“So what is taking you so long” Angie shouted. “If you do not cum out here right.. now then I’m going to make you cum tonight at Moan Down on the Beach” Angie figured that enough time had passed. “I’m cuming.. (opening the half bath door) in” Angie was more up front today then ever. “Look girl step around here and let me see what you’ve got going on” for once Angie tried to coax Clarissa from behind the corner. “Don’t laugh” Clarissa said in a shaky voice as she step around the corner. “Mmm Mmmm.. (Clarissa stood there with a string separating her triple S’s) dam I would have to say green is your color” Angie was impressed with the bathing suit it fit like a glove. Starting to pace around Clarissa like some scarred gazelle, tracing where the string bikini laces were. “I would say that you are going to be cuming from a lot more then me tonight on the beach” cupping Clarissa breast as she made her way around Clarissa’s scantly clad body. Stopping right in front of her, hands now gripping both ass cheeks, heads only separated by Clarissa’s triple S’s and Angie’s double D’s. “I would be a fool if I would turn you down for a date tonight butt here’s the question (having Clarissa’s undivided attention was something that Angie was praying on).. Ooo my (having a completely bald pussy just made Angie cum right there).. better bring a dildo cuz you are going to be having the boys ripping off their shorts to pound that fucking cunt of yours” stealing the first kiss before Clarissa ever new what was happening. “Ok, ok.. I ‘ass’ume you want too see me in my bathing suit as well” shedding her shirt before Clarissa could nod. A quick snap (Angie’s shorts fell to the floor), “Ta da.. granted my swim wear does not fit like yours (pinching Clarissa’s nipple) butt a nice black never hurts (squeezing her double D’s together while stroking her kitty that was waiting under a landing strip) no one.. Oh see I even waxed (squeezing her lips together on the verge of a orgasm from looking at Clarissa) my lips so no stubble!”
“This is a first for you (looking into Clarissa’s eyes), a date with a banging hot one that can barely keep her hands from fingering you to a hot lusty orgasm” still nothing had resisted with in the violet colored eyes. “Your first walk on the pink sands (Angie could almost see Clarissa doing summersaults in her eyes) of this beach.. and Oh (seeing the trio of the new band) having you (Rrrrrrr, the growl that made Clarissa jump into hiding) in that banging bikini.. what, what did I say” Angie faked the surprise. “Hello boys.. Rrrrrrr.. I can see it’s hanging” Angie started to talk to the two who already made a fool of Clarissa.
“Must stay hidden, yes yes must stay hidden” as she crawled under a near by table bench combo. “Dam the sun is setting only four more hours till everybody is going to break up” guessing at the time was something she was good at butt the one thing she was not good at was the twin spankings landing on her ass. “Fuck, this is going to get me wet” Clarissa mouthed. “Welcum to the Moan Down at the Beach” that voice sounded a little to close, popping her head up as seeing the ass of the DJ. “Fuck.. she is one hot Mama I just (the rasping to her bum, the spanking cuming down from hard to soft then back to hard) just want to.. to..” loosing all hope of not cuming. “Oh fuck.. Oh Ooo Ooo.. (shit this will..) OooohOooohOooohOoooh OooohOooohOooohOoooh..” Clarissa’s body was in perfect tune as each individual strike was rewarded with a dual ass smack. “Hi, names X. You have a nice ass (touching her ass made her juice’s start to flow again) butt maybe we can talk after this gig” X patted her ass one more time sending a thermal rush of cum down her legs. “I would like you.. Uhh, too. Ya.. that, that what I meant” if there was a color for embracement you could spank Clarissa’s ass with it. Grasping her hands behind her back, thrusting out her triple S’s in his direction as she faded from the stage. Angie grabbed Clarissa’s ass, “Hey babe.. Mmm somebody got a good spanking and it wasn’t me. It turns out I have the wrong equipment to turn their heads, up or down never would have guessed butt (cupping Clarissa’s ass again) your ass is still beat red and hot, I would say somebody must like the drummer boy” Angie kept on yapping even though Clarissa was on a sexual high of her own.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/f028e3/wet_dreams_university_17_x_dream_master_ff_mf_mff