[MF] Coworker Story – It FINALLY Happened

Disclaimer: this actually happened last weekend, I shit you not. I’m still processing it, so bear with me…

TLDR: Uber long buildup story to my sexy coworker experiencing my BD.

THE SETUP: I [M30] started work at my current company last year around the same time as Heather (not her real name) [F24]. We don’t work closely, but our departments do interact, causing us to have to communicate regularly in person and in meetings.

I’m the quiet brooding type, but friendly to everyone I work with. I’m tall (6’2) and have been told I look a lot like Matt Bomer (from the show white collar) especially the hair. I do have a nice clean beard going right now. I’m also a dad and have a certain set of life experiences most people I work with don’t, so I’m kinda viewed at the “dad” of the office.

Heather immediately got my attention with her platinum blonde hair and sharp blue eyes. She’s about 5’8 and comes from good stock (I later found out) and has the private school education to go with it. And she’s fit. I’m talking <5% body fat. She does have a generous ass and she rocks it. I’m no measurement expert, but I’d say she’s about a 38C as well; a generous handful for my large hands.

Over time, our work relationship has always been cordial and friendly. We always find ourselves getting annoyed with the same people, giving those knowing glances to each other like “did you hear what he just said?”. We also often stay late for work together and end up being some of the last people in the office, so we’ve had more informal conversation about life, goals, dreams, etc… you know how it goes. I’ve always acted as a sort of “protector” of her, defending her in meetings, looking out for when people try to take advantage of her time, and being genuinely interested in who she is as a person. I know she’s noticed this as well.

Heather is a classic beauty, outgoing, mildly flirtatious (in a businesslike fashion) and living her “best life” with all the parties and nights out to go with it. Not my type historically. BUT I do remember early on having a thought that IF I were to have something with a coworker, it’d probably end up being her. *premonition intensifies*


Here’s where things get HEAVY….

Since “inches” are hard to visualize and even harder to trust, fully erect my dick is as long as an unsharpened pencil and as wide as a credit card…

… the whole “toilet paper roll” test is a joke to me, I cant even get it on the head. TEST ME on this and I’ll prove it (just have to find a pencil first, who uses those anymore?)

A few months ago I went down a youtube rabbit hole and was watching all these videos about guys filming women in public that were staring at their bulges.

AAAAAND boom goes the dynamite.

I start going commando. Yeah, I don’t know what I was expecting to happen either. My soft 5in dick is just slung down my pants leg like a cannoli. To make matters worse, I’ve already got old man balls. You know those big balls that hang almost as low as your dick? Proud recipient here.

But I’m subconsciously determined to get some girls at the office to ogle me, for my selfish satisfaction, so freeballing I go.

For the past few months I’ve been finding excuses to go up to heather while she’s at her desk and just stand there, asking her some bs question about TPS reports or what color the sun is, waiting for her to take a glance at eye level and linger on my pride and joy. GUESS WHAT?? she did. EVERY time…. all the time, in fact. She got that hot in the face, bite your lip, flip your hair and giggle act on passing me in the hall, sitting next to me in meetings, even when I made a presentation and she sat in the audience.

Now I’m in trouble.

There’s still nothing untoward between us at this point.. all business. BUT two weeks ago I get this “me and my roommates are having a party next weekend, you should come” thing from one of her visits to my desk. Yeah right, I think. I won’t fit in with all your young hip friends and you’re just being nice.


Yeah, of course I go to the party, but I tell everyone I’m not going to stay long. I bring a gift, and quickly realize I’ve been out of the game too long. I’m talking exceeding the fire code occupancy, weed at 150%, cocaine in the bathroom on schedule. It’s “LIT”.

I mingle and chitchat (keep in mind I didn’t show up till 10pm) for a while and manage to throw 4 G&T’s down (I still got it in that department) before heather, in this terribly seductive short dress and heels wants to do a shot with me after introducing me to some of her friends.

Shots having been done and after some more general partying/conversation with everyone I find myself outside with Heather and some of her friends for a smoke. Keep in mind I threw on my tightest pants for this *eye roll* and had already had a few comments from guys about “your dick is showing”… any way halfway through the cigarette I realize my arm is over the back of the bench we’re sharing. MISTAKE #687

Fast forward to like 1am: Heather and I have been around each other off and on throughout the entire party and obviously there’s flirting, an occasional touch of the arm or slap on the thigh.. you know that subversive stuff. Anyway, we walk out of the back of the house where we were talking to some people and start to pass the bathroom. I sputter out something about oh I’m gonna go after I go to the bathroom… and you know what?


Initially I’m like, well that’s rude, you just heard me say I needed to… OH WAIT A DAMN MINUTE

Yep. I know what’s going on. I’m looking her in the eyes as I slowly enter the room and have nothing to protest with as I close and lock the door behind my back. It gets fuzzy from that point on about what was said in that moment but I know it was something to the effect of “I want this” shouted as quietly as possible in unison.

She turns to rest that gorgeous ass on the bathroom sink and I (being the gentleman I am) help raise her short dress and pull down some tasteful black panties. PLOT TWIST. I immediately go down on her. Not sure if she was expecting it, but I’m no man-child and I know what I’m packing and I also know the concept of proper lubrication and I also love to pleasure the little man in the canoe.

She tastes amazing (granted I’m not sober, but idc) and I would have stayed there until the line for the bathroom was 10 deep. I slip a finger in to go with the mouth business and the hand on the back of my head pulling the shit out of my hair say “target acquired, fire when ready”. She pulls me up at some point and I know what for… “you can’t take it” I say, but she ain’t having that. So up on the counter she goes and in I go. Slowly at first. SHES TIGHT. But after 45 seconds or so, she’s breathing heavily, I’m gently giving her half my manhood and all is right with the world.

2 minutes of this and she whispers “I’ve wanted this for so long”. I cum instantly out of nowhere. oops. no condom. we’ll worry about that later.

I pull out like we’re gonna be done because, c’mon, surely there are like 5 people waiting at the door by now, right?

Wrong. It’s like she somehow knows I have a 15 second refractory period and just whips her poundable ass around and bends over the sink.. that poor sink had quite the night.

I oblige by sinking my cum soaked and veiny dick all the way into her..

.. ah shit now I’m getting hard again writing this, hold on

Ok, so I’m in, one hand on her hip, the other in front making cirque de soleil moves on her clit as I get my rhythm down. after a few minutes of that, I think she’s cum, honestly it was that drunk, primal sex, and I don’t know what her O sounds like, but I’m POSITIVE there are now 35 people outside the door so I pull out.

And this persistent vixen drops to her knees, I kid you not!

So I got a 3min overtime sucky-sucky. Great! (I could care less) BUT the way she looked me in the eyes as I gently ran my fingers through her hair and she choked and spit on a mixture of our cum, I’ll keep that in my heart forever.

I pull her back up to me and give her a big kiss and we both do that “what just happened” look and start to put our clothes back on. (dick tucked in the waistband of course)

I say, “you ready?”, she nods and the door opens to…

Nobody there. Praez tha Lort Abuv.

I leave. She goes back to the party. She’s been out of town on assignment this week and we have not spoken since.

Will update with part 2 when it inevitably happens!

Cheers everyone.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/f00hab/mf_coworker_story_it_finally_happened


  1. >Initially I’m like, well that’s rude, you just heard me say I needed to… OH WAIT A DAMN MINUTE

    I laughed at this. Great story. Can’t wait for an update

  2. Jesus fucking christ I giggled throughout this entire thing. Nice going mate, please update asap. This was funny as hell, and I look forward to part two.

  3. Awesome story! (One comment: if she were <5% body fat, as a woman, she’d be dead…lol…)

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