Divorcée’s First Night Out Single [Ff] [Bi]

“You look so fucking hot!” Geena told me as I put the finishing touches on my hair, “A night out with the girls is gonna get you out of your slump!”

I gave myself a final once over before rushing to the Lyft. I did look good! This low cut dress I bought with Geena yesterday hugged me in all the right places and I hadn’t gone out in six months. Damn, had it really been half a year since he and I split? I was long overdue for a night to cut loose. I finally took my brother up on his offer of watching my son just for this occasion.

The whole ride over Geena couldn’t stop talking about how excited she was to have me back and her energy was infectious. By the time we met Nicolette and Amani outside the club, I felt like I was 18 again, sneaking in with our fake IDs for the first time.

Once inside, we got our drinks (Wild Turkey and Diet Coke, always) and hit the dance floor. For about half an hour the four of us just stood in a circle, shaking our asses, and screaming every word we knew (and some we didn’t). I hadn’t had this much fun in a long time.

I was ready for drink number two and made my way to the bar. While I waited for the bartender, I did the typical “look around, pretend you aren’t anxiously waiting” and caught a familiar face down the bar. She had wavy, sandy blonde hair past her chest parted to one side and looked well tanned for the winter. She noticed my glance and gave me a smirk and a look up and down before taking her refill and disappearing back into the crowd.

That’s when it hit me. It was my son’s babysitter, Madison! One of the last times I saw her before Ex and I separated, she told me she was studying abroad for the semester. That would explain the tan, the longer hair, and why I didn’t recognize her immediately. She must be back for the second semester. I hadn’t seen her in, well, six-ish months. With the separation came the large dip in household income and I certainly couldn’t afford a daily babysitter by myself.

The bartender returned with my refill and I met my friends. While I was gone, Amani had found herself a cutie to grind on. Geena and Nicolette were each married (and monogamous) and were content to dance and twerk on one another. I rounded out the group, getting lost in the music when I felt a hand on my lower back, so low it was almost on my ass. I was vibing too much to be annoyed and met my potential new friend with a smile. It was Madison.

My first thought was how gorgeous she was. The tan made her green eyes pop and the length of hair suited her marvelously. My second thought was how her gold dress seemed to drip across her, clinging in just the right places-

“Hi there.” I realized I was sort of ogling as she interrupted sweetly, leaning into my ear so I could hear her over the music. We began to sort of bop in place together.

“Hey, Maddie! Good to see you! Back from Italy?”

“You remembered!” she giggled, “Yeah! It was a great time! I learned so much and had,” she paused, “a *lot* of experiences.” The emphasis on ‘lot’ was not lost on me. I hadn’t been single for a long time but I could still tell when someone was flirting with me.

“We’re gonna go get a refill,” Geena said, briefly cutting in.

“Amani has disappeared somewhere with her new fuckboy,” Nicolette chimed in with glee.

I gave them affirmation I’d heard them but never peeled my eyes away from Madison. Now was the crucial decision making moment: I could choose to not acknowledge the flirt and put an end to this now.. orrr I could continue having a fun night. Before I could make up my mind, Madison put her arms around my waist, linking them at the wrist. There was still space between us but every eight beats or so our pelvises would brush against each other. She never really broke eye contact with me and would flip her thick mane back and forth every so often.

Unfff- I was turned on. There was no denying it anymore. I had always found Madison attractive, volleyball player ass with the perkiest B-cups, but it obviously never went beyond that. Now that I allowed myself to fully look at her, I wanted her. The chest part of her dress had excess fabric that plunged in a different way than my dress. Mine was a sexy but straightforward deep V down to about my sternum. Great for that yummy side boob I loved showing off. As she danced around, the dress moved with her, showing her cute tits from every angle while still keeping her relatively covered.

I had no way of knowing if she felt the same way or if this was just the equivalent of how the girls and I had been dancing together all night. Then she took my hands and spun herself around, putting her ass against me. She never let go of either of my hands, moving them up and down with her own, but her delicious cheeks stayed firmly against my pussy. I was about to test how she’d react to my hands on her hips when Geena and Nicolette returned.

Madison subtly changed her position to a more friendly one before saying, “It was so nice to see you again!” She leaned in for a hug, which I reciprocated, whispering directly into my ear, “Meet me by the basement stairs as soon as you can” and walking away.

Had I just heard her correctly? This was surely a girls’ meeting to get some advice or gossip and not an invitation. Right? Geena handed me a refill, completely missing our interaction. “Saw you were low. This one’s on me,” she said with a wink.

I was still a bit in a daze and the next things I said sort of fell out of my mouth. “You want me to let loose tonight.”

“Yes,” she answered, slightly confused.

“I might have the opportunity to do just that so long as having two of the four of us disappear won’t be a buzzkill.”

Nicolette put the pieces together first. “Oh my god! *Go*!” It was a playful command but the kind you get from a best friend that’s simultaneously serious. I looked for confirmation from Geena but was shooed away by Nikki first. “GogogogoGO!” she demanded, taking my second empty cup out of my hands and pushing me gently away.

I seized the opportunity and made my way toward the basement stairs. I’d been to this club many times over the years but had never been to the basement. I was pretty sure the stairs were by the bathrooms. When I pushed my way through the crowd, I slammed my liquid courage, almost dunking the plastic cup in the recycling bin as I walked past. Treating this like a mission was the only way I wasn’t going to talk myself out of it.

The stairs were right where I remembered, virtually unlit with an “Employees Only” sign chained between the railings. There were a few pairs making out in the dark nearby, including one who I was sure was Amani and her new beau, but no Madison. I started to feel embarrassed until a glimmer caught my eye. The basement was lit by red bulbs to provide enough light for any employees needing to come downstairs to restock but also not invite any drunk patrons to mistake their utility closet for a place to puke. Madison’s dress sparkled even in the crimson glow. Her back was against the wall until she beckoned me with a finger and turned the corner out of sight.

I couldn’t help doing a quick look around to avoid any chastising before ducking under the chain and carefully going down the stairs. Madison was at the end of a pretty wide hallway and, similarly, waited until I was within view to slink around another corner. I had to admit, this was exhilarating, my heart was racing!

I passed shelves of liquor bottles and bar towels, all bathed in red light. I half expected another long hallway around the bend when I was, happily, met with barely a hall and a door. Madison stood, waiting.

“Hi,” I greeted almost as a sigh.

She retrieved a key to the door behind her from her clutch and unlocked the door. It was a broom closet. She took me by the hand and led me in first, closing the door behind us. The loud music instantly became nothing but faint bass above. The dim fluorescent lighting was all I had to search her face for any kind of clues. Her emerald eyes seemed to be doing the same. We stood there for what felt like forever, just looking at each other, our breaths elevated and in sync.

A sudden wave of courage struck me and I decided to finally test her reaction to having my hands on her hips. They rested there naturally, effectively bursting any sort of unspoken bubble we had. She was on me. I was a couple inches taller than her and she leaned up to kiss me hard, both arms draped around my neck. Her kisses were fervent and it wasn’t long before she slipped me her tongue. She tasted so sweet and smelled like daisies.

Making out elevated when she decided to take those incredible hips I was holding and put them directly on mine, pushing my ass into the door. I met her eager thrust and began grinding against her, causing both our relatively short dresses to ride up. Her’s caught on her delicious ass which I gladly helped aid up over it. I held it in my hands, giving it massaging squeezes that drove her crazy. She began moaning and I wanted to hear more, so I started kissing her neck sensually, giving it a playful lick here and there. Her grinds turned to full on humps.

I allowed my eyes to open, never ceasing my acts of pleasure, to see a small sink attached to the wall on our left. I gently guided her backwards toward the sink and when her ass bumped against it, she instinctively jumped on it. Just like I wanted. Now we had switched places, her only a couple inches above me. Egged on by her breathy moans, I kissed my way from her neck to her collarbone, easily brushing the thin dress strap off her shoulder. The billowy fabric completely gave way revealing the perky tits I’d been staring at all night (let’s face it, longer than tonight.) They were athletic with enough meat on the bottom to still give them shape. She gasped when I took her left breast into my mouth and her right into my left hand. I sucked gently as the tip of my tongue played with her nipple. It was already slightly erect but I felt it harden in my mouth as I felt a drip run down my thigh. I was dripping.

I had to give the other good girl the same attention while my right hand found her pussy. She quietly exclaimed as my fingers felt her panties. Between squeezing her bare ass and this tiny triangle of fabric, I knew she was wearing a skimpy G-string. Much to my delight they were soaked through and I took that as my invitation to push them aside. The tip of my middle finger found her opening and told me just how wet she was. I plunged it all the way inside then out, sucking every bit of her off it. She broke her steamy silence, barely whispering, “Finger fuck me.”

“You read my mind,” I crooned as I obliged. I took her juices and rubbed her clit at a medium speed with a decent amount of pressure. She squeaked out small quick signs of her pleasure which sent me over the moon. I took my middle and ring fingers and slid them deeply inside her. Pushing against her front wall, I rocked my wrist forwards and backwards rapidly, making sure to hit her Good spot with every thrust. Her hips began to writhe, greedily matching me. I looked her deeply in the eyes as she stared back, wide-eyed and mouth agape. I felt another drip run down my other thigh as I realized I was blowing her mind. I continued this, with quick, wet pit stops back up to the clit and deep, tongue filled kisses all the while.

After some time she pulled back from one of those kisses, still keeping her lips brushed against mine. “You’re gonna make me cum.”

My eyes ignited with lust and hunger which she clearly took note of. I stayed the course, giving her the exact ride to the finish line she’d been enjoying.

She firmly pressed her head against the painted concrete blocks behind her signaling she was close. The tightening waves of her cunt against my fingers caused moans to escape my own mouth as her thighs shook with silent orgasm. I knew she was finished when her breathing slowed and she opened her eyes smokily to look at me.

Without hesitation she jumped off the sink and dropped to her knees, pushing my dress up over my thong. She took each of my ass cheeks in her hands and pushed her face hard into my pussy. She hungrily ate at my panties. I took her long locks into my hands and shoved her face into me harder when I realized how long we’d been gone. I dropped my grip which caused her to stop.

“I should get back to my friends,” I said unconvincingly.

She started to ignore me and go back to her deed when I gently tugged her hair. She smirked at me, that same smirk at the bar, and stood up. “You’re right,” she said, pulling me in close, “My friends are probably wondering where I am too.”

I took her head in my hand with the other wrapped around her waist and kissed her long and deep. “Thank you for the best night I’ve had in a long, long time,” I said with another peck.

“The pleasure was all mine,” she said sarcastically with a twinge of euphoria.

We tidied each other up, making sure tits were properly put away and makeup was in place. I opened the door for her and followed her behind, waiting as she locked up. When I looked curiously at the key she replied, “I work here.”

“Of course.” We shared a laugh and strolled back toward the stairs. She held the chain up for me to duck under. Before we parted ways and the music completely drowned out my hearing she shouted, “Text me soon!”

I turned toward her and just before she disappeared again, she winked.

Yeah, I still had her number.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/et2jcg/divorcées_first_night_out_single_ff_bi


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