Emma Stone’s Free-use Feet for Public Funding [MF] [Dub-con][Foot-fetish][Humiliation][Voyeurism]

(This is an intro to a scene that I’m planning to add to in the near future. This is fairly heavily focused on niche fetish stuff so definitely not for everybody, but I’m always open to suggestions and criticism.)


**News Article Extract: “Foot-Fetish for Public Funding?”**

Our government has long been struggling to raise the funds necessary to uphold a minimum standard of public infrastructure… and with [recent blows to the economy] that’s only getting worse… In a bold, historic move, the US government has today declared a national lottery in which the prize is… 1 month unrestricted access to actress Emma Stone’s feet…

…Miss Stone, one of the nation’s top rated focus for foot-fetish fans all over the globe, has declined to comment. Her lawyers maintain that this is a gross violation of her human rights for one lucky winner…

…Despite the controversy – the lottery has so far raised an unprecedented amount of money and the government are looking at plans to extend the scheme in other ways…


“*Psst!*”, Roger kneels beside the bed, his face illuminated by the soft green glow of the digital alarm clock on the bedside table. It reads 03:58AM.

“*Psssst* – Emmaaa”, he begins her name with a breathy whisper, gradually engaging his vocal cords as his patience wanes.

“-aaaAAAA, Emma!”, his voice gets louder again; the intonation similar to something you might hear from a toddler pulling at his mother’s skirt to beg for a bar of candy.

Emma rolls away and moans a faint cry of protest into the mattress. Roger is so horny that he fancies he can feel the vibration of her voice through the mattress, tickling his erect cock; which is totally bare, grotesquely protruding from his pyjama bottoms and currently resting against the side of the bed.

“I need you to- “, Roger starts to talk into Emma’s ear as he follows her across the bed. His right hand reaches around her head, as though he’s going to grab her face and turn her to him.

“I need you to sniff this – and talk to me like you did last night”, he continues, as his left hand slides back to re-take it’s gentle grip on his bare cock.

“While you give me a footjob… I want to cum on on your soles this time-“, His right hand now reaches the half of Emma’s face which isn’t pressed into the mattress, and begins rubbing and stroking something against her lips – under her nose.

As Emma begins to awaken properly now, her nostrils flare in disgust as she realises that the fabric being rubbed over her face is one of her sweaty gym socks – pinched from yesterday’s laundry basket. Obviously, it’s too sopping wet and slimy to only be sweat – Roger has almost certainly pumped it full with a few of his vile, creamy loads.

“What?! I gave you a fucking footjob last night-“, Emma starts, recoiling from Roger’s incessant sock-filled hand. Pulling the covers up over her face as she directs her sleepy, grumpy anguish at Roger.

“And we even moved your bed across the room so you could suck on my toes while you masturbate for four hours!”, Emma shoots a look at the alarm clock, her eyes flashing with anger and disappointment.

“…I’ve barely got any sleep!”, she finishes as she rolls over in a huff – pulling the covers over her shoulder to cocoon herself.

Roger pulls back the cum-sodden gym sock, stretching it carefully over his cock as though it were a thick cotton condom.

“Emma if you don’t do what I say -“, he starts with a malicious grin; spurred on by his intense horniness…

“I’m going to tickle your feet all night long for the rest of the week… You won’t sleep a wink for the next five days-“, he trails off as he stands back up to his full height, sauntering down to the foot of the bed.

It’s here, at the base of Emma’s bed, where his bed has been dragged to from across the room; angled sideways to the master bed so that Emma’s feet can hang over the bottom each night. In perfect reach of his face… or his cock.

The springs of his own bed creak ominously as he puts his weight down on one knee, grasping at Emma’s left ankle and holding it in place as he begins to ever so softly *tickle, tickle, tickle* at her soft, pale sole.

“MmmMMM!!!! NO! Nooo!!”, Emma suddenly writhes and jerks under the covers. Sitting upright with the force of a jack-in-the-box.

“I’ll do it!”, she reaches out her hand in exasperation, demanding the cum-stained gym sock…


**News Article Extract: “Blackmail: The Dark Side of Free-use Feet?”**

Emma Stone’s lawyers have today alleged that the so called “Free-Use Feet” arrangement of their client have led to a whole slew of sexual assaults and bodily violations through the use of blackmail. The concerns raised indicate that although the law only permits “free-use” of the subject’s feet, this freedom may also be used to coerce or blackmail the subject into additional sexual acts…

…”He wouldn’t let her sleep… He would threaten her that unless she complied, he would tickle her feet all night long for multiple nights in a row… Unless she complied with his demands”…

…So far the governmental body behind this new campaign for public funding have declined to comment…


Roger’s grip on Emma’s ankle neither loosens nor tightens. He allows the pale, dainty ankle to rotate freely in his grip as Emma suddenly thrashes into action. In mere seconds, amidst the violent swirling and storming of bedsheets; her posture snaps from the sleepy, face-down cocoon – to the straight-back, at-attention Emma that he sees before him now.

He watches her without outwardly reacting as she resentfully but decisively thrust out her palm; finally caving in to his perverse demands for her to take her own cum-sodden sweaty gym sock. He maintains his grip on her left ankle, the fingers of his free hand still poised precariously in position to tickle the starlet’s gorgeous, high-arched bare foot.

“What are you going to do with it, Emma?”, Roger breathes heavily, making sure to softly graze the sole of her foot with the tips of his fingers. His eyes hungrily flit between Emma’s exposed bare feet, her long pale legs, and her tired but wide-eyed face as it looks up at him pleadingly.

“*hhooooOOooO*”, Emma exhales rapidly, desperately as Roger begins to tease her ticklish foot again.

“-*ooO* – kay, OKAY! … I’m going to sniff the sweaty gym sock which you’ve filled with your nasty cum, while I give you a footjob”, Emma’s voice is strained with the bleak exhaustion of sleep-depravity coupled with resentment. The consistent threat of tickling also colors her voice with streaks of panic and desperate submissiveness here and there. Roger loves the sound of it.

Roger smiles a wide, warm grin as he releases Emma’s ankle from his grip. He lowers his hands and starts slowly, delicately working the heavily cum stained, sweaty stinky gym sock off of his cock. The absurd, grotesque, makeshift fleshlight almost seems to squelch a little as it finally plops from the engorged head of his cock.

Emma’s face contorts in disgust as Roger slowly lowers the filthy piece of defiled footwear into her open palm. As she brings the warm, wet, perverse foot-delicacy closer to her face, the disgust almost morphs into abject fear.

*sniff… sniff*, Emma pauses to take a deep breath, placing a worried hand on her stomach as she fights to control her gag reflex.

“Toes first.”, Roger grunts, his eyes momentarily locked hungrily on Emma as she inhales the putrid concoction of her own sweaty feet mixed with his own musky cum.

As Emma has started fighting a losing battle against her gag reflex, her feet have apprehensively began to move into position around Roger’s newly-nude cock. She had been slowly lowering her legs, bringing her beautiful high arches together to gently enclose Roger’s angry red member. But the quick, scolding order makes her pause.

“I told you last time; you need to *start with the toes*. Stroke it, tease it, squeeze it…”, Rogers eyes risk rolling into the back of his head as he turns himself on so much with his own description of how a footjob should start…

“… A bit of foreplay for God’s sake!”, Roger shouts, his face for a moment flashing almost as red and angry as his swollen cock.

Emma flinches at the sudden outburst, her senses are still all frazzled and on high alert after having been woken at such an hour in such an unceremonious manner.

Continuing to take half-hearted whiffs of the heavy, cum-sodden sock in her hand, she gently readjusts her feet. Engaging her core, she lowers her dexterous bare feet, hovering her heels down to around Roger’s mid-thigh area. Here, her feet seem to delicately float in the air just below where the fat meat-rocket sways and quivers in the air. Her gorgeous little toes are now in perfect position.

Ever-so-softly, she brings her toes together to rest on either side of the veiny shaft. Scrunching up her face in concentration, she begins to wriggle her toes, each cute little toe tapping and pressing the springy cock underneath it briefly, before another comes down to do the same. As she begins to feel the subtle burn of her abs complaining at the effort, she fancies that the dance of her toes along the penis shaft looks a little like somebody playing the flute – or was it the recorder? She could never remember which was which. Her tired mind felt so frazzled that she didn’t even really know what she was thinking about.

“Now, squeeze the tip. Squeeze it as hard as you can…”, Roger pipes up, his eyes glued to the cacophony of activity around his cock…

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/ezwn7h/emma_stones_freeuse_feet_for_public_funding_mf


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