been hired to slay the lamia, and I thought this was its lair. Really didn’t expect to find you in a place like this, Miss…”

“My name’s Neyu,” she said, her face softening.

“Miss Neyu,” Anath bowed.

“And who is your friend?” she asked.

Anath’s face reddened, “Ah, my friend…”

Caught, Scott emerged from the shadows to stand beside his partner.

“Very sorry,” Scott said hurriedly. “I was just… you see, we thought there was a monster in here so… Naturally, I didn’t mean to… if we had known it was you-”

“We’ll just leave,” Anath said, and started to turn.

“Wait. You said you were here for the lamia?”

“You know something about it?” Scott asked.

“Yes. It’s quite a long story, but I’ve met her.”

“You’ve met her?” Anath asked incredulously.

“And lived to tell the tale. I know, it sounds impossible. I mean, look at me, I’m no fighter. It’s a long story like I said. Come in, sit down, and I’ll tell you.” Neyu smiled and motioned towards some chairs around a table. “I’ll even make tea.”

The men were relieved. It had been a long trek through forest to get here, and then they had embarrassed themselves by intruding on some poor innocent. Tea and conversation with a pretty girl was always welcome, not to mention they had no idea where to go after this. They must have taken a wrong turn somewhere, and any information Neyu had would be useful.

“But please, take off your boots first,” she said.

Scott and Anath were happy to do as they were told, sat down at the table and also removed their gloves while Neyu prepared the tea. Looking around, it was hard to avoid staring at her while she worked. The long shirt she had on seemed like it had seen better days, and had become practically see-through. They could see her panties when she bent over the kettle, and struggled not to stare at the points of her nipples as she poured their tea and served small biscuits. Anath had to remind himself that the love of his life was awaiting his return, while Scott made silent prayers to keep his mind pure.

“Here we are,” Neyu said brightly as she joined them at the table. “It’s been such a long time since I’ve had any company. Let’s eat!”

The tea was bitter and black, complimented nicely by the sweet and minty cookies.

“These are delicious,” Anath said, “did you bake them yourself?”

“I did,” she said, smiling shyly at Anath.

Scott cut to the chase. “So what did you have to tell us about the lamia?”

“Oh, that. You’ll see soon enough,” Neyu said, batting her eyelashes at Anath.

“What does that… mean? What…” Scott slurred, suddenly feeling dizzy.

Anath fell face forward onto the table.

“God… protect us,” Scott managed.

He heard Neyu giggling as he passed out.

Anath was the first to wake up, mostly because Neyu was slapping his face until his eyes fluttered opened. He looked around groggily.

“Good, you’re okay,” Neyu said happily, and took a few steps back.

Except she didn’t have feet anymore, Anath realized, or legs. Neyu stood before him completely naked, and the bottom half of her body was that was a giant white snake. That snapped him out of his fog, and he tried to move. Of course he couldn’t, Neyu had stripped him nude and bound him well with special rope, it was soft to the touch but strong like steel.

“Don’t worry, my love,” Neyu said soothingly. “I’m not going to kill you. Save your strength.”

“What are you talking about! Where’s Scott!” he yelled, and Neyu winced.

“Not so loud, you’re ruining the mood,” she said, putting a hand to her bare chest. “Scott is fine, he’s just in the other room. I wanted us to be alone.”

Neyu slithered over to a shelf lined with bottles of various sizes and labels. Anath saw that they were no longer in the parlor, but a large candlelit room that was mostly bare. He was sitting on the floor with his back against the wall, his wrists secured behind him. He didn’t believe Neyu when she said she wouln’t kill him. Lamias would eat humans, that’s what he had always heard. He had to stall her somehow until he could think of a way out of this.

“I want to see Scott,” he demanded. “Prove that he’s okay.”

Neyu took a bottle from the shelf and turned back to him. “I told you, he’s fine. You can see him after, okay?”

“After what?”

She slithered up to him, leaned down and whispered, “I’m going to rape you.”

Anath looked at her with surprise. She towered over him with the height added by holding herself up with her muscular tail, and the light behind her made her look more monstrous. Her eyes glittered as she removed the the cork from the bottle she held, and then she began to pour its contents over him.

“Hey!” he shouted, and wriggled as the clear goo spilled over his head and dripped down his face.

Neyu giggled as she continued pouring it over his chest and legs, all the way down to his feet.

“Anath?” Scott’s voice suddenly called out from somewhere far away.

“Scott! I’m in here!” Anath yelled.

Neyu rolled her eyes.

“Anath! I’m in a cage!”

“Oh my,” Neyu snapped. “You’re both being very rude. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to use this.”

She snatched a jar off the shelf and dipped her fingers inside. Then she stormed back to Anath and smeared some of the slime across his mouth. His lips closed tight against his will, and he couldn’t make them open again.

“Now, I’ll go get Scott since you care more about him than the beautiful naked woman in front of you,” Neyu sniffed.

She left for only a moment before returning with a bird cage. She thrust it in front of Anath’s face.

“Here’s Scott,” she smirked.

Anath peered between the black bars in disbelief. His friend had somehow been reduced to a tiny version of himself. Scott crouched at the bottom of the cage, naked and terrified.

“God save us!” he cried with a small voice, and Anath realized that’s why he had sounded far away before, because his booming voice had shrunk along with his body.

“Hmmph!” Anath struggled to make a sound with his lips sealed shut.

Neyu placed the cage on a small table in the corner.

“We’ll let him watch,” she said, “and see if God answers his prayers… but I doubt it.”

She grabbed Anath by his ropes and dragged him to the middle of the room.

“I am the only god here,” she grinned wickedly.

“Get your claws off my mate!” Scott screeched.

“Just keep praying,” she retorted, and lowered her pale body on top of Anath.

She snuggled up on his chest like a cat and coiled her ivory tail around his legs. She didn’t seem to mind the slick clear oil she had doused him with, in fact she used it to slide around and spread the substance more. Feeling her scales against him was disturbing, but Anath found his body more receptive to the feel of her pillowy breasts pressing against his bare skin, and he felt himself getting hard in spite of himself.

“Stay strong, brother,” Scott called. He was trying to leap against the bars, but while the cage was small, it was heavy and well-made. They didn’t budge.

Neyu smiled down at Anath with azure eyes. “I really like your blonde hair… the villagers picked a handsome one this time.”

“The villagers? They knew?!” Scott asked, but Neyu didn’t answer. She was busy happily suckling on Anath’s swollen cock.

Anath tried to move away, but his effort was weak. His heart belonged to Wynona, but his body made no distinctions. Her tongue felt too good, even if she was a monster. If anything that made it even better, as it was long and wrapped around him in a way he had never thought possible. And she was sucking him so aggressively, as if she were dying to taste him. Wynona had never touched him that way before. But he still loved her, he reminded himself. No matter what happened, he would still belong to her.

“Wynona,” he tried to say, but he could only moan behind locked lips.

“Hah… I knew you liked me,” Neyu said between licks to his balls while she vigorously stroked the full length of his shaft.

“And you like my tits, don’t you? I know they’re big. I’d let you taste them but you lost that chance. Maybe next time you won’t yell in my house.”

“Not gonna be a next time!” Scott swore angrily from his prison.

“Not for you, maybe,” Neyu muttered. “But Anath… I’m going to fuck you every day.”

She stopped stroking him and instead squeezed her breasts together firmly around his throbbing dick.

“Every day,” she repeated, and licked the precum from his tip, “And I’ll let you fuck me too, once you’re a little more broken in.”

Anath groaned helplessly with pleasure.

“Remember Wynona,” Scott said, seeing the glazed look in his old friend’s eyes. “You were doing this all for her. You’ve got to make it back to her.”

Neyu kept rubbing Anath with her slippery tits and expertly sucking and licking the head of his cock until he thought his mind might explode.

“I’m sorry, Wynona,” he thought, as he stopped struggling and let his carnal desire take over. “I’m at my limit.”

Anath came so hard that he groaned as if he were in pain instead of ectasy. He shuddered as he shot load after load of his cum into Neyu’s eager mouth, and she devoured it like an animal. She just kept going, squeezing every last drop from him until there was nothing left for her. Even Scott was speechless in his cage.

“That was good,” she purred, raising herself back up on her tail, “but now my pussy is hungry too.”

She pulled Anath up into a sitting position, and pressed her scaly pelvis up against his face. He pulled back from her, but she grabbed his head and pushed his nose hard against her dripping mound.

“Ah…” Neyu sighed as she rubbed her slit up and down his lips. “I can’t wait anymore. I’m going to put you deep inside me.”

The end of her tail wound itself around Anath’s body up to his shoulders. His eyes widened in shock as her muscles tightened and lifted him completely off the floor.

“Anath!” Scott cried in alarm.

Neyu looked into her prey’s eyes with a dreamy smile while she began to rub her pussy.

“You’re so handsome,” she moaned, slipping two fingers into herself, “and it’s been so long since…”

She trailed off as she caressed Anath’s cheek lovingly with her free hand.

“Hah… I’ll be ready for you soon,” she said breathily.

Anath watched, mesmerized, as Neyu inserted a third finger into her juicy pussy, then a fourth, and then her fist… and then her other hand as well.

“You can’t possibly mean to…” Scott gasped in horror.

Neyu cast him a sideways glance and giggled.

“Don’t worry, this won’t hurt a bit,” she promised sweetly, before spreading herself open before Anath’s unbelieving eyes.

“No!” Scott yelled as Neyu used her glistening white tail to push Anath’s head straight into her hungry cunt.

Anath panicked and wriggled wildly as he sunk face first inside the lamia.

“Ah! Don’t move so much, you’ll make me cum already!” she cried, before pushing his entire head inside down to the shoulders.

“He can’t breathe!” Scott screamed, “You’ll kill him! You said you wouldn’t!”

Neyu burst into cruel laughter, and shoved her prey deeper inside, past the shoulders. Scott went berserk, throwing himself against the walls of his avian jail.

“Uunnnhhh, he’s so big,” Neyu cried, her eyes sparkling blissfully.

“I’ll kill you! God as my witness, I’ll kill you!” Scott raged.
But she paid him no mind, she was too busy flexing and unflexing her serpentine body, consuming Anath bit by bit.

“Oh goddd,” she panted, rubbing her swollen lower body with her hands, “Keep fighting, Anath, don’t stop!”

Of course he couldn’t hear her, but Anath was obeying her command anyway. He was struggling desperately with all his strength, but her muscular walls kept squeezing him tighter and tighter, and sucking more of him in. He didn’t know how much longer he could hold out. He tried to think of Wynona to give him strength, but the memory of Neyu’s tongue wrapped around his cock kept interrupting. He burned with shame, even as he fought for his life.

“Neyu, wait, please listen to me,” Scott begged, changing his tactic. “Don’t kill him, he’s a good man, there’s a woman waiting for him at home. This was going to be his last adventure, they were going to settle down together. Let him go, take… take me instead.”

“Annnhhh… ahhh…!” Neyu whimpered with ecstasy as Anath’s hips slid down inside her. “This is it! I’m going to cum with you inside me Anath!”

She forcedfully stuffed the rest of his legs in, until only his feet were outside and still wiggling furiously. Her pupils rolled up under her heavy eyelids, her pale body was blushing all over, and her tongue lolled out of her mouth.

“I can feel his whole body struggling against me! I’m cumming! I’m cumming!” she moaned deeply as she clutched at the massive lump inside her with one hand, and desperately stroked her clit with the other.

Scott watched helplessly as the lamia’s body was wracked with orgasm around his trapped partner.

“Uuuughhh!” Neyu screamed and fell writhing on the floor, her pussy overflowing with juices.

She bucked wildly and squeezed her own breasts.

“He won’t stop moving!” she gasped before another orgasm tore through her body. “Ahhhh! He’s amazing!”

Neyu rocked from side to side, drooling and twitching like a rabid beast. Scott dropped to his knees and prayed Anath would survive the snake’s powerful convulsions. He didn’t know how long it lasted, except that by the time Neyu had stopped cumming, Anath’s feet were no longer moving.

“Let him go,” Scott cried brokenly. “You’ve had your fun, now let him out, for God’s sake.”

Neyu got up slowly, beads of sweat glittering on her breasts. She smiled down at him.

“Don’t worry, your turn will come eventually,” she said, and gently pushed Anath’s feet the rest of the down until they disappeared, and her swollen pussy lips closed completely.

“No…” Scott said. “Wait…”

Neyu ignored the rest of his plea as she gently carried her bloated body around the room, blowing out the candles.

“I get the best sleep when I leave them inside,” she explained. “Goodnight for now, Scott.”

She slithered out of the room and closed the door behind her, leaving him alone to make his useless protests in the dark.



  1. I’m new to writing smut for the public but I have big aspirations, so feedback is appreciated. You can also view my stories at and and but since I’m so shiny and new, there’s only one other story up for now. My goal is to post a new story every week. Thanks for reading :)

  2. I’m a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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  3. I liked the story, not down with all the themes, but hey, you portrayed the characters well. Also glad to have another author with us. I feel like there has been a lack of sci-fi/fantasy works recently.
    Thanks for your contribution.

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